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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Some folks will go to their grave for a man who gives not a single shit about them instaed of admitting they got taken like a fool. Too much pride to admit when one is wrong.

Deep down they all know they've been fooled but can't let the rest of the world know they've been taken advantage of.

Pride. Quite possibly the dumbest sin because all it takes to correct is admitting you were wrong.
Yeah and what makes it worse in this case is there isn't all that much shame in admitting one was wrong since Trump has a long and well established history dating back decades of fooling people into believing he's a better person then he actually is. I mean sure it's still bad given the things Trump has misled people on should be easy for most to recognize is false but it's less embarrassing when you're one out of millions instead of just being the only one or one of just a few that were fooled. Also yes deep down he knows he's been fooled otherwise he wouldn't be saying he wouldn't participate in a Civil War. If his convictions were strong and he truly believed Trump and all his followers were patriots then he should be willing to go to war, unless of course he also suffers from bone spurs?
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St. Phatty

Active member
Nope, The MAGA base is about 5m. Trump's account on Truth Social has 3.91 million followers.

Sort of a "Define Your Terms" situation.

There are people who actually send Trump money and follow him on his new website.

There are other people who felt very let down when Biden won in 2020.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Sort of a "Define Your Terms" situation.

There are people who actually send Trump money and follow him on his new website.

There are other people who felt very let down when Biden won in 2020.
Yeah, kind of the problem in coming up with solid numbers is what you call Trump-Humpers could apply to most republican's that voted for him and liked him up to just after the election. The only republican group you could separate out of the post 2020 election (aside from the MAGA crowd) would be the never Trumpers that soured on Trump because of how he conducted himself from 2016-2020 which would probably be better labeled as never again Trumpers. I say this because I'm sure there were a small number of never Trumpers during the 2016 election that soured on Trump because of the things he did like doxing Lyndsey Graham's cell number or the uncalled for attacks on Ted Cruz's wife and family or the scandals with the strippers which was all just a bit too far for the traditional Christian republicans. The never again Trumpers would be more like those that were supportive of Trump during his first term but then formed the anti Trump group called the Lincoln Project like Anthony Scaramucci because of how bad Trump got during the 2020 campaign. All of these people could have been called Trump-Humpers at one time or another. The MAGA group is different in that they loved Trump from the start and mostly still do even though some of them have started to peel away after what was revealed by the Jan. 6th Committee and even more recently with the Classified document scandal that has arisen from the FBI search warrant at Mar-A-Lago. Also some have distance themselves from Trump not because they don't like him but feel he's become too much of a liability for the 2024 election and would rather see a Trump like candidate without all the baggage like DeSantis. When Hammerhead talks about the MAGA base being 5 Million he's talking about the loyal die-hard Trump supporters who are all in on the Big Lie about the 2020 election and who think the Jan. 6th Insurrection was just a friendly bunch of tourists and who now are calling for Civil War if Trump gets held accountable for taking the classified documents when he left office. I tend to disagree with Hammerhead on the number though, I'd place it more at around 30 Million for the MAGA base. Which I think is still down from how many there were that voted for Trump in 2020. At that time the loyal MAGA base was more like 35-40 Million with the other 30-35 Million that voted for Trump being just normal republicans or Independents that just couldn't stomach Biden in the 2020 election. No matter how you slice it though the MAGA base has shrunk but it's difficult to see if all one goes by are the people you see still attending Trump rallies.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Sort of a "Define Your Terms" situation.

There are people who actually send Trump money and follow him on his new website.

There are other people who felt very let down when Biden won in 2020.

Not nearly as much as The Trump come down... As I've said countless times 2 bad apples aren't a choice especially when 1 APPLE HAS WORMS IN IT LOL.
When the MAGA base has billionaires giving billions!!!! their gonna have cash.. Even flush with cash Turd still doesn't pay his bills.

If Turd has a larger base they are not following him anymore. That alone says a lot. @HempKat please space your sentence in long posts so us old farts can read it. That hurts my eyes:smoke:..


Well-known member
Sort of a "Define Your Terms" situation.

There are people who actually send Trump money and follow him on his new website.
my very elderly grandmother kept sending money to some exceedingly unscrupulous televangelists until my mother caught on. she was getting letters every couple of days after they realized what a fish they had their hooks in...

St. Phatty

Active member
At least it's safe to say he is not getting any new supporters and the ones he has left are more or less our nations version of the short bus.

It's almost strange that Thomas Massie & Trump are both in the GOP.

There was a video of him recently explaining to the Parasite, Nadler, and some other moron, about Wrist Braces for AR15 pistols.

They were claiming that wrist braces turn the AR15 into a Bump stock.

Congressman Massie explained that no, a wrist brace is not a bump stock.

There is an outside chance that Rep. Massie will challenge for the Presidential Primary, in 2024.

When he does make that step, in 2024 or 2028, there is a good chance that he will be assassinated. Because he doesn't lie about science or technology.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not nearly as much as The Trump come down... As I've said countless times 2 bad apples aren't a choice especially when 1 APPLE HAS WORMS IN IT LOL.
When the MAGA base has billionaires giving billions!!!! their gonna have cash.. Even flush with cash Turd still doesn't pay his bills.

If Turd has a larger base they are not following him anymore. That alone says a lot. @HempKat please space your sentence in long posts so us old farts can read it. That hurts my eyes:smoke:..
Hey I'm an old fart too and I got bad eyes. I'll try to do better but part of the problem is there is often a high level of obtuseness in here that I feel like I have to over explain certain concepts.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's almost strange that Thomas Massie & Trump are both in the GOP.

There was a video of him recently explaining to the Parasite, Nadler, and some other moron, about Wrist Braces for AR15 pistols.

They were claiming that wrist braces turn the AR15 into a Bump stock.

Congressman Massie explained that no, a wrist brace is not a bump stock.

There is an outside chance that Rep. Massie will challenge for the Presidential Primary, in 2024.

When he does make that step, in 2024 or 2028, there is a good chance that he will be assassinated. Because he doesn't lie about science or technology.
That's pretty amazing, I wouldn't even begin to describe myself as being knowledgeable about guns and yet even I know it's ridiculous to claim a wrist brace is the same thing as a bump stock, I mean not even remotely close to being one. I guess the rational in their mind is that anything that makes it a little easier to fire a gun rapidly is a bump stock?

St. Phatty

Active member
That's pretty amazing, I wouldn't even begin to describe myself as being knowledgeable about guns and yet even I know it's ridiculous to claim a wrist brace is the same thing as a bump stock, I mean not even remotely close to being one. I guess the rational in their mind is that anything that makes it a little easier to fire a gun rapidly is a bump stock?

You're talking about people who talk about Climate Change, Global Warming, and Greenhouse Gases without EVER mentioning that it is Combustion that creates the Greenhouse Gases.

To say that their science knowledge is weak, is like saying that the Moon has a little bit of Dust.

Stay away from that Dust, screws up the Pot-smoking schedule.


Well-known member
That's pretty amazing, I wouldn't even begin to describe myself as being knowledgeable about guns and yet even I know it's ridiculous to claim a wrist brace is the same thing as a bump stock, I mean not even remotely close to being one. I guess the rational in their mind is that anything that makes it a little easier to fire a gun rapidly is a bump stock?
it is that very level of ignorance that shows when morons propose seat belts on motorcycles and such. just a matter of time before some idiot proposes timers on guns so you have to wait 5 minutes between shots. of course, the military & LEO will be exempt... they'll go screaming into the hills when they realize there are adjustable multi-lobed cam-like assemblies that can be mounted inside of a trigger guard & spun by a small electric motor for nearly full-auto performance... the Glock pistol attachment has already been outlawed...if you don't have a class 3 license. folks already 3-d printing them now though...


Active member
Dumb fucks...any semi auto rifle is capable of bump fire with a simple rubberband...
Someone should go to Washington and demonstrate How it works


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Photographed at the PA rally last night.

Just own it you fascist fucks.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
.if you don't have a class 3 license.
The only indivduals who can hold a class 3 license are people who are held to very strict scrutiny by the Feds. That's why most of them are licensed gunsmiths who work for or own their own manufacturing facilities. The ones who aren't are dealers who have millions of dollars and usually are dealers to support their habit. It's a very expensive license to get and maintain. And the penalties for fucking up are severe.

An individual like you or me goes through a different process and we don't get licensed, the weapon does. Kind of. The weapon is very strictly tracked via serial number and you receive a piece of paper and proof the Feds know you own that weapon. And if the weapon shows up anywhere you aren't, you WILL go to fedreal pound you in the ass prison.

A person has to have that piece of paper for every class 3 item they own. That's why my suppressed SBR is called a 2 stamp weapon. Manufacturers have gotten around the 2 stamp SBR now by intorducing suppressors welded to the short barrels to bring the overall length upto 16". Which is kind of cool. Most people aren't likely to wear out a barrel or suppressor. Though when you compare prices, you're barely saving more than the price of the stamp ($200) and losing flexibility.

What's weird is if I owned a lower with a giggle switch, the SBR stamp wouldn't matter at all. But the suprressor still needs it's own stamp because I can switch it between weapons.

For my AR's, the cheapest I could get full auto (which is what most class 3 items people talk about are) is around $9,000 dollars for a lightning link that just as likely to break than work. Or a sear which is around $12,000 if you can find one. An actual M16 lower last I saw was around $25,000. You can get into full auto for cheaper, but you're still looking around the $7-9,000 range.

I think I may finally build my suppressed SBS. I found a folding stock kit that will fit on my Super 90 that I want to convert to a short barrel. Then start my paperwork for a Salvo 12. A folding, suppressed, 12 gauge semi auto shotgun that holds 6 rounds and is 28" long over all? FUCK YES!!!

As to the 3d printed plastic ones, the only thing I wonder is what kind of plastic are they using? Full auto pistols get hot fast. And knowing how 3d plastic printed parts are made, I have a really hard time believing that the full auto sears wouldn't melt within the first mag, rendering the weapon useless in short order.
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