Yeah and what makes it worse in this case is there isn't all that much shame in admitting one was wrong since Trump has a long and well established history dating back decades of fooling people into believing he's a better person then he actually is. I mean sure it's still bad given the things Trump has misled people on should be easy for most to recognize is false but it's less embarrassing when you're one out of millions instead of just being the only one or one of just a few that were fooled. Also yes deep down he knows he's been fooled otherwise he wouldn't be saying he wouldn't participate in a Civil War. If his convictions were strong and he truly believed Trump and all his followers were patriots then he should be willing to go to war, unless of course he also suffers from bone spurs?Some folks will go to their grave for a man who gives not a single shit about them instaed of admitting they got taken like a fool. Too much pride to admit when one is wrong.
Deep down they all know they've been fooled but can't let the rest of the world know they've been taken advantage of.
Pride. Quite possibly the dumbest sin because all it takes to correct is admitting you were wrong.
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