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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
Senator Graham trying to Quash the Subpoena does not make him look very good.

He is really trying to appeal to his South Carolina Trump-humper rigidly Zionist Christian ... cult ?

If he knows about Trump's attempts to interfere with the election - why wouldn't he comply with a sub-poena ?

If he doesn't know anything - same answer, just a shorter meeting.
he will have to show up. however, i fully expect him to plead the 5th like the rest of the gang has, like the alleged "attorney" Eastman did. plus, the judge cut him some unearned slack by putting it off until after the elections this November.
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Jericho Mile

I still plan on voting for Trump in 2024. If perhaps he was not able to run due to all the corrupt investigations I won't riot but I will definitely vote for the ones democrats and the left hate most. I would absolutely be willing to see Democrat politicans go to prison on Trumped up charges. This would become a war of sorts in my eyes. It's not just an attack on Trump, it's an attack on me.
It is an attack on you…and you totally deserve it….if you’re putting yourself in that shit heap of a perspective.

Same with the people who only voted for Biden because they hated Trump. One big circus fuck. You deserve each other. Brothers in arms.
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You're just a glaring example of what is wrong with the minority of citizens you represent, that same disease that turned Trump into the Megalomaniac he is has now infected you giving you an over inflated opinion of your self worth. Nobody is attacking you when they hold Trump accountable for his crimes unless of course you were somehow in the background manipulating Trump to commit those crimes for you. You're just some little sycophant trying to figure out where to turn now that the turd you've been following is about to be flushed and it's so obvious even you have to start making alternate plans short of the one written for the faithful which is to go out in a pitiful blaze of ignorance trying to incite a civil war you know you can't win. So lacking the balls to throw yourself on the sacrificial alter by trying to start a civil war the best you can come up with is to vote for whatever candidates the Democrats hate most? You're pathetic, just like that orange blob you've been worshipping all along while he fleeces you and your kind for every penny he can.
Some folks will go to their grave for a man who gives not a single shit about them instaed of admitting they got taken like a fool. Too much pride to admit when one is wrong.

Deep down they all know they've been fooled but can't let the rest of the world know they've been taken advantage of.

Pride. Quite possibly the dumbest sin because all it takes to correct is admitting you were wrong.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I think maybe he's trying to build a brand, perhaps inspired by his hero.

Hempy, you have referred to your employer as the enemy... suggested blackmail... and seem delighted with the current situation at work... how are you expecting that to impact your job search?
I don't think I've suggested blackmail. I have some leverage, but would not go so far as to call it blackmail, especially since I am required by law to report abuses (or I go to prison). I'm going to release the videos, either way. Generally, people like Hempy and want to hire Hempy. The challenge is the political-COVID psychosis, right now. That will go away soon.

I am far from delighted with the nightmare situation at work. I am delighted that they've admitted their crimes on camera with permission to record granted. I will also likely tell all clients and their guardians what happened and what evidence I have (available to share). These people are very sick and won't get away with it.

If it meant that I would never be hired again and will be homeless for the rest of my life, I would still do what I'm going to do without hesitation.

Right vs wrong

Good vs evil


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I still plan on voting for Trump in 2024. If perhaps he was not able to run due to all the corrupt investigations I won't riot but I will definitely vote for the ones democrats and the left hate most. I would absolutely be willing to see Democrat politicans go to prison on Trumped up charges. This would become a war of sorts in my eyes. It's not just an attack on Trump, it's an attack on me.
I predict an inredibly angry and quite sad life for you.

I feel bad for you to need to live that way.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I still plan on voting for Trump in 2024. If perhaps he was not able to run due to all the corrupt investigations I won't riot but I will definitely vote for the ones democrats and the left hate most. I would absolutely be willing to see Democrat politicans go to prison on Trumped up charges. This would become a war of sorts in my eyes. It's not just an attack on Trump, it's an attack on me.
He can run even if indicted and he would win. The more the Deep State attacks, the more people wake up. They can't win. They can only lose.

Jericho Mile

I don't think I've suggested blackmail. I have some leverage, but would not go so far as to call it blackmail, especially since I am required by law to report abuses (or I go to prison). I'm going to release the videos, either way. Generally, people like Hempy and want to hire Hempy. The challenge is the political-COVID psychosis, right now. That will go away soon.

I am far from delighted with the nightmare situation at work. I am delighted that they've admitted their crimes on camera with permission to record granted. I will also likely tell all clients and their guardians what happened and what evidence I have (available to share). These people are very sick and won't get away with it.

If it meant that I would never be hired again and will be homeless for the rest of my life, I would still do what I'm going to do without hesitation.

Right vs wrong

Good vs evil
Hush up

You are nothing but a dumb malcontent with computer access. Worm.

Jericho Mile

You keep using that word on anyone who calls you out on your stupid bullshit. New word for you?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Some of you forgot the USA only uses a 2 party system. Our options are limited. It jumped to a whole other level when Turd was elected. The hate was amplified which led to a coup. You can vote for 1 side of a failed system or not vote that's our option.. How do we choose one over the other when both suck making our country a better union?. How long does it take to get it neither side will do that. We can talk about policy all day, has that ever fixed anything NOPE!. Since 2016 all I could use to pick a shitbag was who had the better character. All we had to pick from was Orange Turd or mindless Turd.

IMO Orange Turd was much more corrupt and had no qualities that a good man should. It's clear MAGA heads don't give a shit about any crimes he commits. The GOP/REP can never claim to support the law again.. No matter how much I dislike our laws I have to follow them or get locked up if caught. The same goes for every person in this country including POTUS
I've posted this numerous times...

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a men's character, give him power."
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Basically, the FakeNews that @moose eater consumes, is leading to what is called 'stochastic terrorism.' It could lead unintelligent sick people like mouse eater to murder totally innocent people.

You can now see that you were totally wrong and completely mislead by the FakeNews. But, I have a feeling that mouse eater wont care (because mouse eater is not well).
Why are you being mean?

Jericho Mile

Some of you forgot the USA only uses a 2 party system. Our options are limited. It jumped to a whole other level when Turd was elected. The hate was amplified which led to a coup. You can vote for 1 side of a failed system or not vote that's our option.. How do we choose one over the other when both suck making our country a better union?. How long does it take to get it neither side will do that. We can talk about policy all day, has that ever fixed anything NOPE!. Since 2016 all I could use to pick a shitbag was who had the better character. All we had to pick from was Orange Turd or mindless Turd. IMO Orange Turd was much more corrupt and had no qualities that a good man should. It's clear MAGA heads don't give a shit about any crimes he commits. The GOP/REP can never claim to support the law again..

I've posted this numerous times...
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a men's character, give him power."
Never joined a political party. I voted once for Ron Paul in 1988 because he seemed reasonable about herb. My best friend insisted with a joint. I’ve been able to vote since 1984.

I will never vote again. You folks are going to give yourselves aneurysms getting played so hard. In the end…following political theater is just another drama addiction.

Speakers Corner probably gets more action than the entirety of…the rest of…the forum combined. I guess watching grass grow is boring.

Peace man!
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