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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Bill Gates owns about 214,00 acres of FARM land. he is savagely outclassed by the Emmerson family, who own 2.3 MILLION acres in Cali, Washington, and Oregon. Ted Turner owns a bunch, as does the Reed family. then, there is also the Kroneke Ranch, at about 1.4 million acres under wraps. note the non-Chinese names listed. "separate", lol... The Chump and co-conspirators have been splitting us up for a long time. he is just a late comer to the "party", but he is trying.
Ted Turner could ride a horse form the border of Canada to the border of Mexico and never leave his property.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
He better be, I'm getting sick and tired of Trump and his lackeys trying to scare the DOJ into going easy on him with threats of riots and random violence from the MAGA crowd and the media speculating that they might go easy on Trump because of this. They better start worrying about the much larger part of the country rioting if Trump isn't held accountable.
There won't be riots. There might be random acts of violence against heavily armed gov't entitites. But to me that's just Darwin at work.

I think Beau is correct in thinking that the "riots in the streets" comment was directed at the individual who will likely end up on the jury who has a red hat in the closet, trying to scare that one individual into hanging the jury. Which tells me that MAGA world is scared that there is overwhelming evidence to turn even the most magafaithful against Trump when it goes before a jury.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Part of the problem is too many people like you think God wants you to go out there, pass judgement on your fellow man and force him or her to do right. I understand why you think this is right but it's this very kind of thinking that got Lucifer, once God's favorite, cast out. He wanted to come here, rule over mankind and force people to be good and worship God. God doesn't need Lucifer or you or anyone else to do things for him. God clearly wants you to do you and let everyone else do themselves and he'll sort it out in the end. God is all knowing, all powerful, omni present, the Alpha and the Omega, he gave free will to people for a reason and he doesn't need us little pissants trying to muck up his plans in the name of serving him.
Point of contention - it was actually Satan that got Eve to eat from the Tree which gave man free will.

Lucifer was the savior of mankind.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Point of contention - it was actually Satan that got Eve to eat from the Tree which gave man free will.

Lucifer was the savior of mankind.
I disagree, we had free will even before that. If we didn't have free will, if all we could do is obey God's instructions like some mindless robot, then Satan never would have been able to tempt Eve and then Eve to tempt Adam. What Satan gave us by getting Eve to eat from the Tree was the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That is of course if you go along with the Biblical Mythos that story represents. Personally I have trouble with that one. Since God is all knowing and is the Alpha and the Omega he knew before he ever instructed Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, that Satan would come along and tempt Eve and Eve would give in and then tempt Adam. If he didn't know this then he is not all knowing and he is not the Alpha and the Omega. So the only possible reason for God to tell us not to Eat of the Tree of Knowledge and then go away to allow Satan to come along and tempt Eve is because he knew the result and wanted it all to happen so he could establish Original Sin and create the whole need for Christ on Earth and for Christ to be crucified and then resurrected. Which if that's the case that's pretty messed up to put your children in a situation you know they're not ready for and they don't fully understand the consequences, knowing they'll fail and then punish them and all their descendants thru all eternity for that one transgression that he could have easily caused to play out an entirely different way.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There won't be riots. There might be random acts of violence against heavily armed gov't entitites. But to me that's just Darwin at work.

I think Beau is correct in thinking that the "riots in the streets" comment was directed at the individual who will likely end up on the jury who has a red hat in the closet, trying to scare that one individual into hanging the jury. Which tells me that MAGA world is scared that there is overwhelming evidence to turn even the most magafaithful against Trump when it goes before a jury.
Oh I know there won't be riots, at least not on the scale Lindsey is evoking when he said that. I do however believe there could be riots if they don't treat Trump like anyone else who illegally took, retained and improperly stored the kind of National Security info Trump took, retained and stored improperly. As far as I'm concerned and probably most of the non Trump loving people are concerned, Trump has already gotten the preferential treatment some feel he deserves for being a former President. I say this because if it were you or I there would have been no year long negotiation and then when that failed to produce results a search warrant served while we were out of state. The moment they felt they knew we had those documents they would have gotten an arrest warrant and come in the middle of the night while we were sleeping with guns drawn and kicking in door, throwing cuffs on us and perp walked us to the police van in our pajamas. Then they would have taken us to jail where we would still be sitting waiting to be tried and convicted for high treason.


Well-known member


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Part of the problem is too many people like you think God wants you to go out there, pass judgement on your fellow man and force him or her to do right. I understand why you think this is right but it's this very kind of thinking that got Lucifer, once God's favorite, cast out. He wanted to come here, rule over mankind and force people to be good and worship God. God doesn't need Lucifer or you or anyone else to do things for him. God clearly wants you to do you and let everyone else do themselves and he'll sort it out in the end. God is all knowing, all powerful, omni present, the Alpha and the Omega, he gave free will to people for a reason and he doesn't need us little pissants trying to muck up his plans in the name of serving him.
or there is no god


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I disagree, we had free will even before that. If we didn't have free will, if all we could do is obey God's instructions like some mindless robot, then Satan never would have been able to tempt Eve and then Eve to tempt Adam. What Satan gave us by getting Eve to eat from the Tree was the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That is of course if you go along with the Biblical Mythos that story represents. Personally I have trouble with that one. Since God is all knowing and is the Alpha and the Omega he knew before he ever instructed Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, that Satan would come along and tempt Eve and Eve would give in and then tempt Adam. If he didn't know this then he is not all knowing and he is not the Alpha and the Omega. So the only possible reason for God to tell us not to Eat of the Tree of Knowledge and then go away to allow Satan to come along and tempt Eve is because he knew the result and wanted it all to happen so he could establish Original Sin and create the whole need for Christ on Earth and for Christ to be crucified and then resurrected. Which if that's the case that's pretty messed up to put your children in a situation you know they're not ready for and they don't fully understand the consequences, knowing they'll fail and then punish them and all their descendants thru all eternity for that one transgression that he could have easily caused to play out an entirely different way.
Well, that's why god created Santa Claus


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's amazing to me that the typical Americhristian family teaches their kids to believe in Jesus and Santa at the same age but at a certain period breaks the news that 'sorry, there ain't no Santa but Jesus is still gonna come back and take you to a home prepared just for you, that is if you are a good corporate/church/community citizen (pyramid scams, stock market scum excepted-encouraged because Jesus blesses the faithful). Stay in line (steal legally) and you will be rewarded.


Well-known member
It's amazing to me that the typical Americhristian family teaches their kids to believe in Jesus and Santa at the same age but at a certain period breaks the news that 'sorry, there ain't no Santa but Jesus is still gonna come back and take you to a home prepared just for you, that is if you are a good corporate/church/community citizen (pyramid scams, stock market scum excepted-encouraged because Jesus blesses the faithful). Stay in line (steal legally) and you will be rewarded.
How else are they supposed to teach kids to support the rest of their bullshit if they don't endocrine them early.?

St. Phatty

Active member
It's amazing to me that the typical Americhristian family teaches their kids to believe in Jesus and Santa at the same age but at a certain period breaks the news that 'sorry, there ain't no Santa but Jesus is still gonna come back and take you to a home prepared just for you, that is if you are a good corporate/church/community citizen (pyramid scams, stock market scum excepted-encouraged because Jesus blesses the faithful). Stay in line (steal legally) and you will be rewarded.

Dang I can't keep my Christian bashing threads straight.

Maybe there's more than one.

Actually, glad to see that.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Some people have issues dealing with their death.. They need to believe that god will make them a paradise after death so they can sleep at night. Aliens are more likely than a god.


Well-known member
There won't be riots. There might be random acts of violence against heavily armed gov't entitites. But to me that's just Darwin at work.
most of those damn cowards are NOT going to be shooting at LEO/military. they're gonna do what chickenshits ALWAYS do- they'll beat up suspected gays, do drive-by shootings at homes with pride flags, maybe toss Molotov cocktails through the windows of womens health clinics, etc. maybe the Klan would lend MAGA their noted expertise on domestic terror. they are bound to have an ideological successor to good ol' "dynamite Bob", the brave fellow that dynamited the church and killed 4 little girls...
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