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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
We are all sinners that fall short of the glory of God. What is right and wrong to you?
So the words, "Go forth and sin no more" aren't binding or more than mere suggestions in your faith?

If I recall my KJ Bible (and yes, I lived in a Jesus commune briefly when I hit the road at age 13), their scripture makes a serious point of those who are saved turning their backs on their Lord, and deciding to consciously set course to 'reoffend'. Seems their God frowns heavily on that scenario, and is one of the few circumstances where folks allegedly find themselves potentially 'irredeemable'. (*The references to those who knew their Lord, but chose to turn away anyway.. Yep, they say their Lord frowns on those folks).
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Jericho Mile

So the words, "Go forth and sin no more" aren't binding or more than mere suggestions in your faith?

If I recall my KJ Bible (and yes, I lived in a Jesus commune briefly when I hit the road at age 13), there scripture makes a serious point of those who are saved turning their backs on their Lord, and deciding to consciously set course to 'reoffend'. Seems their God frowns heavily on that scenario, and is oneof the few circumstances where folks allegedly find themselves potentially 'irredeemable'. (*The references to those who knew their Lord, but chose to turn away anyway.. Yep, they say their Lord frowns on those folks).
…you’re probably talking to one of the hempy type cybernoids alternate reality accounts. It’s a support unit.
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Active member
damn few. seeking power and control over how others live who do not interfere with YOUR life is NOT a "conservative" value/idea.
What about protecting the free market and people's rights to make their own financial decisions and be independent and own their own land? Isn't that the American dream isn't that the promise is threatened to buy higher taxes and regulations which is one of the main goals of the Democratic Party

moose eater

Well-known member
they are allowed to turn themselves in by appointment, and escorted in by paid shyste...uh, attorneys. my question - WHO will do The Chumps comb-arounds while he is in prison? :chin:
When we imprisoned 9 of our legisltors in Alaska in 2006, the majority of them had accepted bribe money from Bill Allen of VECO, an oil services contractor who did dirty work for the then-Big 3 up here, BP, Exxon, and Conoco Philips. Some went down for dressing ill-received monies as something they weren't (laundering). (*During prosecutiuon it became clear that Billy Allen had likely had inapproprizate relationships with underage girls, but he was shielded from that by virtue of his testimony re. the folks HE bribed for the OIlies.

Coincidentally, several of the involved corrupt legislators had boating accidents. one dragged himself up onto a beach after "falling overboard" in the Gastineau Channel near Juneau. Another had his recreational fishing boat catch fire in the Gulf of Alaska/Prince Wiliam Sound, another got some leniency due to wearing diapers post-op and being in a wheel chair, the infamous US Senator Ted Stevens (Unca' Teddy' he was known as, for bringing home LOTS and LOTS of federally funded projects moneies to thie State; the proud Red State that sucks down more public money from D.C. than nearly ANY other state, mind you) went down in an aircraft wreck after being convicted (but having his conviction vacated, supposedly as a result of prosecutorial misconduct, which some allege was intentionally staged to afford vacating Teddy's conviction, AND.... one of the younger prosecutors offed himself after Teddy's conviction was vacated(?).

But in all cases, it was CLEAR, that circumstantial evidence is not sufficient in these cases to get a conviction. There has to be a smoking gun that shows a 'tit-for-tat' arrangement, or, in other words, a 'smoking gun' that defines the specifics of a quid pro quo agreeement such as, "I'll give you this, and you give me that."

Without that, they can successfully and effectively argue it was just a couple of folks showing appreciation for each other.

Apparently our 9 were too stupid to even achieve that low bar of defense. And yes, a number of them made their ways back into one form or another of public service. Still waiting to run into a couple of them in a bar or restaurant one day. I hear they're as averse to physical pain as they are to hard time. Yuppie scum tend to share that weak-spined feature.

BTW, it's alleged that Ted's State Senator son, Ben Stevens (once President of the Alaska State Senate), was caught with an incriminating letter taped to the back of a picture frame in his office when it was raided by the FBI's Public Integrity Division that year, and he supposedly turned sealed testimony to save his own worthless hide. When dealing with yuppie scum who were born with a silver spoon in thier mouths, and who likely have a heightened fondness for cocaine, they fear prison and serious changes in diet and bedding as unsurvivable, and they tend to flip like hot cakes on a grill at a roadside diner. Benny shortly after went to the Berring Sea to 'work' aboard a fisheries research vessel, from what I recall. But if I were him, in light of what happened to the others, I don't know that I'd have chosen a boat as a work environment.

Ben later ended up in Governor Mike Dunleavy's cabinet; one of the most corrupted pro-oil administrations I can recall here, btw.

edit: Jim Bowles, an Alaska CEO for Conoco Philips, was recorded by the FBI, sitting in a hotel room at the Baranof Hotel in Juneau, while Bill Allen went over the successes of that moment, including which legislators he'd effectively bribed or gotten on board with their schemes. Jim Bowles died in an avalanche shortly thereafter, but a friend who was among the persons vending evidence says the Feds were looking at Bowles for an indictment at the time of the avalanche.
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Well-known member
What about protecting the free market and people's rights to make their own financial decisions and be independent and own their own land? Isn't that the American dream isn't that the promise is threatened to buy higher taxes and regulations which is one of the main goals of the Democratic Party
nothing stopping anyone from owning land except the exorbitant prices these days. "financial" decisions...how are those being stopped? it's "by". if you don't like "higher taxes" you're REALLY gonna be pissed off next year when The Chumps TEMPORARY tax break for normal people goes away, but the PERMANENT one for the 1 % folks is still in place, lol...don't try to move the fucking goal posts again! that doesn't go over too well around here.


Active member
The Chinese communist party is controlling major corporations by investing and taking over the boards of these corporations through investment firms like Blackrock, and only push these new ESG and DEI standards on the American companies they invest in, not companies in China. Chinese fentanyl is leaking through the southern border because of the cartels. Algorithms can manipulate people so easily, there are Chinese hackers who's whole life's work revolves on stealing sensitive data and it's a national security threat as well as an economic threat for American companies. Why should we just push all of out problems and outsource questionable business overseas for other countries to deal with? These are dictatorships that do not care about you, they want to take over America as the world leader, and I just can't support that. It's all business.


Active member
Socialism is the first stage of communism, if you ask Carl Marx. And the left are pushing socialism and talking to Venezuelan govt not danish prime Minister, think about that. Humans are corrupt, but I'm trying to protect my self interest.


Active member
nothing stopping anyone from owning land except the exorbitant prices these days. "financial" decisions...how are those being stopped? it's "by". if you don't like "higher taxes" you're REALLY gonna be pissed off next year when The Chumps TEMPORARY tax break for normal people goes away, but the PERMANENT one for the 1 % folks is still in place, lol...don't try to move the fucking goal posts again! that doesn't go over too well around here.
In fact, Chinese companies or the ccp and Bill gates are buying up land like crazy all across America. The Chinese want u to fight. They want to seperate us. Divide and conquer.


Active member
If you think we will all agree one day and peace kumbaya I love you we share the land bullshit, that will never happen as long as more than one person exists. Unless there is a new world order dictatorship that all must obey, and everybody gets their own lobotomy and apartment. We need to be realistic in what's happening here. I don't have to like it. You don't have to like it. We don't even have to like each other or agree oneverything. But we are in this boat together to some extent..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
In fact, Chinese companies or the ccp and Bill gates are buying up land like crazy all across America. The Chinese want u to fight. They want to seperate us. Divide and conquer.

That isn't hard when we got dumbasses believing Trump's bullshit. His whole family is in bed with China. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!!!.. Greed and corruption have been major issues for America.


Active member
That isn't hard when we got dumbasses believing Trump's bullshit. His whole family is in bed with China. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!!!.. Greed and corruption have been major issues for America.
Think about the problems I mentioned, think about how things change over time, think about the affects on society. Think about the possible solutions. Then ask yourself, what does the vitamin administration do for you, and what does the trump administration do for you? We should secure the border. We should stop giving our business to China so the freest nation in the world gets the best deal, not the slave nation! We need to recognize the national security threats and threats to the strength of our nation, like crime, like cyber security. Like privacy, like lifestyle choices, like the fentanyl killing our sons and daughters. We need to be energy independent, rather than supporting these dictatorships! The youth of our nation is being corrupted, and it hurts to watch, and they will be pissed off after they have to learn about life the hard way. There is a reason our nation has institutions and automatic stabilizers built in and it is the glue of our society! I support freedom and I fell between the cracks, I hit the road, I was homeless, I always did drugs, abuse all the time, no care for myself or others well being. I've grown and now I know better, like my parents tried to teach me.

Jericho Mile

Think about the problems I mentioned, think about how things change over time, think about the affects on society. Think about the possible solutions. Then ask yourself, what does the vitamin administration do for you, and what does the trump administration do for you? We should secure the border. We should stop giving our business to China so the freest nation in the world gets the best deal, not the slave nation! We need to recognize the national security threats and threats to the strength of our nation, like crime, like cyber security. Like privacy, like lifestyle choices, like the fentanyl killing our sons and daughters. We need to be energy independent, rather than supporting these dictatorships! The youth of our nation is being corrupted, and it hurts to watch, and they will be pissed off after they have to learn about life the hard way. There is a reason our nation has institutions and automatic stabilizers built in and it is the glue of our society! I support freedom and I fell between the cracks, I hit the road, I was homeless, I always did drugs, abuse all the time, no care for myself or others well being. I've grown and now I know better, like my parents tried to teach me.
….you’re characterizing the Jesus Tweaker Syndrome Support Unit. Pretty sure it’s plagiarized from a previous script.

…rising from out of the drug riddled gutter to profess…love for god and country…with the remorseful parental touch…heart strings strummed

o say can you seeeeeeee
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Why would any of that matter?. What any of us like or dislike won't change shit. None here made your life choices. The people we elect are those that should make changes to fix problems. Too many dumbasses keep voting for shitty people that have no intentions of making changes that takes $$ out of their pockets. Too many conservatives live life with blinders on. Too many MAGA parents teaching the kids the same BS they don't like. I let my kids decide what they think matters to them.


ICMag Donor
Trump demands reinstatement as 'rightful' president or 'a new Election, immediately!'

Yeah right. Here ya go buddy, here's some paper and crayons. I'll even write top secret on a paper and let you steal it.


Well-known member
sick and tired of idiots blaming (insert name here) for business moving to (wherever) when business ALWAYS goes to where the labor is cheaper/profits higher. Americans demand the lowest price (see also - WalMart), then whine like damned kicked puppies when they find out it wasn't made here in the US. you cheap bastards won't fucking pay the prices that would result if manufacturing of what we want was moved back here! so shut the fuck up until you get that through your thick fucking skulls!........ i'm sorry, did i say that out loud? guess I was typing what i was thinking...:sneaky:


Well-known member
In fact, Chinese companies or the ccp and Bill gates are buying up land like crazy all across America. The Chinese want u to fight. They want to seperate us. Divide and conquer.
Bill Gates owns about 214,00 acres of FARM land. he is savagely outclassed by the Emmerson family, who own 2.3 MILLION acres in Cali, Washington, and Oregon. Ted Turner owns a bunch, as does the Reed family. then, there is also the Kroneke Ranch, at about 1.4 million acres under wraps. note the non-Chinese names listed. "separate", lol... The Chump and co-conspirators have been splitting us up for a long time. he is just a late comer to the "party", but he is trying.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Whelp. That's it. I'm betting cash money that Trump gets indicted now. $100. Any of the MAGA Faithful want to take my money?
He better be, I'm getting sick and tired of Trump and his lackeys trying to scare the DOJ into going easy on him with threats of riots and random violence from the MAGA crowd and the media speculating that they might go easy on Trump because of this. They better start worrying about the much larger part of the country rioting if Trump isn't held accountable.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So what you do in this life doesn't matter anyways. You are just gonna die and do not have to feel accountable for any of your actions here. That's fine, but I live my life this way in the name of the Lord, I remain strong and do the right thing as I wait for death to take me, as it takes us all. I dedicate my whole life to being a soldier of God to fight for what's right. I am tired of bad people always running amuck with social standards of decency anymore. Anybody who sees clearly human nature must understand. I wonder what the end goal is of all of you people and what you are fighting towards. What values and outcomes are you all looking for? And why do you all seem to have the same opinion?
Part of the problem is too many people like you think God wants you to go out there, pass judgement on your fellow man and force him or her to do right. I understand why you think this is right but it's this very kind of thinking that got Lucifer, once God's favorite, cast out. He wanted to come here, rule over mankind and force people to be good and worship God. God doesn't need Lucifer or you or anyone else to do things for him. God clearly wants you to do you and let everyone else do themselves and he'll sort it out in the end. God is all knowing, all powerful, omni present, the Alpha and the Omega, he gave free will to people for a reason and he doesn't need us little pissants trying to muck up his plans in the name of serving him.


Well-known member
HempKat, it's that bit about "free will" that really pisses them off. you hit that one right between the eyes, brother! they believe God made a mistake right there, lol... i have questions for God too, but mine are more along the lines of "why did you create ticks/chiggers/poison ivy etc...?" i bet NONE of them existed in Eden. :smoke:
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