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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
Hey Hippie - What's the story with those two fools in your neck of the woods who got arrested by the Feds for inventing a 3rd person who was supposedly the CEO of some fictional printing house that was going to print political flyers or something? Former TN House speaker and their COS or some other high ranking official? I heard a bit about the outragenous of the entire scheme but want some more details.
former GOP House Speaker Glen Casada? like most of the GOP in this state, bought and paid for. thieves one and (nearly) all. they created a shell company under a fake owners name to hide their crimes, directing govt $$ into their own pockets. investigators found e-mails admonishing each other & co-conspirators to not use real names, etc. "secrecy is paramount!" it's not just our politicians that are largely criminals either. at one time, we had more (former) county sheriffs in the states jails than ANY OTHER STATE! "we're number 1, we're number 1!" unfortunately (in a way) we have since been beaten out of the top spot...not sure who knocked us off of the peak. might have been Missouri, can't remember for sure. kind of like when Nixons' family realized that The Chump was gonna beat them out of being most corrupt POTUS ever... you take whatever relief you can find. :dance013:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
former GOP House Speaker Glen Casada? like most of the GOP in this state, bought and paid for. thieves one and (nearly) all. they created a shell company under a fake owners name to hide their crimes, directing govt $$ into their own pockets. investigators found e-mails admonishing each other & co-conspirators to not use real names, etc. "secrecy is paramount!" it's not just our politicians that are largely criminals either. at one time, we had more (former) county sheriffs in the states jails than ANY OTHER STATE! "we're number 1, we're number 1!" unfortunately (in a way) we have since been beaten out of the top spot...not sure who knocked us off of the peak. might have been Missouri, can't remember for sure. kind of like when Nixons' family realized that The Chump was gonna beat them out of being most corrupt POTUS ever... you take whatever relief you can find. :dance013:
That's the one! How bad does it have to be to actually get perp walked for a public official? :ROFLMAO:


Active member
Perhaps in the minds of the Trump-humpers.

It's between you and the Universe, and the Universe doesn't CARE.
So what you do in this life doesn't matter anyways. You are just gonna die and do not have to feel accountable for any of your actions here. That's fine, but I live my life this way in the name of the Lord, I remain strong and do the right thing as I wait for death to take me, as it takes us all. I dedicate my whole life to being a soldier of God to fight for what's right. I am tired of bad people always running amuck with social standards of decency anymore. Anybody who sees clearly human nature must understand. I wonder what the end goal is of all of you people and what you are fighting towards. What values and outcomes are you all looking for? And why do you all seem to have the same opinion?


Active member
Perhaps in the minds of the Trump-humpers.

It's between you and the Universe, and the Universe doesn't CARE.

Perhaps in the minds of the Trump-humpers.

It's between you and the Universe, and the Universe doesn't CARE.
Plus, I've lived in communes and shit before, and I don't wanna live that way. I would burn down the hippies' tent
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Plus, I've lived in communes and shit before, and I don't wanna live that way. I would burn down the hippies' tent drunk on whisky and fuck his girl too hahaha IM JUST A DIRTY PROJEX KID

LMAO, Claiming to be a solder of god, and then back that up with this. I call BS!!!..

If you are someone that cares about doing the right thing you would speak out regardless of who is doing wrong. You are not fighting for what's right when you refuse to do this. It's not hard to see what side of the fence people speak from. This isn't about politics it's about knowing the difference between right/wrong. Trumptards have no clue how to do that.


Active member
LMAO, Claiming to be a solder of god, and then back that up with this. I call BS!!!..

If you are someone that cares about doing the right thing you would speak out regardless of who is doing wrong. This isn't about politics it's about knowing the difference between right/wrong..Trumptards have no clue how to do that.
We are all sinners that fall short of the glory of God. What is right and wrong to you?


Active member
LMAO, Claiming to be a solder of god, and then back that up with this. I call BS!!!..

If you are someone that cares about doing the right thing you would speak out regardless of who is doing wrong. You are not fighting for what's right when you refuse to do this. It's not hard to see what side of the fence people speak from. This isn't about politics it's about knowing the difference between right/wrong. Trumptards have no clue how to do that.
Only God can judge me. Do you think independence is wrong? Do you think states' rights are wrong? Do you think anybody who wants to live different than you is wrong?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Why are you here would be a better question. This is a forum about cannabis, not God or politics. The way you live is on you.

When it comes to the laws of the USA. No one should be treated any differently than I would for doing the same crimes. Nope, I don't agree with many laws. That will not keep my ass out of prison for doing any.. The same should apply to all.


Active member
Why are you here would be a better question. This is a forum about cannabis, not God or politics. The way you live is on you.

When it comes to the laws of the USA. No one should be treated any differently than I would for doing the same crimes. Nope, I don't agree with many laws. That will not keep my ass out of prison for doing any.. The same should apply to all.
I'm here for cannabis as well, and I hope that we can share that and be friends. I believe this thread is an off topic discussion however. I am glad we both believe in the rule of law, even if it may affect us negatively at times due to our life choices. It is necessary in a functioning society I do believe. Governed by the people in a democratic Republic. So that people may protect their own interests. I know our system is corrupt, and we do not abide by article 1 section 8, and regulations are crippling us, although intodays world, more regulations are necessary. However, the diligent citizenry should no take their ability to vote for granted. I am here to protect the freedoms and rights of American citizens, and to promote the strength of our nation. I am a college student and a full time caretaker for my grandparents, and I enjoy debating about life and that is how we grow. Love ya buddy, I just wanna be part of the conversation and family, sorry if I am outspoken and frank.

St. Phatty

Active member
Many human beings have Empathy and a Conscience.

It is interesting how Christianity tells its victims to ignore that Conscience, to "Let Go and Let God".

I have a few Muslim friends and I have to choose my words carefully, so as not to hurt their feelings, by telling them that the time they spend praying 5 times a day might be a TOTAL WASTE.

But compared to most American Christians, those Muslims have their "Feet on the Ground", i.e. they are realistic.

American Christians have got to be some of the most self-deluded people EVER, spending most of their lives in their head, imagining that they are "Saved" and that they are going to go to "Heaven".


Active member
Many human beings have Empathy and a Conscience.

It is interesting how Christianity tells its victims to ignore that Conscience, to "Let Go and Let God".

I have a few Muslim friends and I have to choose my words carefully, so as not to hurt their feelings, by telling them that the time they spend praying 5 times a day might be a TOTAL WASTE.

But compared to most American Christians, those Muslims have their "Feet on the Ground", i.e. they are realistic.

American Christians have got to be some of the most self-deluded people EVER, spending most of their lives in their head, imagining that they are "Saved" and that they are going to go to "Heaven".
Why does that matter to you? Do you have no common ground with what you call American Christians? Is it too much to handle for you that they choose to believe something that you do not? Also, you should try not to generalize because not all people are the same. Do you feel that way around me Saint fatty? Do you feel that way talking to me St Patty I hope you feel comfortable that you can talk to me about anything. I hope you can feel comfortable to ask me anything about why I do anything why I think anything and I'm sure we can be friends


Active member
Many human beings have Empathy and a Conscience.

It is interesting how Christianity tells its victims to ignore that Conscience, to "Let Go and Let God".

I have a few Muslim friends and I have to choose my words carefully, so as not to hurt their feelings, by telling them that the time they spend praying 5 times a day might be a TOTAL WASTE.

But compared to most American Christians, those Muslims have their "Feet on the Ground", i.e. they are realistic.

American Christians have got to be some of the most self-deluded people EVER, spending most of their lives in their head, imagining that they are "Saved" and that they are going to go to "Heaven".
Look up Pascal's wager


Active member
Why does that matter to you? Do you have no common ground with what you call American Christians? Is it too much to handle for you that they choose to believe something that you do not? Also, you should try not to generalize because not all people are the same. Do you feel that way around me Saint fatty? Do you feel that way talking to me St Patty I hope you feel comfortable that you can talk to me about anything. I hope you can feel comfortable to ask me anything about why I do anything why I think anything and I'm sure we can be friends
What is more relevant is the question of what do you think the vitamin Administration is doing for you, and what do you think the Trump Administration did against you to harm you and do you think that any of the conservative ideas politically today have any reasonable backing to them?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Christianity is the bloodiest/deadliest religion in history. Christianity was shackled to the foolish idea that it was the "true religion" and all others were false, it was a small step to believing all the others should be destroyed..

This thread isn't about good/bad conservative ideas .. They def have had both just like all political ideologies. This thread is about Trump pissing on the constitution and breaking numerous laws. He should face all consequences for those actions. It also sheds light on how easily he could grift from conservatives. The lack of education and intelligence is astounding.
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