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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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ICMag Donor


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Somewhere after the warrant was served on Mar-A-Lago I made a post about how Trump must have took those documents with the intention of cashing in on them at some future date. This was based on his history during his Presidency to cash in on every opportunity that came his was and his history of milking his supporters at every chance he can. Then I got to thinking about it though and came to realize this would have required a degree of deliberate planning on his part that is absent in his past history. Now after hearing the latest reporting resulting from FBI questioning people in Trump's orbit, after the classified materials were recovered in the raid. I've developed a new theory about how and why he was in possession of these classified documents that feels more true to his general nature that has been on display since his Presidency. One of the defenses used by Trump and his former aides was that when Trump packed things up to leave the White House these documents just accidentally got packed up and moved. I didn't believe that at first because there is a period of more then two months from when a former President knows he has lot and has to move out and so there was no reason why the packing of things had to be haphazard with these materials accidentally getting packed in with his stuff. More recently though it has been reported that Trump didn't lift a finger towards moving out until after the January 6th coupe attempt failed and so he was on a much tighter clock and things were rushed. This is more consistent with Trump's arrogance and his belief that his hair brained schemes (as combed over as they are) might actually be successful and so he didn't start doing anything until they all failed and even he had to finally accept he was going to have to move out of the White House. Now I do still believe that at first he was unaware that these Classified, Top Secret, TS/SCI documents got moved to Mar-A-Lago along with everything else until later, perhaps as late as when they were first subpoenaed for the return of these documents because new reporting says that during questioning some of his aides testified that Trump personally went thru all the boxes just days prior to when they first handed over about 15 boxes along with a signed statement from one of his lawyers saying that was all there was. It's my belief that Trump was so furious that the new Biden administration was in a position of being able to tell him what to do with what was in his possession that he personally went thru it so he could sort out the really juicy secrets (that he might be able to capitalize on or at the very least use to get revenge) from the ordinary classified stuff that wouldn't do him much good. Further that in doing this he could give them back enough stuff that they would believe he turned everything over (Surely they had no real idea what was there since he had no real idea what was there) and be able to hold onto enough valuable information he could later cash in on or use to get revenge by really embarrassing the Biden administration since nobody would suspect him because he turned over 15 boxes with a signed statement from his lawyers that everything had been returned. This matches with new reporting that some of the top secret, TS/SCI materials were found in a container in his office closet rather then in the pool house basement where everything was originally stored. It also goes a long way towards explaining why when they did serve the warrant and come up with another dozen boxes of documents he should never have had he keeps trying to come up with one bad excuse after another to justify why he still had these things, all of which could easily be shot down by anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of how the classification/declassification process actually works. It also explains why when they questioned some aides several quoted Trump as having said "It's not theirs, it's mine". All this tracks much more closely with Trump's personality and ignorance, then my giving him credit for having a plan from the beginning to cash in one last time from his time in the White House.

St. Phatty

Active member
If they prosecuted Nixon at the same speed they're prosecuting Trump,

he would have finished his second term, and there would have been no Gerald Ford as President.


ICMag Donor
He needed something to give to Putin that would assure him money and a place to go if he was charged treason. His businesses are failing, his credit is shot and New York will force his businesses closed for his habitual tax cheats.


Well-known member
If they prosecuted Nixon at the same speed they're prosecuting Trump,

he would have finished his second term, and there would have been no Gerald Ford as President.
the GOP helped Nixon pack and made it clear he was leaving. today, they are bending over backwards trying to stay in his "good graces" (which he does not have) hoping his followers will continue to vote for them. "loyalty" is a one-way street with him. "all for one (me), and me for myself ! me, me, me, me, mine! it's ALL mine..." LOL!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If they prosecuted Nixon at the same speed they're prosecuting Trump,

he would have finished his second term, and there would have been no Gerald Ford as President.
Yeah but unfortunately that's what happens when you got followers so bat shit crazy that they attack the Capital and think they're being patriotic. Or that even though you're no longer in office you're followers think you're so above the law that even just being served a search warrant is justification for assassination threats, calls for civil war and to defund the FBI and some bozos so crazy they actually attack an FBI field office by themselves with a nail gun and an assault rifle. If his supporters were as reasonable and sane as Nixon's supporters were, they probably would have locked him up pending trial rather then serving a search warrant because you know for sure that's what they would have done to any other citizen guilty of the exact same crime.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the GOP helped Nixon pack and made it clear he was leaving. today, they are bending over backwards trying to stay in his "good graces" (which he does not have) hoping his followers will continue to vote for them. "loyalty" is a one-way street with him. "all for one (me), and me for myself ! me, me, me, me, mine! it's ALL mine..." LOL!
Don't forget, "It's not theirs, it's mine!"


Well-known member
I saw some news thing the other day and the guy they were interviewing explained that normally when a politician commits a crime the reason they don't go to jail is because they basically agree to disappear from politics. And he felt Trump more likely to end up in jail because he still hasn't figure out to just shut the fuck up and go away and the DOJ is getting pretty annoyed by now.

St. Phatty

Active member
Not really, Nixon would not have resigned but for some top REP said they would vote against him. If he had the same shitty people as Turd does he would never have left. The history of this country would be much different had that accord.


Nixon was intent on doing the same thing as Kennedy - house-cleaning of career bureaucrats.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I saw some news thing the other day and the guy they were interviewing explained that normally when a politician commits a crime the reason they don't go to jail is because they basically agree to disappear from politics. And he felt Trump more likely to end up in jail because he still hasn't figure out to just shut the fuck up and go away and the DOJ is getting pretty annoyed by now.
That's^ not how things are supposed to work...
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