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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
from my reading, the POTUS never actually HAS the codes, they are carried in the "football" and only accessed if needed to launch. given the justifiable paranoia RE nuclear weapons, i'd say that the codes probably ARE changed after each administration. it's not like they only have a few combinations of numbers available...


Well-known member
seems that Trump is considering releasing the security video of the FBI search
but his inner circle is reportedly divided on this
I guess information disclosure is a good thing on the whole
jesus, I can practically smell the smoke coming off of Trump's brain pan
he'll regret showing the CCTV he has, given that it will disprove his contention that the FBI "planted" the papers they carried out. plus, the film "might" show unauthorized access by heretofore unknown "associates" of The Chump entering the storage site. either of these scenarios guts his defense options... he is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, and likely going to jail regardless. :jump:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
This thread was started Feb 13, 2021.

It’s just like the Great Awakening thread. I check in. Nothing happens.

View attachment 18745918

…troughs are full of slop. Eat.
The purpose of The Great Awakening thread is to document, discuss, and understand current events leading to a new understanding which spans across all demographics. It is a process, not an event. It is happening! You don't have to wait for anything.

Jericho Mile

The purpose of The Great Awakening thread is to document, discuss, and understand current events leading to a new understanding which spans across all demographics. It is a process, not an event. It is happening! You don't have to wait for anything.
I already have the answers….dude. Don’t you realize who you are conversing with? I’m P


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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It became more clear that Zeez's post was worded awkwardly enough that several folks, including myself, thought he was saying the launch codes had been taken to Mar-a-Lago.
|Instead, Zeez clarified that what he'd intended to state is that DJT at one time had the launch codes.

Therein lies an even bigger glitch in the Sysytem, in my opinion.

How a looney-tunes, personality disordered, grifter con-man with numerous fraud cases under his belt, and suspicious international finance sources, ended up in the Oval Office with launch codes ever, period, at all.

I wouldn't go so far as to reitterate the old, "In America ANYONE can be president," because most of us know that's a pile of dog shit. But I would say they've definitely lowered the bar where qualifications are concerned.

On the bright side, my take-away is.. I feel fully employable, despite an attitude problem and some issues involving vices. When I see who can work in direct customer sales, customer service, and even the last POTUS, I know my future's bright. I just need to nod my head a whole lot.
Yeah I saw his clarification after I made my post but still if the codes stay the same one president to the next then that needs to change, although I would like to believe they don't stay the same.

As for who can be President, yeah I would love to see some more serious criteria then being a natural citizen and being above 35. I think every candidate at a minimum should have either served previously in the Legislative branch or as a State Governor so that the voter can see some actual history and experience to help them decide who they want to vote for. This crap about being a CEO of a big company is good enough is just that, crap. Yeah you can draw some similarities but how a company is run is totally different then how a country is run. Just look at 45 as proof. His company only seemed to do well because of questionable business practices and more questionable bookkeeping and then look at what he did with the job.
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