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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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St. Phatty

Active member
Much like Cohen, they have been habitual liars all their lives.

On both sides of the aisle.

The US government lied about their reasons for entering the Vietnam War.

They lied another few thousand times about 9-11.

They lied about the 2nd Iraq War.

They lied about the first Iraq War.

They lied about the US financing World War 2 Germany, when Wall Street was caught financing WW2 Germany in October 1942 - halfway through the war.

Somehow the people get sucked into Dem vs Rep type argument-discussions.

After being fooled 50,000 times.

Fool them Once - Fool them Twice - Fool them 50,000 times ?!

The General Public prefers being fooled - to telling the truth about the Fools who are Fooling them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Why on earth would he want him to stop digging the hole deeper?
Oh I don't know, so maybe innocent people and their families aren't murdered by a blood thirsty mob that don't recognize they're just being used to try to scare their idol's enemies into submission, and so they actually try to carry out those death threats and in the process they themselves end up being the one's executed and then the one they are supposedly doing it for just says, "hey I don't even know the guy". Like the guy in Ohio who tried to take out an FBI field office by himself and ended up being put down like a rabid animal. What do you suppose are the chances that Trump is going to cover his funeral expenses or do anything to lessen the impact on that person's family. If you have a hole deep enough to bury someone you don't need to have him dig it any deeper, he'll still be buried when it comes time to throw the dirt into that hole and fill it up. Is a nearly 80 year old man facing a 20 year sentence any more punished if you can make it a 30, 40 or 50 year sentence?
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Jericho Mile

Oh I don't know, so maybe innocent people and their families aren't murdered by a blood thirsty mob that don't recognize they're just being used to try to scare their idol's enemies into submission, and so they actually try to carry out those death threats and in the process they themselves end up being the one's executed and then the one they are supposedly doing it for just says, "hey I don't even know the guy". Like the guy in Ohio who tried to take out and FBI field office by himself and ended up being put down like a rabid animal. What do you suppose are the chances that Trump is going to cover his funeral expenses or do anything to lessen the impact on that person's family. If you have a hole deep enough to bury someone you don't need to have him dig it any deeper, he'll still be buried when it comes time to throw the dirt into that hole and fill it up. Is a nearly 80 year old man facing a 20 year sentence any more punished if you can make it a 30, 40 or 50 year sentence?

…on a bright note : the process of weeding out


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The General Public prefers being fooled - to telling the truth about the Fools who are Fooling them.
You mean like the MAGA morons who the GOP have fooled into believing are an overwhelming majority when in reality they only represent about a third of the voting public?

St. Phatty

Active member
You mean like the MAGA morons who the GOP have fooled into believing are an overwhelming majority when in reality they only represent about a third of the voting public?

You think the Trump-humpers are 2/3 of Repugs ?

Maybe I'll take a poll. Ask the Repugs at the county meeting.

"How many of you are Trump-humpers ?" The reaction might be funny, although possibly dangerous.

moose eater

Well-known member
Taking launch codes with him to his resort should pass right on by spending the rest of his life at Leavenworth (with their infamous 'wall to wall therapy'), and stop squarely at the exit platform there for either a firing squad, tight noose, or some blue liquid in a syringe. Maybe a proper combination of the 3.

It's been asserted by former legal counsel to DJT that they suspected he took the docs as a bargaining chip in the event he was facing prison or jail time, but to take launch codes? In my opinion, that dampens that assessment, and presents a whole different set of probable or possible motives.

If the launch code story proves true, then someone ought to just whack the demented fucker in his head with a good solid bat if/when he's next seen in public, and call it justice.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Freakin nut job had the launch codes as well. The destiny of the world in the hands of a failed tv host.
Just curious, what is your source on this?

Note: Hempy McNoodle reported last year that Trump never passed the 'nuclear football' to Biden. But, I don't think that has anything to do with the raid at Mar-A-Lago.


ICMag Donor
Just curious, what is your source on this?

Note: Hempy McNoodle reported last year that Trump never passed the 'nuclear football' to Biden. But, I don't think that has anything to do with the raid at Mar-A-Lago.
Hempy, I meant that he had the 'football' and launch codes while he was president.
It remains to be seen what he carted off with after his presidency. What ever it was, they wanted it back very seriously and they are concerned who might have seen it.

moose eater

Well-known member
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!
That's actually vague, non-committal, and non-descriptive enough to actually maybe be true, Hempy. Congratulations!!

It's not a truism, per se', mind you, as some factor or another can often change the course of events. So I guess I need to retract at least a part of my initial congratulations.

But supporting persons who fail to make good or be accurate in their initial statements or commitments shouldn't bother you at this juncture in time. I mean, you've been supporting folks who do just that, incessantly.
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Well-known member
seems that Trump is considering releasing the security video of the FBI search
but his inner circle is reportedly divided on this
I guess information disclosure is a good thing on the whole
jesus, I can practically smell the smoke coming off of Trump's brain pan


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You think the Trump-humpers are 2/3 of Repugs ?

Maybe I'll take a poll. Ask the Repugs at the county meeting.

"How many of you are Trump-humpers ?" The reaction might be funny, although possibly dangerous.
Wow, I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it? Go reread my post. I said that the MAGA crowd or "Trump-Humpers" as you call them only represent about a third of ALL voters. That means a combination of Democrats, Independents and Republicans. I have no idea of how much they represent of just the republicans but given what I've seen from congress, social media and news media I would guesstimate that the percentage of republicans is higher then two thirds (66%) given that Republicans aren't the only people that vote the percentage "Trump-Humpers" represent of Republicans is irrelevant except for local primaries in states like Wyoming for example. I would also suggest canvasing a group of Republicans to learn who is a "Trump-Humper" would be a waste of time since most Republicans who aren't "Trump-Humpers" have demonstrated an unwillingness to publicly separate themselves from the "Trump-Humpers" for fear of the perceived repercussions it might bring on them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Taking launch codes with him to his resort should pass right on by spending the rest of his life at Leavenworth (with their infamous 'wall to wall therapy'), and stop squarely at the exit platform there for either a firing squad, tight noose, or some blue liquid in a syringe. Maybe a proper combination of the 3.

It's been asserted by former legal counsel to DJT that they suspected he took the docs as a bargaining chip in the event he was facing prison or jail time, but to take launch codes? In my opinion, that dampens that assessment, and presents a whole different set of probable or possible motives.

If the launch code story proves true, then someone ought to just whack the demented fucker in his head with a good solid bat if/when he's next seen in public, and call it justice.
While taking the launch codes represents a whole new level of Traitorous behavior that certainly warrants a more severe penalty it also exposes a flaw in the system. The launch codes should be changed with every new administration precisely to prevent them from being of use to anyone who once had access to them but no longer should.

moose eater

Well-known member
While taking the launch codes represents a whole new level of Traitorous behavior that certainly warrants a more severe penalty it also exposes a flaw in the system. The launch codes should be changed with every new administration precisely to prevent them from being of use to anyone who once had access to them but no longer should.
It became more clear that Zeez's post was worded awkwardly enough that several folks, including myself, thought he was saying the launch codes had been taken to Mar-a-Lago.
|Instead, Zeez clarified that what he'd intended to state is that DJT at one time had the launch codes.

Therein lies an even bigger glitch in the Sysytem, in my opinion.

How a looney-tunes, personality disordered, grifter con-man with numerous fraud cases under his belt, and suspicious international finance sources, ended up in the Oval Office with launch codes ever, period, at all.

I wouldn't go so far as to reitterate the old, "In America ANYONE can be president," because most of us know that's a pile of dog shit. But I would say they've definitely lowered the bar where qualifications are concerned.

On the bright side, my take-away is.. I feel fully employable, despite an attitude problem and some issues involving vices. When I see who can work in direct customer sales, customer service, and even the last POTUS, I know my future's bright. I just need to nod my head a whole lot.

Jericho Mile

This thread was started Feb 13, 2021.

It’s just like the Great Awakening thread. I check in. Nothing happens.


…troughs are full of slop. Eat.
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