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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Does holding political rallies count as work?
I would tend to doubt it but since that's a scenario not typically found in cases of Home Detention that might allow it if the fact that the person found guilty of a crime and sentenced to home detention isn't excluded from serving in a political office. I would like to think anyone having committed a crime serious enough to be punished with confinement is automatically excluded but with the way our system is set up that might not always be the case. If it was allowed however I imagine it would be handled the same as a normal job and the person in that situation would have to coordinate ahead of time with their Parole/Probation officer and would only be allowed to attend during a pre-determined period of time and only at the location of the rally with their location being monitored by an ankle bracelet.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You know, there is a story being pushed by Russian (Kremlin controlled) media claiming the already have received the secrets contained in the documents Trump took and that the Kremlin has been carefully studying said secrets for a number of months now, although as is usually the case with state run media this is likely just propaganda designed to mess with people's heads. Also worth mentioning is there is a fairly new theory being floated as to why Trump took those documents, which is basically to create the situation we have now where knowing the Feds would come after him for putting national security secrets at risk he could then do exactly what he's doing now and use it as a way to incite his base to violence by spinning it as more of the usual political persecution/witch hunt. I have a little trouble with that though as it would be giving him too much credit for executing a diabolical plan then I would typically give him credit for. So far the diabolical nature of things he's already done has seem more like the result of his incompetence to execute an elaborate plan without screwing it up.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They don't even realize they are being manipulated.. It's a trip how easily he can manipulate his base to violence.

Radical right wing groups frequently include entire families and are somewhat like cults. Leftist groups engage in protracted sessions of self-criticism, while rightist groups spend their time reinforcing their self-image as genuine and dedicated. Members of leftwing groups tend to be better educated than members of rightwing groups. Those on the right tend to be more compulsive, while those on the left are more meticulous planners. Right wing groups tend to be more violent.


ICMag Donor
Now radical, formerly underground, groups are threatening FBI agents, employees and families. These fascists are now empowered to be the voice and muscle of the Republican Party. Hard to believe the red state, god fearing, conservative farm families go along with this. Same with abortion, Only 30% of Americans are against it but they forced it on everyone.


Well-known member
You know, there is a story being pushed by Russian (Kremlin controlled) media claiming they already have received the secrets contained in the documents Trump took and that the Kremlin has been carefully studying said secrets for a number of months now, although as is usually the case with state run media this is likely just propaganda designed to mess with people's heads. Also worth mentioning is there is a fairly new theory being floated as to why Trump took those documents, which is basically to create the situation we have now where knowing the Feds would come after him for putting national security secrets at risk he could then do exactly what he's doing now and use it as a way to incite his base to violence by spinning it as more of the usual political persecution/witch hunt. I have a little trouble with that though as it would be giving him too much credit for executing a diabolical plan then I would typically give him credit for. So far the diabolical nature of things he's already done has seem more like the result of his incompetence to execute an elaborate plan without screwing it up.
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moose eater

Well-known member

moose eater

Well-known member
American politics is still a thing? Your country hasn't leveled itself to one big genderless beige neutral zone yet?
You're choosing to read and post in the Criminal Indictments for Trump page, and you're asking if American politics is still a thing? I'd say you answered your own question.

BTW, not everyone sees it as necessary to point out all the specific unique (or not so unique) attributes of other persons for random purpose. Those who are especially hung up on others affairs might see it as necessary. Can't speak for them. I try not to study others' gender identity, who they're fucking, or even their favorite colors, unless it comes up in friendly conversation and I know them or want to know them. Voyeurism is unbecoming. Really.

And as I recall, neutral was a fairly safe place. The extreme folks who believe in things that either aren't true/real, or beliefs and concepts that simply don't matter as much as they desire others to think they do, those are the places and people to watch out for.
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moose eater

Well-known member


Don't you believe them?? <sarcasm>
I knew that our voters were ill-informed on a regular basis, in many issues. I've seen enough of the partisan twits interviewd to know that.
But I had NO clue that a full 35% of America was SO gullible as to be a threat to themselves, others, and their own Country's stability. That they would honor proverbial team jerseys well beyond honoring any truth or set of universal standard of integrity or ethics., simply because their 'charismatic' (to whom, I can only guess, beyond Hempy, 3berries and med4u and their bizarrely gullible cohort) insisted and threw a C-grade tantrum like a fucking 12-year-old being told he can't have a fifth candy bar...


Well-known member

Don't you believe them?? <sarcasm>
I knew that our voters were ill-informed on a regular basis, in many issues. I've seen enough of the partisan twits interviewd to know that.
But I had NO clue that a full 35% of America was SO gullible as to be a threat to themselves, others, and their own Country's stability. That they would honor proverbial team jerseys well beyond honoring any truth or set of universal standard of integrity or ethics., simply because their 'charismatic' (to whom, I can only guess, beyond Hempy, 3berries and med4u and their bizarrely gullible cohort) insisted and threw a C-grade tantrum like a fucking 12-year-old being told he can't have a fifth candy bar...
yup. when your CFO is pleading guilty, your company is headed down the tubes. but, is anyone really surprised? besides Stempy & assorted handholders i mean... i'm waiting to see if the NY attorney general goes for the throat & tries for the corporate death penalty & dissolves The Chumps businesses & real estate holdings for ongoing criminal activity like they did with Chump U. that would be awesome...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You know, there is a story being pushed by Russian (Kremlin controlled) media claiming the already have received the secrets contained in the documents Trump took and that the Kremlin has been carefully studying said secrets for a number of months now, although as is usually the case with state run media this is likely just propaganda designed to mess with people's heads. Also worth mentioning is there is a fairly new theory being floated as to why Trump took those documents, which is basically to create the situation we have now where knowing the Feds would come after him for putting national security secrets at risk he could then do exactly what he's doing now and use it as a way to incite his base to violence by spinning it as more of the usual political persecution/witch hunt. I have a little trouble with that though as it would be giving him too much credit for executing a diabolical plan then I would typically give him credit for. So far the diabolical nature of things he's already done has seem more like the result of his incompetence to execute an elaborate plan without screwing it up.
I'd prefer not to get ahead of the investigation and feel everyone should view this through the lens of enemy state propoganda. Which is exactly what it is. Let's not go all GQP and believe in the lies.

Having said that, Trump complaining that the FBI took 3 of his passports is kind of intriguing. Were they diplomatic passports that needed to be returned to the National Archives? Or was one of them his actual passport they confiscated to prevent him fleeing to another ocuntry? If it's the former, m'eh. If it's the later, holy shit. Charges pending!!! ETA - looks like they were taken by mistake and returned.

And for those who are too busy perfroming mental gymnastics, a simple explanation of the recent events regarding the search warrant at Mar A Lago - Trump wants those documents returned to him even though they never existed and were planted but also were declassified by him and brought over.
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The only way to get at trump is economically.
I'm not so sure about that anymore. You know, with the FBI declining to unseal the affadavidt that led to the search warrant at Mar A Lago, citing "irrepairable damage to the ongoing criminal case" and "It would disclose highly sensitive informationa about WITNESSES". That would be plural for those of you following along at home.
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