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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
i WOULD pull for someone that had truly been fooled & could not understand that they had not just the wool pulled over their eyes, but the whole damn sheep! i don't think this is true of Stempy. he repeats lies that he knows are lies, and doubles down no matter how obvious it is to the rest of the world that he IS lying (is...he....The Chump? :chin: lots in common). he'll put out two diametrically opposed statements back to back & swear they are both true. i've no sympathy nor hope of redemption for one such...he'll end his days standing on a milk crate ranting at passersby on a crowded street corner about how the "deep state" is to blame for the planets ills and that King Donald will return from the grave to punish the non-believing infidels. "MARK MY WORDS!" lol...
Well, as I said before, I think he and tres Berries share the same shrink... in the same hour.. on the same couch.... same cereal bowl, and their voter IDs look remarkably similar. Uncannily so.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Hempy is our own little Mike Pillow.

And a reminder that when a Republican FBI director announced a criminal investigation of the Democratic nominee 11 days before the 2016 election, not a single Democrat threatened violence or civil war.
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Well-known member
I like to think of myself as a fanatical moderate.



Jericho Mile

If he is equivalent in evil to all the other government talking heads, that is one thing, the other being that he has perpetrated so much criminal harm in his wake of greed and narcissism which he certainly deserves punishment for. Aside from that he should receive consequence just for raising such selfish murderous sons.

…but nothing is going to happen. Let’s be objective. It’s just theater.

Remember when Biden supported invading Iraq and Afghanistan? Remember the war criminals in the Bush administration? They all walked away…as heroes. 20 years of sanctioned murder and theft.

That was criminal harm.


Well-known member
Whatever happened with Obamagate?
18 May 2020 Durham's got it...

As Donald Trump continued to propagate his “Obamagate” pseudo-scandal on Monday, the US attorney general, William Barr, said he did not expect a justice department review of the FBI’s handling of 2016 election interference to lead to the criminal investigation of Barack Obama or Joe Biden. 58th U.S. Presidential Inauguration<br>Donald Trump with Barack Obama at Trump’s inauguration ceremony at the Capitol in Washington, USA on January 20, 2017.
“As to President Obama and vice-president Biden, whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said.

or not.

Jericho Mile

18 May 2020 Durham's got it...

As Donald Trump continued to propagate his “Obamagate” pseudo-scandal on Monday, the US attorney general, William Barr, said he did not expect a justice department review of the FBI’s handling of 2016 election interference to lead to the criminal investigation of Barack Obama or Joe Biden. 58th U.S. Presidential Inauguration<br>Donald Trump with Barack Obama at Trump’s inauguration ceremony at the Capitol in Washington, USA on January 20, 2017.

or not.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
to be pardoned, one must acknowledge that they are guilty. will The Chumps ego allow him to admit to his fawning bootlickers that he is, as we already know, a tax cheat, quite possibly treasonous, and had lied for his entire life about everything? :shucks::biglaugh: if one accepts a pardon, you cannot refuse to answer questions (NO 5th) in a court action regarding others that were ensnared in the same acts...family, friends, congressmen/women. :chin:
Well given that it would likely be fairly well after the fact (remember, this wouldn't happen until the Republican's secured the Executive Branch), I don't think Trump's ego will get in the way of him being freed from any punishment for his crimes, especially if said punishment is harsher then house arrest. It will likely be enough after the fact that his not being able to plead the 5th will no longer matter, I don't see any other investigations going on very long after they charge and convict him. He would likely spin any confession on his part as being just what he had to do to get out of prison and that otherwise it doesn't mean he was actually guilty and since all his supporters suffer from PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder - A state where one has been lied to so often and fed so much bullshit, they can no longer distinguish between fact and fiction) they would likely believe it.


Well-known member
"broad minded and tolerant" LOL! the GOP will be having none of THAT shit..."fucking COMMIES! why don't you join the Westboro Baptist church ?"


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Nope, your (repetitious) inaccuracy was corrected.. free of charge. It was a moment of compassion on my part, as I noted the delusions that propped up the worlds of those less-than-grounded-or-informed tRumpets were seemingly in tail spins @ low altitude, and though I don't sympathize with the Grifter Formerly in Charge very much at all, for his followers to be left so bewildered as to how it ALL could have been so .... shallow... hollow...inaccurate.. like sand castles at a real estate show (being polite), I knew what it was like to believe in fallacy for so long with all your heart.

I once believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny, too. Those days of reckoning, of correcting formerly-held beliefs based in doggy-doo perceptions and untruths with something more.. grounded.... more than the fantasies I'd held.. That was a horrible, horrible time.

So it's in that spirit that I (and I'm sure others) offer you the sincere (at least as sincere as The Donald has been) hopes for a swift recovery..

There CAN be life after blind hero worship, but sometimes you have to want it bad enough to work for it.

We're pullin' for you, Hempy.
That's precisely correct, people can be sympathetic to those who suffer from Post Trump Stress Disorder but those suffering from it have to show some effort at trying to come out of it by showing some recognition that all the lies they sucked down like milk from a Mother's tit, were just that, lies. That is if they ever want to have any hope of being thought of as anything other then bat shit crazy.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Knowing what is illegal and not is a huge prob for Trump and his supporters. Their whataboutizum is not comparing apples to apples. Using Hunter just proves that. What Turd allowed his kids to do was much worse. His kids should never been allowed to get top secret clearance. None passed their background checks. Trump approved that BS anyway. Hunter did not have any kind of security clearance or worked for the GOV. He was a crackhead who screwed prostitutes while milking his daddy's influences to get paid. The differences between them are huge.


Well-known member
"if the president does it, that means it is legal.." argument, lol. so, sleepy Joe can do what he wants while he is president? THIS could get fun. i've gotta get my Biden banner down and hang it outside...it says "four more years of Biden? we could do a lot worse...":shucks::good::whistling: keep your boots on, it might get deep in here.


Active member
The most likely outcome if he is found guilty is they will ROR him to Home Detention in a property he owns, of his choice as long as it's in the US, afterall that can't come down too hard on a former President because of how it will look on the image of the Presidency. Additionally if a Republican ends up becoming President while he's still alive, he'll most likely be pardoned at that point to keep the MAGA crowd pacified.
Does holding political rallies count as work?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Any of the good Trump did never hatched from his head. It was those around him that made those things happen. He took credit for their ideas as he does for everything in his life.
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