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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
By this logic, Trump could have thrown it all in a fire just before the FBI raid and you'd be fine with it, lol.
No I wouldn't be fine with it, I would have no opinion on it because if Trump did that the FBI wouldn't have found anything. It's kind of hard to have much of an opinion about something not found, unless of course you are you, then finding nothing seems to be all you need to believe there was actually something. I would however kind of be suspicious about Trump having a fire going in the middle of the summer in one of the hottest places in the United States.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What makes you Think it isn't "Nuclear Stuff" and that Trump is innocent?
The fact that the deep state is promoting that idea with zero supporting evidence and the fact that those classification levels aren't only for nuclear stuff. But, the Deep State simps and NeverTrumpers jump on it simply because they are hopeful (desperate).


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You're missing the point that Trump just claiming he declassified them meant nothing and therefore there is no need for said documents to be re-classified. Besides until the raid happened they had no way of knowing for sure if any classified documents were in Trump's possession so Biden's knowledge or lack of knowledge of the raid before the fact is irrelevant.
It makes not one wit of difference if Trump "declassified" them or not. Not one of the statutes cited for the search warrant requires the docs to be classified.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It makes not one wit of difference if Trump "declassified" them or not. Not one of the statutes cited for the search warrant requires the docs to be classified.
This makes me wonder if Trump was actually the target. Could the target be Deep State operatives. Donald Trump's name was not on the warrant that I saw. Remember, Trump is an FBI/DOJ asset going back a few decades.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This makes me wonder if Trump was actually the target. Could the target be Deep State operatives. Donald Trump's name was not on the warrant that I saw. Remember, Trump is an FBI/DOJ asset going back a few decades.

He is referred to as FPOTUS. The warrant was for the property.

The locations to be searched include the " 45 Office," all storage rooms, and all
other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff.

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Well-known member
If Trump were supplying documents to foreign nations. Wouldn't he have done it during his term and wouldn't he have better ways to do it? I mean the national archives and FBI were aware of the materials he had and he had a special lock put on at their request.. I can't believe you all keep falling for this stuff every time!
Coulda shoulda woulda

If he only had a brain imagine how much more dangerous captain murica would be.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's why he is worshiped by so many weak minded people. They feel a connection similar to the JJones cult.

St. Phatty

Active member
LOL, Again you are trying to reason with the unreasable. The needle will not move from what Trumpturds believe.

I'm not sure the Trumpturds are any more Pavlovian than the hard-core Biden supporters.

I have one Trump supporter friend who decided that "all Democrats are Communists and therefore his sworn enemy". He was so upset partway through the Trump loss of power in 2020, that he un-friended all his Democrat friends.

Good thing I'm an independent with a few firearms.

I have one Biden supporter friend who did the same thing to his Republican former friends.

Obviously both the Republican and the Democrat were & are extremely concerned about the state of the US during Covid19.

I think their feverish rejection of the non-like-minded was their way of responding to the feeling of "Gotta do something, my country is going down the toilet ! ! !"

"So I'll ignore all the people I don't agree with - even if they used to be my friends."

So if you're an independent, tell your Repub. friends about your firearms, but DON'T tell your Dem. friends about your firearms.

Thereby one may Achieve Balance, like Yoda or something.

Or at least trick your Democrat friends into sharing pot with you. :)

Three Berries

Active member
Crowning a lifetime of Criminality, Donald Trump led an armed mob to overthrow the United States Government then stole America’s nuclear secrets. An Indictment can’t come soon enough for this treasonous MF.

— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) August 12, 2022




Well-known member
I'm not sure the Trumpturds are any more Pavlovian than the hard-core Biden supporters.

I have one Trump supporter friend who decided that "all Democrats are Communists and therefore his sworn enemy". He was so upset partway through the Trump loss of power in 2020, that he un-friended all his Democrat friends.

Good thing I'm an independent with a few firearms.

I have one Biden supporter friend who did the same thing to his Republican former friends.

Obviously both the Republican and the Democrat were & are extremely concerned about the state of the US during Covid19.

I think their feverish rejection of the non-like-minded was their way of responding to the feeling of "Gotta do something, my country is going down the toilet ! ! !"

"So I'll ignore all the people I don't agree with - even if they used to be my friends."

So if you're an independent, tell your Repub. friends about your firearms, but DON'T tell your Dem. friends about your firearms.

Thereby one may Achieve Balance, like Yoda or something.

Or at least trick your Democrat friends into sharing pot with you. :)
What about squirt guns and LsD?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure the Trumpturds are any more Pavlovian than the hard-core Biden supporters.

I have one Trump supporter friend who decided that "all Democrats are Communists and therefore his sworn enemy". He was so upset partway through the Trump loss of power in 2020, that he un-friended all his Democrat friends.

Good thing I'm an independent with a few firearms.

I have one Biden supporter friend who did the same thing to his Republican former friends.

Obviously both the Republican and the Democrat were & are extremely concerned about the state of the US during Covid19.

I think their feverish rejection of the non-like-minded was their way of responding to the feeling of "Gotta do something, my country is going down the toilet ! ! !"

"So I'll ignore all the people I don't agree with - even if they used to be my friends."

So if you're an independent, tell your Repub. friends about your firearms, but DON'T tell your Dem. friends about your firearms.

Thereby one may Achieve Balance, like Yoda or something.

Or at least trick your Democrat friends into sharing pot with you. :)
Funny. I can't seem to find a single "hardcore Biden supporter". Not one. Are they out there? Maybe.

Most of us who voted for him have zero problems calling him out for his bullshit. Something the MAGA morons are incapable of doing.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I'm curious as to the feelings of the MAGA faithful on Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Daniel Hale, and Reality Winner are now.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure the Trumpturds are any more Pavlovian than the hard-core Biden supporters.

I have one Trump supporter friend who decided that "all Democrats are Communists and therefore his sworn enemy". He was so upset partway through the Trump loss of power in 2020, that he un-friended all his Democrat friends.

Good thing I'm an independent with a few firearms.

I have one Biden supporter friend who did the same thing to his Republican former friends.

Obviously both the Republican and the Democrat were & are extremely concerned about the state of the US during Covid19.

I think their feverish rejection of the non-like-minded was their way of responding to the feeling of "Gotta do something, my country is going down the toilet ! ! !"

"So I'll ignore all the people I don't agree with - even if they used to be my friends."

So if you're an independent, tell your Repub. friends about your firearms, but DON'T tell your Dem. friends about your firearms.

Thereby one may Achieve Balance, like Yoda or something.

Or at least trick your Democrat friends into sharing pot with you. :)

Biden supporters?, none are here. I wouldn't call any hardcore lol. At least they can see the grift. The only thing that Turd and his lackeys keep using is Hunter or the Ukrain $$. I don't see anything illegal. There's a huge difference in Turd's supporters from what I see. All have lost their minds, this is easy to see when a "friend" thinks you are unworthy because you have a different political ideology. All have no clue what is real after drinking Turds coolaid. No matter how bad the crimes are their lips are sealed. I'll never support anyone that's a crook. I'll never give my loyalty to anyone but family. No one with such bad Character should be trusted/honest ever!!.

@Hempy McNoodle
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Well-known member
Funny. I can't seem to find a single "hardcore Biden supporter". Not one. Are they out there? Maybe.

Most of us who voted for him have zero problems calling him out for his bullshit. Something the MAGA morons are incapable of doing.
the far left does not like him because he is not hard-core left. the far right hates him because he beat Chump's ass like a $2 yard sale drum, and they know it. the middle of the road folks (about 40% of the population) aint crazy about him but know he is a much safer choice to sit in the Oval Office. the far left will pull the lever for him (again if needed) because they don't want asshat Chump in power again, as will the middle 40% of voters. i don't see a path to victory there for the Malignant Moron...even if he does NOT end up in an orange jump suit in a federal pen. there ARE no "hard-core" Biden voters...


Well-known member
was watching someone (did not catch his name) talking to MAGA voters on tv earlier. among OTHER nonsense, they believed that John F. Kennedy was still alive, as was Michael Jackson, and they thought that Osama Bin Laden might be as well...except that his real name was "Tim" (they didn't know his last name) and that he was CIA... so THERE! if that's not good enough for you...:biggrin:
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