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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
federal judge okays Congress getting The Chumps tax info from the IRS. lessee here...grand jury in Georgia, possible charges if he had anything at all in Mar a Lago (the FBI hauled off lots of stuff) , possible charges over Jan. 6th....poor little Giulani has been ordered by judge to appear before grand jury in Georgia whether "by train, bus, or Uber", lol. moron tried to say he was medically unable to fly, AFTER he bought airline tickets TWICE since his supposed "operation". now he's got time to WALK it if need be, gotta be there by the 17th, i think. what are the odds that he'll "be indisposed" ? :biglaugh:


Well-known member
Trump committed no crimes against the country, they just don't want him to run again.
bullshit. damn near everything he did was a crime. i want him horsewhipped, wrapped in barbed wire, and rolled in rock salt. THEN, we'll get to the punishment phase of his ordeal... i WAS gonna say "soaked in gas & burned at the stake", but gas prices have not dropped far enough to justify that...yet. down 60 cents a gallon here now, 16 cents in the last week. we're getting there, lol :biggrin:


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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Now a Trump lawyer is trying to float the idea that the FBI planted evidence. Which means the FBI likely found some pretty damning things.

So again...The FBI is just doing this to make him look bad. Russia investigation was to make him look bad. China invented Covid to make him look bad. His staff gave him Covid to make him look bad. Cofefe, hamburders, man, TV, woman were to make him look bad. Jan 6th committee is to make him look bad. Deep state make him look bad!!!! Never him!!! Orange man never bad!!!!
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
federal judge okays Congress getting The Chumps tax info from the IRS. lessee here...grand jury in Georgia, possible charges if he had anything at all in Mar a Lago (the FBI hauled off lots of stuff) , possible charges over Jan. 6th....poor little Giulani has been ordered by judge to appear before grand jury in Georgia whether "by train, bus, or Uber", lol. moron tried to say he was medically unable to fly, AFTER he bought airline tickets TWICE since his supposed "operation". now he's got time to WALK it if need be, gotta be there by the 17th, i think. what are the odds that he'll "be indisposed" ? :biglaugh:
Didn't he just get a stent placed in one of his arteries? If that's what it was there is nothing about getting a stent that prohibits one from flying. Wait I take that back, there is one possible risk but that risk is gone after a week past the procedure. They go in thru an artery in the groin using a catheter that is a somewhat larger gauge then a large needle. This creates a potential risk of bleeding and since it's an artery one could bleed out pretty quickly if it wasn't caught and dealt with quickly. So to minimize that risk when they remove the catheter they plug up the whole with a collagen plug and send you home after a night of observation in the hospital with instructions to take it easy and not do anything strenuous for a week. During that time the collagen plug slowly dissolves and the hole made by the catheter heals up and closes naturally. If someone where to fly during that time it's possible a type of blood clot known as DVT (deep vein thrombosis) could develop in response to sitting for a long time (as one does on a plane) in an environment with rapidly changing air pressures (as happens on a plane when it ascends or descends. All of this is a fairly rare thing to happen and since it's well past when he had the procedure there is zero risk of it happening to Rudy. The only potential risk Rudy faces now with flying is that he might trigger the metal detector at the airport since stents are made of metal.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The GOP went after Hillary for 25 years.

Hope Trump gets the same treatment.

Lock Him Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah you got to love the irony there. Trump rode the "lock her up" horse all the way into the White House going on and on every chance he could about how horrible a crime it was that she potentially put national security at risk by using a private email server in her home for her State Department communications. Which to be fair that was a security risk, she did that in breach of State Department Security protocol and she should have known better. Yet when all that went down and when the investigation torpedoed her Presidential run where were all the Republican's that say such investigations on a presidential candidate shouldn't be allowed? They had nothing to say then but "Lock her Up". Now however when you have the shoe on the other foot and a "potential" Presidential candidate who has yet to announce his bid for an election 2 years from now has violated a very similar crime by having classified documents he shouldn't have had, sitting around in a place where if nothing else Chinese spies have been caught (Mar-a-Lago) all these Republicans come out of the woodwork clamoring how this is all just part of a never ending witch hunt with purely political motives.

When they take him to court as they almost surely will, during the trial I hope the prosecuting attorney plays for the court all the video footage of Trump talking about how horrible it was for Hillary Clinton to risk national security and the punishment she should get for that as the saying goes, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. #LockHimUp


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have a feeling that whatever was in those boxes is not going to be good for John Brennan and James Comey.
Ah the giddy optimism of someone so far down the rabbit hole all he can do is hope that no matter how bad things get for the fragile reality he clings to all he can do is just hope somehow it will all work out in his favor in the end.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Now a Trump lawyer is trying to float the idea that the FBI planted evidence. Which means the FBI likely found some pretty damning things.

So again...The FBI is just doing this to make him look bad. Russia investigation was to make him look bad. China invented Covid to make him look bad. His staff gave him Covid to make him look bad. Cofefe, hamburders, man, TV, woman were to make him look bad. Jan 6th committee is to make him look bad. Deep state make him look bad!!!! Never him!!! Orange man never bad!!!!
Well given how gullible his supporters have been so far can you blame him? I bet they don't see thru how he turned it into a way to fleece his supporters of even more money within 24 hours either.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Look closely at that breaking news headline in what you quoted, it says the FBI can't say for sure the emails weren't hacked, which automatically means they can't say for sure they were hacked either. I don't know, by having her Presidential run torpedoed by an unprecedented announcement that went against standard FBI protocol for something they were even sure if anything came of it, I would say she was held accountable. Maybe not to your satisfaction but hey, for what it's worth Trump probably won't see the jail time his known and provable crimes deserve either. As long as it keeps him from winning in 2024 the same way Hillary lost in 2016 I'm willing to say that's a fair trade.


Well-known member
merely keeping him out of an office he is not qualified for is NOT enough. he needs to be tried in a court of LAW, not public opinion. his deliberate theft & mis-handling of govt documents should keep him out of office all by themselves. that does not address the crimes he has committed however... the nation as a whole needs to see & understand that NO ONE is out of reach of the law, nobody. win, lose, draw, guilty or not, he needs to face a judge. this is the only thing that can stop this kind of bullshit from happening again...


See the world through a puff of smoke
Look closely at that breaking news headline in what you quoted, it says the FBI can't say for sure the emails weren't hacked, which automatically means they can't say for sure they were hacked either. I don't know, by having her Presidential run torpedoed by an unprecedented announcement that went against standard FBI protocol for something they were even sure if anything came of it, I would say she was held accountable. Maybe not to your satisfaction but hey, for what it's worth Trump probably won't see the jail time his known and provable crimes deserve either. As long as it keeps him from winning in 2024 the same way Hillary lost in 2016 I'm willing to say that's a fair trade.
When the FBI says not for sure, you bet it happend and she knew it.Why destroying devices if you have nothing to hide for the public?Doesn't make sense to me.
Don't agree with anything what Trump says, but under Obummer administration, we almost had WWIII, that changed under Trump, but with senile Biden it's going to the same direction, even worse than with Obummer.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When the FBI says not for sure, you bet it happend and she knew it.Why destroying devices if you have nothing to hide for the public?Doesn't make sense to me.
Don't agree with anything what Trump says, but under Obummer administration, we almost had WWIII, that changed under Trump, but with senile Biden it's going to the same direction, even worse than with Obummer.

When was that happening lmao? People see what they want to see regardless of what anyone else says or any facts found. Even if the FBI finds proof of Trump's crimes many will believe it's fake or planted. It's true millions of people here in the USA are just dumbasses with little to no education.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
When was that happening lmao? People see what they want to see regardless of what anyone else says or any facts found. Even if the FBI finds proof of Trump's crimes many will believe it's fake or planted. It's true millions of people here in the USA are just dumbasses with little to no education.
It was in 2014 or 2015. They set the nuclear armageddon clock to two minutes to midnight. I've never met an Obama supporter who was aware of any of this. They are always oblivious people who think that as long as he's black and as long as he's a democrat, there was no need to pay attention...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It was in 2014 or 2015. They set the nuclear armageddon clock to two minutes to midnight. I've never met an Obama supporter who was aware of any of this. They are always oblivious people who think that as long as he's black and as long as he's a democrat, there was no need to pay attention...

That's because none were Obummer supporters and you guys are dumbasses :D. Only an idiot would believe WWIII is a possibility without total world destruction. No nuke power will ever go to war with ea other unless prepared to end the world. You people are naive.
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