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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
guffaw then.

News-channel fishing for stories of unvaccinated dying from Covid-19 gets over 182,000 responses of Vaccine injuries and deaths instead… and the list is still growing

Now WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit, USA has added more fuel to the fire that should be burning because it is the truth, by asking their viewers on their Facebook Page to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to Covid-19 after they refused to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them.

We don’t know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but dthe post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication of this article, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story.

You have an odd sense of humor, and a more odd fixation on the news.
I take no joy in hearing of any one's misfortune, and have difficulty
understanding how anyone would.
I do not live in Detroit, nor do I concern myself with the local TV outlets..
Am left wondering why you would. Gee, a news station chasing news.
I do not watch TV any more, but the last I recall, they all do that.
Which is why I do not watch that stuff.
Never experienced facebook, and do not intend to any time soon.
The idea of being upset with the local news station is not something
I can relate to great deal. Am at a loss for words beyond that.
Pretty sure I am ready for a bong hit though.
Have a nice afternoon.


Active member
what's the point in gangstalking and trying to silence an opposing opinion?
whatever happened to 'diversity'???especially of opinion?
trying to shine a turd? lol

Opinion-The earth is flat.
Fact-The earth is round/oval.

Three main things that point out your posts are disinformation and are solely opinion based.

1. It's always a lone doctor who makes wild medical claims. Example. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and Dr. Stelle Grace. To this day no one has backed up their claims including themselves.
2. Nothing you cite is peer reviewed.
3. None of you posts with wild claims about covid have any footnotes.

You should really look into the "Scientific Method". It would really help you understand science and how it works


Active member
VAERS are reports, not conclusions, and nobody but the gullible predisposed see causation from mere reports without evidence. "i shit my pants on the way home after eating at Taco Hell. i got my first shot that morning, and i think the vaccine causes incontinence..."

Mex knows just what's he's doing. Hands down one of the most dishonest people on here. Just a few pages ago he had a post complaining how poor countries weren't getting the covid vaccines like the rich countries were. He sounded so concerned about the people not able to get the vaccine in those countries. Made a big deal about it .............................. ................... Yet all his posts are against getting the vaccine. Non stop double speak from him.


Well-known member
Embracing a virus does not seem like would be a path to victory in a culture war.


Well-known member
We don’t know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication of this article, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story.

Consider perhaps that a Facebook Page can be flooded with comments driven by an agenda. Over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments.... Something does not seem right.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Opposing opinions stating the same ole same. Both thinking indignantly that they are the only ones that are "right". lmao
Personally, I'm not going to suddenly change my mind, especially when the same ole msm rhetoric is being spewed, shrug.

For me... to answer the OP... NOPE... that's a big fat NO from this old gal.
NOT being c-19 vaxxed won't be one of my worst choices... of that I am certain. Youth has it's way of causing poor choices.
I am now edging into old(er) age and experience alone has taught me to not get on board w/ this particular non vaccine... but rather to trust myself and my ability to discern BS.

I'll not tread upon other persons choices as to how to manage their health.
Do not tread upon me and mine. thx.
Since this seems to refer to my post, I was not discussing an opinion. I am happy to debate opposing opinions.
What I was talking about was Trich posting an article that said Uttar Pradesh in India had reduced Covid to zero through the use of Ivermectin. The article made no reference to the fact that Uttar Pradesh is the most vaccinated place in India. In other words even if Ivermectin had an effect, you could not show this due to the very high Covid vaccination rate. This is easily verifyable and is not opinion. This area has been very transparent as to how they are handling the pandemic, and have been very proactive in vaccination.
Trich is turbo posting right wing propaganda.


See the world through a puff of smoke
This virus takes its own path and has become endemic.Delta will be taken over by the mu-variant in a matter of time.Its already in 40 countries.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
seems a cruel way to treat the anti-vaxxers:biggrin:



Well-known member
Embracing a virus does not seem like would be a path to victory in a culture war.

it would seem that there is a "race to the bottom" going on. first side there wins...sort of. anti-vaxxers remind me of the snake handling churches near here. they drink poison, drag timber rattlers out of boxes & pass them around to show their adherence to the biblical command about "taking up serpents" to show how strong their faith is. sometimes they get bitten & die...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor

seems like a waste of time for both sides...those who are vaxxed can't get unvaxxed...and citing the beltway pundit is not only laughable but certainly isn't going to sway anyone on the pro vax side...as i've said,no one seems to be switching sides
Last edited:


Active member
what's the point in gangstalking and trying to silence an opposing opinion?
whatever happened to 'diversity'???especially of opinion?
trying to shine a turd? lol

swing and a miss....

Safe & Effective? 54% of Hospitalized Ireland COVID-19 Patients Are Fully Vaccinated, 98% Received At Least One Dose

Time for another case study for the “safe and effective” experimental COVID-19 injections.
This round goes to Ireland.
The Emerald Isle is among Europe’s most COVID-19 vaccinated countries.
According to Our World in Data, Ireland reports these vaccination rates:
Trending: BREAKING: We Have The First Durham Indictment and It Has Ties To The Clintons!

-70.9% fully vaccinated
-74.9% at least partially vaccinated
If we compare vaccination rates across Europe, Ireland ranks #6.

Now, let’s compare Ireland’s COVID-19 cases/deaths in 2020 to 2021.
According to Worldometer:
Peak August 2020 Cases (No Injection) = 196 on August 15th, 2020
Peak August 2021 Cases (With Injection) = 2,050 on August 21st, 2020
Total August 2020 Deaths (No Injection) = 9
Total August 2021 Deaths (With Injection) = 57
Mainstream media could no longer hide the truth that the majority of COVID-19 patients are vaccinated individuals.
By the end of August, over 50% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Ireland were fully vaccinated.
Check it out:
Ireland: 54% of hospital patients with C19 are fully vaccinated. " At the end of August, 54% of C19 patients – or 168 patients – were fully vaccinated. Some 44% were not fully vaccinated, and in 2%, the vaccination status was unknown"https://t.co/ZDeOFYv7by

— Andrew Bostom, MD, MS (@andrewbostom) September 11, 2021
Health officials confirmed that the majority of Covid-19 cases in Irish hospitals are now vaccinated.https://t.co/4x93E1k4Pa
— Edinburgh Lothian & Borders Lockdown Sceptics (@BordersAgainst) September 14, 2021

If you are double jabbed and having a booster,you will probably end up in hospital.
54 percent of hospital patients in Ireland are fully vaccinatedhttps://t.co/4x93E1k4Pa
— Edinburgh Lothian & Borders Lockdown Sceptics (@BordersAgainst) September 14, 2021
Ireland: 54% of Hospital Patients With Covid Are Fully Vaccinated https://t.co/lJneX5wmOr
— 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐇 (@Smithoocoo) September 13, 2021
Ireland: End of Aug2021 Stats:

Total Hospitalised C19 patients: 311
Fully vaccinated (14 days post 2nd jab): 168 (54%)
Partially vaccinated (received 1 jab or 2nd jab < 14 days ago): 136 (44%)
Vax status unknown: 7 (2%)#VaxFail https://t.co/4feZgBIflC
CC: @CraigKellyMP
— 🎗⏳The Solitary Reaper🕉🍀🇮🇳🇦🇺#FreeAssangeNOW (@YonSolitary) September 12, 2021

Pay attention to that last tweet.
98% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients received at least one dose.
And they call this a “safe & effective” vaccine?

From The Irish Times:
About half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital and in intensive care are fully vaccinated against the disease, new figures show.
One-sixth of deaths of people with the virus since April have been categorised as breakthrough infections of fully vaccinated patients, according to Health Service Executive data.
More than one-quarter of ICU admissions since July were also breakthrough infections of fully vaccinated people.
The proportion of vaccinated people requiring treatment in hospital has been increasing over recent months, as the number of vaccinated people in the wider population has risen.
Vaccination has drastically reduced the overall number of infections and reduced the severity of infections where they occur. However, the number of breakthrough infections has increased as the population of vaccinated people has grown.
At the end of August, 54 per cent of Covid-19 patients – or 168 patients – were fully vaccinated. Some 44 per cent were not fully vaccinated, and in 2 per cent of cases, the vaccination status was unknown.
While the mainstream media had to admit hospitals are filling up with vaccinated patients, this piece still has falsehoods.

After comparing August 2020 & August 2021 (peak summer), the total number and severity of infections has not decreased.
In fact, 2021 is far worse than 2020.
Ireland’s peak outbreak was January 2021.
If August 2021 is any indicator, January 2022 will be a disaster.

And that’s not including potential boosters.

Previous studies indicated the experimental jabs weaken your natural immune system by destroying T cells.
Pfizer vaccine destroys T cells, weakens the immune system – study – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD https://t.co/FGk9gzEG7f
— Mel Sabek (@manyhopes) August 31, 2021
https://t.co/4E9vfXZTos. Yet these studies get ignored and the solution let's give you some more 💉💉☠️☠️☠️
— Jen (@Jen70717630) September 12, 2021
With a large percentage of the population now having a weakened immune system, this could be a dark winter humanity has never witnessed before.
That includes Ireland and other highly vaccinated countries.

Cut and paste all you want. I'm just calling bullshit bullshit. You haven't a clue


Well-known member
Mex knows just what's he's doing. Hands down one of the most dishonest people on here. Just a few pages ago he had a post complaining how poor countries weren't getting the covid vaccines like the rich countries were. He sounded so concerned about the people not able to get the vaccine in those countries. Made a big deal about it .............................. ................... Yet all his posts are against getting the vaccine. Non stop double speak from him.

Well majority of the people in the world are going to need the vaccine to kill off COVID-19, of course that's probably if the vaccine actually worked, which it does not. The FDA voted overwhelmingly against booster shots, if it was perfectly safe they would have had no reason to vote against it. People have died from the vaccine that could still be alive, well and Covid free if they just social distanced.

Without a world wide "effective" vaccine Covid-19 is here to stay. We can get a vaccine for every variant, but a new variant will come out of Kazakhstan or Guatamala that will fuck everything up, requiring yet another experimental booster vaccine.

I personally believe you are better off eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise, as well as not drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and meth. Can't beat Covid-19 if you're obese and weak. But what do I know? I'm not a scientist, just an asshole who isn't the least bit scared of COVID-19, cause I'm not old and I'm much stronger than most men and I will snap if you ask to see my papers. :biggrin: That plus I might have already had it, I definitely got sick just no fever.


Well-known member
Since this seems to refer to my post, I was not discussing an opinion. I am happy to debate opposing opinions.
What I was talking about was Trich posting an article that said Uttar Pradesh in India had reduced Covid to zero through the use of Ivermectin. The article made no reference to the fact that Uttar Pradesh is the most vaccinated place in India. In other words even if Ivermectin had an effect, you could not show this due to the very high Covid vaccination rate. This is easily verifyable and is not opinion. This area has been very transparent as to how they are handling the pandemic, and have been very proactive in vaccination.
Trich is turbo posting right wing propaganda.

My post simply followed yours and was not in any way shape or form, directed towards you personally.
Just a general comment based on reading so many threads containing the same opinions from the same folks is all.

When/ if I am responding to a particular post or speaking directly to a certain member, I will use either the "Quote" function
or the "@" (mention) function so there is no confusion as to who I am addressing.
Any other comments made by imi in ye olde speakers corner; are personal opinions of a general nature (unless ^^
or otherwise stated).


Well-known member
This virus takes its own path and has become endemic.Delta will be taken over by the mu-variant in a matter of time.Its already in 40 countries.
There are 195 countries on the planet, and the virus has visited each and every one of them.

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