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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member

As usual you didn't even read the study. Don't worry. I did. The study makes no claim like the headline you posted.

We identified the B.1.1.7 variant in 85% of cases, similar to its prevalence in the community.1,16 This finding is in line with reports from California, New York, and Massachusetts23-25 showing that the distribution of variants of concern in breakthrough infections was similar to that in the general unvaccinated population. These findings suggest that breakthrough isolates do not reflect selection pressure toward particular immunity-evading variants. In contrast, reports in which certain variants of concern were more prevalent in breakthrough infections have been published as well.8,16,26 Our study was not designed to address this question regarding variants of concern in breakthrough infections.
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See the world through a puff of smoke
As usual you didn't even read the study. Don't worry. I did. The study makes no claim like the headline you posted.

We identified the B.1.1.7 variant in 85% of cases, similar to its prevalence in the community.1,16 This finding is in line with reports from California, New York, and Massachusetts23-25 showing that the distribution of variants of concern in breakthrough infections was similar to that in the general unvaccinated population. These findings suggest that breakthrough isolates do not reflect selection pressure toward particular immunity-evading variants. In contrast, reports in which certain variants of concern were more prevalent in breakthrough infections have been published as well.8,16,26 Our study was not designed to address this question regarding variants of concern in breakthrough infections.
As usual you picked the wrong study.That was a study from October last year.Here you go

Actually this already shows what's happening in daily life.The fully vaccinated or with booster are longer sick or ends up & die in the hospital than those unvaccinated.


Active member
As usual you picked the wrong study.That was a study from October last year.Here you go

Actually this already shows what's happening in daily life.The fully vaccinated or with booster are longer sick or ends up & die in the hospital than those unvaccinated. View attachment 18739871

The study you posted still doesn't make the claim you said it did. Nor does the study you just posted have that graph. Next time you make a claim post the study so people don't have to search it up. I get a sense reading is just to hard for some. Instead they get their "news" from a meme.

You should read the studies you post rather then getting your info from a third source.

In this longitudinal cohort of participants, most of whom had symptomatic, nonsevere Covid-19 infection, the viral decay kinetics were similar with omicron infection and delta infection. Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.


Well-known member
first off, fuck MIT for spawning Moderna and aiding and abetting this dystopia ... except for a couple of courageous researchers - Stephanie Seneff (senior researcher in AI - my old job) and Kevin McKernan, who understands PCR and has published the cannabis and psilocybin genome libraries - thank-you my dudes.

today's topic brings me once again to the trigger to my anti-vax stance - codon sequence optimization. interesting article (Nov 2021) from Kevin et. al.

from the Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease

from the conclusion:

Finally, the pharmacokinetics of injection are different than infection. 60ug-200ug of Spike mRNA equates to 26 Trillion to 80 Trillion mRNA molecules injected in a few seconds. The pharmacokinetics of this bolus injection differs from that of viral replication that occurs over the course of a few days. If each of these mRNAs can produce 10-100 spike proteins and you have 30-40 Trillion cells, there may be a far greater systemic quantity and a much longer duration of spike protein exposure through the vaccination route than natural infection. Boosters given more frequently than a year will lead to total body accumulation of spike protein and further heighten the risk of disease in organs such as the brain, heart, bone marrow, and immune cells and tissues. This false equivalency may lead to an under appreciation of the symptomatology of vaccine based adverse events.

More than 20 months into this pandemic and we have millions of SARs-CoV-2 genomes sequenced. Lot to lot sequencing of the vaccines is non-existent. To this date, no raw reads for these vaccines exist in NCBI despite over a billion liability-free vaccinations. To fully understand RNA synthesis substitution errors, fragmentation errors or strandedness errors in the mRNA synthesis process, robust lot to lot sequencing should be performed and published. Given these mRNAs are prodrugs which code for a desired protein, where is the evidence that the conversion of this prodrug into a drug is of high fidelity? This seems to have been assumed as opposed to documented. This work suggests this assumption should be questioned. Public and transparent quality control of these often-mandated injections are required. This should include sequence verification and quality control of the various lots and evidence of the proteins these mRNA express in patients.

there is a whole lot more in the article that interested me - mainly about the RNA fidelity of the spike in the jab vs the viral spike, misreading the RNA and thus producing just some random protein, and even a mention of cobra venom.

and now i hear the next HHS budget has funding for Mandatory Adult Vaccination Schedule.

wtf? i do not consent. i will not obey.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I wonder why they didn't want a control group? It's almost like they were intentionally trying to poison the whole human race. But there's no such thing as 'biowarfare' or 'bioterrorism,' right?


See the world through a puff of smoke
The study you posted still doesn't make the claim you said it did. Nor does the study you just posted have that graph. Next time you make a claim post the study so people don't have to search it up. I get a sense reading is just to hard for some. Instead they get their "news" from a meme.

You should read the studies you post rather then getting your info from a third source.

In this longitudinal cohort of participants, most of whom had symptomatic, nonsevere Covid-19 infection, the viral decay kinetics were similar with omicron infection and delta infection. Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.
You should take a look to the graph in the paper.The title in the pic isn't lying.



Well-known member
one of the four problems i had initially with the covid19 jab rollout was having to do with manufacturing the juice. this is from Steve Kirsch's Newsletter

Dr Yeadon recently discussed the unlikely possibility that they'd be able to manufacture billion of doses in a consistent manner, and even know what the real contents are of what's manufactured, given the short time periods involved. Maybe this explains the puzzling results of your experiment with the vial contents. This is a brand new interview so Yeadon's points have not been circulated yet (Source: https://gettr.com/streaming/p1jqaup318b Skip to the end of this transcript to see where Dr. Yeadon gets to the main conclusion).


Matt Le Tissier: "Is it possible to produce that many doses of a new vaccine in the time period after it was given approval at the start of the new roll out? Or do you think millions of doses of the vaccines were produced prior to approval?"


Mike Yeadon:

"It's a simple straightforward question and I regret that the answer is simple and straightforward, and it's - no - it's not possible, it's not possible, but it's worse than that. It's worse than that because just producing the number of filled glass vials - they have a robot - [audio unclear - TCAM?] - a robot that dispenses fixed amounts of liquid from a big vessel into a little vessel on a production line. It would take - I'm not sure you could actually make, fill, and pack all of those doses in the time available. It's kind of worse than that. You can't just go from approval, 'thumbs up OK let's start the pump going.' You need to do what's called a manufacturing R&D. So not having decided what to make, then making it, then testing it in [audio unclear - tox?] and clinic. Then you actually have to research how to make it on scale. Clinical trial they just made a couple of wine bottles of it, and now they need to make an olympic swimming pool's worth. I can assure you, I don't think there are any cases in history, where the method used to make the research and clinical quantities, is the same method you used for commercial manufacturing. It's always different, and the reason is, it'll be too expensive. Often, drugs that are in early clinical trials are literally worth more than gold, if you look at a price per ounce of what gold is worth and what early drugs are worth. And they don't worry about it because they are only making a kilogram initially, just enough to dose some rats, and if it's OK then maybe dose 50 people or something like that. When you get to launch, if you got a drug that might be successful, you're going to need billions of doses. Well, you can't make billions of doses in the way you made an experimental quantity. And so you do things like, if it's a small molecule, you do something like root optimization - how can we make this most efficiently. With a complex biological product, you also have to research, what are the ways in which we can make this so that the final product is reproducibly the same stuff, plus-minus a tiny bit. It has to be really really tight. If you don't do that, and I've spoken recently to someone who's as experienced in that field, as I am in the research field, a guy called Doctor Hedley Rees, 35 years in manufacturing R&D and the regulatory side. He said the whole thing is so laughable, he said it would have taken between one and two years to gain demonstrable control of the steps required for manufacturing. Two years to get the steps for manufacturing. Then you might start manufacturing. Then you have to do testing. So he says I have no idea what's in the bottles, but it's not what they told you. It cannot be. Not for enough time. It's a long answer but a very important one. It means, people are being jabbed with any old stuff, even the people giving it to you, have no idea what's in the bottle.

*Twitter of Hedley Rees: https://twitter.com/hedleyrees

turns out from analyzing some vials of jab juice the lipid nanoparticles are not carrying detectible amounts of mRNA - unknown what might actually be in the LNP carriers - the test was only looking for mRNA residue. lots of speculation that i have not chased down ... yet.


Well-known member
from today's M.e.r.c.o.l.a article drop - a discussion with M a l o n e

Pseudouridine-Enhanced RNA Can Cause Immunosuppression​

In the interview, Malone delves into some of the mRNA jab quality control problems that have arisen, and whether or not the addition of pseudouridine actually reduces the inflammatory reaction associated with mRNA gene therapy as claimed.

As explained earlier, Karikó — a former Hungarian spy — had sought Malone's help, and he told her about the problems with the RNA he was finding. Karikó and Weissman — a post-doc of Dr. Anthony Fauci — then went on to experiment with the addition of pseudouridine, which we now know influences things like RNA stability, folding, processing and splicing. It's highly regulated, but that wasn't known at the time.

What was known was that if RNAs include pseudouridine, they will last much longer and be far less inflammatory. Basically, immune responses against cells that have pseudouridine-modified mRNA in them are suppressed. On the basis of that, Karikó and Weissman incorporated pseudouridine throughout the entire mRNA molecule, which were synthesized using the methods Malone developed, and then purified.

When this product was injected, they got a better adaptive immune response and less inflammatory response. This is the science that the COVID shots are based on. However, recent investigations, using needle biopsies, have shown RNA persists in axillar lymph nodes for at least 60 days. They didn't test any longer than that, so it could be far longer. The levels of spike protein produced was also found to be far higher than expected and lasted for at least 60 days.

"So, what we now know is that pseudouridinee can cause RNA to behave in ways that are absolutely not like natural RNA, as I had originally proposed," Malone says. "The RNA is typically degraded within a couple of hours, so if people were to have adverse events, the inciting molecule would be gone and physicians could elect not to readminister it.
But in the current formulation with the pseudouridine incorporated throughout the entire backbone of the RNA, which is something that never happens in a natural situation, they do suppress the acute inflammatory response, but they also seem to suppress overall adaptive immune responses or immune function.
This may be something that's contributing to the immunosuppression that's observed after dosing with these products. That's unresolved, but there's no question that adverse event exists, that nonspecific immunosuppression.
So, we have now ... lots of evidence that the discovery of Karikó and Weissman had negative aspects to it, which were not well characterized by Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, et cetera."
Malone also reviews other ingredients and quality control issues that can contribute to a "hot," or more lethal batch, so to learn more, be sure to listen to the interview in its entirety. For example, he reviews the problem of aggregation, the toxicity of PEG, and how fatigue may be related to the fact that spike protein is not merely attached to cell surfaces but actually poison the mitochondria.

He also admits there may be some truth to claims that graphene oxide is being used, although he still hasn't seen any conclusive proof. "Initially, I thought that was crazy talk, but the unwillingness of the pharmaceutical companies to disclose their ingredients, which is just mind boggling — that's completely contrary to anything I've ever encountered in any teaching I've ever had about regulated products — so, there's something amiss here. There's no question," he says.

Upcoming Fall Trivalent Jab Will Likely Be More Dangerous​

The FDA recently approved a new trivalent COVID jab for fall 2022, which won't be going through any additional testing, even though it will be a brand-new composition to cover some of the newer strains. I fear this will radically increase side effects, as does Malone.

"The trivalent story goes back to the logic of influenza vaccines ... Reasoning by analogy, apparently, the FDA and the CDC have now concurred that a similar strategy shall be taken for these unlicensed experimental use authorized products that have produced an adverse event signal like no vaccine in history — which they deny — and are clearly not stopping infection replication and spread of the viruses.
What they've decided is they're going to now use the flu model, which will enable them to continue the manufacturing process, which, as we've just discussed, is poorly characterized, not really adequately provided with oversight, and [has poor] lot consistency.
We know from the 'How Bad Is My Batch' analysis, the lot consistency is horrid. But that's all apparently OK. And, one antigen is good so let's go to three. The problem is multifaceted.
Typically, when you do this, you maintain approximately the same dose of each antigen, so that would be, in the case of Pfizer, we're going to go from 50 to 150 micrograms of RNA in a jab. Let's hope they don't do that. But even if they only double the dose, then we know that the adverse events are going to go up considerably."

'Mass Psychosis at Its Worst'​

Malone also questions the underlying thesis and science of this endeavor. The idea is that by continuing to administer the Wuhan-1 spike and adding BA.4 and BA.5, which evolved to evade antibodies to the Wuhan-1 strain, they're ignoring the peer reviewed literature, which is extensive, showing that immune imprinting (aka "antigenic sin") is occurring.

In fact, immune imprinting is part of why flu shots have such poor efficacy. In a nutshell, if you had COVID, or got the jab, your immune system is biased toward the original Wuhan strain, to the exclusion of others. Omicron and later variants have evolved to exploit that bias, which is why jabbed individuals are now getting sick with COVID more often than the unjabbed, and suffer repeated reinfections.

"We have created a situation in which they have to keep getting vaccinated, I guess. That's the logic being promoted by the CDC. We have to keep vaccinating them at frequent intervals because the vaccination is damaging their ability to control infection of these escape [strains].
And now the CDC and the FDA have signed off on the idea of a trivalent vaccine that I couldn't have imagined a better design if I wanted to, to drive this immune imprinting phenomena and make people less able to resist Omicron infection, because it includes Wuhan-1 plus two Omicron strains.
It is exactly the opposite of what's needed. It is Geert Vanden Bossche's worst nightmare, and they are doing it blindly without even bothering to read the peer reviewed literature that describes this. This is insanity. It is mass psychosis at its worst," Malone says.
"There is a lot of very deep, complex immunology associated with what we've been doing to people all over the world, and it involves every single facet of this product, the lipids themselves, the formulations, the structure of the RNA and the payload that's being expressed.
Each of them is associated with their own profile of adverse events. That is clearly seen in the early Moderna data ... In the Phase 1 data of their influenza vaccine product using the same tech, at the 100-mcg dose, 80% of the subjects had Grade 2 or Grade 3 adverse events. That's the formulations and the same RNA chemistry but no spike protein. That shows it's not just the spike [that causes adverse events].
This has got to go down in history as one of the most profound failures of regulatory science in the 20th and 21st century, and the craven cowardice of the FDA regulatory authority to address this has, I think, all over the world, led to a recognition that the FDA has been captured by the pharmaceutical industry.
It is profoundly corrupt and has to be completely rebuilt. The damage that's been done to the reputation of the American regulatory process, globally, is profound. As I had suggested, almost two years ago, if they continue on this path they are going to destroy the entire regulatory process, as well as any faith that anyone ever had in the vaccine enterprise. And here we are ...
If there's a silver lining here, I think it's that, for many of us, including myself, who had bought into the system, the experience is so powerful that it is opening eyes everywhere. I'm now completely in the same camp as Bobby Kennedy, in that I believe the entire vaccine enterprise needs to be revisited, and it's unequivocal.
We do not have the data to support the safety and efficacy of the current pediatric vaccine schedule, and all of the components of the pediatric vaccine schedule need to be reassessed for risk benefit ratio. Both as individual products and as combined products."

fuck vaccines. here is the video interview link: The Lies My Government Told Me

There are forces at play here that this whole public health thing is just a facade, a ruse. I'm completely convinced the reason why so many of these policies make no sense from a public health standpoint is they're not about public health ...
The evidence that a lot of this is being manipulated, hence the fear porn, is overwhelming in my opinion, and I cannot reconcile the abundant examples of public health mismanagement and misalignment between the need and the policies unless I account for the underlying financial agendas, geopolitical power agendas that are in play right now.


Well-known member
according to the ethical skeptic - who is pro-vaxx, so i take his ramblings with skepticism, of course - the first tested emergence of covid goes back to march 2018, and the wuhan market emergence/reveal was probably the 3rd or 4th wave in china.

and, about the white tail deer being 80% covid infected? - turns out there was biosludge applied to the corn crop.

so, not a scandemic - more like a shitdemic.


Well-known member
MERICA baby we stay #1

3400 deaths in a week, meanwhile Cuba hasn't had a single covid death in 13 weeks and counting.



Well-known member
The obese point again lol. Same arguments round and round we go.

US obesity rate = 36%
Cuba obesity rate = 24%
Global obesity rate = 40%

How about New Zealand with a 30% obesity rate (roughly the same as the US) and they're virtually covid free? It's almost like the countermeasures against covid actually work or something.

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