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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I didn't realize that only vaccinated people were spreading COVID.

Science is simultaneously denied and used as fact by the same people here.

Conjecture and conspiracy abound, while the general vibe is to deny science.

If you want to avoid being sheep make sure you aren't creating them.

I was curious how long it would take for the vaccinated to be the enemy of the people.

I think I will watch from afar.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
They still haven't isolated the virus, only some debris which wasn't flu either.Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure is a big problem and a COVID pcr test shows something, but that's only debris.How it is produced will give you certainly a positive test lol

Fauci said something about the jab.The guy on the left is a fact checker from FB.

I was not aware one could do genome sequencing without isolation. Well I'll be!

I did post the entire sequencing map of Sars2 in 2020


Well-known member
what you posted, what anybody has, is the computer stitched together sequence. nobody has run a full length SARS-CoV-2019 RNA thru a nanopore sequencer. it is created in silico from millions of fragments. perhaps it is correct. it used to be the sun went around the earth - well, in a relativistically way, i can see that viewpoint, but it is more nuanced than that.

and from the "probably safe, likely effective" case file:

Exceedingly Effective At Unsafe: 1 In 5,000 DEATHVAX™ Servings As Per German Government Result In Serious Side Effects​

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Another day, another story on the true nature of the DEATHVAX™ and the toll that this eugenics slow kill bioweapon is wreaking on humanity.
Twitter avatar for @beverleyturner Bev Turner 🌸 @beverleyturner
This is bad. That's 1 SERIOUS event in every 5000 DOSES!! From the German Ministry of Health. And as @ClareCraigPath says, this is the tip of the iceberg... Every mp popping up on every channel needs to asked about these figures.
Dr Clare Craig (not one of her impersonators) @ClareCraigPath
BREAKING The dam is starting to crack. German Ministry of Health admits that vaccines cause serious side effects in 1 in 5,000. https://t.co/W7c9UJBvQj

July 20th 2022
259 Retweets629 Likes

Those are the “serious” side effects that to date have been correlated to the DEATHVAX™. But if one were to factor in the Underreporting Factor (URF), there are far greater serious and milder adverse events unreported, not to mention soaring all-cause mortality as per life insurance companies’ reporting that for now are officially uncorrelated to these deadly injections, more at covered up by BigPharma, WHO, and the governments aiding and abetting these One World Government agencies.
Do NOT comply.

it's like injecting a street drug - same level of quality control.


Well-known member
hahahahhahhahaa keep right getting the poison shots and you can have mine and my whole families you can even have all 15 boosters . fucking sheeple


Well-known member
just a note about my comments - i could be much more precise, but i prefer to paint with broad outlines, and it wouldn't make any difference to the true believers, and would take far too much of my time. i synthesize what i read into my general understanding which is sufficient for my needs - to keep myself safe from the predators.

a while back i wrote a 3 page rant about my informed not consent to the jab and i keep finding more peer reviewed studies that back up my initial negative impressions - particularly about codon sequence optimization of the jab spike protein, which absofuckinglutely guarantees that the jab is not the same as the virus - whatever that actual sequence might actually be. and other reports of no quality control on the jab juice coming out of the vat - not required, not done. after all why should they mess with "success".

i think i said early on to buy moderna stock. probably performing better than bitcoin.


Well-known member
I didn't realize that only vaccinated people were spreading COVID.
i think this was directed at my comment, but what i said was
fully vaxxed people (which means 4 jabs in USA) have as high a viral load (for transmission) as anybody with the infection.

and by "anybody" i meant vaxxed and unvaxxed. so, everybody is spreading the infection - this can not be changed except by death - tag it, bag it, and drop it in a hole.

if this wasn't directed at me, then, please forgive my outburst.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wouldn't daily testing be more useful since the vaxx does not stop infection or transmission - you are not protecting your clients by just getting jabbed every 3 months. are you? fully vaxxed people (which means 4 jabs in USA) have as high a viral load (for transmission) as anybody with the infection.
My understanding is that yes you can still get covid while vaxxed, but that your chances are reduced. Your chances of getting very ill, ending up in hospital or dying are also greatly reduced. I am still taking other precautions such as wearing p2 mask in public as well. I get tested frequently but haven't resorted to daily testing. I couldn't easily afford.


See the world through a puff of smoke
I think both testing and vaccination would be best.

Are you under the impression that fully vaccinated individuals are spreading the virus?
More likely they spread something, whatever it is.What we now have is an artificial pandemic, created by the full vaccination process, which continue to create new variants.They still use the computer sequence of the 2019 variant in the jab, no adaptation occurred for the variants.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
what you posted, what anybody has, is the computer stitched together sequence. nobody has run a full length SARS-CoV-2019 RNA thru a nanopore sequencer. it is created in silico from millions of fragments. perhaps it is correct. it used to be the sun went around the earth - well, in a relativistically way, i can see that viewpoint, but it is more nuanced than that.

and from the "probably safe, likely effective" case file:

it's like injecting a street drug - same level of quality control.
It is possible we have differing perceptions of 'isolation'

"We describe here the successful isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples in India using Vero CCL-81 cells by observing cytopathic effects (CPEs) and cycle threshold (Ct) values in real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), electron microscopy and next-generation sequencing (NGS).

The first three SARS-CoV-2 cases were reported from Kerala during January 27-31, 2020. Later during March 2020, cases were also reported from a group of Italian tourists (n=15) and their contacts in New Delhi, India. Simultaneously, cases were reported in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, which was the outcome of close contact of an infected Delhi-based individual who returned from Italy. The designated COVID-19 testing laboratories of Virus Research Diagnostic Laboratory network (All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; Sawai Man Singh Medical College, Jaipur; and King George's Medical University, Lucknow) referred the specimens (throat swab/nasal swab, oropharyngeal swab/sputum) to the Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology (ICMR-NIV), Pune, after screening for envelope (E) gene by real-time RT-PCR was done6. A total of 12 SARS-CoV-2 positive specimens having a Ct <30 for the E gene were included in the study. Of these, eight samples were from positive cases of Italian tourists and their contacts in New Delhi. The rest of the specimens were from four positive cases at Agra, Uttar Pradesh, and the close contact cases of an infected Delhi-based individual who returned from Italy.

The clinical specimens of the 12 cases were used for infecting Vero CCL-81 which was maintained in Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM; Gibco, UK) supplemented with 10 per cent foetal bovine serum (FBS) (HiMedia, Mumbai), penicillin (100 U/ml) and streptomycin (100 mg/ml). Likewise, 100 μl was inoculated onto 24-well cell culture monolayers of Vero CCL-81, before growth medium was decanted. The cells were incubated for one hour at 37°C to allow virus adsorption, with rocking every 10 min for uniform virus distribution. After the incubation, the inoculum specimen was removed and the cells were washed with 1X phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The MEM supplemented with two per cent FBS was added to each well. The cultures were incubated further in five per cent CO2 incubator at 37°C and observed daily for CPEs under an inverted microscope (Nikon, Eclipse Ti, Japan). Cellular morphological changes were recorded using a camera (Nikon, Japan). From each well of cell culture plate, on the third post-infection day (PID-3) of passage-1 (P-1), 50 μl of supernatant was taken and tested for SARS-CoV-2 using real-time RT-PCR for E and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) (2) genes as described earlier7,8. Similar testing was repeated on the cell supernatant of passage-2(P-2) at PID-4 for observing viral copy number. Cultures that showed CPE on PID-4 were centrifuged at 4815 × g for 10 min at 4°C; the supernatants were processed immediately or stored at −86°C. Further, those that showed CPE were grown in T-25 cm2 flasks at P-2 and titration was done after serial dilution. Tissue culture infective dose 50 per cent (TCID50) values were calculated by the Reed and Muench method9. CPEs were observed in 9 of 12 cultures in the P-1. The TCID50 values ranged from 105.5 to 106.4/ml for the different clinical specimens passaged in Vero CCL-81 at P-2. The cells were examined microscopically for cellular morphological changes following inoculation.

Vero CCL-81 cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 strain NIV-2020-770 and uninfected cells (CC) were transferred onto microcavity slides and fixed with acetone. Serum samples (1:25 dilution) from the confirmed COVID-19 cases (POD nCOV-S11, nCOV-S13 and nCOV-S7) and negative serum samples were added followed by incubation at 37°C for 1.5 h10. Antibody reactivity was visualized using anti-human immunoglobulin fluorescein-isothiocynate. In immunofluorescence assay of COVID-19 positive patients, three serum samples exhibited specific reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 virus isolate (Fig. 1).

Vero CCL-81 cells that were inoculated with the samples showed evidence of cell rounding and detachment from 9 of 12 clinical samples in P-1 at PID-4. Syncytial cells formed large cell masses that increased in size and number as the infection progressed. Enhanced CPE was noted in P-2 at PID-2. The cells were detached from the tissue culture plate surfaces by PID-3. Similar cellular morphological changes were observed after passaging of the above nine samples up to P-2. No cellular changes were observed in the cell control during both passages. Figure 2 depicts the day-wise changes during the passage of a representative clinical isolate (NIV-2020-770). Virus replication was confirmed using real-time RT-PCR with RNA extracted from the cell culture medium on PID-3. The Ct values ranged from 9.79 to 15.41 (in Vero CCL-81 cells) for the isolates at P-2, which were lower than the Ct values of 16-25.1 in the clinical samples (Table I). The number of virus copies in the isolates at P-1 in Vero CCL-81 cells ranged from 5.18×107 to 8.12×108 copy/ml and increased 1-26 fold to a range of 1.69×108 to 6.77×109 in the cell culture supernatants at P-2 (Table I).

On PID-4, enhanced CPE was observed. The P-1 material was reinoculated in a new batch of cells, and it showed progressive enhancement of CPE as observed day-wise. Further, an aliquot of cell culture supernatant was harvested from infected Vero CCL-81 showing CPE and the supernatant used for negative staining as described elsewhere11,12. Distinct CoV particles with an average size of 95±10 nm having a distinct envelope fringe could be detected in the fields scanned (Fig. 3), as observed earlier13.

After the first isolation of the virus in the human airway epithelial cells reported by China5, countries such as Australia18, Korea19, Germany20 and the USA21 have also isolated the SARS-CoV-2 strain. In India, initial attempts to isolate the virus from the first three cases did not succeed due to low titres in the clinical specimens. This is the first successful virus isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in the Vero CCL-81 cells in India from nasal and throat swabs of persons with a travel history from Italy and their contacts. Isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples will be helpful to address key questions of correlating the differential cell line susceptibility and viral replication efficiency, especially important for clinical samples with low viral titres...................
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7366528/ "

Genome sequencing; Nanospore sequencing is one method of several. My limited understanding is that it has some advantages as well as some weaknesses, similar to other methods; Sanger, illumina, etc.
The Metagenomic RNA sequencing used for SARS2 genome sequencing is widely accepted and used, however also has weaknesses.

I am definitely out of my depth in this realm, however it seems incorrect to state the virus has yet to be isolated and mapped in accordance with common laboratory protocol.


Well-known member
@Volcanna - thanks for that abstract ... i like this bit:

limiting the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetaminophen to maintain deep body temperature

for the last 40 years of doing serious aerobics (30 minutes at max theoretical heart rate 5 days a week) - i have (wanted to) believe that my full body sweat, from the body core out to the skin, kills viruses. or, to be more precise, activates the immune system to recognize and eliminate the viral RNA. also purges toxins, from my experience. anecdotal though it be. also pumps up the mitochondria by oxygenating the cells - more energy.


Well-known member
It is possible we have differing perceptions of 'isolation'

"We describe here the successful isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples in India using Vero CCL-81 cells by observing cytopathic effects (CPEs) and cycle threshold (Ct) values in real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), electron microscopy and next-generation sequencing (NGS).
yes, we do have a different definition of "isolation" - you are using the virologist definition. however when they say " using Vero CCL-81 cells by observing cytopathic effects (CPEs) ", that is not a separation of the virion from everything else, what i would call isolation - Vero cells are monkey kidney cells. and cytopathic effects refers to shooting the monkey cells with antibiotics and starving the cells so it breaks down. all this makes my engineering-mind go into critical questioning mode. i don't have the lab experience to really get the details, so i read studies from those that do.

have they characterized/isolated/sequenced all the cellular debris they are bringing into the test? the answer is no, since everyone does it this way.

have they done a control study, where they run all the same procedure but without putting the virion into the stew? the answer is no, cause nobody does that. except one guy that got all the same results but using yeast cells instead of virion.
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Well-known member
"probably safe" how can this be, when the spike protein is the most toxic protein ever discovered. and trillions of spikes are manufactured in the body from the injection for god knows how long (he's not talking) but perhaps for 30 days.

"likely effective" another lie since vaxxed are still getting infected, though not dying from covid which is a very, very bad flu, so the IFR (infection fatality rate) statistics are pretty meaningless. influenza is the old man's friend. or the unhealthy's nemesis.
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Active member
@Volcanna - thanks for that abstract ... i like this bit:

for the last 40 years of doing serious aerobics (30 minutes at max theoretical heart rate 5 days a week) - i have (wanted to) believe that my full body sweat, from the body core out to the skin, kills viruses. or, to be more precise, activates the immune system to recognize and eliminate the viral RNA. also purges toxins, from my experience. anecdotal though it be. also pumps up the mitochondria by oxygenating the cells - more energy.
damn, you must be shredded. That’s a pretty awesome thought! I wonder what the max body temp you can achieve without a fever. Even a degree should kill off some budding viruses. It’s pretty funny you are arguing in here about health with a bunch of fat communists And they think you are dumb.


Well-known member
@Volcanna - working on adding some muscle - have avoided after deciding i didn't want to carry the weight or increase the calories to support it. started at age 65, and now i have muscles (that only i can see).


Active member
That’s amazing. Way to go man. I was in daily pain before I got super fit. It makes a lot of sense diet and exercise people are aligned against big pharma because you realize no one can help you but you.