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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Because I understand simple maths.

How about this. 62.8 % of Alabamans got vaccinated (at least one dose). 37.2% did not get vaccinated at all. There's 100% for you.
Some of those Alabamans went on to get a second and third dose, hence the other percentages. But they are again measurement of the entire population (100%) so you do not add them to the initial 62.8.. Not sure I can explain any simpler.
Seems like a pretty high vaccination rate when you put it that way. Doesn't it?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Not really, as you need 2 doses to be classed as fully vaccinated. Compared to where I am we have 85% fully vaccinated (2 doses). I'm about to get my fourth dose later this week.
Are you planning to get them for the rest of your life if they are still on the market?

moose eater

Well-known member
I also plan to continue breathing (pain in the ass, really; perpetual chores) eating (requires cooking &/or spending money; more chores), wiping my ass (dangerous in limited ways, potentially messy, and takes too much time), walking the dogs (requires energy, which means more food prep and purchases, which means more work), washing dishes and laundry (see listed down-sides above, and... getting routine vaccinations that may help to keep me in less distress and alive a bit longer.

Some how, out of the tens of thousands of physicians, virologists, medical science researchers, and more generic professional healthcare workers advocating for the vaccine, (pitted aginast the murmuring YouTube-posting, whack-a-doodle and/or plain old disgruntled and maladjusted wanna-be 'scientists' with a bit too much paranoia and insufficinet Thorazine happening for my own tastes, I think I'll err on the side of those with the greatest amount of education and experience in these things.

But that might just be me..
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See the world through a puff of smoke
here's some more correlation for you

26 out of 30 states with the lowest booster vaccination rates have a majority of the highest deaths per 100,000. majority of which are republican states where they have routinely spread lies and misinformation about covid from the beginning. just a coincidence i'm sure because as we all know, it's the vaccine that's killing people and not covid lolllll. just ask hempy, he posts anytime someone dies and attributes it to the vaccine.

View attachment 18735216
They still haven't isolated the virus, only some debris which wasn't flu either.Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure is a big problem and a COVID pcr test shows something, but that's only debris.How it is produced will give you certainly a positive test lol

Fauci said something about the jab.The guy on the left is a fact checker from FB.



Well-known member
But that might just be me..
You are not alone. My wife and I are working on getting our "three score and ten" years to keep it Biblical. Got the second booster a couple Mondays ago. I promise to let everyone know when I die suddenly.

Psalm 90:10

King James Version

10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

I'm saving Israel for last.


Active member
No they're not.
It won't equal 100%. No idea why mcnoodle added them together, or why you think 3 separate measures should add to 100?

62.8% of the Alabama population (100%) got one dose.
51.2% went on to get the second dose, again that is a percentage of the Alabama population (100%).
Only 18.4 % of the total Alabama population (100%) got the third dose.
That’s exactly what I said.


Well-known member
I get the normal flu shot every year, so yeah, if I need to. I work with some very vulnerable people, some of whom would at very high risk of dying from covid, so it's about others as much as me.
wouldn't daily testing be more useful since the vaxx does not stop infection or transmission - you are not protecting your clients by just getting jabbed every 3 months. are you? fully vaxxed people (which means 4 jabs in USA) have as high a viral load (for transmission) as anybody with the infection.


Well-known member

It kills viruses.
it can't kill something that is not alive ... a virus is just a cell program that hijacks the ribosomes of the cell - the cellular protein computers.

I think both testing and vaccination would be best.

Are you under the impression that fully vaccinated individuals are spreading the virus?

yes, the studies say that vaxxed can spread. how else could the covid infections be going up in countries that are heavily vaxxed? it ain't us anti-vaxx crusaders. we are the only ones immune at this point, with still functioning immune systems. since everyfuckingbody in the entire fucking world has now been exposed to covid.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I think both testing and vaccination would be best.

Are you under the impression that fully vaccinated individuals are spreading the virus?
At my company, things are collapsing because only fully jabbed people can work directly with clients. 99% of my company is fully jabbed. And now, they are all repeatedly testing positive and unable to work for two weeks at a time. They are spreading it to the clients and thus, my company is now making even the jabbed get tested, which is why they can't work and the whole program is collapsing. I told them this exact situation would occur. I even recorded the conversations... One day, I may be able to share these videos...


Well-known member
Some how, out of the tens of thousands of physicians, virologists, medical science researchers, and more generic professional healthcare workers advocating for the vaccine, (pitted aginast the murmuring YouTube-posting, whack-a-doodle and/or plain old disgruntled and maladjusted wanna-be 'scientists' with a bit too much paranoia and insufficinet Thorazine happening for my own tastes, I think I'll err on the side of those with the greatest amount of education and experience in these things.

But that might just be me..
which is why i give no respect to the existing medical/pharm industrial complex. they don't promote health. they don't know what health is. they are told in med school that half of everything they are taught is wrong and they don't know which half.

i wish it was only you that believed their bullshit but sadly, it is fully 3/4 of the population of the world.