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Coronavirus.. outlook


Chemon 91
Coronavirus Cases:
view by country
Currently Infected Patients
25,397,604 (99.6%)
in Mild Condition

111,434 (0.4%)
Serious or Critical

Cases which had an outcome:
70,629,227 (97%)
Recovered / Discharged

2,103,579 (3%)


By the way, serious question; in all of the mutations being discussed, has anyone seen anything published, noting a change in size of the virus when isolated? i.e., Have the mutations maintained the previously stated .125 micron in size??

If it got larger, I wonder what that might do to transmission. My initial thought is that it might make it less communicable?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Speaking of mutant strains, one spreading like wildfire in South Africa is apparently quite resistant to currently available vaccines. Keep everyone at several arms length, y'all, and with a lot of luck, we'll ride out this tempest and make it safely to calm waters on the other side.
There are also reports about mutations in Nigeria:

But this is not new. It is from December 24th. There are so many mutations going round, that I doubt all are discovered and for me it seems the pandemic just begins to start.

One theory I read about said, scientifics assume, the mutation develop inside of people using HIV meds. For any reason the virus can adopt better to human body, when someone already suffers because of HIV and uses HIV-meds. HIV positive people will you find mostly in third world like Africa, but also in Asia.

This will be just the peak of the iceberg and everybody should be careful. There is something unknown coming. Lets hope it will not be as worth like I see it.

Nearly a year ago I wrote here, I hope I'm wrong. Again I hope I'm wrong and mutations don't get worth and worth.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Meanwhile in the UK

After extensive research, the British variant of the coronavirus appears to be more deadly than the 'old' virus. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this during a press conference today. "We have heard that the British virus is not only spreading faster, but is also leading to a higher death rate." Johnson also said the vaccines are still effective against both variants of the virus.


Chemon 91
Coronavirus Cases:
view by country
Currently Infected Patients
25,565,227 (99.6%)
in Mild Condition

111,256 (0.4%)
Serious or Critical

Show Statistics
Cases which had an outcome:
71,053,312 (97%)
Recovered / Discharged

2,118,708 (3%)


Chemon 91

Millions face hunger as African cities impose coronavirus lockdowns

There are also reports about mutations in Nigeria:

But this is not new. It is from December 24th. There are so many mutations going round, that I doubt all are discovered and for me it seems the pandemic just begins to start.

One theory I read about said, scientifics assume, the mutation develop inside of people using HIV meds. For any reason the virus can adopt better to human body, when someone already suffers because of HIV and uses HIV-meds. HIV positive people will you find mostly in third world like Africa, but also in Asia.

This will be just the peak of the iceberg and everybody should be careful. There is something unknown coming. Lets hope it will not be as worth like I see it.

Nearly a year ago I wrote here, I hope I'm wrong. Again I hope I'm wrong and mutations don't get worth and worth.

Meanwhile in the UK

After extensive research, the British variant of the coronavirus appears to be more deadly than the 'old' virus. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this during a press conference today. "We have heard that the British virus is not only spreading faster, but is also leading to a higher death rate." Johnson also said the vaccines are still effective against both variants of the virus.


Dr. Fauci: Covid-19 Vaccine Seems To Be Less Effective Against New “Mutant” Virus



Chemon 91
Kent Covid variant '30 per cent more deadly'
Fears lockdown may go on for longer as Boris Johnson warns that infections remain 'forbiddingly high'

Dr. Fauci: Covid-19 Vaccine Seems To Be Less Effective Against New “Mutant” Virus


Thanx for the link.

"Another cause for concern is that, with these new variants, “What we likely will be seeing a diminution in the efficacy of the vaccine — more in South Africa than UK,” said the doctor. The South African mutant — dubbed 501.V2 — is “having an effect on monoclonal antibodies used to treat Covid-19,” he observed. Fauci said that, in the face of 501.V2, “vaccine effectiveness is diminished but still effective.”
Asked whether that means people should not bother to be vaccinated, Fauci insisted that, while less impactful, the vaccine might fall from 95% effective to 80% effective, which still offers much more protection than 0% protection the unvaccinated exhibit."


See the world through a puff of smoke
Reinfections by corona variants are causing virologists “serious concerns”: antibodies lose their effect

International virologists have warned against people becoming seriously ill for a second time after being infected with a mutated corona variant. It concerns the South American and the South African variant, the latter of which has also surfaced with us. That writes De Morgen.
It was previously known that people could get infected with the corona virus for the second time. However, such cases are exceptional and, moreover, the recontamination is usually less serious. Not so with the South American and South African variant, virologists conclude. In the hard-hit Brazilian city of Manaus and in South Africa, up to half of previously infected people contract the virus again, a reinfection that is at least as bad as the first.

"I am very concerned," says Dutch virologist Chantal Reusken in De Morgen. "For the South African variant, but also for the South American variant, which has the same signature." The two variants, unlike the British variant, have undergone the same three chemical changes at the virus's main site of attachment.

Antibodies lose efficacy
An American study of previously infected South Africans showed that in some cases the antibodies in the blood simply no longer had an effect on the mutated variant. At 40 percent it was again about a reduced immune system. That would also explain why the virus is once again so strong in the city of Manaus, located in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon forest. After all, three quarters of the population has already been infected there.
Are the vaccines still working?
What about the vaccines? For the time being, there are no indications that the vaccines work less well with the variants. Because a vaccine usually targets different places of the virus, a mutation in one place is usually not a problem. But according to vaccineologist Philip Krause of the WHO working group on corona vaccination, you should be careful. "The rapid evolution of these variants suggests that if it is possible for the virus to change into a vaccine-resistant form, it may be happening faster than we would like," he says in Science .

The flu virus also changes shape a bit every season, which means that the flu shot sometimes has to be adjusted. The same could happen with the corona vaccines, but that is a relatively quick process. The Dutch virologist Eric Snijder does think that the choice of vaccines that target the so-called spike protein of the virus could be questioned. It may just be that 'old-fashioned' vaccines, in which dead, harmless virus particles are injected into the body, still provide better protection, De Morgen says.



Comfortably numb!
MSM (Dr's on MSM) is down playing the variants. Although more readily transmissible (for the lack of a better word) the mortality rate is low or marginal. The delta is 10 in a 1000 vice 14 in a 1000 (new variants). That's a 14% increase, where I went to school. They like to dilute the math. 1 in a 100 = 1%. 14 in 100 = 14% IMHO that is not an insignificant number! ... and it is more viscous.

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