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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Next grow sounds amazing, can't wait to see what you can do with those. Interesting cross to say the least, probably going to be a nice tasting, knock you on your ass smoke, gotta love it.



Active member
werd up fellow canadian!
awesome grow show u have here!
ide give you K's if the website would let me, but im too new!
definatly hope to see more from the snow growa.
J to the ARR OWE SEE


Active member
Always nice here in the igloo...
Purple Bastard
and Trainwreck X Strawberry Diesel

damn fine choices my friend!
What is purple bastard? is it a predecessor to your cheesey bastard? or the other way around?
I'll try to pop in more often!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
this is what you can expect from that TW x strawD :yummy:


you're making all the right choises :yes:

ohw yea she's just went into 5 th week
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys!

MGJ - hehehe...I've seen the variation of replacing the Canadian Maple Leaf with the Cannabis leaf :chin: Flag looks damn good like that.
With PS and BB we should be in for a frosty show though :lurk:
Thanks for stoppin in eh :smile:

BR - I'm not exactly that sure of what to expect :confused: They are all things I've yet to try.
They have got me excited though :woohoo: Looks like Core will be first to be finished ^ so...we'll bug him for a smoke report :biglaugh:
Thanks for the visit!

J-Roc - :laughing: Great username and avatar :biglaugh:
:wave: Welcome to ICmag and welcome to the Igloo...always happy to meet another Canadian grower :yes:
I got the pleasure of meeting Robb Wells and John Paul Trembly at the Calgary airport once. Quite nice guys :headbange
Thanks for the K+ it's the idea that counts.
Great to have you around...drop in anytime!

Anima - Thanks bro :smile:
Yes...Purple Bastard is the father of Cheezy Bastard.
Purple Bastard = Double Purple Doja X Black Russian and was a creation of Jaws.
Cheezy Bastard = Big Buddha Cheese X Purple Bastard created by Core.
Props to these fine growers and breeders :respect:
I've seen alot of folk here on IC pull off some amazing PB grows.
Great to have you in the Igloo my friend, whenever you have time :friends:

PhenoMenal - You certainly are :headbange man...since you've shown up I've gone through twice as much weed and canna-brownies :yoinks:
Thanks for partying with us man!

Core -

I think mine may be a tad smaller version :biglaugh: Hopefully just as beautiful though.
That is a fine looking plant Core :yes:
Like I said...you pretty much made the decision for me. How could I not after seeing that?
Thanks for your support bro :D


I realized today that it's day 74 flower for the Pacific Shark 2 :yoinks: I feel she still needs at least a week.
Only problem is I havn't shown her to you guys since day 41 :nono:
Been so busy with all these harvest pics and dried buds and stuff, I've been neglecting the flower room.

Blueberry is already on day 18 and you've yet to see her either!
I "Tipped" her a few days back, so that could possibly add a few extra days to my progression I'm sure.
Seems to be a popular method amongst some of the great growers we have her on IC, so I figured I'd give it a whirl since BB was at that perfect point.

Day 8 for the 2 other Pacific Sharks, which I've yet to even name :bashhead:

Seeds are soaking in moist paper towels now for 24 hours and I've yet to check them...will probably check on them soon and pop them in soil.

These are just a few things you can expect to see in the next few days. I owe you guys some pics from the flower room and some seedling pics too.

Hope you enjoy :lurk:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yah man your giving us quite a show ey....no wonder you have no spare time....but dude ...NEVER ..I say NEVER...neglect the flower room.... man you do ow us then :biglaugh:...

you wont be sorry with that tipping ...hope you cut al the branches above first node..that will give you awsome cola's .....

hope 2 see ya new stuff soon....:wave:


Thanks everyone for accepting me here and making me feel welcome in your 'gloo. I've never seen snow before in my life but here in this 'gloo I feel like I'm at home thanks to everyones warmth
ROCK ON !!!!!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Super-Mega Flower Update

Super-Mega Flower Update


Core - hehe....havn't really been neglecting flower room...just neglecting to take photos in there :bashhead: I try and visit my ladies at least every second day.
Dunno how the BB is going to react to tipping, she grows odd. She will even put stems off of leaves and such...I'm going to hafta try it on a more normal growing plant too.
You don't hafta wait no longer...heres the update :lurk:

PhenoMenal - :laughing: I can't even fathom the thought of never seeing snow.
It's funny how much warmth you can actually find in an Igloo eh? :smile:
Glad your visits have been comfortable...it's great havin ya around!

Super-Mega Flower Update

As promised...here's what we can look forward to in the future :lurk:

Pacific Shark-2 Day 74

^ Probably one of my biggest plants ever :yoinks: She's finishing off nice. Yields will be decent on her...possibly largest of the round.
She's adding frost and weight still on a daily basis...she looks like she can go another week easy. I quit feeding her over a week ago already...will be a nice flush.




^^ She keeps building some kickass foxtails on the tops of the 2 largest colas




Blueberry Day 18


^^^ Sorry bout the lack of pics on her. You didn't miss much anyways. She's stretching out to be a decent sized plant. As you can see, I trimmed most of the lower growth at the beginning of flower to cut down on popcorn buds and build a fat dense cola. I find BB grows better single cola with some side buds.
Not quite sure how effective tipping will be on BB as there never really is a "main stem" with her.
Still can't manage to get rid of that curl on the leaves :confused: Every time I put a BB into flower, leaves curl. They're fine in veg. I havn't given it any food at all since early veg.


I've decided to name these Pacific Shark A & B

^^^^ They're still a bit small, but I had a hard time rooting them and they didn't get the veg time they deserved. I'm still having a hard time keeping up with my perpetual grow with my very limited veg space.
Blueberry wasn't much bigger when I stuck her in though. A few weeks has progressed her nicely :yes:
I'm starting to think PS-A could be a sativa clone :chin:
On day 8 now
I feel you get a better pic of them in this group shot down below for size comparison:


I got through the big update...hope you guys enjoyed



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
and what a update it is...verry nice man...i knew you where holding out on us :biglaugh: love the new clones you have....:yes:

but can i ask what your soil consists of?...coz last grow you did't even feed one of the CB's if i remember correct....must be quite a hot mixture if you dont feed intire gro :chin:...your becomming like GMT ...a Lazy grower...:biglaugh:


Grower of fine herbs...
Dude TML damn that shark looks great my friend, shes still got some time left in this world so im excited to see what she looks like when you chop hehehe :rasta: But yea i broke a few vertibre and had to go fly 1000 miles to go see a spinal specialist :badday: but once there the diagnosis was promising, i can still walk so im smiling, they got me on to many narcotics though, keep making me puke, cant wait to get back home to my homegrown so i can medicate the right way :joint: . Your gear is looking great as always, cant wait to see you do that TW x Straw Deez. Ill be back at my place with an update on monday, things should be much diff so check it. Peace my friend rock on :headbange


Hey TML :wave:

Those foxtails look sick! That is one big plant in your flower room..but you've got room to go bigger :headbange

Can't wait to see what your harvest looks like :joint:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Oh the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And he shows them pearly white
Just a jack knife has TML, dear
And he keeps it out of sight

When the shark bites with his teeth, dear
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves though wears TML, dear
So there's not a trace of trich

On the sidewalk, Sunday morning
Lies a body oozing life
Someone's sneaking round the corner
Is the someone Mack the knife?

A song for a harvest to come..loooking good here..a whole swarm of sharks or is that a school of sharks?...
I still say that blueberry looks like a plant you would find growing in a haunted house..hehe.. :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Dudes :wave:

Core - Thanks Eh :smile:
I figured my soil was hot...but you're right...hot enough to make it through whole flowers without feeding and still looking like over N? :confused:
My mix is Pro-Mix Organic, EWC, Bone Meal, Epsom salts, vermiculite, and perlite. Wouldn't figure it to be that hot.
I've always loved GMT's growing style. He has inspired many of my growing techniques :respect:
I'm still an apprentice of laziness though :biglaugh:

NorthernKronic - Thank You!
:badday: Oh man...I feel for ya bro. I hope everything works out for you in the end :ying: You're quite the trooper though...glad to see you're keeping up wife life and not letting it get you down :yes:
Damn their unclean man made drugs :no: At least you already know how to self-prescribe better medicine :wink:
Looking forward to your update, I'll be there! :lurk: Heal yourself well my friend!

Insomniac - :laughing: Yeah...I think I'm testing the limits of the 250W with her. Only problem with growing big plants like that under such small wattage is the lower buds never seem to fully develop. She's got some great colas though :canabis:
Thanks for the visit man...Harvest shots ain't too far.

packn2puff - :laughing: You just reminded of that 80's McDonalds ad campaign with the "Mac Tonight" character with the big moon head :moon:
I'm looking forward to having such a fine sativa specimen in the stash...should add some variety :yummy:
Blueberry is a freaky looking plant indeed :yoinks: it's fruits are sooo delicious though and mighty potent too.
Maybe I'll prepare some Blueberry for a Halloween grow and decorate it with scary things :chin:
Always a pleasure to have you visit.


Nothin much....Jarred CB-1 the other day :woohoo:
I'll save some dried nug photos of that for another time when we can get a smoke report on her.

grrr :cuss: cat musta knocked over the plates I place my paper towels between to retain moisture...seeds were still in the paper though amongst the ceramic shards.
I put them in soil....and voila...both TW X SD already popped up and I can see one of the PB's starting to break soil already too :woohoo:
This is the part of the grow I usually have best success with too. Fate was trying to **** with me this time or somethin I guess :confused:

Glad you guys enjoyed the update :wave:


You will not be forgotten
Beautiful ladies you have yourself TML16, you have certainly done a very fine job with your females :D

you definitely are a snow grower and i am enjoying the show alot.

your pacific shark really looks tasty and im looking forward to watching more of your show.

Grow on :joint:


The Tri Guy
TML16 said:

I'm starting to think PS-A could be a sativa clone :chin:

LOL TML, ya think? They look like frosty buds. Sorry I have't been in lately, been discovering the woes of poker lol. Gonna start concentrating on the site a bit more though, as its so much cheaper. I'm trying to spread rep about so I can give ya some, trouble is everyone I try to hit, I need to spread it about before giving it to them too lol.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

DimeBag65 - Thanks much friend :smile:
Smoking a Pacific Shark joint now :joint: Must say...it's not very tasty :confused: barely any taste to it at all :chin: but there's one killer buzz attached! :cool:
I'm looking forward to tasting the sativa pheno though :yummy:
Thanks for the visit eh :smile:

GMT - :laughing: Losing money at the tables eh :nono: This sites not just much cheaper, but it's saved me thousands of dollars in money that would have been spent on pot that's not as good as my own! :canabis:
:biglaugh: caught in the rep game eh? I appreciate the thought just as much :wink:
Thanks eh :smile:

PhenoMenal - We're always rockin out in the Igloo :headbange got Dimebag on the guitar, I'll jump on bass, and we can have PN2P on the drums

You should hear the sweet vocal harmonies of BR, Dr Dog, and MGJ! :dance: They sound like Chronic, Buds, and Hash....<-- hehe...great word play eh :biglaugh:
Thanks for the stop in :wave:


Nothin much to report....things are rather slow at this point.
Waiting for PS-2 to finish.

I'll be snapping a shot of the little seedlings for your enjoyment soon :lurk:

I have a small issue I'd like to bring up that maybe MGJ, PN2P, or anyone else that has experience with DE can help me with.
I applied the DE around the soil 1 day after each time I've been watering. A few plants (like my BB momma) even got some sprinkled right on the leaves. The other day I took a close up look at BB mommas leaves where the DE was...The bastards were trekking right through the DE unscathed :confused: There was alot of activity on my plants even though ther is DE on the leaves themselves.
:confused: I blasted them with trounce and applied some new DE to here soil base...looks like I'm still fighting the same battle no matter what super weapons I use :wallbash:

Thanks for reading :lurk:

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Snow Grower ~OGA~
DE = Diatomaceous Earth
It's crushed diatoms (sea shells) and in powder form it can act as "a field of razor blades" to the exoskeleton of a soft bodied insect :yoinks:

I've added to my arsenal of "organically kill the bugs" tools...just I'm either using it improperly...or it's not having the effects I expected of it :confused:

:wave: How ya doin Core? :smile:
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