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climate change


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So yeah the Mercury scare from the pacific ocean, when there's simultaneously, not even a detectable one from the Coal plants your high priests are swearing, are poisoning you, so you'll throw rocks at your retirement guy till he GIVES some environmentalist all your global energy market stocks - that's an example of you getting worked because you can't tell whether you're being scammed. And it's a very real part of our Western civilization. It just doesn't of course bid well for those who fall for it because as everyone knows, ''a fool and his money are soon parted'', etc.

Where did I say the mercury fog is due to coal plants? Oh yeah that's right, I never specified which industry is pumping mercury into the air. Look it's really quite simple, by the time you get to a point of there being mercury in water vapor (fog) it is virtually impossible to tell where exactly it came from. I understand though how you need to desperately tie this to the arguments you are making because "oh no, we can't have someone saying there are other reasons beyond global warming to change." You're struggling hard enough as it is to keep the blinders on so I perfectly understand why you can't have someone trying to rip the blinders off and forcing you to see that pollution is far more of a problem then just Global Warming. I understand your need to reject anything outside your own dogma because how can you continue to insist that only you and those who parrot your rejection of global warming are the enlightened ones? No, no, no it just won't do to have someone come along and point out valid and obvious reasons for change. It's clear to me that you haven't understood a word I've said because if you had you might have noticed one of the few things we agree on is that the warming trend is caused by natural cycles of the earth that take so long to complete that 200 years of measurements isn't enough to accurately identify it's impact let alone a measly 12-15 years. You know the 12-15 years you keep trying to use to prove your case. So what if those 12 years show cooling rather then warming? If your body is poisoned by pollution it's just as poisoned if the earth is warming or if it's cooling.


Kiss My Ring
I did watch it. So pay yourself for losing that bet. Now to be honest I didn't need to watch it all to see where it was going. As for the mercury, I never said it was changing climates. I presented it as evidence that there are other reasons that have nothing to do with climate change that is good evidence why we need to change how we do things. You would have realized that if you read and comprehended my previous posts. Now I could make some ignorant irrelevant statement about how I bet myself you haven't read nor comprehended my posts but hey we don't need anymore people posting ignorant irrelevant stuff, you've got that market covered.

you're going to have to plant on one side the fence or the other.
the mercury in this conversation is a red herring as this is not a thread on pollution. you should have pointed this out :

"I presented it as evidence that there are other reasons that have nothing to do with climate change that is good evidence why we need to change how we do things."

now, correct me if i've misread, but what relevance do things that have nothing to do with climate change have in a conversation about climate change?

"Now I could make some ignorant irrelevant statement about how I bet myself you haven't read nor comprehended my posts but hey we don't need anymore people posting ignorant irrelevant stuff, you've got that market covered."

no putsch there pal...didn't even notice the direct competition.

Why Bother? John Kerry Admits American CO2 Cuts Would Be Pointless

By ElmerB on December 10, 2015 in COP21
by Steve Milloy

It’s 40 seconds that should turn the global warming world upside down.

Secretary of State John Kerry made an astounding confession today at the COP-21 climate conference in Paris: Emissions cuts by the U.S. and other industrialized nations will make no difference to global climate, he said.

Here are Kerry’s exact words:

… The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what – that still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.
If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions –- remember what I just said, all the industrial emissions went down to zero emissions -– it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65% of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.

This is the first time such a senior government official has admitted the utter futility of American carbon dioxide emissions cuts. That’s a consequential admission even if you believe the claims of climate alarmists about the danger of emissions.

Several years ago, Sen. James Inhofe had coaxed former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson into admitting that U.S. emissions cuts would make little difference to global climate. Current EPA administrator Gina McCarthy has admitted that the point of EPA’s new carbon dioxide rules aimed at power plants is really to show global leadership on the issue. But Kerry’s clear, frank and even emphasized admission is simply astounding.

The admission should have legal as well as political consequences.

In the 2007 Supreme Court decision giving EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gases, the Supreme Court was careful to note that, although EPA couldn’t solve the global warming problem all at once or by itself, it was allowed to make incremental progress on the problem.

Kerry’s admission shows that the U.S. government knows that such progress is simply not possible.

This admission should find its way into the ongoing litigation of EPA power plant rules and it should blow them up.


my point is that CO2 is not a pollutant, but a very necessary element.
as for climate change....here is an astounding bit of information....

“UN climate change goal? We’re there now” – John Christy

Marlo Lewis, Jr. • December 18, 2015

Every month John Christy and Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, report global temperature data from their satellite monitoring program, known as the UAH record in the scientific literature.
Their just published year-end report features the decadal trends in Global, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, and Tropical temperatures over the 37-year satellite record.
So here’s some very good news for the holiday season. The global climate system, all on its own with no help from the Paris Climate Treaty, is on track to meet the treaty’s goal of avoiding 2°C of warming above pre-industrial temperatures.
From the UAH press release:
“The average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere has warmed just over four-tenths of a degree Celsius (almost three-fourths of a degree Fahrenheit) during the past 37 years, with the greatest warming over the Arctic Ocean and Australia, said Dr. John Christy, director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Microwave sounding units on board NOAA and NASA satellites completed 37 complete years of collecting temperature data in November, giving us nearly global coverage of climate change during that time.
“If that trend was to continue for another 63 years, the composite warming for the globe would be 1.1°C (about 2 degrees Fahrenheit) for the century, Christy said. That would put the average global temperature change over 100 years well under the 2.0°C (3.6 degrees F) goal set recently at the climate change summit in Paris.”



You proved it's not due to coal plants. You proved the church of government employees, and energy marketeers, is lying to you, to everybody but themselves when they trick you and buy your retirement fund for a dime on the dollar.

They told you ''burning the devil's fuel is making the sky hot and poison is falling on your head.

And that "Backerdistical infra-red radiation is making the cold gas have a magical heateristical hotterism to it that nothing but you, giving the government money, will do anything about.'' Actually they said it won't do any good, just s.t.f.u. and send them some money,

because they said so, they're the government. That's what they really said: you don't have permission to ask about the data you taught me and paid me to collect: we're a bunch of the smartest men in the world, we don't answer to you.

You pay us money, and we do research; and I said - it said, you're the devil, and that I'm a good person, and you have to send me money. That's what the data says. ''

Where did I say the mercury fog is due to coal plants?

Yes. You did show me a claim of which industry is pumping mercury into the air. You SHOWED me a chart SHOWING, NO industry is. You're just irritated we found out nobody's being poisoned.

Oh yeah that's right, I never specified which industry is pumping mercury into the air.

It's simple alright.

If you say ''This poster showing it's easy to know exactly where it came from, shows it's not easy to know exactly where it came from,''

enough times, we'll all start nodding in unison like government employees with a new moral mandate to hate the innocent for the good of those not in a suicide pact with DEVIL FIRE.

Look it's really quite simple, by the time you get to a point of there being mercury in water vapor (fog) it is virtually impossible to tell where exactly it came from.

You enjoin with others to destroy your own health and welfare infrastructure to pretend to stop, imaginary poisonings, from imaginary pollution, simply because you're BORED with everything having so little

LYING and FAKE CRIMES, to accuse STRANGER and NEIGHBOR ALIKE of, since POT is like HEROIN has been such a BIG HIT. And you claim you sence 'desperation' in people who tell you ''There is no DEVIL FIRE, your CHURCH is a SCAM.''

I understand though how you need to desperately tie this to the arguments you are making because
"oh no, we can't have someone saying there are other reasons beyond global warming to change."

You're the one that joined the fake church with the fake cure for the fake poisonings from the fake pollutions indicated by the fake research. As far as your 'blinders' comment goes, people in your movement regularly are BEYOND having it explained to them what

happens when you shine more light on a thermometer. YOU wrote saying ''the CHART showing there's no manmade poison in the air makes me fear manmade poison in the air.''

You're struggling hard enough as it is to keep the blinders on so I perfectly understand why you can't have someone trying to rip the blinders off and forcing you to see that pollution is far more of a problem then just Global Warming. I understand your need to reject anything outside your own dogma because how can you continue to insist that only you and those who parrot your rejection of global warming are the enlightened ones? No, no, no it just won't do to have someone come along and point out valid and obvious reasons for change.

I understood you to say you at least suspect the fake story about the fake physics from the fake atmospheric energy chemistry is fake. As it is. I never mentioned 12 to 15 years that prove my case about cooling. I said 12 - 15 years proves every scientist on the planet
LIED about the cooling.

The PROOF is in the fact a COLD BATH can't HEAT a SENSOR immersed in it.

The PROOF is putting MORE of the substance in the air creating 1%, then 5%, then 10%, then 15% DIFFRACTION LOSS COOLING to the planet, then up to the current 20% - that's COOLING amplified and when you put MORE so you block 21% that's COOLING.

THAT is the proof.

But there's even MORE proof. JONES admitted ''I have been LYING since 1998. The TEMPERATURE NOW (2005) is reflected by the RAW DATA.

Then there's Jones and Mann and Trenberth and Hansen and Schmidt - all recipients of the email where Jones brought up - HEY this guy says it stopped WARMING in 98. Not a SOUL said a WORD about ''doing THIS GUY like we DID the LAST ONE.''

But the BIG key here is when JONES ADMITTED AGAIN the TEMPERATURE of the GLOBE is the TEMPERATURE DEPICTED by the RAW DATA in his official, FEB 2010 BBC Phil Jones Interview.

Then- AFTER they'd FIRED him

The MET OFFICE admitted in 2012 that there had been NO WARMING since 1998 till then. and that in fact of course there had been no significant cooling, EITHER.

All these reflect the individuals involved ALL ACKNOWLEDGING the GLOBAL TEMPERATURE is THAT depicted in the RAW DATA. People take Excel and add those temperatures up usually, to see - the current U.S. temperature at least, is THE same: as 1 8 3 0.

Not 1 9 3 0.

EIGHTEEN thirty.

It's clear to me that you haven't understood a word I've said because if you had you might have noticed one of the few things we agree on is that the warming trend is caused by natural cycles of the earth that take so long to complete that 200 years of measurements isn't enough to accurately identify it's impact let alone a measly 12-15 years. You know the 12-15 years you keep trying to use to prove your case. So what if those 12 years show cooling rather then warming? If your body is poisoned by pollution it's just as poisoned if the earth is warming or if it's cooling.


F I F T E E N years of never ending admitted, UNCORRECTED fraud.

are the R.E.M.I.N.D.E.R. that MASSIVE THEFT by the people you say have their hearts in the right places have been taking place. This is illegal markets manipulation on a MASSIVE scale. Not expected to be funded by bigwigs. Expected to be ''surcharged'' to YOU.

WhenENVIRONMENTALISTS FAKE DATA then SWAY GLOBAL ENERGY MARKETS that's called INSIDER TRADING etc. Things like insurance building codes, - everything under the sun - have their markets tilted at will, by people creating fraudulent trading environments.

The proofs of the cooling are another story.

The proofs of the cooling are the various violations of thermodynamic law we've gone over a SMALL number of - with the REMINDER to you that the people who are PAID MONEY to be TRUSTABLE: were CAUGHT SKEWING GLOBAL MARKETS: through ADJUSTMENTS fraud:

The SENIOR SCAMMER ADMITTED: He had been FAKING GLOBAL TEMPERATURES for MORE than F I F T E E N years. People talking of the temperature of the globe in reality no longer even MENTION the washed data, there have been

THREE SEPARATE OUTRIGHT ADMISSIONS it's THE CORRECT TEMP. The only people who talk about the washed data are environmentalists and academics who are trying to keep publishing. The amount of scientifically created fraud is incredible.

Plus there are all the OTHER emails where people discussed hiding they KNEW it hadn't warmed, in ways that were just more CIRCUITUOUS than OUTRIGHT ADMISSION. There is NO DOUBT: the GLOBAL temperature organization Met Office and it's adjuncts, the main one being the Climate Research Unit - admitted it AS an ORGANIZATION.
after they forced Hansen to fess up and AFTER they'd FIRED him. They came back on their OWN. It hasn't warmed a drop since 1 9 9 8. According to THEIR report. Not just Jones when HE was there, LATER.

It's interesting hearing you saying without the first hesitation that - oh yeah, you think lying, cheating, and stealing from your neighbor, is fine. Like I told you multiple times, I don't really have an answer for that, I just find it difficult to get others to understand it seems to me at least - that it's morally wrong, to simply CREATE HARM for people where none existed, then CONTINUE with the harm, claiming the person DESERVED it for ''buying fire from the wrong venders.'' As a matter of fact it's AGAINST the LAW when you can get the law enforced, to commit nearly all these crimes of willful misrepresentation - ESPECIALLY in REGARD to things like ENERGY markets and INSURANCE etc where it's KNOWN it's TIED to the WEATHER outllook.

I understand that if you can have the Federal Government create a whole new Pot is Heroin setup where everybody pisses in a bottle, all the time, and if you used the devil weed your presence there makes YOU the one LEGALLY and CRIMINALLY liable, all this - I understand that the entire face of humanity is going to have to deal with it, and I understand that you HempCat probably wouldn't be fraudulently doing all this wrongdoing if you had the chance to speak up and get some truth told.

Maybe though you're the kind of person who figures if a person didn't want to get crosswise with the law, they wouldn't be found takin' up with devil weed. Right or wrong's got nothing to do with it, people should just obey authority and everything would be fine. Obviously such people exist, and in LARGE NUMBERS, or we wouldn't both be over here staying anonymous so we can't be prosecuted under - fake science laws.

That's one of my many concerns with all this. One ''Pot is Like Heroin'' movement is enough. We are talking about a MASSIVE one right now. "I have vague worries that make it okay for me to lie cheat and steal from your wife, you, your kids'' is what Pot is Heroin is about.

It's wrong, and no matter how conveneient it seems at the moment - persecuting the devil sex people, persecuting the devil weed people, persecuting the devil fire people, persecuting the devil skin people, n.e.v.e.r. works o.u.t. well. No, it doesn't, and it's my probably main concern here at the pot site. Maybe ANY where.

Those government employees have simply siezed all record keeping and continously defrauded the main part of the world for F i F T E E N years. The truth of the matter is Hansen knew he was committing fraud from WORD ONE. He JOKED about how, ''if you class it as research it is legally protected but you have to say it's your intellectual work and insist that it be that way or you aren't legally protected WHEN YOU ARE WRONG and should have KNOWN it.'' He was the one who TAUGHT the PROGRAMMERS who were LEGENDARILY INEPT at modeling ANYTHING regarding weather, and Hansen most certainly knew his research about ''adding more coolant making the surface hotter'' is a lie. You can't ADD more of the substance CREATING the UNIQUELY NAMED DEFINED and described MODE of COOLING blocking 20% energy to the surface of the planet, SUCH that 21% IS BLOCKED, and SUDDENLY where EARLIER you had 5, 10, 15%, 20% diffraction COOLING - and have WARMING. YOU can't DO that. JAMES HANSEN and ALL the people who sit down and clock it OUT know that, but - try jumping up in the COURT HOUSE and TELLING them POT isn't the devil weed any time in say the late 20th century before even CALI had legal pot.

You'd go to jail for DECADES. For LIFE. For fake science by the Federal Government.

This particular discussion I'm holding with you, I understand, keeps stressing several different things. But it's not MY FAULT that YOU got on the SIDE of something that

(a)violates the laws of thermodynamics every time someone tries to claim a frigid refrigerated bath shading an object immersed in it made it get hotter than if more light was shined on it, WITHOUT the frigid fluid refrigerated bath. You COUNT the number of times they get violated right there.

(b)earlier on I discussed how modern faked programming models use outdated Stefan-Boltzmann hemispheric mathematics and known false weightings to simply run progressive loops over and over: There's no calculation per se in a sense of actually mathematically crunching numbers about volume and pressure and temperature - they simply ADD some ''MO HOTTER'' at any point along the Stefan-Boltzmann meanderings they do and magically when you add more of the stuff that cools the planet - the atmosphere it simply gets hotter. It's difficult to over emphasize the immediately, utterly rudimentary and NON THERMODYNAMIC LAW BASED NATURE of so called 'magic gas weighted' ''modeling.''

Even though the EQUIPMENT gets better the only way for the modeling to get any better is for them to use the actual law for atmospheric energy WRITTEN for the atmosphere PV - nRT. I discussed how that's obviously Pressure Volume, the little n is 'how much gas you have' and T is temp. I explained how to WRITE a LAW of THERMODYNAMICS all they had to do was add R - it's Renult's Ratio or Renaults' and it SIMPLY ASSIGNS EVERY GAS from nitrogen to carbon dioxide to oxygen to methane to argon to radon, ALL the IDENTICAL ENERGY in
atmospheric ENERGY MATHEMATICS that people REALLY use in atmospherics like space flight, - NASA'S FLIGHT computerized models use the IDEAL GAS LAW - this Renult's ratio ' 'R' ' in the law is ALL those GASES having IDENTICAL ENERGY and what's MORE you notice - THERE'S no FACTOR there for WHAT FREQUENCY LIGHT they DIFFRACT.

Stefan Boltzmann massage frauds use the individual gas energy constants based on PURE gas calculations NOT IN ATMOSPHERIC REGIMES. But see, EVEN SO, the INDIVIDUAL GAS ENERGY CONSTANTS *do not refer to spectral resonance in their derivation.* HEAT is a matter of T.O.T.A.L. ENERGY.
SPECTRAL interactions the frequency light interacted with, is a matter of how the molecular nucleii BOND such that the wavelength light they interact with is based on a GEOMETRIC LENGTH to the CORE of the MOLECULE which sets electron orbital size, creating wavelength resonance with light. Heat calculation is TOTAL HEAT. Light interaction is a matter of BOND ANGLE by the ATOMS: not total energy.

(c)The fact THE COMMON READER CAN KNOW HOW, to KNOW, the REAL TEMPERATURE of the GLOBE: GOVERNMENT employees being CAUGHT and, under pressure have repeatedly ACKNOWLEDGED that PROPER MATH always brings THEM around to the RAW DATA WITHOUT any ADJUSTMENT. This can NOT be over stated it's like catching people IN the ACT: THEY WERE caught: IN the ACT: just never made to CORRECT the FAKE TEMPERATURE DATA they continously compile. The MOMENT there is a HICCUP those ORGS become subject to lawsuits for ''why the change now?'''

(d)The ABSURDITY of the teaching that - the Green House Gases which CREATE: dominate CREATION of diffraction mode cooling (20% kicked out to space. Add more, kick more to space, is more diffraction cooling) the green house gases participating in SIMPLE conduction without phase change - GHG species water, LEADS the PACK in COOLANT capability, and the THIRD mode of COOLING created by the atmosphere is CONVECTION and it's known for WATER'S UNIQUE DOMINATION of THIS COOLING MODE due to WATER'S evaporative/condensing PHASE CHANGE REFRIGERANT role in - what? Global COOLING.

The ABSURDITY that the frigid self refrigerating bath blocking 20% energy to the planet will somehow make the planet HOTTER, if so much is added, that 21% energy reduction occurs.

It is WHY
when you TALK to people who BELIEVE in it, it FEELS like you're in a big redneck barbecue talking about how you rub your genitals isn't sin. Or how really, pot's not the devil. Pot's not the devil at all and some of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind, have been achieved ON it.'

It's IMMEDIATELY obvious there has been serious intellectual culling of dissent. So if you ask someone about it you have to realize they are INSTANTLY going to tell you - Oh, the STORY of how HARD it is to KNOW what the giant HEATER will DO! Look ! a BIRD! A WONDER of CLIMATE'S gentle HAND, and the preaching starts, and the JUST OUT RIGHT LYING to YOUR FACE starts - with IMMEDIATE attempt to BAN you from FURTHER TALK of how the three unique modes of COOLING are created by the atmosphere and in what order, and what happens if you put MORE COOLANT in the air.

If you are looking for your own time's massively corrupt attempt to get people to simply sign away the even RIGHT to THINK - watch these thugs try to enforce the story of the magic heater only 'belief' can make you understand.

EVERYONE is afraid to face an academic government employee union that summarily fires anyone who disagrees with the politics du jour. SEVERAL men RESIGNED from NASA through the years, over James Hansen's continual fraud, and their inability to get Hansen to pursue real work. But Hansen was a money maker. He could lobby with great force and moral authority about how it's weather research and they're going broke, while huge arsenals build up. That's all true, which - is ONE reason I don't really get more MORALLY outraged than I DO.
I can SEE the average person raised up in a government school, clueless about how the world works, believes all these people saying ''it's final don't even TOLERATE someone asking you QUESTIONS about this.''

The REASON is as SOON as you start DESCRIBING the ATMOSPHERE as a COLD REFRIGERATED BATH SHADING the EARTH, creating THREE separate modes of COOLING with GREEN HOUSE GASES DOMINATING 2 modes completely, leading in energy per molecule in the OTHER though there's less GHGs than like nitrogen/oxygen - as SOON as someone walks in speaking about that - the JIG is UP and it's INSTANTLY to the 'Stefan Boltzmann massage therapy'' where they try to tell you the INDIVIDUAL GASES' energy factors, are SPECTRAL in DERIVATION so somehow they will ''calculate'' temperature using pure gas calculations when atmospheric air is always of course a mix.

If ever there was a science to teach yourself using someone showing you how REAL science is FAKED, the G H G effect scam is a GOOD one; because the PRACTITIONERS are SO knowledgeable they're lying, and the actual story is SO SIMPLE. ANY reference you make to REAL thermodynamic, step by step process of atmospheric energy handling, is immediately evidence the entire story is just nothing, but what it started out as: an obscure computer programming scam being done by a well connected set of government lab employees who wore suits and ties, and had their scam put under a microscope when a failed presidential candidate just - did a come back tour, and talked about their work : exposing them to massive scrutiny.

Obviously Al Gore wasn't going down alone so he simply told everyone help prop him up, breaking the law was okay this time because the future of civilization was at stake.


Active member
As The Arctic Shrinks, Norway's Polar Bear Population Booms --- Grows 30% in 11 years

As The Arctic Shrinks, Norway's Polar Bear Population Booms --- Grows 30% in 11 years

As The Arctic Shrinks, Norway's Polar Bear Population Booms --- Grows 30% in 11 years.

Scientists have warned for years shrinking Arctic sea ice coverage will spell disaster for polar bears, but a recent population survey shows bears are thriving despite there being less polar ice.

Norwegian researchers released their latest survey of Barents Sea polar bears and they’ve got very good news for bear enthusiasts — their population grew 30 percent in eleven years. Barents Sea bear number have grown from 685 in 2004 to 975 this year despite Arctic ice coverage “diminishing in extent as well as in thickness,” according to researchers.

“The bears were in good physical condition,” according to Norwegian scientist Jon Aars, as “ice conditions were good this last year, and so the availability of food has been good.” Aars noted in September the bears they counted were in “excellent” condition and “as fat as pigs.



HempKat I really mean that when I tell you that - I see it seems like the people trying to pursue anything but war for oil, war for oil, yada can't get anywhere and I agree it's frustrating so any real concern people have about that, actually forces me to keep my cool when I explain about the level of simple and plain, ''I'm the government you don't talk you listen.''

The ENTIRE SCAM involves making sure YOU bark: ''The BASIC SCIENCE is SOUND.''

You mean - the part about where you put enough GAS in an envelope that you block 1%,
then you block 5%
incoming energy,

defined, described, and NAMED ''DIFFRACTION COOLING?''

Yeah when you put enough in you cause 5% DIFFRACTION COOLING

then when you put enough in you cause 10% DIFFRACTION COOLING

then when you put enough in you cause 15% diffraction COOLING

then when you put enough in you create 18, 19%, 20% diffraction COOLING

but when you put MORE in the air talking to church of magic gassers, it creates ''MAGICAL HEATER in the SKY, GREEN HOUSE GAS EFFECT WARMING!''

Don't ASK about it! You can't be GOOD and ask the government questions !

What if someone would have stood up against pot laws EARLY on.
We wouldn't be over here in the ''place where the dirty people stay.''

3 PRESIDENTS in a ROW admitted they smoked POT.

The BEST COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS in the WORLD have been some LEGENDARY stoners.

Pot people are the ones who are the touchy feely sensitive concerned ones who.... fast because it's ''digestively therapeutic AND spiritual'' and nobody blinks.

Pot smokers were innocent from the beginning and it was Democrats who made pot illegal in what was viewed as

''ushering us all forthl into a NEW age of DU PONT PLASTICS Revolutionizing
Thim DU PONT PRODUCTS are uh GONNA just MAKE evurthang outta NYLON
it'sa gonna be uh
to get us sum uh thim
hydrocarbon polymers.


passed themselves a MARKET TILTING SCHEME because '' THE AMERICAN PEOPLE don't KNOW how STUPID that CANNABIS IS''

''compared to ALL THIS NYLON and POLYPROPYLENE these
have EXPLAINED they can MAKE.''

YES? oR NO. So - don't CLAIM to me things like ILLEGALIZING POT

don't INCONVENIENCE me or I can't prove it. It says so whenever you go to ANY pot site:

DO not MEET with ANYONE you MEET here.
WE can not GUARANTEE your SAFETY being HERE.

Why? Because a bunch of DEMOCRATS
decided THEY NEEDED to MAKE them some MONEY from their
ENERGY source
OIL which could ALSO
DU PONT PRODUCTS brought to you by FDR making POT ILLEGAL.

Just like AL GORE wanting everybody on board his ''yew DON'T NEED no OLDe FASHIONED FIRE yew NEED new AL GORE brand FIRE!''

I D E N T I C A L.

Don't act snide, don't act like having to come over here and teach people BASIC ATMOSPHERIC ENERGY PROCESSES
DEMOCRATS had them in school TWELVE YEARS and people are still unsure about ''now... WHICH way's that THERMOMETER go when you reduce energy to it?''

Don't act like trying to wave people off from ''Pot is like Heroin'' v2

is somehow doing you some kind of disservice. It reminds me of the people back in the '30s when FDR RIPPED an entire COMMODITY INDUSTRY UP because he contempted farmers as stupid whereas he and his ''hydrocarbon polymer'' chemist friends were smaaaart muthaf***as -

world's greatest depression? Who gives a f*** they'll adapt. They ''need to learn more about these advanced polymers my friend Mr DuPont is gonna sell us all for a REAL nice PRICE.''

If there's anybody in all this whole thread who is the devil it was FDR.

It was his CONTEMPT for the PEOPLE which led him to help DUPONT scam the ENTIRE COMMODITIES INDUSTRY RIGHT OUT of the LAW BOOKS with as much as a FLICK of HIS HAND.

''I'm not ASKING YOU how you want to LIVE, I'm TELLING you how you're GONNA live, because I am a SMART MAN: and YOU are just a STUPID FARMER.''

That was in FACT FDR's attitude, his arrogance was the stuff of legend.

And he was starting a war on innocent citizens and had people putting minorities and their friends in JAIL. He had farmers' entire CROPS seized: they're MINE I don't LIKE your old FASHIONED polymers you're going to learn about my sophisticated, progressive FRIENDS in the ENERGY business' new PRODUCTS!''

Seriously you're in here acting snide like you've got some great life lesson to teach? Why don't you go study what happened last time we all didn't bother to check on some Democrat Oil Man's ''we're gonna revolutionize the whole country's commodities industries!''

''We've all got blinders on'' as we remind you what happened the LAST time we didn't check some DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT'S ENERGY MARKET SCAMMING FRIENDS when they claimed an ENTIRE COMMODITIES INDUSTRY was ''the DEVIL'' and how

OUR new products
are gonna SAVE you from all that. And you're gonna BUY it

because IT'S the LAW.


When FDR the kook and his OIL MAN friend DUPONT, with the Democrat Senate and Democrat House,


did they figure people will just go out and plant NYLON plants they bought from Du Pont?


who have people A.R.O.U.N.D. THIS P.L.A.N.E.T. having to SIGN INTO websites with ENCRYPTION due to SCHEMING, HOLIER-than-they-all, I am YOUR DADDY of SMARTNESS, and HIPNESS

Gore WANTED to be a big Cahuna, so when he didn't get to be president he just told people ''break the law and install my policies anyway, or civilization will end. I invented a scheme so you pay me money for using fire, too.''

LEGAL? Who gives a f*** about LEGAL.

Just like FDR making those laws knowing they'd be used to target minorities. He KNEW they'd be falsely criminalized.

He KNEW he was destroying the way to make LIFE SAVING COMMODITIES from
recreational relaxation
actual polymer products (ford built a Model T out of pot look it up)

Did F D R see what he was doing was WRONG because he was so PROGRESSIVE or DID HE REFER to PEOPLE who DIDN'T want to have their LIVES destroyed for his OIL FRIEND to be the ONLY one to sell HIS products in the country because THEY were PROGRESSIVE

did he refer to those people as 'OUT of TOUCH with the NEW TECHNOLOGICAL TIMES'?

I think
You know.

And you're whining and chomping at the bit to turn a NEW war by GOVERNMENT loose on people after you know to what degree it was a nearly IDENTICAL SCAM when DEMOCRATS simply started BULLDOZING commodities industries making using the old COMMODITY
THAT are gonna SAVE YOU from the POISON we created by law when we simply declared with NO proof whatever: it's POISON.


Well-known member
this is of interest, though the disbelievers will go on disbelieving

(CNN)The North Pole is getting a taste of the warm late-December temperatures that have caused such havoc in the United States.

Thanks to the same low-pressure system that produced blizzards in New Mexico, tornadoes in Texas and flooding in Missouri, the North Pole was about 40 degrees above the seasonal average high on Wednesday, according to the Washington Post's weather team.

Why the freakishly warm December?

The Post's Capital Weather Gang examined buoy data from near the North Pole and reported a record high temperature of 33 degrees Fahrenheit.

It wasn't close to the 40 degrees Fahrenheit forecast in some estimates, but it was substantially warmer than the usual late-December highs of -10 degrees F.

Above-freezing December temperatures at the North Pole have occurred only three times since 1948, Weather Underground blogger Bob Henson tweeted Monday.

CNN Senior Meteorologist Brandon Miller pointed out that two strong weather systems -- the low-pressure mass that's moved through the United States and northern Europe, and a high-pressure system over Siberia -- have helped pull warm air from southern Europe and northern Africa.

"Because of the strength of the two systems, it's allowing that air to travel farther north than it normally would," he said.
Two air masses are drawing warm air to the top of the globe, meaning a record high for the North Pole.

Air is traveling clockwise around the high-pressure system and counterclockwise around the low, so the two systems next to each other are pulling air from the same direction like a vacuum, he said.

Neither system is uncommon this time of year, incidentally, but their power -- and the result of the combination -- is unusual, he added.

Nevertheless, the North Pole high is strictly a temporary phenomenon, with temperatures returning to normal very soon, Miller said. What's important to monitor is whether the warming becomes part of a pattern that reduces sea ice in the Arctic, something scientists are watching closely.

"Some climate models predict an ice-free Arctic at least part of the year in the coming decades," Miller said. "If you're going to have an ice-free Arctic and you're going to have big melts in the summertime but also limit ice recovery in the winter, you're going to have to have events like this happen."

He continued, "If you have a lot of these events, especially with strong winds that can push that sea ice around and cause some vulnerabilities, if this is a pattern of things to come, it could really become worrisome for the stability of the Arctic."

Incidentally, if you want to travel to the relative warmth of the North Pole, you may want to bring a lamp. Right now, it's dark 24 hours a day.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
you're going to have to plant on one side the fence or the other.
the mercury in this conversation is a red herring as this is not a thread on pollution. you should have pointed this out :

"I presented it as evidence that there are other reasons that have nothing to do with climate change that is good evidence why we need to change how we do things."

now, correct me if i've misread, but what relevance do things that have nothing to do with climate change have in a conversation about climate change?

Hey look if you were too stupid to understand the relevance the first time around what reason do I have to believe that you'll get it if I re-explain it to you?


Well-known member
As The Arctic Shrinks, Norway's Polar Bear Population Booms --- Grows 30% in 11 years.

Scientists have warned for years shrinking Arctic sea ice coverage will spell disaster for polar bears, but a recent population survey shows bears are thriving despite there being less polar ice.

Norwegian researchers released their latest survey of Barents Sea polar bears and they’ve got very good news for bear enthusiasts — their population grew 30 percent in eleven years. Barents Sea bear number have grown from 685 in 2004 to 975 this year despite Arctic ice coverage “diminishing in extent as well as in thickness,” according to researchers.

“The bears were in good physical condition,” according to Norwegian scientist Jon Aars, as “ice conditions were good this last year, and so the availability of food has been good.” Aars noted in September the bears they counted were in “excellent” condition and “as fat as pigs.


Is this supposed to be proof climate change isnt real lol?


Indeed and it's major proof. Apex predator health is directly tied to environmental health representing proper numbers and biodiversity in the food chain.

Of course the main proof is the admission by the world's TOP CLIMATE SCIENTIST Phil Jones, THREE TIMES

that CLIMATE HADN'T CHANGED since 1 9 9 8 and that in FACT although it had been


S T E A D Y all that T I M E

what TINY amount of motion there had been was toward

C O O L I N G .

So there were THOSE three times,
ONE of which EVERY MAJOR CLIMATE SCIENTIST on EARTH saw the EMAIL where it was DISCUSSED by JONES and MANN regarding how to stop the story from SPREADING:
and not a SOUL said a word about it
but they DID complain about HOW it HADN'T WARMED.

There was THAT.

Then there was AFTER the Met Office FIRED JONES - FIRED him for

when they did their OWN assessment THREE YEARS LATER

in 2 0 1 3 they issued their OWN PRESS RELEASE NAMED:

''The Recent Pause In Warming''
The recent pause in warming

"July 2013 - Global mean surface temperatures rose rapidly from the 1970s, but have been relatively flat over the most recent 15 years to 2013. "

Relatively flat means what it meant when Jones laughingly talked to a friend about it in 2 0 0 5:

"The scientific community would come down on me in no

uncertain terms if I said

the world cooled since 1 9 9 8.

Ok it has

but it's only seven years of data

and it isn't statistically significant.''

That's the 'relatively flat' part.

Look around for a data set that said that from '98 to '05 and there it is: UNADJUSTED DATA.

Just like when he admitted it to the BBC:

FEB 2 0 1 0 BBC

Phil Jones


BBC: Isn't it true that there has been NO WARMING since 1998

and that there has in fact been some slight cooling?

JONES: "Yes, but only just.

I have done the calculations and find


and that there has been
some slight but
not statistically signficant, C O O L I N G.

Just like the raw data online unadjusted by law to stop scams said then.

Just like it said when the Met Office issued their 2 0 1 3 press

release ''The Recent Pause In Warming.''




they made ADMIT to you IT STOPPED WARMING in 1 9 9 8

before they FIRED him: for NOT TELLING YOU:

IT stopped WARMING in 1 9 9 8.


The SAME THING the Apex predator BEAR POPULATION shows.

Is this supposed to be proof climate change isnt real lol?


Well-known member
actually, according to the polar bear link provided
the increase in bear population was attributed to the ban on hunting polar bears


Like - what kind of person doesn't realize Apex Predator index value? Who says stuff like that? "I'm conCERNED, but...yoU'RE NOT... but... then they admit: they've no clue what apex predator index is.

The KIND of people who throw rocks at their own investor till he

THROWS their OWN retirement fund OUT into the STREET,

for the guy who started the church telling them

the STOCK ''makes DEVIL fire'', to then,

come buy it all, up, millions of stocks,

and pay them a DIME

for what cost them



That's called disconnect in logic when people speak about things like that.

If they reproduced, but there was actually disturbed arctic outside typical environmental norms, the apex predators couldn't continue to flourish.

Just because someone talks far away in a glowing link, doesn't mean it's magically true.

actually, according to the polar bear link provided
the increase in bear population was attributed to the ban on hunting polar bears

Like - see the problem is, government employee unions sway a lot of the world's opinions. For instance in the United States,

one in every four employees is a government employee and that means you have someone telling you ''gimme money'' and not telling you what happens to it.

They have to have something to do and threatening you and shaking you down, is all there IS to do when you create imaginary crime.

It's identical to pot.

Never proving any real harm,

Always trying to pretend there's a moral to the battle

Shaking people down, destroying perfectly useful commodities industries

Driven by Oil men and techno-activists in love with the idea of new things and new technologies

Constant attempt to shut down further examination of the value of the claims made

Cries that the material is ''from the devil''.

People telling everyone else not to use it, use it at their whim

It's another pot is heroin story for the low information voters that come out of schools with such abysmal standards they can't diagram what happens when more or less energy lands on a thermometer.

As FULL ON ADULTS: ''WhaT? WHAT do you MEAN a cold refrigerated bath shading light from a rock isn't heating it? It DOESN'T? How the f*** does it WORK then!?? Don't try to TAYLe Mea, it MAKES it COLD ! Now - YeW jis sownd laik YeW frum thuh DEVuL tuh ME! DoN'T' 'hE CLeM !?

Well - sure you can do experiments - ''Thair ain't no SPEARMINT kin GIT dun, kin TAYLe YeW, if'n the SKY gits HOT!''

You try to speak to people and they act like they're on to some really cool thing where they're all gonna gang up and show you something REALLY TRICKY:

a NEW brand of government workers who LIE all the time, and make EVERYTHING better! Fur EVURbodie! Evurbodie aint awl... HIGH on MARuWANNuh, ARE thay?!?!

Big knee slap. Yeah that's just funny as can be Eugene. The only thing is, government employees lying just because you got in their parking spot today, is called tyranny.

Claiming pot is like heroin is tyranny.

Claiming one man and one woman are the only wholesome relationships in this whole earth is tyranny.

Claiming people owe money to keep the sky from being hot is tyranny.

It's lying,
to steal.

It's taking money to teach fundamental science to children

and every single school doesn't have a garden, and everyone's house have a little food garden.

They might start growin thuh devil weed.

There might be devil weed in there.

"Show me it's the devil.''

(points) See? You love the devil.

And you two people can't rent this house because you might love each other devil love.

How do you know our love's the devil? Because you look alike.

How do you know our love's the devil? Because you don't look alike.

And then for the third couple,

How do you know our love's the devil? Because you look alike, and also because you don't look alike.

How do you know the gas is the devil? Because it makes the sky hot.

But the gas doesn't make the sky hot. "Prove it."

Drops rock into frigid refrigerated bath: This rock is the earth.

Turns on light: That light is the sun.

Points to freezing gas bath pummeling rock with dry air and misting it with water a little bit to hasten the cooling.

''That's the atmosphere. That's not a heater.''

''Prove it.''

At that point what can you say to someone. Pot being fake science and being against the law hasn't even FAZED that person he wants MORE of that sh**.

Seeing a school where their own kid would be taught a cold bath is a heater - shrugs... what's wrong with that? I don't see the problem here. We're stopping pollution.

But the pollution is fake there's no such thing as hot sky pollution. It's all a scam.

''If you can't see what's going on then I don't know what to tell you'' .

Yeah I know what's going on, where you come from, they taught you in school, that

pot is like heroin,

people who look alike shouldn't be allowed to love each other - it's the devil,

people who look different from each other shouldn't be allowed to love each other - it's the devil

government employees shouldn't have to marry you, if they say you're the devil,

and people who won't say magic gas makes the sky hot should be drummed out of their jobs as science instructors.

We don't need any of that kook science about a freezing turbulent refrigerated bath not being a heater. Not in this respected institution of education.

Obviously some of those are no longer true but the point's there.

Why aren't they still the way people act?

And why don't we all act like pot is heroin?

Because it just isn't true, the same way it isn't true somebody invented a freezing turbulent bath that heats a warm rock it washes of heat continuously.

It's just not true, and it's why I wouldn't tell people that pot is heroin.
Last edited:


I don't begrudge a person his political fantasies it's just that the ones who lose it and drift off into ''no longer in contact with reality enough to answer what happens when a warm rock gets spritzed with cold wet gas - ''It got HOTTER of COURSE!''

These people should definitely kinda figure out - the movement's always gonna meet resistance and invariably - the last one who's willing to lie for some long dead government employee - he's gonna see himself being that last one.

It's a movement based on nothing but lies from ''the earth got hotter when the freezing atmosphere started washing heat off it three ways than if the world was just heated with MORE light,
WITHOUT a freezing refrigerated bath.'

Like I don't think it's going to be the end of the world, all this scam fake science, it's just going to be the BUILDING of a NEW layer of government employees, for everyone to keep on paying.
To keep on pretending to monitor the magic heater.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I didn't read this whole thread and I don't really know how I feel about climate change, but I think I'm leaning towards it exists. The ocean levels are rising, that's a fact. The Republic of Kiribati have already purchased land in Fiji in anticipation of this and the Maldives are looking into it as well. I'm sure other low lying nations will follow suit as time goes on.


Active member
5 Truths About Fracking The Media Missed In 2015

The United States benefited enormously from hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in 2015; but media outlets have mostly focused on headlines about earthquakes and aquifer pollution — neither of which have sufficient evidence to draw conclusions.
From foreign policy to cheap domestic energy and even booming job growth, here are five key stories the media seems to have missed about fracking in 2015.

1: Fracking Got America Off Russian Oil And Gas In 2015, Weakening Putin Immensely

American fracking in 2015 created a “perfect economic storm” of historically cheap oil and natural gas, which greatly weakened Putin’s Russia. America surpassed Russia’s production earlier this year as as the world’s largest and fastest-growing producer of oil and natural gas last year.

As recently as 2013, crude oil accounted for 68 percent of total Russian export revenues, according to the Energy Information Administration. and low prices mean less revenue to fund the country’s domestic and foreign policy agenda.
The International Monetary Fund predicts that Russia’s economy will shrink 3.4 percent in 2015, the most of any major emerging market. The Russian central bank has previously predicted that if oil prices remain near $40 dollars a barrel, the economy could contract by up to 6 percent. Even the Russian government is worried, cutting its growth forecast for 2015 and predicting that the economy will fall into recession.

2: Fracking Prevented Global Warming By Massively Reducing U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Fracking, not government green policies, caused carbon dioxide emissions to drop sharply in 47 states and Washington, D.C. in 2015, according to both Scientific American and the Energy Information Administration.
Total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have dropped by 1,022 million tons, making them significantly lower than their peak in 2007.

Studies show that fracking for natural gas is responsible for almost 20 percent of the drop in carbon dioxide emissions, while solar power is responsible for a mere 1 percent of the decline. For every ton of carbon dioxide cut by solar power, fracking cuts 13 tons.

“The transition from coal to natural gas for electricity generation has probably been the single largest contributor to the … largely unexpected decline in U.S. CO2 emissions,” said the research organization Berkeley Earth, concurring with more formal assessments from the Department of Energy.

The U.S. has reduced greenhouse gas emissions more than any other country, a fact which even The Sierra Club acknowledges, though they refuse to attribute the decline in emissions to natural gas, which they oppose politically.

3: Fracking Gave America HUGE Reserves Of Oil And Natural Gas

American oil and natural gas reserves are at their highest levels since 1972. These huge increases are directly attributable to exploitation of tight oil formations and shale natural gas via fracking.

American reserves of crude oil and natural gas have risen for six consecutive years despite the U.S. producing more oil and natural gas than any other country. Oil production last year was 80 percent higher than it was in 2008. The United States produced an average of about 9.3 million barrels of crude oil per day in June.
America even controls the world’s largest untapped oil reserve, the Green River Formation in Colorado. This formation alone contains up to 3 trillion barrels of untapped oil shale, half of which may be recoverable. That’s five and a half times the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia. This single geologic formation could contain more oil than the rest of the world’s proven reserves combined.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I didn't read this whole thread and I don't really know how I feel about climate change, but I think I'm leaning towards it exists. The ocean levels are rising, that's a fact. The Republic of Kiribati have already purchased land in Fiji in anticipation of this and the Maldives are looking into it as well. I'm sure other low lying nations will follow suit as time goes on.

The only thing buying land proves is someone believes that the sea levels are rising. Not that is really is.