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climate change


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Al Gore said during his Nobel Peace prize acceptance speech. He actually said as soon as 2013. I wouldn't think you could get a Nobel peace price if the scientific community didn't agree. Obviously your mistaken.

Oh well Al Gore said it so it must be true. The last time I checked Al Gore was not a scientist. Yeah he had information from scientists but perhaps he stated things incorrectly? I stopped listening to him ever since him and his wife Tipper were pushing for Parental Ratings for music when Tipper overheard her then 11 year old daughter listening to a "Prince" song she felt was inappropriate. I can imagine Gore learning of environmental problems, thinking of a way to cash in and then hiring his own team to make sure he got the results he wanted. As is usually the case with Government solicited studies. The point being it is premature to dismiss all global warming science just because things haven't gone exactly the way Al Gore predicted

So, the question begs to be asked again. What percent of those ice caps have melted? Even 10% should equal 20 ft higher sea levels right? Obviously your mistaken again.:tiphat:

I don't think it's that much and what percentage depends on whether were talking ice on top of land such as glaciers or ice in water such as icebergs? Ice in water can appear as if it's land but with ice in water whatever is on top is a fraction of what is underneath. Hence the old expression "That's just the tip of the iceburg". When water freezes into ice it expands, that is to say it takes up more space then when it's just water. Much of the ice at the poles is in the water so all that ice has a displacing effect. If it were to all melt but not one bit of the ice on land melted, you would see little change or more likely sea levels would actually drop.

No, sorry. Satellite data shows no increase in temperatures in 18 years. This is all about control and fear. Tell all the people the sea's will rise and entire cities will be underwater. However, no evidence of this being shown by any scientific models.

Not sure where you get your info from but satallites don't measure temperature changes.


Satellites do not measure temperature. They measure radiances in various wavelength bands, which must then be mathematically inverted to obtain indirect inferences of temperature.[1][2] The resulting temperature profiles depend on details of the methods that are used to obtain temperatures from radiances. As a result, different groups that have analyzed the satellite data have produced differing temperature datasets. Among these are the UAH dataset prepared at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the RSS dataset prepared by Remote Sensing Systems.

The satellite time series is not homogeneous. It is constructed from a series of satellites with similar but not identical sensors. The sensors also deteriorate over time, and corrections are necessary for orbital drift and decay. Particularly large differences between reconstructed temperature series occur at the few times when there is little temporal overlap between successive satellites, making intercalibration difficult

They can infer certain things that can then be calculated mathematically by one of several formula that has different data sets consequently giving different results and all this is done using sensors that deteriorate with age and become less active. Which all goes to say that satellite readings neither prove or disprove global warming or climate change.


99% of those scientist stated temperatures will go up. They haven't

oops sorry you got it wrong again, at least according to NASA


First of all the temperature changes they are talking about with global warming are in fractions of degrees. Also they are talking in terms of trends the temps have been trending upwards since the early 1900's it's an average of the earth's surface temperature taken from many points of the globe rather then just in one town, city or country. It doesn't rise in a linear rate. It has peaks and valleys. So it's possible for it to appear for a few years that not only is it not rising, it's actually falling. The real question though is falling compared to when? To base your judgement on a window of just 15 years is to delude yourself and possibly others.

The really big question though, is from the early 1900's until now even a big enough window to get an accurate view? Not when talking cycles that take tens of thousands of years to complete.


Now what modern science is trying to determine is what impact if any does man have on these cycles? In the same time period the earth's population of man has nearly tripled. The impact on earth is noticeable with things like cities in China where the air gets so bad they have to order people to stay indoors as much as possible. Also whether it's affecting the global warming is somewhat difficult to say since we know the earth goes thru these cycles that also cause Global warming. Cycles we haven't fully got a grasp on yet. My guess and many agree with this is man isn't causing it per say but he might be accelerating it. If you go back and look at the chart from NASA there were two big peaks in the average temperature rising over the period of known recorded data that matches the rapid growth of population in the Post Civil War period and the baby boomer years in the post WWII years. So there does seem to be evidence that suggests that the more humans there are the more temperatures rise.

99% of those scientist stated hurricanes will grow stronger and more frequent. They haven't, not a major hurricane since Oct, 2005.

Oops wrong here too.

Hurricane Patricia which happened earlier this year is the strongest ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere.


99% of those scientist stated the globe is warming due to CO2. Now they are saying the globe is both cooling and warming? There is plenty of proof in the past that global cooling has occurred at the same time as co2 rise.

This one I'll give you, there is a lot more to Global Warming/Climate Change then just CO2 emissions. Keep in mind though the science for this is still in it's infancy, virtually all science has some element to it of where we got things wrong at first but then came to a better understanding from our mistakes.

What makes me laugh is if you use your brain, especially the growers on this forum, you would realize why plants like higher levels of CO2. Do you think plants could evolve with 200 ft high waves hitting them? Enormous storms on the regular? High temps? No water? No! Plants and animals have survived in temperatures very much the same as we have today, however the co2 levels were 5 time what we have today.

How do you know? Were you there? Or are you getting this from science? Maybe this science is flawed too? The biggest form of plant life that produces most of the earth's oxygen is algae. Since algae exists on the seas it is quite capable of surviving big waves. It was likely 5 times bigger, more widespread when the CO2 was 5 times greater. Also the biggest waves for the most part are as waves near land, they swell up because the land beneath them is becoming more shallow and they can be amplified by storms in what is called storm surge. I'm fairly confident the seas weren't always calm when CO2 was so much greater but the plants that might be harmed by such forces are in the costal areas where almost half of mankind lives in those costal areas now. When CO2 was 5 times greater the inland areas where dense with lush plant life even in areas we now call deserts.

The facts are, the planet goes through cycles, and us as humans have no idea if or how we effect the environment. However what our leaders are proposing in Paris is ridiculous. They are proposing trillions of dollars in taxes and they aren't even talking about reducing any existing co2 levels. They are talking about reducing a potential of .05% of 1 degree in the next 100 years...........If they are right about the science, which they have been consistently wrong on. Technology alone will produce more answers than the trillions they are proposing.

or Just call names.......That works......the liberal way.

Finally something we can agree on although the way you're presenting it is misleading. Yes they are talking about lots of new taxes but it's not for the average Joe like you or me, it's for the big money in manufacturing. One thing not everyone is aware of is that trying to keep industries from destroying the environment is nothing new and government and the people have been after them for decades to reduce their impact. Rather then real meaningful change they have found ways around changing much. Many just consider the penalties for not changing, which is more of a slap on the wrist, as just being the cost of doing business. Pretty much all of the worst environmental disasters have been directly tied to big business not doing what they're supposed to do. Why? Because the people that run them would prefer to keep money in their already well filled pockets rather then look ahead to how things might affect generations after they are dead and gone.

The fact is there is so much more to how bad pollution is on society then just global warming. We are putting toxins in the ground, the air, the water, everywhere and it is damaging life on this planet directly. So even if you did away with the threat of Global warming there is still plenty of good reasons to change how we do things. It's going to cost a lot but someone has got to foot the bill. Now with how bad things are economically it's insane to think that the average citizen can cover it. Many are struggling to just get by and as many as there are of those there are way more world wide struggling to survive. So the filthy rich need to step up to the plate. If they do it right though they'll be building a new profitable market for the future with them positioned in the best way possible to capitalize. We need to stop with the petroleum based industry. So here is where like you said, technology can do so much more then taxes. We need to have widespread use of solar, geothermal, wind, wave, and hydro energy. This has to be made affordable enough that all can afford it and still live a reasonable life. We also need a newer, better, smarter infrastructure to support it.

Oh by the way many have accused me of being a liberal but I'm really more of a centrist.


Well-known member
Besides the guy writing run on's, the anti climate change guys all parrot back the same right wing rhetoric with the 'it hasn't warmed in 18yrs or sea ice is at record levels' bullshit.

How don't you people see you're a bunch of useful idiots for the fossil fuel industry? Exxon knew in '77 about climate change. Sounds just like the Nixon administration covering up the fact that cannabis is benign. Or big tobacco saying their products don't cause cancer.

Here's a funny one


Kiss My Ring

Accurate "Thermometers" in Space
The State of Climate Measurement Science

October 2, 1997

Just how accurate are space-based measurements of the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere? In a recent edition of Nature, scientists Dr. John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and Dr. Roy Spencer of NASA/Marshall describe in detail just how reliable these measurements are.

Why is it important?

The question is very important, as these temperature measurements from satellites in space are one of our most important windows into measuring and understanding the phenomenon of Global Warming.

Over the past century, global measurements of the temperature at the Earth's surface have indicated a warming trend of between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees C. But many - especially the early - computer-based global climate models (GCM's) predict that the rate should be even higher if it is due to the man-made "Greenhouse Effect". Furthermore, these computer models also predict that the Earth's lower atmosphere should behave in lock-step with the surface, but with temperature increases that are even more pronounced. (Get the latest on the Earth's Temperature from Space by clicking on the diagram!!)

What is the "Controversy"?

Unlike the surface-based temperatures, global temperature measurements of the Earth's lower atmosphere obtained from satellites reveal no definitive warming trend over the past two decades. The slight trend that is in the data actually appears to be downward. The largest fluctuations in the satellite temperature data are not from any man-made activity, but from natural phenomena such as large volcanic eruptions from Mt. Pinatubo, and from El Niño. So the programs which model global warming in a computer say the temperature of the Earth's lower atmosphere should be going up markedly, but actual measurements of the temperature of the lower atmosphere reveal no such pronounced activity.

How do we know the Satellite Data are Correct?

In theory, one could argue that the computer models are accurate, and that the real measurements have some problem. However this is not the case. An incredible amount of work has been done to make sure that the satellite data are the best quality possible. Recent claims to the contrary by Hurrell and Trenberth have been shown to be false for a number of reasons, and are laid to rest in the September 25th edition of Nature (page 342). The temperature measurements from space are verified by two direct and independent methods. The first involves actual in-situ measurements of the lower atmosphere made by balloon-borne observations around the world. The second uses intercalibration and comparison among identical experiments on different orbiting platforms. The result is that the satellite temperature measurements are accurate to within three one-hundredths of a degree Centigrade (0.03 C) when compared to ground-launched balloons taking measurements of the same region of the atmosphere at the same time.


So What is Going On?
The atmosphere is extremely complex in its behavior. Because of this, finding the correct explanation for the behavior we observe is complex as well. Virtually all scientists will agree that a doubling of the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere should have some effect on the temperature of the Earth. But it is much less certain how or if we will recognize the effects of this increase. There are several reasons:
First, the influence of a man-made doubling of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is small compared to the Earth's natural cooling rate, on the order of only a percent.
Second, there is a much more important greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, namely water vapor. Water vapor over the Earth is extremely variable, both in space and in time.
Third, the ways in which clouds and water vapor feed back and ultimately influence the temperature of the Earth are, at best, poorly understood.
Fourth, while the whole Earth is indeed in a state that scientists describe as "radiative equilibrium," where the incoming sunlight equals the outgoing infrared radiation to provide a roughly constant overall temperature, the surface is far from this radiative balance condition. Evaporation and convection processes in the atmosphere transport heat from the surface to the upper troposphere, where it can be much more efficiently radiated into space since it is above most of the greenhouse-trapping water vapor. So in short, it is this convective overturning of the atmosphere - poorly represented in computer models of global warming - that primarily determines the temperature distribution of the surface and upper troposphere, not radiation balance.

The Answer Lies Partly in a Better Understanding of Water's Role

A computer model is only as reliable as the physics that are built into the program. The physics that are currently in these computer programs are still insufficient to have much confidence in the predicted magnitude of global warming, because we currently don't understand the detailed physical processes of clouds that will determine the extent and nature of water vapor's feedback into the Earth's temperature.

And the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agrees:

``Feedback from the redistribution of water vapour remains a substantial uncertainty in climate models...Much of the current debate has been addressing feedback from the tropical upper troposphere, where the feedback appears likely to be positive. However, this is not yet convincingly established; much further evaluation of climate models with regard to observed processes is needed."

- Climate Change 1995, IPCC Second Assessment

Images of the Earth, such as this one in the infrared, tell us much about the distribution of water vapor. Areas within the Earth's atmosphere that are extremely dry, especially in the tropics, can act as large "chimneys" that allow energy to freely radiate into space, enhancing the cooling of the Earth. The effects of the tropical dry troposphere are poorly understood, and currently are not well-incorporated into computer models of global warming.

More Complex Than We Had Thought

Improving our understanding of the potential magnitude and extent of any man-made global warming will require a significant amount of critical scientific investigation, both in space and on Earth, using both observational and computational analysis techniques. It is clear that if we've learned anything in the past two decades, it's that the response and dynamics of the Earth as a complex, interconnected machine are far more detailed, intricate, and complicated than we first envisioned. Through NASA's Earth Observing System, researchers will continue to improve our ability to monitor the Earth system so that we may understand the subtleties of variations in the global atmosphere. NASA's continued direct observations of the Earth will help enable us to sort out the complicated issues of climate variability and change that affect the planet.

More Information on Climate Study!!

click to go to GHCC home page
Learn more about efforts to study
the global distribution of
water vapor and its effects
on weather and climate.

list of major hurricanes. last major one 2005
not included is this years Patricia....


(S FL)
(N TX)
(Mid-Atlantic & NE U.S.)
(FL Keys, MS, AL)
(S TX)
(Eastern U.S.)



Well-known member
well, we should be looking at available information, that's the truth

here's what NASA saw for november, put this into context of 6(7?) consecutive record setting warm months globally

November was Earth’s warmest such month on record by a huge margin


Last month was the warmest November on record by an incredible margin, according to NASA measurements. The global average temperature for the month was 1.05 degrees Celsius, or about 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit, warmer than the 1951 to 1980 average. It’s also the second month in a row that Earth’s temperature exceeded 1 degree Celsius above average.

It was just in October that our planet first exceeded the 1-degree benchmark in NASA’s records, dating to 1880. Prior to that, the largest anomaly was 0.97 degrees Celsius in January 2007.

The recent measurements become even more significant in light of the recent Paris accord, in which 196 countries boldly agreed to limit the planet’s warming to “well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degree Celsius.” The extraordinary warmth of October and November helped push this year well-past the 1-degree benchmark.

We have known that 2015 is all but certain to be the warmest year on record, though we did not know by how much it would be. Given the November report, 2015 will eclipse last year as the warmest year on record by a huge margin.


In fact it HASN'T warmed in 18 years,

and ice IS at record levels.


in the Feb 2010 BBC interview:


'' - saying It's been warming ' '

' ' SINCE 1998. ' '

And the Fossil Fuel businesses are the ones who provide MOST of the outside funding for ''research'' on ''climate change.''

They're making YOU finance the TRANSITION COSTS


Al Gore your hero told YOU


that YOU need to send HIM money.

Not that HE is going to send YOU any money
or do anything besides CREATE FAKE PRICE RISE in the
cost of YOUR



Because he TOLD YOU the SKY is a ''MAGICAL HEATER'' the CORE of WHICH is the Green House Gases -

which CREATE 2 of the 3 separate, UNIQUE, NAMED

thermodynamic modes of COOLING

created by virtue of existence of an atmospheric envelope at ALL.

Trying to squirm around and claim the people WARNING YOU that your FAKE RELIGION is a scam makes people telling you the TRUTH

seem like the ones doing the scamming - that's part of YOUR NEEDING to be DE-PROGRAMMED and TAUGHT to THINK for yourself

What is BIZARRE is that you can be told the very gases creating TWO of the THREE
individually named,
unique modes of

you've been told IMMERSION under makes things HOT

are the CORE of the MAGIC HEATER - and you're still in here talking about ...''no...NO, this CAN'T be TRUE - the giant FRIGID BATH isn't really a HEATER??? And - and the CORE of the MAGIC HEATER is actually responsible for creation of 2 of 3 modes of COOLING that are CREATED by the simple EXISTENCE of the FRIGID IMMERSION bath?

You should really hear yourself saying aloud - in front of other people that -

'' YEW jis CAiN'T buLEEVE the GOVERNMENT would LIE to yew!''

And how ''THIS is AWL MIX'd UP, YEW are CONFUSIN' me!''

Nobody's LYING to you except the PEOPLE who ADMITTED to YOU

THEY'RE LYING to you - and HAVE been lying to you

M.O.R.E. than 20 YEARS.

Nobody's CONFUSING you, you saw people who told you
they LOVE the ENVIRONMENT more than THEY love MONEY

and they told YOU
the only way THEY

is if YOU send them M.O.N.E.Y.
of course


You do that - Gia sad YOU'RE gonna feel GOOD about YOUR self.

as the


Besides the guy writing run on's, the anti climate change guys all parrot back the same right wing rhetoric with the 'it hasn't warmed in 18yrs or sea ice is at record levels' bullshit.

How don't you people see you're a bunch of useful idiots for the fossil fuel industry? Exxon knew in '77 about climate change. Sounds just like the Nixon administration covering up the fact that cannabis is benign. Or big tobacco saying their products don't cause cancer.

Here's a funny one


Phil Jones/BBC: Feb 2010:ALL warming since 1998 is faked data.

Phil Jones/BBC: Feb 2010:ALL warming since 1998 is faked data.

According to you, when you want more information on marijuana, you go to the websites teaching children and adults, that marijuana is like heroin.

Even after the people who told you they're lying, ADMITTED they have been

FALSIFYING the VERY RECORDS you're pointing to. Jones admitted:


Since at LEAST 1998.

It's ALL FAKE about the SKY being a HEATER.

It's ALL FAKE about there being MAGIC GAS that MAKES cold baths
magically make things IMMERSED in them,

Immersion in a FRIGID self-refrigerated GAS BATH creates COOLING.

Just like
pot is like heroin SCAM SCIENCE
telling you that your NEIGHBOR is the DEVIL
and the GOVERNMENT can SEE deep in their HEARTS
and that YOU need to HATE your NEIGHBORS for using fire.

*Phil Jones ADMITTED to YOU in the Feb 2010 BBC INTERVIEW

WARMED ONE WHIT - it's gotten a dash COOLER

*since 1998.

well, we should be looking at available information, that's the truth

here's what NASA saw for november, put this into context of 6(7?) consecutive record setting warm months globally

November was Earth’s warmest such month on record by a huge margin


Last month was the warmest November on record by an incredible margin, according to NASA measurements. The global average temperature for the month was 1.05 degrees Celsius, or about 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit, warmer than the 1951 to 1980 average. It’s also the second month in a row that Earth’s temperature exceeded 1 degree Celsius above average.

It was just in October that our planet first exceeded the 1-degree benchmark in NASA’s records, dating to 1880. Prior to that, the largest anomaly was 0.97 degrees Celsius in January 2007.

The recent measurements become even more significant in light of the recent Paris accord, in which 196 countries boldly agreed to limit the planet’s warming to “well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degree Celsius.” The extraordinary warmth of October and November helped push this year well-past the 1-degree benchmark.

We have known that 2015 is all but certain to be the warmest year on record, though we did not know by how much it would be. Given the November report, 2015 will eclipse last year as the warmest year on record by a huge margin.

It's so hard for people who have been programmed since the first days of kindergarten that

pot is like heroin,
pot is worse than methamphetamine
people who use their genitals differently are evil
people who review work done by public employees hate people
people who work in government don't have to obey regular laws, like the woman who said she'd be d***d if she'd issue some people their licenses -

when people can walk up and say to you - here is the MAN in CHARGE of the DATA KEEPING SAYING in 2005 it stopped warming in 1998 and - yo he'll be darned if he'll TELL because - why?

''The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world cooled since 1998. Ok it has, but it's''

ONLY seven years of data
and it's
NOT statistically signficant.''

Ya look around, and - Lo & beHOLD the DATASETS DEPICTING that

are the u.n.a.d.j.u.s.t.e.d. DATA put ONLINE RAW to prevent:

f.r.a.u.d. due to PEOPLE
f.a.k.i.n.g. the the DATA.

Okay... then 2009 -there's JONES - there's MANN - there's TRENBERTH and THERE'S HANSEN'S NAME in the list of recipients,

PLOTTING to RUIN a bbc reporter's CAREER:

TOLD some people that -

REAL records show,

that - IT hadn't

WARMED since

about... 1998.

Mann is there, ''YOU issue a press release, then YOU issue one, and MAKE it sound like we're NOT coordinating this when we say
it most certainly HAS WARMED since 1998, and

S.T.E.A.D.I.L.Y, and

by nearly EVERY last PERSON HIRED to MAKE SURE the RECORD'S GOOD and truth is SPREAD to the whole w.o.r.l.d.''

Then RIGHT THERE - someone at the lab pulled an Edward Snowden

and released a thousand emails

so people could see: these criminals ARE lying and HAVE been, for

decades. Not DAYS.

They have built entire careers, LYING and fraudulently faking data.

For a living, as a way of LIFE. Just like somebody charging you $120 an hour for 'counseling' ''services'' when you get found out by the POLiCe that YOU don't think, POT is like HEROIN. Like

the GuBMuNT signtists ToLD YeW it IS since you STARTED SCHOOL

THERE'S JONES: admitting he's LYIN'.
THERE'S MANN: making sure it all doesn't sound COORDINATED
THERE'S TRENBERTH: MELTING down: what are we gonna DO?!?!

The whole world stops as much on a DIME as an ENTIRE GOVERNMENT FRAUD being REVEALED by ONE ED SNOWDEN type can create:

THROWING back the COVER so you can SEE

what the ROACHES are doing when they're plotting another ''Pot Is Like Heroin'' scam.

*This is 20 YEARS' scamming by Hansen/Jones/Mann/Trenberth.*

Jones - gives interview and AGREES to COME CLEAN instead of jail.

Jones BBC interview 90 days or whatever after EMAILS released:

BBC: IS it TRUE, it HAS NOT WARMED since 1998 and that in fact


Jones: ''Yes but just barely. I calculated temperatures until

this month and THERE HAS BEEN NO WARMING since 1998 and


significant, COOLING"

Ok so - there's been NO WARMING since 1998. Has the overall record been REVISED so it SHOWS: what JONES ADMITTED?

That ''There has BEEN NO WARMING since 1998 and in fact, some slight, but not statistically significant, COOLING?

No? Then
That means 1999's records, are faked. Jones admitted it.

That means 2000's records, are faked.

That means 2001's records, are faked.

That means 2002's records, are faked.

That means 2003's records, are faked.

That means 2004's records, are faked.

That means 2005's records, are faked.

That means 2006's records, are faked.

That means 2007's records, are faked.

That means 2008's records, are faked.

That means 2009's records, are faked. Jones admitted it to us.

Did they go back and correct the records he admitted are faked?

Okay then

That means 2010's records, are faked.

That means 2011's records, are faked.

That means 2012's records, are faked.

That means 2013's records, are faked.

That means 2014's records, are faked.

That means 2015's records are also fake. Jones ADMITTED it to you.

So when you present a record the man who FAKED it

admitted he FAKED, to keep from going to jail after it was found

out through somebody pulling an Edward Snowden, that he


and you just move on like you're sure magic gas made a frigid

gas self refrigerated bath

a giant heater in the sky

you'll be okay if you realize - other people can face, the government is lying to you when it says hate people over a magical heater

and send them money so they can make sure you don't waste too much on fire, because you can make the sky get too hot.

Especially considering we're all HERE, herded together, because


since you are having something to do with it YOU MUST BE the DEVIL,

I'm not JUDGING you for growing up being programmed to believe
hot is cold, and
cold is hot: and
there's a magic heater in the sky,

that will get even hotter
if you put more of the substances CREATING
the unique, named mode of COOLING through
EXISTENCE of an atmosphere blocking energy to us -

I'm not judging you for not being able to make yourself face that if
those gases CREATE the MODE of COOLING that REDUCES energy
to the surface of the rotating globe by 20% -
if you put MORE in the air, so diffraction cooling is INCREASED

until 21% of energy to the surface is REDUCED

an increase of diffraction COOLING.

That's something you're going to have to process until you can realize - other people can see this. And your jumping up and down about how we talk about it,

doesn't dissuade us from talking about it, any more than the ''Pot is Like Heroin''

scientific scam, from the SAME church of ''anything goes if you can enforce it on the people'' dissuaded us from talking about it.

As a matter of fact you NEED to see what people talk like when they can tell the difference between a COLD immersion bath and a heater; because it's very obvious lots of people who took the government's word for the atmosphere not being a frigid fluid bath, but rather being a giant, magical heater, are very much in shock about just how to handle what they have been clearly shown.

The LEADER of the sky is a heater MOVEMENT

He REFERRED to it just between HIM and FRIENDS
He and others were trying to shut down ALL talk of it
He and his friends were OUTED being seen SAYING it

He was told tell the truth or go to jail. HE FAKED it ALL.
NONE of it's REAL.

Are any of those records REVISED? Ok that means they are FAKE.

That's just - all there is to it. We have the testimony of the man in charge of FAKING the DATA
admitting that he had been,
since probably - BEFORE you had a DRIVER'S license.
Certainly ALL the YEARS you have been in SCHOOL

Federal SCAMMERS have been teaching you, your parents, your kids - that the SKY, is a HEATER.
And USING FIRE makes the SKY get hot.

But that's not really true, the atmosphere isn't really a magical heater. There aren't really magical gases that make a frigid fluid self refrigerating bath, start warming the objects you plop in them.

You don't really make the sky hotter when you put more of the substance in the sky CREATING a uniquely NAMED MODE of cooling.

IF putting it there created 20% energy LOSS thus creating that mode of COOLING

then when you put enough to create 21% energy LOSS -that's more of that mode of COOLING.



When the high priest of the religion the government taught you, admitted to you and the whole world, -that -he's been lying since 1998,

that can be hard for you to process.

But look at the difficulty you have in light of the amount of - just pure and simple PROGRAMMING you've received in your life.

James Hansen was made the head of Goddard in 1980 or so. Whatever year. Ok?

He was ALREADY fixating on his ''Magical Gais on Venus'' before THAT time. His career telling people the sky is a giant heater,

lasted more than THIRTY YEARS.

This is the work of the wack-0-saur who told NPR before he was going to speak to Congress that ''he didn't have time to talk to the press because of the 'urgency' of his ''research'' and his upcoming speech before the Senate about the magical heater, and the magical gais, and how the sky is a giant, mysterious, heater.

And how he and other ''scientists'' - some of the ''smartest men in the world'' - were ANXIOUS because it SEEMED like the SKY would get REAL HOT if you put

more of the gases in the air that create 20% energy reduction to the planet.

That's right less energy to sensors makes sensors depict
more energy arriving on the sensors
than when there was
more energy arriving on the sensors.

You have a spherical globe rotating in vacuum lit by a light,
sensors on the surface,

light in is 100%.
energy gain modes number 1: name of mode is radiant,
energy loss modes number 1: name of mode is radiant.

Suspension of reflective insulating gas envelope around sphere creates initial effect of stopping 20% energy from light to surface.

This energy handling mode is a mode of LOSS: COOLING and is named DIFFRACTION loss.

This energy LOSS mode is created nearly COMPLETELY by green house gas species.

Second mode of energy handling: since diffraction LOSS creates initial COOLING atmospheric envelope remains many degrees colder than surface. Turbulent impingement of atmospheric molecules against surface features create energy handling mode of LOSS named

conduction. All species in the frigid envelope aid in this 2nd unique named mode of energy loss created by atmosphere's existence.

3rd mode of energy handling created by atmosphere is loss through mode named Convection. Gases rise in accordance w/gravity
all species participate but PARTICULARLY
by GREEN HOUSE GAS species WATER is associated with it's
phase change
refrigeration cycle.
Evaporation as phase change removes energy, gas rises,
condensation as phase change occurs a second time, gas falls,
and in falling
condensed, to solid phase, it returns FASTER than if it remained gas. This unique mode of ACCELERATED COOLING is associated SOLELY and UNIQUELY with GREEN HOUSE GAS species


The first mode of energy handling created by existence of an atmosphere is a mode of COOLING. If you had enough of the gases creating DIFFRACTION cooling to remove say 10% total energy then
energy sensors on earth would show
10% less energy arriving
than when
there was
10% more energy arriving.

So - on up, to 19%, then to 20% - and if you

suspended more of the GREEN HOUSE GASES responsible for the

unique, named mode of cooling their presence created @ 20%
until the unique mode of cooling created loss of 21%

that is more of the unique mode of energy LOSS
called diffraction COOLING.

Look at what you have been reminded of.

Look at what you know about simple ''plus vs minus.''

Look at what you know about immersing objects in frigid gas baths

When did you ever immerse an object in frigid fluid and it got warmer?

When did you ever block energy to a thermometer
and the thermometer showed
more energy arriving
than when there was
more energy arriving?

Why doesn't ANYONE who claims to BELIEVE in it
simply explain it so everybody clearly understands
how the atmosphere can
remain a FRIGID self refrigerating TURBULENT fluid BATH
HEAT the sensors
it shades/scrubs/refrigerates?

Because there is no thermodynamic process to contrive a FRIGID FLUID IMMERSION BATH into a heater.

Besides the guy writing run on's, the anti climate change guys all parrot back the same right wing rhetoric with the 'it hasn't warmed in 18yrs or sea ice is at record levels' bullshit.

How don't you people see you're a bunch of useful idiots for the fossil fuel industry? Exxon knew in '77 about climate change. Sounds just like the Nixon administration covering up the fact that cannabis is benign. Or big tobacco saying their products don't cause cancer. [\quote]

Al Gore is an OIL MAN who inherited from his Senator father Al Gore Sr,

He wanted YOU to make war on OTHER ENERGY MARKETS
He wanted YOU to make war on OTHER energy men's MARKET SHARE.
Soros wants you out there screaming

When he was through TELLING you
that if YOU were a REAL man YOU'D UNHOOK

YOUR pension from COAL stocks
YOU blinked and DID it, being a USEFUL IDIOT for his FOSSIL FUEL,

and the PRICE FELL by 9/10ths - Soros went and BOUGHT himself: a MILLION shares.

YOU don't mind.

That's right, Sweet George Soros went and helped himself - to a MILLION shares. at 1/10th the price.

Because YOU feel so - climate GUILTY for MAKING the SKY hot.

That's a HELLuVA FIRE SALE isn't it.

We're gonna OCCUPY and WE'RE not gonna PUT with everybody MAKIN the SKY GiT WaRM! It's SUICIDE, we're.. WARMIN' UP the SKY !''

No, YOU're being Archie Bunker from All In The Family.

Telling YOUR kids the GuBMuNT said the SKY will get HOT

if you USE FIRE so YOU all sit around wearing fur coats and boots inside. So George Soros doesn't have to feel ashamed of you for making the sky hot. But thanks for the COAL STOCKS!

That's YOU teaching children about feeling ''climate shame''

for teaching your wife the awful evil of using fire
without the shame appropriate for a woman using fire.
Since using fire can make the sky hot, and might make HER
have to go sit out in the cold and OCCUPY somebody's property
so Al and George can get GREAT deals on THRIFT FOSSIL FUELS

Don't you dare teach a child to use fire without feeling shame.

Because it's filthy.

That's why George BOUGHT a MILLION shares of

YOU conveniently drove the price of through the floor.

Sitting out in the cold saying you weren't going to be manipulated over
ANY more.

You DISCONNECTED your RETIREMENT from ENERGY STOCK so the PRICE would DROP so George Soros and Al Gore could BUY LYBIA and ALL that DIRTY COAL STOCK *YOU* got told *YOU* don't want because

''the sky could get too hot!''

is a SHILL
and a USEFUL IDIOT for OIL MEN and FOSSIL FUEL barons?

Well why don't you go out there and confront George Soros about buying a million shares of coal stock and see what he tells you?

He told YOU get out there and 'speak out against coal!' Ok. YOU made the stuff worthless JUST LIKE HE told *YOU* to do
when you went and
SAT OUTSIDE in the COLD protesting
somebody might make the SKY hot.

Then *YOU* can tell that to *YOUR* kids and they're gonna noe their daddy is a
smart man.

Knowin all about how the sky is a heater,

and how things get hot when you immerse them into frigid, self refrigerating fluids, that block initial energy from even reaching the thing getting made hot in the

"Which ones of the GASES are the HEATER daddy?''

...''You know the ones that create the FIRST mode of cooling through their existence as a component of the atmosphere,

and the THIRD mode of cooling, created through existence of the green house gas species

phase change acceleration of the 2nd mode of COOLING
created by
existence of an atmosphere?''

''Yes, daddy, the green house gases."
"They create diffraction loss to the globe of 20%,
then further loss through phase change refrigeration amplification of conductance called 'convection.' "

''Yeah well those are the ones that make the atmosphere a magic heater.''

''How daddy?''

"Shut UP! Shut UP your DENIAL!" "You're a SHILL for FOSSIL FUEL!"

"But daddy -''


"I HEAR the DESPICABLE HATE you have for Gaia!''

"But daddy - I'm only 11, I just want to know the TRUTH!"

"YeW CAn'T HaNDLe the TRUTH!" You can't HANDLE being told, the SKY isn't really a HEATER!
You'd USE FIRE and
about ..USING FIRE without GUILT!!"

Now GET out there and GET your COAT on!! We've got to SIT OUTSIDE in the freezing COLD so we can DRIVE the STOCKS of our ENERGY supply down so GEORGE SOROS can BUY them all so we won't feel DIRTY and ASHAMED by ...HAVING too much FIRE any more!''


You're not a 'useful idiot' of ''big fossil fuel'' when you go outside and sit in the cold and insist your own investor remove YOUR energy stocks from YOUR retirement fund
and DRIVE the price to 1/10th so the man who told YOU
SKY will get HOT if YOU use FIRE
can by it a DIME on the DOLLAR
and YOU
believed him.

Uhm the PEOPLE who aren't in your church aren't out protesting in the street, to take all energy stock out of their retirement, drive the price down from a dollar to a dime,
and let some billionaire who told them the sky will get hot
buy it all up
and wait for it's value to -inevitably - return where it was.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The climate has always changed and we have the history books to prove it…. Like any graph you can look at a short time period or a long time period…. and choose a starting and ending point (year), depending on what you are trying to prove.

Statistics can show what happened in the past, but predicting the future is not so easy.


Well-known member
according to scientists throughout my life, i have been warned of no fewer than two impending "little ice ages", had one summer in the early sixties when the average high temp here was in the upper fifties/ low 60s, and, unlike you whippersnappers on here, "suffered" through several winters in the late seventies/early eighties when my mother and i went fishing in January & February. she would have her shirt sleeves rolled up in order to get an early start on her tanning efforts while i was wearing blue jeans & a cut-off tee shirt. only difference between then & now is that certain political factions have figured out how to wreak havoc on our economy , make money/get attention and in general be a royal PITA. our planet gets hotter, it gets colder, and it does so (and has for all time) regardless of any damn thing that we puny humans do. is there a chance that any actions we take might make it a bit better or worse? sure. but whatever is going to happen will happen regardless of anything we try. oceans once covered nearly the entire Mississippi valley during warmer spells BEFORE we walked this planet, and likely will again. fucking get used to the idea that we are not in charge, never have been, and never will be. :tiphat:


Well-known member
When the high priest of the religion the government taught you, admitted to you and the whole world, -that -he's been lying since 1998,

that can be hard for you to process.

But look at the difficulty you have in light of the amount of - just pure and simple PROGRAMMING you've received in your life.

James Hansen was made the head of Goddard in 1980 or so. Whatever year. Ok?

He was ALREADY fixating on his ''Magical Gais on Venus'' before THAT time. His career telling people the sky is a giant heater,

lasted more than THIRTY YEARS.

This is the work of the wack-0-saur who told NPR before he was going to speak to Congress that ''he didn't have time to talk to the press because of the 'urgency' of his ''research'' and his upcoming speech before the Senate about the magical heater, and the magical gais, and how the sky is a giant, mysterious, heater.

And how he and other ''scientists'' - some of the ''smartest men in the world'' - were ANXIOUS because it SEEMED like the SKY would get REAL HOT if you put

more of the gases in the air that create 20% energy reduction to the planet.

That's right less energy to sensors makes sensors depict
more energy arriving on the sensors
than when there was
more energy arriving on the sensors.

You have a spherical globe rotating in vacuum lit by a light,
sensors on the surface,

light in is 100%.
energy gain modes number 1: name of mode is radiant,
energy loss modes number 1: name of mode is radiant.

Suspension of reflective insulating gas envelope around sphere creates initial effect of stopping 20% energy from light to surface.

This energy handling mode is a mode of LOSS: COOLING and is named DIFFRACTION loss.

This energy LOSS mode is created nearly COMPLETELY by green house gas species.

Second mode of energy handling: since diffraction LOSS creates initial COOLING atmospheric envelope remains many degrees colder than surface. Turbulent impingement of atmospheric molecules against surface features create energy handling mode of LOSS named

conduction. All species in the frigid envelope aid in this 2nd unique named mode of energy loss created by atmosphere's existence.

3rd mode of energy handling created by atmosphere is loss through mode named Convection. Gases rise in accordance w/gravity
all species participate but PARTICULARLY
by GREEN HOUSE GAS species WATER is associated with it's
phase change
refrigeration cycle.
Evaporation as phase change removes energy, gas rises,
condensation as phase change occurs a second time, gas falls,
and in falling
condensed, to solid phase, it returns FASTER than if it remained gas. This unique mode of ACCELERATED COOLING is associated SOLELY and UNIQUELY with GREEN HOUSE GAS species


The first mode of energy handling created by existence of an atmosphere is a mode of COOLING. If you had enough of the gases creating DIFFRACTION cooling to remove say 10% total energy then
energy sensors on earth would show
10% less energy arriving
than when
there was
10% more energy arriving.

So - on up, to 19%, then to 20% - and if you

suspended more of the GREEN HOUSE GASES responsible for the

unique, named mode of cooling their presence created @ 20%
until the unique mode of cooling created loss of 21%

that is more of the unique mode of energy LOSS
called diffraction COOLING.

Look at what you have been reminded of.

Look at what you know about simple ''plus vs minus.''

Look at what you know about immersing objects in frigid gas baths

When did you ever immerse an object in frigid fluid and it got warmer?

When did you ever block energy to a thermometer
and the thermometer showed
more energy arriving
than when there was
more energy arriving?

Why doesn't ANYONE who claims to BELIEVE in it
simply explain it so everybody clearly understands
how the atmosphere can
remain a FRIGID self refrigerating TURBULENT fluid BATH
HEAT the sensors
it shades/scrubs/refrigerates?

Because there is no thermodynamic process to contrive a FRIGID FLUID IMMERSION BATH into a heater.

Besides the guy writing run on's, the anti climate change guys all parrot back the same right wing rhetoric with the 'it hasn't warmed in 18yrs or sea ice is at record levels' bullshit.

How don't you people see you're a bunch of useful idiots for the fossil fuel industry? Exxon knew in '77 about climate change. Sounds just like the Nixon administration covering up the fact that cannabis is benign. Or big tobacco saying their products don't cause cancer. [\quote]

Al Gore is an OIL MAN who inherited from his Senator father Al Gore Sr,

He wanted YOU to make war on OTHER ENERGY MARKETS
He wanted YOU to make war on OTHER energy men's MARKET SHARE.
Soros wants you out there screaming

When he was through TELLING you
that if YOU were a REAL man YOU'D UNHOOK

YOUR pension from COAL stocks
YOU blinked and DID it, being a USEFUL IDIOT for his FOSSIL FUEL,

and the PRICE FELL by 9/10ths - Soros went and BOUGHT himself: a MILLION shares.

YOU don't mind.

That's right, Sweet George Soros went and helped himself - to a MILLION shares. at 1/10th the price.

Because YOU feel so - climate GUILTY for MAKING the SKY hot.

That's a HELLuVA FIRE SALE isn't it.

We're gonna OCCUPY and WE'RE not gonna PUT with everybody MAKIN the SKY GiT WaRM! It's SUICIDE, we're.. WARMIN' UP the SKY !''

No, YOU're being Archie Bunker from All In The Family.

Telling YOUR kids the GuBMuNT said the SKY will get HOT

if you USE FIRE so YOU all sit around wearing fur coats and boots inside. So George Soros doesn't have to feel ashamed of you for making the sky hot. But thanks for the COAL STOCKS!

That's YOU teaching children about feeling ''climate shame''

for teaching your wife the awful evil of using fire
without the shame appropriate for a woman using fire.
Since using fire can make the sky hot, and might make HER
have to go sit out in the cold and OCCUPY somebody's property
so Al and George can get GREAT deals on THRIFT FOSSIL FUELS

Don't you dare teach a child to use fire without feeling shame.

Because it's filthy.

That's why George BOUGHT a MILLION shares of

YOU conveniently drove the price of through the floor.

Sitting out in the cold saying you weren't going to be manipulated over
ANY more.

You DISCONNECTED your RETIREMENT from ENERGY STOCK so the PRICE would DROP so George Soros and Al Gore could BUY LYBIA and ALL that DIRTY COAL STOCK *YOU* got told *YOU* don't want because

''the sky could get too hot!''

is a SHILL
and a USEFUL IDIOT for OIL MEN and FOSSIL FUEL barons?

Well why don't you go out there and confront George Soros about buying a million shares of coal stock and see what he tells you?

He told YOU get out there and 'speak out against coal!' Ok. YOU made the stuff worthless JUST LIKE HE told *YOU* to do
when you went and
SAT OUTSIDE in the COLD protesting
somebody might make the SKY hot.

Then *YOU* can tell that to *YOUR* kids and they're gonna noe their daddy is a
smart man.

Knowin all about how the sky is a heater,

and how things get hot when you immerse them into frigid, self refrigerating fluids, that block initial energy from even reaching the thing getting made hot in the

"Which ones of the GASES are the HEATER daddy?''

...''You know the ones that create the FIRST mode of cooling through their existence as a component of the atmosphere,

and the THIRD mode of cooling, created through existence of the green house gas species

phase change acceleration of the 2nd mode of COOLING
created by
existence of an atmosphere?''

''Yes, daddy, the green house gases."
"They create diffraction loss to the globe of 20%,
then further loss through phase change refrigeration amplification of conductance called 'convection.' "

''Yeah well those are the ones that make the atmosphere a magic heater.''

''How daddy?''

"Shut UP! Shut UP your DENIAL!" "You're a SHILL for FOSSIL FUEL!"

"But daddy -''


"I HEAR the DESPICABLE HATE you have for Gaia!''

"But daddy - I'm only 11, I just want to know the TRUTH!"

"YeW CAn'T HaNDLe the TRUTH!" You can't HANDLE being told, the SKY isn't really a HEATER!
You'd USE FIRE and
about ..USING FIRE without GUILT!!"

Now GET out there and GET your COAT on!! We've got to SIT OUTSIDE in the freezing COLD so we can DRIVE the STOCKS of our ENERGY supply down so GEORGE SOROS can BUY them all so we won't feel DIRTY and ASHAMED by ...HAVING too much FIRE any more!''


You're not a 'useful idiot' of ''big fossil fuel'' when you go outside and sit in the cold and insist your own investor remove YOUR energy stocks from YOUR retirement fund
and DRIVE the price to 1/10th so the man who told YOU
SKY will get HOT if YOU use FIRE
can by it a DIME on the DOLLAR
and YOU
believed him.

Uhm the PEOPLE who aren't in your church aren't out protesting in the street, to take all energy stock out of their retirement, drive the price down from a dollar to a dime,
and let some billionaire who told them the sky will get hot
buy it all up
and wait for it's value to -inevitably - return where it was.

No one is reading your terribly formatted incoherent deranged posts my friend, sorry to have to burst your bubble.

Hop back on the medication and turn off the far right propaganda.


I'm a pot activist, on the side telling people about the OTHER

government scam, ''Pot's Like Heroin.''

You are the beneficiary of that campaign I've waged for the past thirty years.

The fact pot's legal in 16-ish states proves I'm not alone knowing the government lies about science.

The fact you squeal, and name-call, proves I'm not alone knowing the government lies about science,

and you believed it and bit it hook, line, and sinker.

No one is reading your terribly formatted incoherent deranged posts my friend, sorry to have to burst your bubble.

Hop back on the medication and turn off the far right propaganda.
The sky is not a heater it is a frigid, fluid, self refrigerating, gas bath.

The existence of the atmosphere creates 3 separately named, unique, thermodynamic modes of energy handling, known as 'loss.'

Energy loss

Energy gain

When a sphere rotates in vacuum lit by a light
energy to sphere =100%
energy modes to sphere = 1. That mode is: Radiant
energy modes from sphere = 1. That mode is: Radiant

On suspension of reflective insulating gas envelope around sphere, energy to sphere surface immediately DIMINISHES 20%.

What is the name of this mode of energy loss? Answer: Diffraction Cooling.

What class gases are nearly SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for this 20% loss? Answer: GREEN HOUSE GASES.

What would happen if more green house gases creating the initial 20% energy loss to sphere surface were suspended in the atmospheric air mix between the rotating sphere and light?

Answer: there would be MORE DIFFRACTION mode COOLING of the sphere.

When initial Diffraction Cooling by Green House Gases

has reduced energy to the surface of the sphere 20%, the gas envelope suspended around the sphere is still many degrees COOLER than surface features.

Energy migration from warmer surface features to colder atmospheric regimes creates the second separately defined and named, unique mode of cooling created by existence of the atmosphere: Conductance.
Green House Gas Species Water surpasses all others in rate of cooling per molecule made possible through it's participation in this second mode of named, uniquely defined energy loss, to the surface.

Mode of energy loss Convection is participated in by all atmospheric gas species. Upon transfer of energy from surface features to individual molecules energization creates rise of those molecules whose energy gain creates conductance cooling of the warmer surface by the colder turbulent fluid bath.

Green House Gas Species Water is solely responsible for a unique thermodynamic process named phase change and it's associated refrigeration effect. Evaporation from one phase to another, gas, creates initial energy loss by surface. Upon energy dump to lower energy-level regimes at higher altitudes, green house gas species water AGAIN changes phase: returning to the surface faster as solid, than if it remained gas, after the initial phase change.

Overall 3 uniquely named thermodynamic processes are created by existence of an atmosphere.

2 of them are HEAVILY associated with Green House Gas species.

1 of them the first, DIFFRACTION COOLING is nearly COMPLETELY a function of Green House Gases.

The second mode conduction is led in rate of energy removal per molecule, by Green House Gas Species Water.

The third mode convection is most MEMORABLE by the unique rate of cooling ACCELERATION of phase change refrigeration by Green House Gas Species Water.

There is no magic heater in the sky. The government lied to you. There is no ''climate guilt'' from ''making the sky hot'' because the 'sky' is a

COLD, TURBULENT self REFRIGERATED fluid gas BATH immersing the SURFACE and ALL it's FEATURES in the thermodynamic
SHADING (20% diffraction cooling energy kicked out to space never to arrive
SCRUBBING (through conduction led by green house gas species water in rate-per-molecule)
REFRIGERATING (through phase change refrigeration by atmospheric refrigerant Green House Gas species Water which lies in chilled, LOW ENERGY form, across 70% of the sphere of the globe)

created merely by the existence, of the atmosphere.

If you were to try to burn up all the stuff on the surface and make the sky hot, you would raise levels of the SPECIES RESPONSIBLE for CREATION of THE MODE of COOLING named diffraction cooling.

And instead of reducing energy to the surface of the planet by 20% you could then reduce energy to the surface by 21. Or 22. Or 23%.

BONUS TEST QUESTION: reflective molecules reducing energy to sphere surface have been added such that eventual energy loss due to their diffraction began with 0% followed by successive additions of GREENHOUSE GAS SPECIES such that energy reduction to surface climbed from 0 through 5, then 10, then 15 and finally 20% energy loss to surface of the sphere.

Suspension of even more of the molecules responsible for the named mode of energy loss called diffraction loss would cause:

further loss of energy to surface enhancing DIFFRACTION COOLING

gain of energy to surface such that sensors showed
more energy arriving
than when there was
more energy arriving?

You say. You teach your kids the truth it's yours to teach. Tell em the entire sky is a giant heateristical hotterism,
daddy had to get those energy stocks out of his retirement pension

so Al Gore and George Soros could keep them safe where they didn't make daddy's pension get dirty with fossil fuel money.

It's your religion,

you deal with the fallout of us just discussing exactly what it is you claim to be trying to tell us all.

We all have to stop using fire,

because your ''friend'' said so.

Your ''friend'' who told YOU


''divest your retirement portfolio of all those dirty fossil fuel stocks''


and he went around and BOUGHT em all up.

That's your ''FRIEND?'' With FRIENDS like THAT - who needs enemies?

And DON'T START ACTING like ME UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY - this is YOUR story of YOUR ''friend'' advising YOU to advise ME - we all have to stop USING the DIRTY FIRE because it will make the SKY HOT
with the substance that CREATES the unique thermodynamic process called DIFFRACTION COOLING of the PLANET

and GIVE our ''DIRTY OLD FOSSIL FUELS'' stocks to HIM, because HE loves ' 'GIA' ' the ''mother planet'' MORE than all of US, so he STARTED a RELIGION to ' 'her' ' and told us
WE can't use FIRE any more unless we BUY our fire from HIM.

This is YOUR story.

No WONDER you get so disgusted when you have to talk about it.



Your ' ' FRIEND ' ' told you to ''divest your portfolio of ALL that DIRTY FOSSIL FUEL''

and when you DID it, HE went around, and BOUGHT it.

LoL. That's your ''friend?''


He's got you out there in the street wearing a hoodie, camped out freezing your &*& off, throwing rocks at your OWN retirement investor's window up on the third floor, -

he's standing there with his fingertips at his mouth brushing his beard like...w...t.F?? Who are those PEOPLE down there??? And he can't SEE - because YOU'RE EMPOWERED by GEORGE and AL Gee so YOU COVERED your FACE with a KERCHIEF so HE can't SEE it's YOU,

throwing rocks at his window, screaming ''DIVEST MY PORTFOLIO of FOSSIL FUELS! NOW!''

So after a few weeks and months, he does.. you're out there WAVING your ''FREE GAIA from the GREED'' flag, strutting around... your OWN retirement investor
finally makes the call..

''we're gonna divest our portfolio of that nasty fossil fuel stock, thanks.'' And he hangs up, and then a few weeks later,

your investor is reading the news, skimming along, and it says

"some guy named ''George Soros'' bought a MILLION + stocks in the world's LARGEST coal companies" and he wonders...

" I wonder who that GEORGE SOROS guy is?"

After George had YOU going out there, waving that ''FREE GAIA from GREED'' flag outside YOUR OWN investor's office windows,

-George talked you into going and buying YOUR OWN spray paint at Wal-Mart to make,

using YOUR OWN thrift store blanket, to go tell YOUR OWN retirement investor to divest of YOUR OWN stocks -

so he can just *snap* BUY it UP -

paying a DIME

for a DOLLAR'S worth.

And YOU tell ME and the people trying to WAVE YOU OFF it sounds like a TRICK?


Hey: when a GUY has you go out and throw ROCKS at your OWN INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL's WINDOWS with a SHIRT over your FACE so HE can't recognize you,

telling him ''DIVEST my PORTFOLIO of those FOSSIL FUEL STOCKS NOW!''

and he keeps you out there for WEEKS.. then for MONTHS... sending people out fresh from meetings on how to make a ''FREE GAIA from GREED!'' sign with some PAINT

and then when your OWN RETIREMENT investor finally DOES it - DIVESTS your RETIREMENT of ALL THAT dirty FOSSIL FUELS stock -

and the GUY who put you OUT there just BUYS it all up a DIME on the DOLLAR - the guy who STARTED the RELIGION you painted on your thrift blanket flag you were waving ''Free Gaia From Fossil Fuel!"

buys it all up a DIME for a DOLLAR's worth - and you keep on telling those of us trying to say to you ''hey - snap out of it you just got WORKED -

you're saying YOUR FRIENDS here at the POT SITE sound like we're IN a CONSPIRACY to TRICK YOU?????

:laughing: :laughing:

That dude had you out there THROWING ROCKS at your OWN RETIREMENT fund guy.

Wearing a MASK so HE couldn't SEE you.


...months later.... oK, oK, he picks up the phone, makes the call, SELLS YOUR RETIREMENT ENERGY FUNDS on the OPEN MARKET
some GUY you don't know
YOU to go out there and throw rocks at your OWN retirement fund guy,

till he just threw all of YOUR stocks, that YOU made WORTHLESS telling him DUMP them DUMP them DUMP THEM!!

And when some of US come around and tell you ''psst. The sky isn't hot. It isn't a heater, it won't get hot if you use fire'' -

you say it sounds like WE here at the POT site are TRICKING you?

There's no WAY George would do that to me without it being part of a bigger PLAN...

Yeah. Tell you the sky's a magic heater, and to go throw rocks at your investment professional till he sold all your energy stocks for a dime on the dollar.

That was the plan.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor


He LITERALLY told you the sky's a magic heater,

and made you SO SCARED that he told you go throw rocks at your OWN investor

screaming ''dump those filthy fossil fuel stocks NOW!!'' till your OWN investor did it,

so he could come along and buy them.

And YOUR angle on all this,
is the people who tell you,
acting like that is a scam,

are trying to TRICK you.

No, when we take you from step, to step, following thermodynamic stepped modeling, that - there's no magic heater, we ain't tryin' to trick you.

We're pointing out that, giving you a rag, saying ''go shake this rag at their window, and throw rocks at their lawn service guy, and make them divest of all their filthy fossil fuel investments,''

and then having you keep on doing that outside your OWN pension investor's window, till finally, after YEARS just gives in and makes the call, and SELLS your momentarily DRIVEN down stocks,

for the FOUNDER of your ANTI-COAL for GAIA RELIGION to just quietly, BUY THEM ALL UP for a dime on the DOLLAR and never say a single word,

sounds like HE
tricked you.

After all it was HIS friend, the ''Coal Is Death" Dr. Hansen, who told you ''The Sky''
is a magic HEATER.

HE - George Soros - is eager for you to know about the magical heateristicalness of the sky. It's not really cold out here camping, throwing rocks at your own investor's windows, telling him throw away that old fossil fuels stock; what would be cold, is if Gaia didn't get her heater turned down. Okay so we can sacrifice for that.

But then George kinda blew your buzz when he BOUGHT a million and a half shares at a dime to the dollar.

That part kinda makes ya think about staying home from CHURCH, don't it?

"Hey Hon - let's pack up the kids, and go camp outside our investor's office, and throw rocks at his windows, screaming about death for the planet from the sky heater, till our investment guy throws all our commodities out for a dime on the dollar, so we'll pack up and go back home!"

It really doesn't have quite that same romantic ring when you know the guy who gave you the ''Gaia Hates Fossil Fuels" idea and started the church about how ''fossil heat is death''

called up your investor from his snug warm office and bought all your energy shares at a dime on the dollar, and then told you you're also going to be funding his foray into ''alternative energies'' with Al Gore.

You need to send money so you don't need to feel shame. Because Al Gore loves Gaia so he had HIS oil company hustle in after Khaddaffi was overthrown, and hustle up some of that ''FILTHY FOSSIL FUEL'' under the ground over there.

"YeW don't UNDERSTAND, GEORGE wouldn't DO me that WAY'' is just the wrong answer. George DO how a billionaire invester DO and what he DID was talk YOU

into throwing rocks at your own investor, for your own retirement wherever you work, till you made him dump your stocks on the ground for pennies
on the dolllar,

and then the guy who sent you over there to make you do that,

called him up and said he'd buy em. And you can go home and feel shame,
for using fire,
and making the sky get hot.


That's a great design for a back radiation reflector, is that what you wear when you're throwing rocks at your investor's windows, telling him to dump your ''filthy fossil fuels'' stocks, so George Soros can buy them for a dime on a dollar?

We know about the ''Shield of Faith'' the sky is a magic heater,

I'm familiar with the ''Sword of Truth'', the armor of something...

Is that the "Helmet of Climate Shame" for using FIRE? LoLoL !



the SKY's gonna HEAT UP an' YOU'LL have to WEAR ONE o'THESE ALL OVER !

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
No.... just thought I would illustrate that old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words," which actually was originally stated as, "A picture is worth ten thousand words."

Since nobody is bothering to read past the first sentences of your diatribes, you might be interested in using some photographs yourself to convey your thoughts.

That one photograph of mine said everything I wanted to say, saving me the typing of numerous paragraphs.

Just trying to help. :)

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