Al Gore said during his Nobel Peace prize acceptance speech. He actually said as soon as 2013. I wouldn't think you could get a Nobel peace price if the scientific community didn't agree. Obviously your mistaken.
Oh well Al Gore said it so it must be true. The last time I checked Al Gore was not a scientist. Yeah he had information from scientists but perhaps he stated things incorrectly? I stopped listening to him ever since him and his wife Tipper were pushing for Parental Ratings for music when Tipper overheard her then 11 year old daughter listening to a "Prince" song she felt was inappropriate. I can imagine Gore learning of environmental problems, thinking of a way to cash in and then hiring his own team to make sure he got the results he wanted. As is usually the case with Government solicited studies. The point being it is premature to dismiss all global warming science just because things haven't gone exactly the way Al Gore predicted
So, the question begs to be asked again. What percent of those ice caps have melted? Even 10% should equal 20 ft higher sea levels right? Obviously your mistaken again.
I don't think it's that much and what percentage depends on whether were talking ice on top of land such as glaciers or ice in water such as icebergs? Ice in water can appear as if it's land but with ice in water whatever is on top is a fraction of what is underneath. Hence the old expression "That's just the tip of the iceburg". When water freezes into ice it expands, that is to say it takes up more space then when it's just water. Much of the ice at the poles is in the water so all that ice has a displacing effect. If it were to all melt but not one bit of the ice on land melted, you would see little change or more likely sea levels would actually drop.
No, sorry. Satellite data shows no increase in temperatures in 18 years. This is all about control and fear. Tell all the people the sea's will rise and entire cities will be underwater. However, no evidence of this being shown by any scientific models.
Not sure where you get your info from but satallites don't measure temperature changes.
Satellites do not measure temperature. They measure radiances in various wavelength bands, which must then be mathematically inverted to obtain indirect inferences of temperature.[1][2] The resulting temperature profiles depend on details of the methods that are used to obtain temperatures from radiances. As a result, different groups that have analyzed the satellite data have produced differing temperature datasets. Among these are the UAH dataset prepared at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the RSS dataset prepared by Remote Sensing Systems.
The satellite time series is not homogeneous. It is constructed from a series of satellites with similar but not identical sensors. The sensors also deteriorate over time, and corrections are necessary for orbital drift and decay. Particularly large differences between reconstructed temperature series occur at the few times when there is little temporal overlap between successive satellites, making intercalibration difficult
They can infer certain things that can then be calculated mathematically by one of several formula that has different data sets consequently giving different results and all this is done using sensors that deteriorate with age and become less active. Which all goes to say that satellite readings neither prove or disprove global warming or climate change.
99% of those scientist stated temperatures will go up. They haven't
oops sorry you got it wrong again, at least according to NASA
First of all the temperature changes they are talking about with global warming are in fractions of degrees. Also they are talking in terms of trends the temps have been trending upwards since the early 1900's it's an average of the earth's surface temperature taken from many points of the globe rather then just in one town, city or country. It doesn't rise in a linear rate. It has peaks and valleys. So it's possible for it to appear for a few years that not only is it not rising, it's actually falling. The real question though is falling compared to when? To base your judgement on a window of just 15 years is to delude yourself and possibly others.
The really big question though, is from the early 1900's until now even a big enough window to get an accurate view? Not when talking cycles that take tens of thousands of years to complete.
Now what modern science is trying to determine is what impact if any does man have on these cycles? In the same time period the earth's population of man has nearly tripled. The impact on earth is noticeable with things like cities in China where the air gets so bad they have to order people to stay indoors as much as possible. Also whether it's affecting the global warming is somewhat difficult to say since we know the earth goes thru these cycles that also cause Global warming. Cycles we haven't fully got a grasp on yet. My guess and many agree with this is man isn't causing it per say but he might be accelerating it. If you go back and look at the chart from NASA there were two big peaks in the average temperature rising over the period of known recorded data that matches the rapid growth of population in the Post Civil War period and the baby boomer years in the post WWII years. So there does seem to be evidence that suggests that the more humans there are the more temperatures rise.
99% of those scientist stated hurricanes will grow stronger and more frequent. They haven't, not a major hurricane since Oct, 2005.
Oops wrong here too.
Hurricane Patricia which happened earlier this year is the strongest ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere.
99% of those scientist stated the globe is warming due to CO2. Now they are saying the globe is both cooling and warming? There is plenty of proof in the past that global cooling has occurred at the same time as co2 rise.
This one I'll give you, there is a lot more to Global Warming/Climate Change then just CO2 emissions. Keep in mind though the science for this is still in it's infancy, virtually all science has some element to it of where we got things wrong at first but then came to a better understanding from our mistakes.
What makes me laugh is if you use your brain, especially the growers on this forum, you would realize why plants like higher levels of CO2. Do you think plants could evolve with 200 ft high waves hitting them? Enormous storms on the regular? High temps? No water? No! Plants and animals have survived in temperatures very much the same as we have today, however the co2 levels were 5 time what we have today.
How do you know? Were you there? Or are you getting this from science? Maybe this science is flawed too? The biggest form of plant life that produces most of the earth's oxygen is algae. Since algae exists on the seas it is quite capable of surviving big waves. It was likely 5 times bigger, more widespread when the CO2 was 5 times greater. Also the biggest waves for the most part are as waves near land, they swell up because the land beneath them is becoming more shallow and they can be amplified by storms in what is called storm surge. I'm fairly confident the seas weren't always calm when CO2 was so much greater but the plants that might be harmed by such forces are in the costal areas where almost half of mankind lives in those costal areas now. When CO2 was 5 times greater the inland areas where dense with lush plant life even in areas we now call deserts.
The facts are, the planet goes through cycles, and us as humans have no idea if or how we effect the environment. However what our leaders are proposing in Paris is ridiculous. They are proposing trillions of dollars in taxes and they aren't even talking about reducing any existing co2 levels. They are talking about reducing a potential of .05% of 1 degree in the next 100 years...........If they are right about the science, which they have been consistently wrong on. Technology alone will produce more answers than the trillions they are proposing.
or Just call names.......That works......the liberal way.
Finally something we can agree on although the way you're presenting it is misleading. Yes they are talking about lots of new taxes but it's not for the average Joe like you or me, it's for the big money in manufacturing. One thing not everyone is aware of is that trying to keep industries from destroying the environment is nothing new and government and the people have been after them for decades to reduce their impact. Rather then real meaningful change they have found ways around changing much. Many just consider the penalties for not changing, which is more of a slap on the wrist, as just being the cost of doing business. Pretty much all of the worst environmental disasters have been directly tied to big business not doing what they're supposed to do. Why? Because the people that run them would prefer to keep money in their already well filled pockets rather then look ahead to how things might affect generations after they are dead and gone.
The fact is there is so much more to how bad pollution is on society then just global warming. We are putting toxins in the ground, the air, the water, everywhere and it is damaging life on this planet directly. So even if you did away with the threat of Global warming there is still plenty of good reasons to change how we do things. It's going to cost a lot but someone has got to foot the bill. Now with how bad things are economically it's insane to think that the average citizen can cover it. Many are struggling to just get by and as many as there are of those there are way more world wide struggling to survive. So the filthy rich need to step up to the plate. If they do it right though they'll be building a new profitable market for the future with them positioned in the best way possible to capitalize. We need to stop with the petroleum based industry. So here is where like you said, technology can do so much more then taxes. We need to have widespread use of solar, geothermal, wind, wave, and hydro energy. This has to be made affordable enough that all can afford it and still live a reasonable life. We also need a newer, better, smarter infrastructure to support it.
Oh by the way many have accused me of being a liberal but I'm really more of a centrist.