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climate change

What worrying news:

Freak heatwave pushes temperatures at North Pole above freezing

The Storm That Will Unfreeze the North Pole

It gets extreme more and more. What concerns me is, that loads of fresh water flows into the oceans if arctic ice melts. This will change salt concentrations in the oceans which are crucial for the big currents like the gulf stream. When salt concentrations change dramatically, the currents we know will change, too. Seems like this is already happening:

The Gulf Stream Is Weakening, Bad News For The North Atlantic


Well-known member
Surely the climate has always been changing. To suggest humans are the cause is preposterous.

Green Squall

Well-known member
The only thing buying land proves is someone believes that the sea levels are rising. Not that is really is.

I just don't get how some people can be so steadfast with their opinion on global warming. That goes for both sides of the aisle; The Liberal nuts who think it's an imminent disaster and the Conservative whackos who refuse to consider for even a second that it might be an issue.

Like I said above, I don't really know. I think it might be real but I can't be sure. No one can be 100% sure. Can we at least agree on that?


Well-known member
I just don't get how some people can be so steadfast with their opinion on global warming. That goes for both sides of the aisle; The Liberal nuts who think it's an imminent disaster and the Conservative whackos who refuse to consider for even a second that it might be an issue.

Like I said above, I don't really know. I think it might be real but I can't be sure. No one can be 100% sure. Can we at least agree on that?

this is the rub
many look at it as political, which it isn't
it's science which is 'new', human beings are not well experienced at forecasting climate
but i believe we are beginning to see more dramatic weather effects
so believe or not, here it comes


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
America even controls the world’s largest untapped oil reserve, the Green River Formation in Colorado. This formation alone contains up to 3 trillion barrels of untapped oil shale, half of which may be recoverable. That’s five and a half times the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia. This single geologic formation could contain more oil than the rest of the world’s proven reserves combined.

That makes a lot of sense when you consider the Americas have always been seen historically as lands richer in resources then other continents, richer resources usually translates into denser populations of animal life. Therefore given enough time for decomposition to convert all that life from the ancient past into oil it just stands to reason we may have the world's largest supply of oil.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Surely the climate has always been changing. To suggest humans are the cause is preposterous.

That's probably where the whole subject took a wrong turn and has led to such prolonged debate. Yes to say man alone is responsible is preposterous. What isn't preposterous is that mankind does have the ability to impact it and thereby accelerate the process.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What an interesting point of view. Can you explain why you think this way? Don't we blow masses of carbon dioxyde into the atmosphere?

The earth has a natural filtering process the combined efforts of all the plantlife on the planet, including algae. If maintained at a healthy enough rate that could easily handle the direct output of all combined animal life including humans.

The question though is can it handle it as man steadily destroys some of the richest areas of land based plant life (rainforests) and simultaneously is killing off sea based plant life (which supplies nearly 2/3rds of the world's oxygen needs) thru oil spills and other types of water pollution some caused by carelessness (Deepwater Horizon) Also the Colorado gold mine in Animas River


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I just don't get how some people can be so steadfast with their opinion on global warming. That goes for both sides of the aisle; The Liberal nuts who think it's an imminent disaster and the Conservative whackos who refuse to consider for even a second that it might be an issue.

Like I said above, I don't really know. I think it might be real but I can't be sure. No one can be 100% sure. Can we at least agree on that?

No it's definitely 100% real the only question is what's causing it. Is it something we can change for the better thru life style changes? The way I see it, no matter what the cause we're going to have to adapt or make changes in some way. The fact is, climates are changing and will continue to change. If we waste time debating what's causing it then we'll suffer for it that much more.

If we want to continue to have the majority of our populations living on the shorelines around the world then we need to start preparing for these changes now. Either by making costal populations more protected or by moving them further inland. Either way you're talking massive construction on a global scale.


As tragic as it is, some people go to school, taking business management, and mass communications, for nothing MORE nor LESS than learning what THEY have to drag back and forth in front of you,
to enslave you:

and make you,
and your wife,
give your own,

and your kids'
money, and life

to them
then later
to their
to spend
and run.

That is called ''politics'' when people go to school to be a business manager, and then just dump the business part, and go into a business of managing

how you

and your wife

and your kids


They learn they can bark the right bark, and flap their arms right, to make you vomit up your, and your kids' money you earn, and push it over to them, to gobble up and create
college degrees
in management and mass communications from the world's top schools
for their kids.

So they can tell your GRANDKIDS
what to think,
and where to send their money
when they teach them about the magic sky heater.

So that their kids can have an SUV and a Prius and a boat and a Skidoo and a second house. Because they deserve one because they play by the rules.

Your kids? Their mommy and daddy were more worried about them making the sky hot from using fire. Besides they have to get jobs to pay their pot fines.

Some people are meant to be free. There's always gonna be that 70% the dead Greek guy says have the souls of slaves.

The other 30% fight between themselves to keep the first 70% from living in the dark on the one hand, or tricking them into looking at the sun through binoculars on the other, to create blindness, so the 70% are even more firmly enslaved.

I just don't get how some people can be so steadfast with their opinion on global warming. That goes for both sides of the aisle; The Liberal nuts who think it's an imminent disaster and the Conservative whackos who refuse to consider for even a second that it might be an issue.

Like I said above, I don't really know. I think it might be real but I can't be sure. No one can be 100% sure. Can we at least agree on that?

After seeing a giant government organization

filled with the world's most well employed, and well educated, out of touch, rich government employees

tells you,

(1) a freezing cold phase change refrigerated bath is a heater,


(2) the coolants creating 3 separately named thermodynamic modes of cooling 2 of those modes, the magic coolants creating the cooling almost EXCLUSIVELY, and leading the pack in cooling per molecule in the other one,

are the CORE of the magic HEATER
in the sky,

and that

(3) your kids owe the government money for making the sky get hot,

and that

(4) it's been getting hotter and hotter for 20 years,


(5) you saw the LEAD SCIENTIST CONFESS: T W I C E - once laughingly to a friend in private and once to the GOVERNMENT BROADCASTING Company, so he didn't go to JAIL, HE has been FAKING those RECORDS

for F I F T E E N YEARS.

You see this going on but

(6)NEVER see ANY one on the list of organizations caught

about the

FAKED WARMING you saw them admitting they

go back and correct those records,

and in fact (were you able to tell, as someone who ever worked on an air conditioner, or with aquarium pumps, or a fan blowing wind over your lights and weed)

when you checked, you found men who claimed they were doing research that required some of the most
powerful computers on earth, were

(7) analyzing the earth as just a completely flat, simple black disk: with

no rain,

no conduction

no convection,

no fluid mechanics for any fluid at ALL:

light approximated onto a flat black disc, with a trigger to say ''add more heating'' called ''green house gas''
to describe what's well known to be a cold gas bath as ''some of the most sophisticated math on earth''

You claim you don't think there's any way to know if this is real, or fake.



after they made him

PUBLICLY ADMIT there's been NO WARMING since 1 9 9 8
, then
three years later issued their
OWN press release saying

"Regarding The Recent Pause In Warming"
(Global mean surface temperatures) have been relatively flat over the most recent 15 years to 2013.

We discussed of course, how the 'relatively flat' part is that there's been a dash of COOLING not statistically significant, but NOT on the warm side of the zero line

and you say you can't think of any way, any human being can figure out if a cold bath, can warm a marble dropped into it -

that sounds more like an emotional cry to the sky that your own political movement turns out to be Oil Men (Al Gore) Coal Men (George Soros) Lawyers (Hillary) and Scientific Frauds (Michael Mann, James Hansen, Phil Jones, Kevin Trenberth, - the list goes on, many millions of dollars in grants went toward climate research due to these men's F R A U D)

anxious to enslave your children to pay the government because they could be making the sky get hot.

The government spends YEARS: DOING STUDIES - to see WHAT they have to TEACH you in SCHOOL so you are accepting to THEIR MESSAGE.

Your mom and dad? F*** your mom and dad they're infected. They are taking the devil inside them.

Your wife? F*** your wife she shouldn't be using the fire, the devil fire, her wanting to be comfortable is how YOU
got US INTO this
MESS we're in.
Now I have to make you send me MONEY so I can try to FIGURE OUT how to MAKE the SKY not be HOT.

Who talks to people like that? People spreading F. U. D.

FEAR about using DEVIL FIRE making the SKY hot.

UNCERTAINTY what HAPPENS when you wash a WARM MARBLE with a COLD GAS BATH spritzing the marble with a little water. Will the water MAGICALLY turn into a HEATER? .

DOUBT about whether civilization can go on.

Only NOW they don't even have to pretend it's complicated, everyone's been dumbed down to the point they start nodding eagerly when told a WARM MARBLE is HEATED by SPRAYING IT with COLD AIR and a light MIST of WATER. The WATER - is it magically going to become a HEATER??

WE are UNCERTAIN about the CAUSE of the magicalness of the HEATER

WE'VE been FAKING all WARMING SINCE 1 9 9 8.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I just don't get how some people can be so steadfast with their opinion on global warming. That goes for both sides of the aisle; The Liberal nuts who think it's an imminent disaster and the Conservative whackos who refuse to consider for even a second that it might be an issue.

Like I said above, I don't really know. I think it might be real but I can't be sure. No one can be 100% sure. Can we at least agree on that?

That is the whole point, the liberals demand that we believe. And on top of it want to control our entire energy supply and consumption and taxes and carbon credits and use the EPA to enforce their agenda. Now with trillions of dollars at stake no one can say this is not political.

Now to the rising sea levels -

"Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change - Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, says that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story."

Despite fluctuations down as well as up, "the sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years.


The world's LEADING CLIMATE EXPERT and DATA COLLECTIONS SCIENTIST admitted under threat of going to JAIL:

HE was FAKING ALL WARMING since 1 9 9 8.

During the period you are claiming you see change, there has been a STUNNING nearly 20 YEAR

LACK of change. As in so little, they REFER to it as NO CHANGE and ''statistically insignificant.''

There LITERALLY: not only HASN'T been any WARMING, the world got a little COLDER.

''The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said
the world cooled since 1998. OK IT HAS but it's only seven years of data and isn't statistically significant.''

That statement contradicts BOTH the claims you're making.

Not only hasn't there been any WARMING
There hasn't been any CHANGE.

Then he got CAUGHT in 2009 claiming there was WARMING but then admitting with his friends there was none. And they planned to wreck anybody who told on them.

No it's definitely 100% real the only question is what's causing it. Is it something we can change for the better thru life style changes? The way I see it, no matter what the cause we're going to have to adapt or make changes in some way. The fact is, climates are changing and will continue to change. If we waste time debating what's causing it then we'll suffer for it that much more.

If we want to continue to have the majority of our populations living on the shorelines around the world then we need to start preparing for these changes now. Either by making costal populations more protected or by moving them further inland. Either way you're talking massive construction on a global scale.

So when the world's TOP CLIMATE SCIENTIST was FIRED

for not telling people the WORLD STOPPED COOLING in 1 9 9 8, the LAST THING THEY MADE HIM DO was give a PRESS INTERVIEW.

Admitting There hasn't been any further warming since 1998, and in fact, it got a little C O L D E R.

BBC FEB 2010: Isn't it TRUE there has been no warming since 1998 and that in fact there has been some slight COOLING?

JONES: YES but only just. I did the calculations and find THERE HAS BEEN NO WARMING since 1 9 9 8 and that there has been some

Then of course there was the MET OFFICE who FIRED HIM for that

coming out in 2013 with their ''The Recent Pause In Warming''

press release where they talked about how they wished it was warming and they thought it was warming and by jove everything looked like it was warming but BY GOLLY


Let's check the RAW DATA we found Jones' PREVIOUS confessions TIE GLOBAL TEMP TO:

Yep: no meaningful change. Isn't that CRAZY how the guys COVERING UP ADJUSTMENTS FRAUD, refer to the REAL temp of the WORLD, and EVERY TIME THEY DO it just happens to match the
REAL TEMPERATURE DATA placed online unadjusted by LAW to prevent.. what ? ADJUSTMENT FRAUD?

Your WISH for CHANGE is another thing. That is obvious and transparently naive as it is, I can't say I blame you for feeling like you need to do a few more chants and cheers for warm weather.

However I do have good news. For the people you swear are going to get their feet wet and flee like panicked animals,

the utter lack of any climate change for the past 20 years means we're headed into the colder half-oscillation right now, to come back to neutral about 2025, to 2030.

And obviously there isn't any acceleration of sea levels, they've been putting along at about 2, to 4mm a year, for 5,000 years.


actually, according to the polar bear link provided
the increase in bear population was attributed to the ban on hunting polar bears

And it's an estimate, as they don't actually know due to the fact the don't know how many are on the Russian side, the link does say that the ice is melting due to emissions but guess some ignore that bit...

If you actually read the proper release it states;

The bears were in good physical condition, said polar bear scientist Jon Aars of the Norwegian Polar Institute. The ice conditions were good this last year, and so the availability of food has been good. But should there be several years in a row with poor ice conditions, this may be of major consequences for the polar bears. – A rise in the population does not come as a big surprise, as population numbers previously have been low due to the fact that these bears were hunted until 40 years ago, Dr. Aars added. The trend for the ice cover in the Arctic is that it is diminishing in extent as well as in thickness. It is expected that the ice conditions will have a further negative trend, which will be a challenge for ice-dependent species such as polar bears.



That is the whole point, the liberals demand that we believe. And on top of it want to control our entire energy supply and consumption and taxes and carbon credits and use the EPA to enforce their agenda. Now with trillions of dollars at stake no one can say this is not political.

Now to the rising sea levels -

"Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change - Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, says that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story."

Despite fluctuations down as well as up, "the sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years.

It is important to point out that Morner is regarded by some as an utter crank and should only be spoke to with a tin foil on your head!! the place he was formally chairman of INQUA opposes all his views...



I can understand your feeling that since you adopted your religion and it says it loves you, it's no problem to lie for it. After all, you pay your priesthood good money and full insurance, retirement all that, to steal money to enrich themselves, pretending there's pollution where there isn't,

pretending CO2 has magic thermal properties,

pretending CO2 is poison,

pretending cold gas refrigerated baths heat the marbles rolling around in them, being turbulently fanned with cold air, and intermittantly misted with water.

People tell that story so they can get a QUARTER
EVERY time you look at an AD. ''HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR
get a QUARTER.''

that has the HABIT of barking CONTEMPT at people not wanting the product, LYING: not just about the BUSINESS: the actual PRODUCT being sold - a ''not hot sky''

but about even the MEANS to MEASURE and see whether we want to throw in a dollar or a dime.



Government Supervised & Run
Energy Markets
Shake Down Scams

YOU don't have the RIGHT to know why.
YOU don't have the RIGHT to act like you care.
YOU don't have the RIGHT to protect a reputation ''like yours''.

Like whose?

Look around:




OH that's RIGHT -


BiG OiL! Oh, Noes, Big Oil Started my CHuRCHes!


Is that why BIG OIL don't shut up my QUACKO PSEUDO SIGNTS ''doctors?''

Yep that's right. LONG, LONG time ago a guy named RICHARD ''TrickyDick'' Milhouse Nixon, had a problem.

Some people had burned themselves to death with gasoline in the streets of Indochina (South Vietnam) to protest their country being torn apart.

Some people showed up at some protests in America and said if the united states loved blood for oil they'd LOVE seeing the two mixed when they burned themselves alive.

That very quickly led to Dick Nixon basically threatening the Oil Companies that if they didn't get onto the university campuses and INVENT an American ENVIRONMENTAL research business and academics field the way the Brits were,

they could show up to COURT with that same money and their ENEMIES would. And THAT is HOW


YOUR modern environmental movement

complete with QUACK signtists big OIL PREFERS being the FACE of ENVIRONMENTALISM.


So the next time you grab that mouse and start to cry out ''YOU'RE ALL SHILLS for BIG OIL complete with CHAIRS FUNDED, and ENTIRE UNIVERSITY ARM CAMPUSES bought and paid for!!''

you remember:
that's YOU.

It's WHY the people you meet who you are arguing with, never are or seem like they're from ''BIG OIL.''

YOU ARE the one there as an unknowing, duped shill, from BIG OIL.

I was around when TrickyDick Nixon told those oil companies to either found the American Academic Environmental Sciences field, and HELP RUN IT from the INSIDE, or let their enemies do it.


Kiss My Ring
Temperature and speed of sound
Main articles: Atmospheric temperature and Speed of sound
These images show temperature trends in two thick layers of the atmosphere as measured by a series of satellite-based instruments between January 1979 and December 2005. The measurements were taken by Microwave Sounding Units and Advanced Microwave Sounding Units flying on a series of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather satellites. The instruments record microwaves emitted from oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Source:[27]

The division of the atmosphere into layers mostly by reference to temperature is discussed above. Temperature decreases with altitude starting at sea level, but variations in this trend begin above 11 km, where the temperature stabilizes through a large vertical distance through the rest of the troposphere. In the stratosphere, starting above about 20 km, the temperature increases with height, due to heating within the ozone layer caused by capture of significant ultraviolet radiation from the Sun by the dioxygen and ozone gas in this region. Still another region of increasing temperature with altitude occurs at very high altitudes, in the aptly-named thermosphere above 90 km.

Because in an ideal gas of constant composition the speed of sound depends only on temperature and not on the gas pressure or density, the speed of sound in the atmosphere with altitude takes on the form of the complicated temperature profile (see illustration to the right), and does not mirror altitudinal changes in density or pressure.

Density and mass

Temperature and mass density against altitude from the NRLMSISE-00 standard atmosphere model (the eight dotted lines in each "decade" are at the eight cubes 8, 27, 64, ..., 729)
Main article: Density of air

The density of air at sea level is about 1.2 kg/m3 (1.2 g/L). Density is not measured directly but is calculated from measurements of temperature, pressure and humidity using the equation of state for air (a form of the ideal gas law). Atmospheric density decreases as the altitude increases. This variation can be approximately modeled using the barometric formula. More sophisticated models are used to predict orbital decay of satellites.

The average mass of the atmosphere is about 5 quadrillion (5×1015) tonnes or 1/1,200,000 the mass of Earth. According to the American National Center for Atmospheric Research, "The total mean mass of the atmosphere is 5.1480×1018 kg with an annual range due to water vapor of 1.2 or 1.5×1015 kg depending on whether surface pressure or water vapor data are used; somewhat smaller than the previous estimate. The mean mass of water vapor is estimated as 1.27×1016 kg and the dry air mass as 5.1352 ±0.0003×1018 kg."

Optical properties
This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2013)
See also: Sunlight

Solar radiation (or sunlight) is the energy Earth receives from the Sun. Earth also emits radiation back into space, but at longer wavelengths that we cannot see. Part of the incoming and emitted radiation is absorbed or reflected by the atmosphere.

Main article: Scattering

When light passes through Earth's atmosphere, photons interact with it through scattering. If the light does not interact with the atmosphere, it is called direct radiation and is what you see if you were to look directly at the Sun. Indirect radiation is light that has been scattered in the atmosphere. For example, on an overcast day when you cannot see your shadow there is no direct radiation reaching you, it has all been scattered. As another example, due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, shorter (blue) wavelengths scatter more easily than longer (red) wavelengths. This is why the sky looks blue; you are seeing scattered blue light. This is also why sunsets are red. Because the Sun is close to the horizon, the Sun's rays pass through more atmosphere than normal to reach your eye. Much of the blue light has been scattered out, leaving the red light in a sunset.

Main article: Absorption (electromagnetic radiation)

Different molecules absorb different wavelengths of radiation. For example, O2 and O3 absorb almost all wavelengths shorter than 300 nanometers. Water (H2O) absorbs many wavelengths above 700 nm. When a molecule absorbs a photon, it increases the energy of the molecule. This heats the atmosphere, but the atmosphere also cools by emitting radiation, as discussed below.
Rough plot of Earth's atmospheric transmittance (or opacity) to various wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light.

The combined absorption spectra of the gases in the atmosphere leave "windows" of low opacity, allowing the transmission of only certain bands of light. The optical window runs from around 300 nm (ultraviolet-C) up into the range humans can see, the visible spectrum (commonly called light), at roughly 400–700 nm and continues to the infrared to around 1100 nm. There are also infrared and radio windows that transmit some infrared and radio waves at longer wavelengths. For example, the radio window runs from about one centimeter to about eleven-meter waves.

Main article: Emission (electromagnetic radiation)

Emission is the opposite of absorption, it is when an object emits radiation. Objects tend to emit amounts and wavelengths of radiation depending on their "black body" emission curves, therefore hotter objects tend to emit more radiation, with shorter wavelengths. Colder objects emit less radiation, with longer wavelengths. For example, the Sun is approximately 6,000 K (5,730 °C; 10,340 °F), its radiation peaks near 500 nm, and is visible to the human eye. Earth is approximately 290 K (17 °C; 62 °F), so its radiation peaks near 10,000 nm, and is much too long to be visible to humans.

Because of its temperature, the atmosphere emits infrared radiation. For example, on clear nights Earth's surface cools down faster than on cloudy nights. This is because clouds (H2O) are strong absorbers and emitters of infrared radiation. This is also why it becomes colder at night at higher elevations.

The greenhouse effect is directly related to this absorption and emission effect. Some gases in the atmosphere absorb and emit infrared radiation, but do not interact with sunlight in the visible spectrum. Common examples of these are CO2 and H2O.

Refractive index

The refractive index of air is close to, but just greater than 1. Systematic variations in refractive index can lead to the bending of light rays over long optical paths. One example is that, under some circumstances, observers onboard ships can see other vessels just over the horizon because light is refracted in the same direction as the curvature of Earth's surface.

The refractive index of air depends on temperature, giving rise to refraction effects when the temperature gradient is large. An example of such effects is the mirage.
See also: Scintillation (astronomy)

Main article: Atmospheric circulation
An idealised view of three large circulation cells.

Atmospheric circulation is the large-scale movement of air through the troposphere, and the means (with ocean circulation) by which heat is distributed around Earth. The large-scale structure of the atmospheric circulation varies from year to year, but the basic structure remains fairly constant because it is determined by Earth's rotation rate and the difference in solar radiation between the equator and poles.



If we could figure out how to make billionaires and huge companies money off fixing climate change- fox new would preach it like the preacher preaches the 4 gospels! The GOP would be all about the reality of climate change! If climate change correction was as profitable as big oil the human effort put into to fire it would then be lead by the khoks and bushes and limbaughs ands the rest!

Till then they will deny as the first to go instinct will probably be the peasants anyway..