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climate change


sun spots changes are causing some global cooling

the question is trich is have you moved the dial for your Mother. have you?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No one is reading your terribly formatted incoherent deranged posts my friend, sorry to have to burst your bubble.

Hop back on the medication and turn off the far right propaganda.

Actually...not true. I read it (kind of wish I hadn't though since there is one huge gapping hole in it that you can drive a planet thru). It's GLOBAL WARMING not Atmospheric warming. Global warming is based on surface temperature readings not atmospheric readings. The only problem with those preaching Global warming is caused by man is that it hasn't been proven that it's being caused by man. All that is proven is the average surface temperature is rising.

Which is why now a days people are moving away from the term Global Warming in favor of Climate Change. Because Global Warming doesn't fit when people are experiencing colder then normal temps in some areas and so they say "That Global Warming nonsense is a bunch of poppycock". They are too wrapped up in their lives to notice other areas are warmer then normal. Like where I'm at in the Mid Atlantic, it's supposed to be in the upper 30's to lower 40's right about now. So far this month the average daytime temp is at 62 degrees F. Oh and guess what? Christmas Eve, they're forecasting a frigid 73 degrees F. Sorry kids, no white Christmas for you here. So where I'm at Global Warming sounds about right but to look at it that way is wrong because Global Warming is in reference to the earth's surface changing by fractions of degrees, not a 30 to 40 degree positive variance from the normal temp in a given area.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

You know, that guy kind of looks like the French Soldiers from Monty Python and the Holy Grail :)



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The problem I have with the argument being made there is that he is taking the models for Global Warming any then comparing it to actual measured warming in a very specific place, the American "Corn Belt". By their vary definition the Global Warming models are for the whole globe based on an average of a whole bunch of very specific places around the globe. In virtually every average there are single elements that are actually higher and ones that are lower then the average. For all anyone watching that presentation knows the actual measured warming matches up more closely to the computer models in many or most of those other locations.

Like I've said before, there is no real debate about Global Warming or Climate Change, it's there, it can be measured and verified. The only debate is whether or not it's because of man or if it's just part of the natural evolution of earth. Personally I'm one who believes it's naturally occurring.

That being said I still think they need to do something like "Cap & Trade" to get the worst offenders to clean up their act for reasons beyond Global Warming. Their are new technologies emerging that have the potential to be game changers and hopefully those will make it possible for corporations to clean up there acts more easily and affordably.

Cap & Trade has been made out to be this evil thing and that it will make life more expensive for the consumer. If it does it's only because the corporations will try to pass the cost onto them rather then calling it the cost of doing business. Problem is the middle class has already been fleeced. If things get more expensive consumers will start cutting costs just to get by and the corporations would lose out probably worse then if they did clean up their acts and eat the cost..


Well-known member
when it comes down to science versus what people want to believe ...
it's not science that wins, people routinely invent fantastic arguments


What's the problem you think you see?

Surface temperatures include the temperatures of the oceans not just the troposphere. Hence repeated reference to 'surface temperature' of the planet.

Actually...not true. I read it (kind of wish I hadn't though since there is one huge gapping hole in it that you can drive a planet thru). It's GLOBAL WARMING not Atmospheric warming. Global warming is based on surface temperature readings not atmospheric readings. The only problem with those preaching Global warming is caused by man is that it hasn't been proven that it's being caused by man. All that is proven is the average surface temperature is rising.


That's exactly right. For instance, government employees can show you hundreds of critically peer reviewed scientific papers,

saying pot is like heroin and worse for you than methamphetamine.

They can refer you to near unanimous academic institutions.

They can refer you to near unanimous professional agreement among researchers or could at one time.

They can refer you to the **ENTIRE MEDICAL and LEGAL SYSTEMS of SCORES of NATIONS** showing you CLEARLY that:

pot is a gateway drug,
pot is like heroin,
pot is worse than methamphetamine.

They can refer you to the FUTILITY of ARGUING with the HERD: trying to make you feel like you're among a very very FEW who disagree.

when it comes down to science versus what people want to believe ...
it's not science that wins, people routinely invent fantastic arguments

The only thing they can't DO is show you pot being like heroin: in chemistry or in empirically observable action.

Same thing with the story about the
frigid fluid self refrigerating bath,

government employees told you is a heater in the sky.

The atmosphere is not a heater. It does not create any uniquely named, separately defined thermodynamic process
creating energy gain to the surface of the sphere immersed in it.

It creates unique cooling mode diffraction as it shades (removing 20% available energy immediately: green house gases are responsible for 98% of that energy loss, there's a tiny amount kicked out to space by oxygen but almost ALL diffraction cooling mode, the uniquely defined and separately named mode of energy loss or cooling, is due to green house gases)

scrubs (everyone knows, there's no such thing as a cold bath warming an object in it

refrigerates. (Green House Gases, the ''core'' of the magic heater you've been taught about in school, create most of THIS uniquely described, separately named, mode of COOLING as well. Convection is accelerated conductance. Green House Gas Species Water, with it's

phase change refrigeration cooling,
after it blocks 20% of energy from ever reaching the planet,

is the most well known and associated gas with convection although all gases participate in convection which is rising due to interaction with gravity, making room for more conductance cooling as those entities heated leave.

Bonus Lesson

Green House Gases are heavily influential in one type uniquely defined COOLING - convection -

and almost ENTIRELY responsible for kicking out ALL diffraction losses except a small amount of blue light kicked out by oxygen; hence, we see the sky as blue and the atmospheric envelope seems bluish from outside it, in space.

This is well known. This diffraction cooling comprises a huge hit for global temperature since it is an immediate reduction in energy there is no way any sensor on the planet will ever process, because it never reaches the planet. Green House Gases, kick it out to space never to near a sensor.

Assume for the moment a sphere rotating in vacuum lit by a light.

Steady state energy transactions find available light to surface 100%; surface gains energy through one mode radiant energy gain. Surface losses are via 1 mode radiant loss.

Upon suspension of an atmospheric envelope the subsequent administration of GREEN HOUSE GASES into the atmospheric mix, creates rising rate of
energy which never ever arrives at the planet because those Green House Gases kick it off and out to space so it never arrives at the planet.

At first enough Green House Gases are added to the envelope that 5% incoming energy is reduced to the planet with it's sensors at it's surface.

This addition of Green House Gases grows... until there is
10% incoming energy never to see an earth surface sensor because it doesn't arrive on the planet any more. 5% more LOSS means energy reduction and energy reduction means COOLING.

Soon enough GREEN HOUSE GASES are added to the mix that 15% energy doesn't make it to the surface and it's sensors. 15% energy loss is of course, 15% more COOLING. Isn't it.

Soon you have added enough GREEN HOUSE GASES to affect the FIRST MODE of COOLING CREATED by their EXISTENCE, DIFFRACTION, such that you have
DIFFRACTION COOLED the planetary surface sensors
16%, then 17%, then 18%....
19% then you are at the current DIFFRACTION COOLING of 20%.

would you have to ADD
to INCREASE COOLING till 21% energy never arrives at the surface?

The answer

To COOL the planet through reduction of energy of 21% via the unique and separately named MODE of COOLING CREATED by the
EXISTENCE of the Green House Gases,

you'd add more.

See - not a single word of the ''Magic Heetur In The Sky'' church is true. Not a word.

The atmosphere is not a heating device for the object immersed in it, it is a frigid self refrigerated fluid bath whose existence simply by being there takes 20% total temperatures of the surface off the top.
This mode of energy reduction to the surface is created almost entirely by the

Green House Gases.

So I understand you ''just can't believe a freezing cold air stream buffeting a warm surface isn't making it hot''

but it's not. That's all there is to it, and it's why the people who believe in it, go from "I BuLiEEVE!!'' to ''FIRE is the DEVIL! FIRE is the DEVIL! The SKY turned into a MAGIC HEATER!! The SKY's getting hotter, the SKY's getting hotter, HOW can you DENY IT?!?!

All this theatrical drama.

Without the first gram of the first ounce of truth to it. Not a word of it's true, just like not a word of POT BEING HEROIN

* * *from the SAME CHURCH* * * is true.

Not one WORD of it's true, except the fact that the people who taught you pot is heroin, TOLD you to HATE people who don't SAY it's true.


Make everyone play like the sky is a magical heater.

Pot's not heroin
The sky isn't a heater.

Using my genitals different than the government says I can isn't sin therefore evil therefore giving the government permission to put me in a cage

with the people who say pot isn't heroin and the sky isn't a magical heater.


I was asking about that because anything having to do with the simplest phase of matter is quickly cleared up. I saw you mention surface/air but I'm not real sure you saw, there's room in the description for your application of the sensors wherever. Embedded in the surface is the oceanic temperatures and the gas atmospheric readings are their own; but it's technical irrelevancy within framwork of the discussion.

What's the problem you think you see?

Surface temperatures include the temperatures of the oceans not just the troposphere. Hence repeated reference to 'surface temperature' of the planet.

I mean sure I can see as well as you can, that - you could spend several pages outlining why, the surface is proper nomenclature for what's actually atmospheric temperature. The reason it is,

is because the temperature of the fluids you're sampling, is a direct relationship to the object making it that temperature.

For instance maybe people aren't getting the picture why they're the same. Let's say you hang a thermometer from a string, beneath a tree.
Why do you do it that way?
Because what you're really measuring, is an averaging of the local gas molecule regime that's being warmed, by varous surface features which attain to various individual, local temperatures of a widely variant nature.

So what people do when they refer to the surface temperature like I did, is simply take the correct instrumentation logic step that since your surface temperature is so widely, locally variant, you average the surface temperature in the example.

Since gas thermodynamics is so simple, it's done that way and in fact it's why at the core of the description - at the root level it's appropriate to refer to global temps as average.

You know ''average global temp rose/fell yadayada''

Well - see - on the one hand you're talking about 'average' in the sense 'we averaged these between all these collection points'

but in another sense - each temperature record made, is an average of all the energy contributed to the fluid gas envelope and oceans.

For instance when you boil water or heat a fluid in some container.

When you measure the temperature of the fluid while stirring it such that it's moving around - it's not separating with hotter parts chimneying and colder parts falling - you're getting an average reading because it's washing around on that pan - you are in fact, pretty much, taking the temperature of that pan surface.

Because remember we're talking about a sphere spinning beneath an otherwise non-spinning gas envelope so you do in fact, -you are in fact creating, this 'averaging' turbulence

that washes features on the surface,

with gas that by definition, is going to be dragging against the surface as the surface,

spins round beneath the settling, atmospheric envelope.

If you go around and think about that: Starting out ya know at point one, then to point two, then point three - it really is that way; and it really is why the various terms used, ARE used.

Is that what you're talking about specifically?


That is in fact the reason the term 'average' temperature is named as it is. Individual gas molecules each sample surface temperature and each then brush thermal sensors to deliver information to a thermometer.

When you attempt to assure true averaging you initiate some mechanism by which contacts occur turbulently - with assured randomization and averaging between molecules.

Spinning the sphere within the fluid bath creates that averaging tendency.

Even the absolute insistence you will not be tolerated saying it hasn't warmed in recent years is an admitted openly busted, fake claim.

What kind of an honest scientific administration has it's TOP DATA COLLECTION SCIENTIST ADMIT: IT has not WARMED for 12 YEARS and then - NOT go back and CORRECT the DATA?

Why didn't scientific institutions WORLD WIDE
go back and re do the records Phil Jones, Michael Mann, Kevin Trenberth, James Hansen, were ALL seen PLOTTING to FAKE?

There was JONES: ''a REPORTER said it hasn't warmed since 1998.''

There was TRENBERTH whining about how humiliated they all were.

There was HANSEN'S NAME on the ALSO SENT TO list.

There was MANN: YOU issue a separate press release saying you heard about this and it's preposterous. YOU issue a SEPARATE one and say YOU think it's ridiculous yourself. DON'T MAKE this LOOK COORDINATED.''

It's right there in black and white, with Jones admitting, ''The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms, if I said the world cooled since 1 9 9 8''

''Ok it has but it's only seven years of data and it isn't statistically significant.''

Somebody at their lab, got disgusted and Edward Snowden'd them,
They're revealed saying all this between 2005 and 2009 RIGHT there at the end of 2009: BAM they're ALL working together to RUIN this GUY'S REPUTATION

HANSEN at Goddard got that email what they were doing
TRENBERTH at Colorado was going to issue one
PHIL JONES at british Met. CRU Climate Research Unit: WORLD temp data storage
MANN at U of Pennsylvania/Virginia whichever he was at, at the time.


FAST FORWARD: Feb 2010. In accordance with British custom Jones is given the chance to fess up and tell the truth or go to jail.

He agrees to tell the truth to the press organization he was seen trying to defame the BBC.

FEB 2010
BBC interview Phil Jones:

BBC: Isn't it TRUE that it HASN'T WARMED since 1 9 9 8 and that in fact there has been some SLIGHT COOLING?

JONES: YES but only just. I have calculated and find there has been no warming since 1998 and that there has been some slight but not statistically significant,

Now. Here's your bonus. Everyone thinks - well - how can these people tell what the temperature REALLY is? ISN'T this so COMPLICATED like they CONTINUALLY SWEAR it is?


2005, he said, ''The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms, if I said the world cooled since 1998. Ok it has but it

isn't but seven years of data
and it
isn't statistically signficant.

Everybody looked around: what record set said that? The raw data placed online that way - TO STOP ADJUSTMENTS FRAUDS.

Fast forward: Oct 2009 - what was the temperature JUST when the local lab worker Snowden'd them?

According to those SAME RAW records, it was STILL IDENTICAL.

Then a few months later: FEB 2010 BBC interview: What did Jones say the temperature of the globe is?


It matches his 2005 ADMISSION of the REAL TEMP

It matches the discussion everyone had about the 2009 attempt to conceal the fact: NO one said - but that's WRONG how'd he GET that?
No one.
Not one of them said something about ''maybe he's thinking....''
Jones just spills the beans: ''Uh guys? this reporter's been saying, it stopped warming in 1998. What do you want to do about that?''

No discussion of ANYTHING. Just a MELTDOWN and MANN hurriedly instructing EVERYONE to issue APPARENTLY separate press releases
we are

Why? Because they were. They all knew. They all know. It's simply a matter of having been caught at such a high level in association with Al Gore's comeback tour, it was too big to fail.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What's the problem you think you see?

Surface temperatures include the temperatures of the oceans not just the troposphere. Hence repeated reference to 'surface temperature' of the planet.

You keep talking about a FRIGID self-refrigerated GAS BATH in the sky, anything in the sky is not the surface. The claim, and I'm not saying I necessarily agree with this is that Green House gases are blocking the atmosphere's ability to vent heat. Nobody is saying the atmosphere is a heater. They're saying Green house gases are acting like dust clogging an air filter, inhibiting rising heat from the surface to escape into space as efficiently as it does when there are less green house gases.

All that's irrelevant though whether it's causing the earth to warm more then it should or not doesn't matter, the earth could be a frigid ice ball and air pollution would still be making the air we breath, toxic. We should force the corporations responsible to take some of their massive profits and invest it in their company and mankind's future by finding new safer forms of energy and or better filtering their emissions. so that living things don't have to take in all these toxins with every breath. If it some how prevents the earth from getting any hotter at the same time by unclogging the giant air filter we call the sky then well, that's a bonus. Here's a perfect example of why we need to do something regardless of Global Warming.


Landing Marine Laboratories and Peter Weiss-Penzias from UC Santa Cruz found that levels of a kind of mercury called monometylmercury were 19 times higher in fog than in rain, even in the same area.

Mercury gets into the oceans from smokestack emissions and other industrial sources. It is a public health concern because it tends to build up in the food chain, as animals with low levels of mercury in their bodies are eaten by carnivores. The carnivores, which may eat many mercury-contaminated prey, end up with a lot of mercury in their bodies. The most worrying form of mercury is monomethylmercury, a kind of mercury linked to severe health effects in humans, including kidney failure, birth defects, and neurological impairment.


Kiss My Ring
movie.... made a bet with myself that you wouldn't watch.
it supports the truth. and don't pretend you're more concerned than others.
if you were you'd have watched.

is that mercury changing climate? dint think so.

the SUN drives climate. check for yourself.

the Sun son.


You wouldn't be expected to know the definitions for surface stations & surface station siting, and proper sensing in a fluid but it's simple. There's a definition for surface, for surface station, the reason's perfectly transparent every specific. They're named surface stations because they take surface measurements sampling surface temperatures.
You can look up discussion and regulations for surface stations so you can understand it clearly should you ever care what's being actually said and discussed. This is the SIMPLEST phase of MATTER so the thermodynamics is among the SIMPLEST matter-energy relationships there are; amateur thermodynamicists, weather and instrumentation hobbyists, learn all the reasons for doing things while they're in middle and high school.

Of course I very well understand your outlook about it's got nothing to do with right and wrong to you; you don't care who gets lied to, cheated, stolen from, and falsely criminalized, as long as you feel good. It's politics at it's purest. It seems like a horse that's winning so get on and ride it for all it seems to be worth. It's how my country and several others in the Western Hemisphere were founded.

Of course if I'd have been one of the natives of the regions being defrauded, lied to, cheated, stolen from, and criminalized, in the name of 'progress for the people' it wouldn't have seemed very progressive. And I don't think I'd like it much if I had to be lied to and on, defrauded out of money, and criminalized over fake pot is heroin laws based on fake pot is like heroin ''science'' BY the SAME FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and it's tethered, funded, institutions.

I think most people who have been around pot for a few years have had to go out of their way over the internationally faked science -
designed by governments to destroy innocent people
for mindless jibberish
that won't stand light of day.

You are right: you're being told the planet has a blanket around it or some kind of blocking filter, for light.
You've got precisely what you've been told.
But then, at some point, you have to go check and see if this substance, and that substance, the government tod you is
the Devil
really is
the Devil.
It's: ' ' The Devil. ' '
Hmmm. And, do you SELL any COMPETING PRODUCTS against ''the DEVIL'' in the same GLOBAL ENERGY MARKETPLACE by CHANCE??

Well, Yeah, I'm an oil man, my daddy Sen. Al Sr. was an oil man,
who left me Alternative Energy Stocks, in his Oil Company,
and I sell Alternative Energy Schemes, and Scams, and Oil,
and I charge $10,000 to talk for thirty minutes about how the WORLD is ENDING because
MAGIC GAS makes the world HOT if you put the stuff in the air that makes the world COLD

and I INVENTED a CARBON CREDIT SCAM where YOU just pay me MONEY for using fire.

Because I said you owe, and I have friends in all these other government institutions who AGREE you owe government employees and their political allies, MORE MONEY, for WARNING YOU ABOUT the giant HEATER in the sky.''

That is what Al Gore told people. That people could ATONE for USING FIRE by - JUST GIVING HIM some MONEY. And MAKE: EVERYBODY ELSE: GIVE HIM MONEY. For warning us we should be ashamed for using fire. We should: BUY his OIL instead of COAL or BUY his ALTERNATIVE ENERGY products instead of OIL and BUY his PERMISSION to USE FIRE CERTIFICATES HE SOLD YOU
no matter WHOSE FIRE you BUY

Actually it's to help HIM atone
for not becoming president.

It's just as crazy as it sounds once you dissect it and it's one of the architectural *tenets* of the fake physics


that *was started*

for *you*

by *government employees*

so *they can make you think you owe government employees and environmentalists YOUR and your CHILDREN's and GRAND children's MONEY*

so they can SAVE you. From the magic heater they LIED, and said is in the sky. Taught your KIDS, is in the sky.

*The one creating the three uniquely named, and defined, modes of cooling.*

That's not somebody ELSE'S religion, that's the one that you're teamed up with. And a lot of people can just see clearly it's a scam, from the moment they tell you,


You know it's fake when you see that.

Pot is not like heroin, the atmosphere is not magically a heater too complicated for you to have permission to ask questions about. You can't make it hot for very long at all, and in fact - for MILLENIA men have WISHED they COULD. But there's no way, because the planet,
lies a mile deep,

in self-chill condensed, phase change refrigerant. The Green House Gas, that the high priesthood of the movement says is the core of the magic heater in the sky. The one that will destroy you if you don't give George Soros your retirement investments in global energy stocks.

ACTUALLY, as SOON as it gets warmer, the REFRIGERATION by the GREEN HOUSE GAS WATER kicks in and starts dumping energy toward space and lower-energy atmospheric regimes overhead, to return faster than if it remained gas removing heat, at high rates. In fact - the Green House Gas Water is alone and solely - UNIQUELY responsible for all that PHASE CHANGE REFRIGERATION.

The planet's 70% immersed in liquified or solid Green House Gas that has chilled it's own environment in typical energy-in light conditions, to the point the stuff is in ice over part of the planet & chilled till it's liquid in the oceanic basins; in all those rivers; in all those ponds and lakes and puddles. Convection's the third unique, separately defined mode of COOLING created by the atmosphere, the first two being diffraction loss and conduction cooling. Water's phase change REFRIGERATION of the planet is a HUGE element of that mode of cooling created simply due to it's existence. The FIRST one DIFFRACTION loss is created almost SOLELY by - Green House Gases. Not the other gases, (a little blue kicked out due to oxygen) nearly ALL the diffraction mode COOLING - energy kicked out to space
never to come near earth or a sensor on it's surface
Green House Gas


The Green House Gas created mode of diffraction cooling, currently reduces earth surface energy 20%. If there were less Green House Gases you'd kick out say 5% energy to space diffraction cooling the planet that much. If you added sufficient Green House Gases that the mode of COOLING they CREATE is amplified until 10% energy is kicked out to space, lost, COOLING the planet further that's more cooling.

And if you add more Green House Gases to the atmospheric mix until you are excluding 15% incoming energy that's yet more Green House Gas created diffraction cooling. And if you add enough Green House Gases that you are sending 20% available energy out to space COOLING it THAT much -

what happens if you add enough Green House Gases to the atmosphere that you stop 21% available energy from arriving? In the Magical Church the government started for you so you will pay them to help you hate your fellow human being, the sky will get magically HOT. So you have to hate your fellow man, or ''you're not a man this gubmunt and mob throwing rocks at their own investors, kin be prowd of.

And you may have thought about what a transparent energy markets scam it really, obviously is, when government employees, are scamming records, and other government employees claim there is some need to tax everyone because literally of the weather is acting Such STRANGE, FAKE weather that the LAWS of THERMODYNAMICS made a COLD REFRIGERATED BATH a magical HEATER when it's not. The men DOING the scam were CAUGHT by being Snowden'd - and the LEAD RECORD SCAMMER ADMITTED:

"There hasn't been any more warming for TWELVE years.'' He'd already tied the temp of the world to the REAL, OBVIOUS ONE: the RAW DATA put online that way by LAW. To stop what? Weather men, scamming, lying about the weather, faking emergencies.
EVEN in the BBC interview he was squirming: Well, I did the calculayt'n, and awl, an.. it's JUST a little COOLIN an...NO WARMIN fer TWELVE YEARS!''

Wow. It's the SAME TODAY, as it was in 2005 WHEN he SAID THAT. I wonder what the RAW DATA ONLINE by LAW to stop DATA FRAUD still, SAYS? Yeah it says: Stopped warming 12 years before, (in 2010) and just a DASH of STATISTICALLY insignificant COOLING. WoW. WHaT a CoiNCiDeNCe! Go FIGURE.

Just three months earlier he was seen admitting he knew that but he'd be damned if he'd tell and he'd ruin men's lives WITH OTHERS to keep from having to do that ('fess up).

SUGGESTING, then WORKING with Michael Mann, to systematically issue another set of FAKED PRESS RELEASES by the world's TOP METEOROLOGICAL organizations that - it's HOT as hell. NEVER stopped. Everybody who says it did is incompetent.



LATER: ''Yeah, we're lying. I've been lying about this for TWELVE YEARS. All this claim we know what or why is faked, all the warming is faked. We're just faking data. ''

Your own kids will be taught the crock of cro-magnon I was illustrating above - where a FRIGID BATH is being claimed to be making you WARM: as it's steadily shading then scrubbing then refrigerating whatever it is being thus magically entreated to reverse thermodynamics of the SIMPLEST phase of matter.

The part about the ''CORE'' of the MAGICAL HEATER being THE gases that CREATE: not ONE but TWO UNIQUE MODES of - energy loss- of cooling - for the planetary surface? That's called atmospheric energy programmers busted perpetrating massive fraud, and a presidential candidate doubling down when he exposed it to worldwide examination of both their, and HIS credibility - claiming those same men told him, the WORLD could end. From balmy weather. So you want to BUY FORGIVENESS for USING FIRE from Al Gore now. So he and other men can work diligently to make sure the entire world doesn't get too BALMY from the magic HEATER.

The planet's history is very, VERY plainly
By the global basins full of PHASE CHANGE REFRIGERANT.
The REFRIGERANT that BLOCKS a FIFTH of the LIGHT of the SUN ever arriving to warm the planet.

The Green House Gas Refrigerant.

The one the religion's chief theologian James Hansen said is responsible for the earth's temperature? No, NOT EVEN the REAL major Green House Gas species Water. He couldn't even get THAT right because his scam had to be too hard to check,
and there's no WATER in the tropopause, so HE claimed to be studying CO2 in the tropopause originally. He wanted to teach everyone that actually CO2 IS knob for a magical HEATER.

And how CO2 is a magical control knob for the magic heater that just happens to be a very REAL PHASE CHANGE REFRIGERATOR keeping a FIFTH of the energy from ever reaching earth, at ALL.
That suspension of more gas creating diffraction COOLING creates magical diffraction WARMING.
Regarding your link to atmospheric mercury, it comes out of ocean water in vast amounts. The oceans are the grinding pestle of all thermodynamic activity which occurs on the earth with volcanic heating, tectonic action, as well as various atmospheric energy interactions, creating chemical activity in the oceanic basins. The imprint of mercury landing on the continent is that it comes from Pacific ocean sourced air.

Your reference to this gives me opportunity to give you a suggestion. If you look up ''atmospheric mercury fog'' or something like it you'll find the mercury research images showing - there isn't even a wind born trail of mercury deposition downstream from coal plants, visible on the official atmospheric mercury deposition research sites. Look up ''NADP mercury wet deposition maps'' and there is the yearly map made, by the group that studies this and publishes.

Fanatical magic gas barking warmist Willis Echenbach did a study on that and published on Watts' fake skepticism website. It turns out the reason for the arrangement of atmospheric wet mercury deposition is because so much comes in on air from the Pacific Ocean. There's literally not even traceable quantities due to coal or other hydrocarbon burning sites. It's the kind of one-shot alarmism you bought into , that a good journalist learns, while she's also learning to balance her checkbook away from home the first time in college. And people are vulnerable to it. I don't have an answer for completely independent journalists, who simply want and actually, desperately NEED YOU to LIKE THEM so they feed you the kind of stuff that makes the ravers rave, and the fans fan, and the boss letter writers, write bosses, letters.

When you see people, spread lies to the point that a child, sent to school, can't even block-diagram what happens when light shines on a thermometer, because if you show her, she will not believe the ''hate people who buy the wrong fire'' religion she's being taught - you MAY find down the road that it puts you into the bind where the people who lied to YOU before to get RICH and frighten and bully YOU
Are ALSO lying when they tell YOU the money you spent, magically, went to honest endeavor.
And will be LYING when they tell YOUR OWN KID to give them even MORE of her/his/their money rights,
or he/she'll be looking at persecution for yet MORE FAKE crime, JACKED UP and EXTORTED without recourse to ''irrelevant truth.''
We awl dun sed thuh sky gits hot win yew yews fire. Gimme some money my kids deserve better than your kind bein around. So yew kin pay me for me to let you live with me and my kids.

How convenient.

What happened to the Five Hundred MILLION for Solyndra?
Did someone tell you because you balanced your checkbook wrong, you don't have to pay late fees for your bills because you were just a couple of days off on when a few hundred dollars hit an account?
Or is endless scamming of hundreds of millions' dollars without a single solar panel just fine but if you are off by so much as a nickel, there's gonna be a big problem?

What about the ''quarter billion here, quarter billion there, hundred million here''
while the government employees
making you piss for pot,

are also telling you
that you are going to start having to pay a third more to have electric lights,

so Al Gore can have 200 million dollars,
and so George Soros can buy a million and a half
coal stocks?

After he had people out there

so George could just go buy them a DIME on the DOLLAR when - a little while before in YOUR OWN portfolio they were worth a DOLLAR

but George payed you a DIME? How'd that work? That's your new ''strategy'' for a secure tomorrow? Throw rocks at your own investor because a billionaire investment capitalist from Canada who swears to you he is a marxist, started a religion for you, involving hating coal so he could buy your retirement stocks
for a dime on the dollar? That sounds like people 'doing the right thing?'

Or does it sound like a bunch of rich people taking you for a ride, ripping you off, stealing your retirement, playing your kid for a fool because you listened to them?

The atmosphere COOLs the planet kicking a lot of energy to space never to even, arrive: the Green House Gases in fact create by virtue of their EXISTENCE: two SEPARATE, UNIQUELY named and defined modes of COOLING; energy REDUCTION - to the planet surface.

The atmosphere gets it's TEMPERATURE from the SURFACE. If you put more gas in the air blocking light IN so it never reaches the SURFACE - you can't use it to heat the fluid more.
You have added more COOLANT - as the two uniquely named,
and uniquely defined
modes of COOLING
named for action by Green House Gases,
remind you. You just added more coolant, amplifying COOLING.

You keep talking about a FRIGID self-refrigerated GAS BATH in the sky, anything in the sky is not the surface. The claim, and I'm not saying I necessarily agree with this is that Green House gases are blocking the atmosphere's ability to vent heat. Nobody is saying the atmosphere is a heater. They're saying Green house gases are acting like dust clogging an air filter, inhibiting rising heat from the surface to escape into space as efficiently as it does when there are less green house gases.

All that's irrelevant though whether it's causing the earth to warm more then it should or not doesn't matter, the earth could be a frigid ice ball and air pollution would still be making the air we breath, toxic. We should force the corporations responsible to take some of their massive profits and invest it in their company and mankind's future by finding new safer forms of energy and or better filtering their emissions. so that living things don't have to take in all these toxins with every breath. If it some how prevents the earth from getting any hotter at the same time by unclogging the giant air filter we call the sky then well, that's a bonus. Here's a perfect example of why we need to do something regardless of Global Warming.


So yeah the Mercury scare from the pacific ocean, when there's simultaneously, not even a detectable one from the Coal plants your high priests are swearing, are poisoning you, so you'll throw rocks at your retirement guy till he GIVES some environmentalist all your global energy market stocks - that's an example of you getting worked because you can't tell whether you're being scammed. And it's a very real part of our Western civilization. It just doesn't of course bid well for those who fall for it because as everyone knows, ''a fool and his money are soon parted'', etc.

Like when Al Gore suggested you try to make us all pay him for using fire. No, no thanks, I don't think I owe him money for being so stupid he thought the atmosphere is a giant heater in the sky.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
movie.... made a bet with myself that you wouldn't watch.
it supports the truth. and don't pretend you're more concerned than others.
if you were you'd have watched.

is that mercury changing climate? dint think so.

the SUN drives climate. check for yourself.

the Sun son.

I did watch it. So pay yourself for losing that bet. Now to be honest I didn't need to watch it all to see where it was going. As for the mercury, I never said it was changing climates. I presented it as evidence that there are other reasons that have nothing to do with climate change that is good evidence why we need to change how we do things. You would have realized that if you read and comprehended my previous posts. Now I could make some ignorant irrelevant statement about how I bet myself you haven't read nor comprehended my posts but hey we don't need anymore people posting ignorant irrelevant stuff, you've got that market covered.

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