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climate change



And that's why igrowone, I gave my own explanation of this:

so you can start to process, what you can see clearly, is a man admitting: ''we've been faking this sh** since 1998.''

And you can see clearly:
they never even bothered going back and redoing the records he admitted were fake.

The people who scammed those records don't plan on going back and redoing the records.

Because they plan to use you

Because they plan to use me;

Because they plan to use anybody who might be handy

the way they used all the wacko hyper-patriot government employees & their 'authority worship is the True Way' friends

who turned on their own family members over pot,

so they could keep on making money acting important,

FAKING being civilization's SAVIORS,

while ruining peoples' entire families' lives, over blatant, perfectly transparent, fraud.

Entrenched, Transparently fraudulent, faked Academic/NGO/Governmental pseudo

''science.'' Fake, thermodynamic garbage, passed off as not even truth: just ''what we put on there. Don't like it? Sue us. We're the government employees who FAKED it.''

It's not your friends who own a pickup truck who made several billion dollars hedging coal stocks and oil stocks igrowone,

you've fallen to the oldest of government cons onto insecure people: it's the way your neighbors live, that are the source of a LOT of your, and all this world's problems, and YOU'VE gotta
WIPE them OUT.

Just like Pot is Heroin.

We are in the same band of humanity igrowone.

Regardless of how upset anything makes you about life, it's not your friends' using fire, that are the problem, it's the man who told you to make war on coal,

and then bought a million shares of coal stocks when you helped him drive the price through the floor.

It's not your neighbors and friends on the road and in the market place, it's people who never planned to ever do anything except manipulopath their way to personal riches, and
conning YOU
into pointing to their picture and telling YOUR KID that they are your SAVIOR.

It's identical to the same war on humanity that has the mention of marijuana,

getting people arrested because they were ''making little peoples' minds dirty thinking about non main stream, government approved speech.''

About pot.

Your neighbors who know how to read thermometers and add and subtract, aren't your enemies, igrowone.

Your neighbors who planned to go into a field where they could avoid work, act like a morally reprehensible a&&, then sell their act to you like they're your savior,

while taunting you and lying to you, and teasing you, and pulling your chain, till they could make YOU turn on your own people and give your NEIGHBOR'S MONEY and LIFE and REPUTATION


So they can buy some PROPER citizen's kids some things they deserve since daddy is the savior of the world.

It's a scam. They tell you ''you're helping save this world'' and all you're doing is making rich investors even richer.

They tell you ''people using fire wrong is what the problem is.'' It's not using fire wrong when THEY build and buy mansions, travel all over the world, and hold jobs in enormous government buildings.

It's not wrong when they're flying all around the world telling you, that you using fire is wrong, and you need to send them money.

It's just wrong when you aren't sending them money.
And snitching on your neighbor for ''not being a citizen this gubmunt kin be prowd uf!''

The people who know how to read a thermometer aren't your enemy, by and large, you don't HAVE a lot of enemies. Oh that's right the government for a long time was going to put you in prison for ''being outside the mainstream'' with your marijuana affiliation.

Just imagine if everyone in here, had believed the government when they told the entire world, pot is like heroin, and worse for you than methamphetamine.

Think about how you would feel if you found out your neighbor, PERFECLY honest - simply TOOK the governments' WORD for it that POT is like HEROIN - and dialed the police and turned you in.

Wouldn't they feel smug and good about themselves, getting rid of you and your ways?

Of course they would. Then after they did that too you and were already invested, if they read a bunch of information about pot not being heroin, would they go back and find you, and apologize?

Or would they just dig in and say ''well, there's no way so many people could be wrong, let me see another one of those pot smokers.''

It's up to you to resist being manipulated simply because it seems fun to be on such a fantastic bandwagon. It always feels good when your government tells you that it's okay to hate your neighbor right now, because after all - they're using pot/oil/their genitals in a way the government doesn't approve of,
and it takes concerned citizens like you,
to do something to help us save you from the devil.


I really mean it when I tell you I want to be friends through this, igrowone.

Can you remember the last time, a bunch stuff turned out well
because everyone believed fraudulent fake science
and said ''root out the devil people!'' the government SAID SO!
It's COOL this time to HATE your fellow man for how he... USES FIRE!

and it came out alright?

Remember when the entire world, used to be told constantly,
''You can't grow pot, in hydroponic circumstances, without lots of HIGH dollar EQUIPMENT."

You've got to have THIS
and have got to have THAT, and
a-bee-bop-a-loo-lah and a YaDDa YaDa?

igrowone: that went on, for THREE QUARTERS of a CENTURY.

Come to find out, igrowone, - you can grow hydroponic pot in a bucket full of PERLITE.
Pea Gravel.

A straw bale.

a ditch lined with plastic and a drain pipe a couple inches from the bottom.

Outside. Any temps. Rain or shine through the summer.

Who was spreading that FAKE science about how the hydroponics

"wuzz too MAGIC fer YEW awl tuh understand?"

Turns out, ya pour hydroponic food into that baby in PURE SAND,
No equipment,
No chillers,
No circulators,
No aerators,
No power,
no NADa
por NADA por NUTHIN.
Some WATER and some hydro ferts.



Because they were sandbagging everybody over it, l.y.i.n.g, saying it was too magic for you, me, the everyday potential pot grower, to have permission to understand or act like you WANTED to understand. If you WANT to KNOW MORE you are the agents of the DEVIL.


Can you remember when it was being spread like crazy that the only way you could grow high quality pot hydroponically, was to use ''high quality'' commercially mixed pH Down?
The $17 a liter stuff, at one time?
That you couldn't buy but about ten places in the country?


Because the government was threatening to put the entire national hydroponic field utterly out of business if it even seemed like they would SPEAK to a pot head.

Can you remember when the government went across the entire country putting hydroponics shops out of business, putting the owners in PRISON on FAKE CHARGES
SIMPLY because they were Hydroponic garden shops?

How it was revealed that was UTTERLY against the law for them to WIPE out the ENTIRE SCIENTIFIC FIELD in THIS COUNTRY?

SUE us.

WE'RE the GuBMuNT.

You don't have the RIGHT to know about hydroponic plant farming.
Because MARIJUANA is the DEVIL.

Now it's using fire. Using fire is the DEVIL and we ALL gotta PAY IN so we can SAY SORRY
for making the SKY real HOT all the TIME.

No, the entire earth is immersed into a frigid fluid phase change refrigerated bath,

and there IS no ''heating'' of any consequence created that can even PAUSE the cold which comprises MOST of the history of the planet.

There is no such thing as a warm period where life didn't thrive.

There is no such thing as a cold period where life didn't dwindle.

you've been told about there being something objectionable to using fire, or the method you use creating a magical heater

is as truthful as the ''scientific research proving pot is like heroin.''

And ''worse for you than methamphetamine.''


Well-known member
let me summarize the argument posted here for those that might be following but have limited patience for large posts
the source of the 'lies' is primarily concerned with the incident called climategate
around 2009 a hacker managed to retirieve a bunch of emails of climate researchers(and Phil Jones)
academic discussions about data/climate models and so on
excerpts were focused on by climate change skeptics as proof of fraud and lies
the response from the researchers was the excerpts were being mischaracterized, there was no deception
multiple reviews from various agencies of government have found no basis for fraud in these documents
there was some congressional interest for a while by climate skeptic members
but interest has been lost as no traction in the public eye was achieved
again, you must have a very large number of liars agreeing on what to lie about

Jericho Mile

let me summarize the argument posted here for those that might be following but have limited patience for large posts
the source of the 'lies' is primarily concerned with the incident called climategate
around 2009 a hacker managed to retirieve a bunch of emails of climate researchers(and Phil Jones)
academic discussions about data/climate models and so on
excerpts were focused on by climate change skeptics as proof of fraud and lies
the response from the researchers was the excerpts were being mischaracterized, there was no deception
multiple reviews from various agencies of government have found no basis for fraud in these documents
there was some congressional interest for a while by climate skeptic members
but interest has been lost as no traction in the public eye was achieved
again, you must have a very large number of liars agreeing on what to lie about



Well-known member
let me summarize the argument posted here for those that might be following but have limited patience for large posts
the source of the 'lies' is primarily concerned with the incident called climategate
around 2009 a hacker managed to retirieve a bunch of emails of climate researchers(and Phil Jones)
academic discussions about data/climate models and so on
excerpts were focused on by climate change skeptics as proof of fraud and lies
the response from the researchers was the excerpts were being mischaracterized, there was no deception
multiple reviews from various agencies of government have found no basis for fraud in these documents
there was some congressional interest for a while by climate skeptic members
but interest has been lost as no traction in the public eye was achieved
again, you must have a very large number of liars agreeing on what to lie about

Thanks, it was hard to read post after post after run on post...All i know is the temp is warmer where i live, it was 80* in dec. the other day...

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
let me summarize the argument posted here for those that might be following but have limited patience for large posts
the source of the 'lies' is primarily concerned with the incident called climategate
around 2009 a hacker managed to retirieve a bunch of emails of climate researchers(and Phil Jones)
academic discussions about data/climate models and so on
excerpts were focused on by climate change skeptics as proof of fraud and lies
the response from the researchers was the excerpts were being mischaracterized, there was no deception
multiple reviews from various agencies of government have found no basis for fraud in these documents
there was some congressional interest for a while by climate skeptic members
but interest has been lost as no traction in the public eye was achieved
again, you must have a very large number of liars agreeing on what to lie about

Thanks, from both me and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Let me add this short clip from Neil's show "Cosmos" that puts our climate change in the simplest terms...




Its only gonna get better if more people start indoor growing. yeehaw longer summers as long as the sea levels dont rise to much im good.


Active member
because everyone believed fraudulent fake science

how anyone can validate "peer review" and "repeatable phenomenon" as methods pertinent to truth is purely derisible. what kind of fool thinks the universe is going to sit up on its hind legs and repeat itself on command? no universe worth living in i tell you whut. and "peer" is "gangsterism" by any measure of actual world experience only a cretin would try to deny it. anyone who wants to validate that bullshit deserves the life they get.

the medium of social corroboration, reference is the message. feel confident and secure in knowing. not knowing is some screwy eastern religion hokey that we don't want to deal with.

yes while the entire history of polycultural humanity has generally felt quite happy expressing life as mystery posing the epistemological unknown, the modern west desires to have certainty and all the authority that comes with it.


This is a subject for people who can plot from step to step, from a globe rotating in a vacuum, no atmospheric conditions:

to the next step of having an atmosphere: what modes of gasses create energy gain or loss:

green house gases create diffraction cooling of the planet.
Energy they reduce to the surface at their concentration is 20% of
available sunlight energy.

When that's accounted there's a second unique mechanism of cooling called conduction: the atmosphere is colder than the planet and contact creates energy transfer from the more energy toward less, migration of heat from hotter surface, to colder gases.

Third mode of cooling created by the atmosphere is convection, which is phase change refrigeration by green house gas species

Water alone is solely responsible for unique named cooling mode 'convection.'

Greenhouse gases nearly completely alone account for unique mode of cooling named diffraction loss.

Addition of the gases whose build up to 400 ppm creates 20% energy loss,
will create more energy loss as they block 21, then 221, 25% energy from sun just as they blocked the first 20%.

Phil Jones was caught scamming fake press releases denying it stopped warming 7 years before.

Phil Jones was caught laughing that the scientific community would come down on him in no uncertain terms if he said the world cooled since 1998. Okay it has, said Jones, but it isn't but seven years' data:
and it wasn't statistically significant.

His admission zeroed in on what he knew the real temperature to be, briefest of searches revealed it's the temp shown by raw data placed online by law - to stop data washing fraud.

Then: after emails released humiliated Jones, he was told explain the truth to BBC whose reporter he was seen trying to damage the reputation of.
Jones subsequently admitted in BBC Feb 2010 interview that indeed it had not warmed for the past seven years.

Jones and associates caught lying never went back and corrected the records. Records continue to be massaged higher and higher in hopes it will eventually, one day warm.

The fact Jones admitted he's lying
then the records were not gone back over and fixed,
is all anyone needs to see: the records are faked,
the man faking them ADMITTED it.
3 separate times.

That's the really, factual basis for peoples' insistence

they know the records being relied on are faked.

They read the words of the man who faked them,

admitting he faked them, and when he started.

let me summarize the argument posted here for those that might be following but have limited patience for large posts
the source of the 'lies' is primarily concerned with the incident called climategate
around 2009 a hacker managed to retirieve a bunch of emails of climate researchers(and Phil Jones)
academic discussions about data/climate models and so on
excerpts were focused on by climate change skeptics as proof of fraud and lies
the response from the researchers was the excerpts were being mischaracterized, there was no deception
multiple reviews from various agencies of government have found no basis for fraud in these documents
there was some congressional interest for a while by climate skeptic members
but interest has been lost as no traction in the public eye was achieved
again, you must have a very large number of liars agreeing on what to lie about

"again, you must have a very large number of liars agreeing on what to lie about."

Just like the ''pot is like heroin'' scam. As ironic as it is, the argument you are making,

is identical to the government can't be lying about pot being like heroin and worse for people than methamphetamines.

The very scientific fraud that has you on a marijuana site rather than able to mingle and talk with the ''real'' citizens. The 'main stream''.


Your film is a perfect example of showing someone a film, and making a claim, - and since they figure you can't really check it, you'll be disposed to believe it.

Hear the part about Sagan's calculations in the early '60s?

Sagan didn't know the density of Venus' atmosphere in the early 1960s.

Since the Russian and American probes have been to Venus - the Russians landed one on Venus a few years back - the exact density of the atmosphere is now known.

Here is a math problem showing people expected to calculate the temperature of the planet with the standard laws once they had the actual probe information they knew was eventually coming, through scientific probe sampling.

Note they people simply discussed what to do, to get a correct value for atmospheric composition and energy, BEFORE the probes reached Venus.

Note they talk about making sure you know how to do the standard calculations, and then below that, they show you the formula, how to calculate density.

Now: in your home - do you have a book where there is a mathematical instruction on how to factor in the green house gas effect? No. No, you don't, and I don't, and no kid does, because ya see, for there to be physics, there has to be also accompanying mathematics we have, to describe them, it's how we got neurosurgery, and neurochemistry, and little beepers bumping into stuff on mars, and on Venus. (The Russians landed a probe on Venus called .... something '13' and it worked an hour instead of the half hour they thought it would, there's just baked, cracking rock, they had it send a photo back)

"Exercise 10.4.6
You are in charge of interpreting the data from an unmanned space probe that has just landed on Venus and sent back a report on its atmosphere.

The data are as follows: pressure, 90 atm;

temperature, 557°C;

density, 58 g/L.

The major constituent of the atmosphere (>95%) is carbon.

Calculate the molar mass of the major gas present and identify it.
Answer: 44 g/mol; [FONT=MathJax_Math]C[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]O[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]2[/FONT]


The ideal gas law is derived from empirical relationships among the pressure, the volume, the temperature, and the number of moles of a gas; it can be used to calculate any of the four properties if the other three are known.

Ideal gas equation: [FONT=MathJax_Math]P[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]V[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]=[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]n[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]R[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]T[/FONT],
where [FONT=MathJax_Math]R[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]=[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]0.08206[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]L[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]⋅[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]a[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]t[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]m[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]K[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]⋅[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]m[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]o[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]l[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]=[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]8.3145[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]J[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]K[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]⋅[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]m[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]o[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]l[/FONT]
General gas equation: [FONT=MathJax_Math]P[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]i[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]V[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]i[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]n[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]i[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]T[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]i[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]=[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]P[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]f[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]V[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]f[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]n[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]f[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]T[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]f[/FONT]
Density of a gas: [FONT=MathJax_Math]ρ[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]=[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]M[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]P[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]R[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]T[/FONT]

Well - when people started asking themselves just what was going on they all got out pens, and everybody tried something different to explain the temperatures.

People argued about it for years. Know what it turns out, that the situation is?

Well, as - you know - I was talking to you about that gas law. The one written for the atmosphere, and all this. And you see up there when they tell the students to solve the atmospheric problem they don't even flinch, because they're sure, they can predict what is going on.

KNOW who it turns out, can predict the temperature of the gas on Venus if you just do it their way? The ones who tell you to simply use the Ideal Gas Law and calculate then, for density.

but - then - you'd say, 'how do you know, or how do I know, that you're telling the truth?'

Well, here's how it turned out. The Russians and Americans flew some probes in and out of the atmosphere, and as they flew them in and out, they had them sample and send back readings.

Turns out, that at the point, where the pressure is very close to one atmosphere like earth? Guess what the temperature was? About 90 or 100F, just like a summer day here.

(Venus and we have similar distances from the sun, similar gravity, venus just has a hugely dense almost pure CO2 atmosphere. Part of it's like... sulfuric acid, and whatnot, pretty exotic)

Well, you know - what do these two sets of stories have as a common thread? The gas law written for the atmosphere because it seemed to be able to darn near universally bond and bridge all the gas laws in very hot, very cold, very low pressure, very high pressure situations - it turns out it's just as useful on Venus as it is here.
Do the people who based their entire professional reputations that it's all, about some other stuff, writing papers for years, being studious - what does this mean for the say, 65% of 'scientists' out there working as publishing physics and math professors?
It means thirty, forty years of constant bleating to the sheep is worthless. It was all a waste. How do you think that goes over with a bunch of government employee bureaucrats? Not well.

Besides - it makes science too mercurial if everytime there's a fashion, all the books have to be reprinted.

And how it goes over is they bleat and stampede and herd and shy and they wait and they pull back and they argue - and then finally somebody just steps up,
decades after everyone's stopped sacrificing entire careers to the competing theories - and they make the declaration that it's inarguable, that such and such happens. And it almost always is, in the sense that the equipment and math work together.

The way they work together so that - remember they flew a probe through and checked - AT ONE ATMOSPHERE the PROBE FINDS VENUS' ATMOSPHERIC TEMP just about IDENTICAL to EARTH.

Oh - and there's a thing a lot of guys did, to CHECK that.

They just deconstruct the two atmospheres - distance from sun and size/gravity are very close so people love to compare them for gas purposes - it was James Hansen's actually, SPECIALTY, this ''Venusian Atmosphere Runaway Greenhouse Gas'' was HIS THEORY.

He cut his TEETH actually, in programming, with that VERY theory. Venusian carbon dioxide must have a runaway greenhouse effect.

Nope. They passed freakin probes right through the atmosphere, and at ONE atmosphere pressure - temperature's just about EXACTLY what the earth's is on a similar day.

People just go back and forth and account for density and everything works out great: just the way they thought it would, when they wrote the law of thermodynamics the wrote, for the atmosphere.

And of course, as I explained to you, that formula -PV = nRT - it's SOLE inclusion to make it the law that bonds ALL the gas laws -

is that it MANDATES the assignment of every gas in the mix,
Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Methane, Argon, Radon - the identical energy, when solving for atmospheric energy related quantities.

And of course remember also the law does NOT include - ANY - reference to the frequency light the gas reacts with. Nothing.

So that's why, it all gets so fuzzy. The people telling you about that are claiming there's an entire thermodynamic effect, and that there are runaway gases nobody can quantify, and that there's no way to check because we don't have the probes there - oh yes we do, it's just the entire Western World's scientists were taking their clues from the guys operating the expensive probes. And the probes refuted what the guys operating the expensive probes, said.

When you're wrong like Hansen is and was wrong: unable to sense the ideal gas law, adjusted for density, might have been checked by the men who wrote it thus basically, LAUNCHING the modern industrial era in a BIG way -

then his claims his office was going to flood,

then his claims all the world's ice was melting,

then his claims about the hottest day in the US that citizens caught him lying about and made him assign properly..

Hansen was a kook. He was and his work and instincts show, he was nothing but a bizarre, environmentalist activist, kook; who wants to make poor people pay more money to live, so his grand daughter has a good university research job, checking how many little people she will need to sterilize to make Gaia happy.

It's kook-ville which is why they so urgently steer you away from talking with others about it. It's like you joined a church and they don't want you to ''poison your mind.''

With stories the gas that makes life on earth possible is poison.

It's not. In submarines they regularly run it up to 4,000 ppm and everything's just fine.

Thanks for the opportunity to talk about it. I don't think a lot of people really know, where to start and where to finish in atmospheric energy, although we work with it all the time growing weed.

Especially in aeroponics, aquaponics and other hydroponics but also in soil we work with atmospheric properties, we just don't get to go around talking about it with people so we're fluent enough to be able to just talk shop.

It's a hard thing to do and I was a pot activist for several years and I like to talk with people about things I know stuff about.


Sorry WD that was your film I'm referencing. If you work with hydroponics or with the atmospheres of your plants, then as you work with the gases you'll notice that pretty much everything you ever heard or read said by a magic gasser, will be false.

For instance if it made a place warmer to have an atmosphere with a lot of carbon dioxide in it, if you watch your film there - they tell you straight up - that 'Tair Carbon Di-Oxide, it's plumb uh.. magical heater! Boy, HoWDy!

Come to find out, of course the author of the *modern green house gas movement - he cut his teeth many many years ago working with

computer program 'research' on - guess what? The ''runaway green house gas effect'' on ...yep.


Know why he acted so unhinged there during the later years? I just put this together myself, I was familiar with his scamming way back about 25 years ago when his associates got on the radio and said he was a thermodynamics grants computer programming scammer -

when the Russians and Americans put those probes on Venus? They flew through the atmosphere where it's the same density as the earth, and the temperature of that gas was like that of earth.

And, of course then, the cat was out of the bag about Hansen's inability to even intuit that the same gas law that works in furnaces on earth - works on the furnace of Venus.

Guys all over have gotten the news about the exact pressures and just done the calculations of temps at various densities, and when the Venus atmosphere,

is adjusted to earth pressures - hey guess what? Carbon Dioxide doesn't have any more magic power there than it does here.

How ya think that made James Hansen feel to know he, and about...oh half dozen guys, through the years, had gone ON and ON about the magic CO2 - how do ya think that made that hillbilly feel when he'd been threatening people, calling them dumbasses,

and the numbers proved perfectly that - the simple people who wrote the student test question I found online above - the simple people teaching some college Ideal Gas Law course or a high school one maybe - they had more sense than Hansen who LOUDLY

brayed about how he was one of the smartest men in the world - did you ever see him get up and bray and bark about how stupid everybody on earth is compared to him? He's a m o o n b a r k e r -

well I wondered for years - just what was his problem exactly?

His problem was - his absolute demand to go into activism was because - when we passed probes into Venus' atmosphere, and those probes discovered the temperature at one earth atmosphere pressure is nearly identical to us -

his career which STARTED modeling Venus' atmosphere, telling Congress ''his gas models stood without peer'' and all this other stuff -

when Hansen read or heard or himself looked at the temps at one atmosphere from those Russian American probes of Venus,

his professional credibility as an atmospheric energy specialist - remember it seems hard to us because we don't work with it a lot but gas, is the SIMPLEST PHASE of MATTER -

his credibility as an intellect was done. Done as in '' stick a fork in him and get him out there jumping up and down like he's afraid the world will end.''
Because his intellectual bona fides went south and CRASHED.

And of course remember there are a lot of people who never really got into the low information voter, 4 minute film thing, there are people who always were interested in this whole thing and what drives it - why everyone in it, acted and act the way they do -

it explains a LOT about why Hansen seemed to come unhinged there in the '90s or so.

went to mile marker 0

when people got their hands on the temperature/pressure info from the Venus probes,
and then did some back and forth with the SIMPLE gas laws,

and figured out: it's the Ideal Gas Law, adjusted for density, that explains Venus' temperature.

Years and years after Hansen and the others who failed to predict correctly are gone - remember these were the guys OWNING and RUNNING the world's most ELITE scientific research equipment and

was as wrong,
as a human being can possibly be -

someone will finally step up, and go ahead and adapt the story, so the one told, the truth, will be told after all these magic gassers have faded into the oblivion of failures who were wrong in science.

I had wondered about this for YEARS - and I see now, why he turned into such a just- straight up wacko.

Dressing funny, going out looking like Climate Activist Homer Simpson - just being - bizarre.

It might sound odd but it took me, writing all these different posts to people who like me are VICTIMS of

fake government pseudo-science - to really put together the pieces

of why James Hansen ran off the rails like such a kook.

The readings from the probes to Venus indicated that his Magic Gas stories - he promoted them FAR and WIDE for DECADES -

were completely wrong. No far fetched, magical runaway, all you had to do, was just calculate for values and adjust for density.

BAM it responds identically to earth's atmosphere.

Just like a jar of carbon dioxide does when you put CO2 in, and a thermometer, and shine a light on it like Gore did, and like Nye did,

and they both had to switch thermometers. Even Anthony Watts who DEARLY believes the story about the magic gas - he has banned SO many people for saying the magic gas story isn't real -

even though he claims he's not afraid of warming - he says he's skeptical of the DAMAGE - from balmy weather a few days in Minnesota -

he BELIEVES the story about the magic gas, and when he did the now famous experiment copying Gore's, he borrowed a $10,000 camera, and did a completely live feed on the internet, and tried to do Gore's experiment to ''show everyone the science really IS sound''

and his wound up not getting hotter than the regular air jar, either.

This has been a very eye opening experience for me to go over the fact about Hansen's ORIGINAL magic gas stories coming - from his programming 'research' he did at Goddard WAY back when he started augmenting his income with grants.

Back in the days, when his associates said he was doing thermodynamics scams, on government computers.

Thanks, from both me and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Let me add this short clip from Neil's show "Cosmos" that puts our climate change in the simplest terms...


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So it turns out what drove Hansen over the edge, was the probes from Venus' readings, where they flew through the atmosphere of Venus and there was earth pressure,
and there was no magic run away green house gas effect.

Turned out there was no effect at all. When those readings came back Hansen's intellectual reputation went through the floor to crater in the basement.

I'm shaking my head about it because I had forgotten about the various people getting the probe readings, and then calculating out the earth's atmosphere, vs Venus' and turned out the gas acted perfectly normal.

Well that one is answered. Why he seemed so upset all the time for so many years. I remember people saying things about how he was wrong and him saying ''But WE don't KNOW, WE don't KNOW, there could be OTHER REASONS for that - and then he was on to more wacko-isms about how the trains with coal for families in cities were like trains of death going to Auchwitz - just a wacko.

I see now why he would never sit still and discuss actual gas mechanics with ANYONE for many many years.

His magic runaway green house effect story had been busted by the probes returning temperature readings in that Venus atmosphere he said was so hot from ''runaway green house gas effect'' he claimed he believed in -

and he was going to be darned if he was ever going to let anything including the fact his work was absolutely worthless - get in the way of his being a big deal.


Kiss My Ring
What is carbon credit?

As nations have progressed we have been emitting carbon, or gases which result in warming of the globe. Some decades ago a debate started on how to reduce the emission of harmful gases that contributes to the greenhouse effect that causes global warming. So, countries came together and signed an agreement named the Kyoto Protocol.

The Kyoto Protocol has created a mechanism under which countries that have been emitting more carbon and other gases (greenhouse gases include ozone, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and even water vapour) have voluntarily decided that they will bring down the level of carbon they are emitting to the levels of early 1990s.

Developed countries, mostly European, had said that they will bring down the level in the period from 2008 to 2012. In 2008, these developed countries have decided on different norms to bring down the level of emission fixed for their companies and factories.

A company has two ways to reduce emissions. One, it can reduce the GHG (greenhouse gases) by adopting new technology or improving upon the existing technology to attain the new norms for emission of gases. Or it can tie up with developing nations and help them set up new technology that is eco-friendly, thereby helping developing country or its companies 'earn' credits.

India, China and some other Asian countries have the advantage because they are developing countries. Any company, factories or farm owner in India can get linked to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and know the 'standard' level of carbon emission allowed for its outfit or activity. The extent to which I am emitting less carbon (as per standard fixed by UNFCCC) I get credited in a developing country. This is called carbon credit.

These credits are bought over by the companies of developed countries -- mostly Europeans -- because the United States has not signed the Kyoto Protocol.

made up on the whims that CO2 is evil and no-one could prove otherwise...monopoly money. tax on breathing...

thanx for the expose Unionized...

poke in the eye for the less informed.


''I guess we awhtuh.. awl jus' go down to thuh... likker stor an' git us uh forty, an' git us sum weade, an' sit on the poarch an' not nevur do nutt'n.''

I guess we should just burn everything we can and make the entire world look like Beijing has lately...

That's you, doing your best, to sound like a morally outraged everyman, hearing the Californians legalized pot,

then trying to make a joke about how, legalizing pot, will give our world standards somewhere around those of a South American or Haitian or MId-East junta.

When the truth doesn't work, insult your neighbor for digging around and finding out the government employees who brought you pot is heroin - the Democrats brought you the joys of only being able to mention the devil word cannabis at the special place they make you go, and log in anonymously so you can remember how evil you are for loving the devil -

hating your neighbor because he found out the people we bought scientific equipment are drinking and partying on yachts and in Paris - not only, not using the equipment - firing people they catch trying to talk them into actually working. When we told them to work.

As far as the political pragmatism of ''if it's winning the race, it's our horse, let's go while there's progess to be made?

F**********k, I dunno what to say about that. THAT - how do you tell that "NO that's...morally...WRONG!"

? Uh.. ? Now- you've got me on that.

You've got me on that, and I was walking around last night, house was all quiet and getting kinda cool, wife had the tv on low and I went to the kitchen and was looking out the window at really, not a darn thing, thinking -

we ALL KNOW what it is, that YOU'RE not talking about (me) YOU'RE (meaning me i'm kinda going back talking about the conversation w/myself) not talking about - any brand of car's one of the finest pieces of equipment I think i've ever heard make that motor-running sound, when the local whomevers are jusssst far away they're not bothering to stop and take aim, but they SEE ya out there, jumping into that old roof-removed van, with the goats walking around looking out the back window with no glass in it. This here's a FINE, FINE machine you got'chew here, siR....! ! ! !

I get the point. You've been massaged and hand-jobbed about how the system is stupid, and having a rule where government employees actually do the carefully scripted job they are given to do
rather than party and just shake a little cardboard box around and opennnn it..... and PULL out a NAME for someone's LIFE to RUIN for no reason whatever except ''the son of a b**** talked BACK to me...LoooooLLLLLLLLLoLoL''

The place is like a bar, people smoking, and everybody's got their ties loose, and their shoes off, somebody keeps coming by throwing up confetti... screw it, let the JANITOR get it.

I DO get your point. Why don't we all, just do what we WANT?

Like... lie, and fake research, and point to your daughter's or your employer, and tell people start insulting them on the street because... well, because it makes the people above in the smoky bar, pretending it's governance, FEEL good?

Well - I just answered with the same humor you show in making your point.

One analogy inspires another one, and before very long, you've got a great discussion where things go from the scientific and verifiably cross checkable where there's a lot of stuff to look up and get into

to the political end of whether the government running amok, and just deciding ''you listen to the wrong music'' and ''you use fire that your city buys from the wrong factory'' -

that's how it is in Syria right now. And it's what people are trying to explain,

did you ever do a lot of reading about the old pot war, the REAL one where hippies speaking out on war, were put in jail for DECADES for having a little pot on them?

Fake laws,
are fake. And it looks like, ''Oh, yeah, we're gonna show em how well
indiscriminately criminalizing innocent people WORKS,

this time!

Yeah, maybe, but really, I think if you ask people - people who KNOW what that was all like,

you'll find that most people aren't really into governments that just pick groups of devil people out of hats, and start ruining their existences.


I guess we should just burn everything we can and make the entire world look like Beijing has lately...
Actually a physicist I follow did just that. He burned all the rest of the known oil reserves in one day using math. The result was 600ppm co2. Thats 6 co2 molecules per 10,000 air molecules. A trace gas, still, and zero effect on the earth. Look him up at keyword - reference frame.


This is a sorta legend paragraph. It's to let the reader know about editing done, - by whomever - in this case me, for whatever reasons.

I repeatedly waffled contracting the description of Convection. The way I described it, might make it sound like I was contradicting,

the common sense observation there's hot air balloons in deserts and high mountains where there's almost no water in the air.

I was trying to draw attention to the degree which the acceleration creating a whole new UNIQUE, NAMED


is being so heavily and distinctly influenced

by green house species


I think I said ''Water is the sole creator of this mode of cooling'' (convection) without the proper qualifiers; I had the mental version of coffee stomach: writer's block when trying to find an approach describing

(a) all the standard gases - obviously not changing phase - that rise at their rates

(b) all the other green house gases - obviously not changing phase - that rise at their rates

(c) all the single phase water bobbing around not changing phase - that rise at it's/their rates

This juncture of all that plus the water's phase change steps - it's a kind of common to see that description blown by somebody who's a non teacher and I might have.

The object was to make the block diagrammed, stepped process of the atmosphere creating 3 unique, named modes of cooling,

2 of these

completely predominated by green house gases - not be lost

in the wall of text.

Gas mechanics kinda gets naturally long[no pun intended] winded because liquid & solid

(1)don't expand-contract so dramatically/don't dump energy the same/have geometry controlling viscosity/geometry etc

(2)tend to have more pronounced motion control due to gravity

(3)have some sort of visual representation easily at hand describing processes


Well-known member
union, it is obvious you are quite passionate on this subject, with so many run on posts, or you are just trying to get your post count up.