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Click here for Afropip Durban Poison, and GN Thai Stick or don't. I dont care.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Just when I thought the F2s couldn't surprise me anymore, I get a unique seedling that is more Sat. dominant than any other one Ive seen yet. I knew we had something interesting when I saw the long narrow first set of leaves, then the 3rd set of leaves had these interesting rams horns on them. Never seen any seedling express this trait before.

Got a couple more seedlings up next.




Dave Coulier

Active member
DPF2 Seedling

DPF2 Seedling

Here is a more typical DPf2 one can expect from their seeds. About 3 weeks from germ in 2oz containers. Ive transplanted them into 9oz containers tonight, and will upcan into 1 gallon containers in about 2 weeks.






Knight of the BlackSvn
Glad to see you getting along with the DP project. I still have some of those testers in my fridge tempting me. :good:

Dave Coulier

Active member
Glad to see you getting along with the DP project. I still have some of those testers in my fridge tempting me. :good:

Slow but steady progress...hehe. Im like a kid in a toy store always getting distracted by something shinier. Sooner or later we'll reach the finish line with the DP.

You should pop those remaining beans. Must be lonely in that cold, dark fridge. Time to let em see the light of day :biggrin:

Dave Coulier

Active member


Sadly, my camera died on me right as I was getting into taking pictures, so Ive only got a few to share. Hope it'll do for now. Its been about 3 months and a week into flowering. Maybe two weeks, Im pretty bad at keeping up with time. Im thinking these girls are gonna need about 1-1.5 more months to be ready. How long did you let them go Azure, or anyone else who has grown these out?

With regards to smell, the 6 females all smell pretty much the same. No variation among any. What it smells like I honestly can't describe. Doesn't fall into the parameters Im used to in terp profiles. It doesn't wow me when I sniff the ladies, but it doesn't disappoint either. Its a somewhat muted terp profile imo.

What she lacks in smell, she makes up for in large colas. Each lady is going to yield quite well from the looks of them. Still a long way to go with so many fuzzy white pistils everywhere while calyxes continue stacking up underneath. Im curious to see how the PNG would fair in some crosses to the Afropips DP, and GN Thai Stick.. Something to look into another day. Got my hands full with other projects right now.

Alright lets get some pics up of a couple PNG, and a Gypsy Thai Stick mother I snuck in between the two PNG. The Thai is about 1.5 months ahead of the PNG, and is just about ready to come down. Still got some white pistils down lower on her that Ive considered dusting with pollen from 4 PNG males. I get the feeling the offspring would end up with some humongous sativa spears. Seems like something I want to explore even more now that I write about it.


Gypsy Nirvana Thai Stick - G Mother in the middle. All plants are in one gallon containers. I do not recommend that unless you really want to test yourself. Much more likely you'll experience nutrient deficiencies, but we've still managed to get some nice colas growing on these girls even though they've shed lots of leaves. Lost plenty of leaves from the upper canopy because they got too close to the 315w CMH. Would like to be able to keep them about a foot lower than they are, but they've been moved to the outer edge of the footprint, with clones that are much smaller and compact directly underneath the lights footprint. Lights probably 4 feet above the clones atm, but Ill move it up to around 2.5 feet and observe closely.


And this is about where my battery died.



Well-known member
Looks great Dave!

I would have thought the three plants were the same strain.
Maybe some interesting terpenes will pick up in the later weeks!

Dave Coulier

Active member
Looks great Dave!

I would have thought the three plants were the same strain.
Maybe some interesting terpenes will pick up in the later weeks!

Thanks Azure. They do look similar. Itd be easy to confuse one for the other. Im hoping the terp profiles get stronger as we get closer to the end. Plenty of time for more changes to occur.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Here is a more typical DPf2 one can expect from their seeds. About 3 weeks from germ in 2oz containers. Ive transplanted them into 9oz containers tonight, and will upcan into 1 gallon containers in about 2 weeks.

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Great looking plants, and perfect timing for the up potting.

Am liking the spacing of that growth, and like wow
for that dual twisting pheno.

I have an F2 BC that is of interest to some, one seedling
that is different than any I've seen to date:


I thought it relevant to the topic of variation.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Great looking plants, and perfect timing for the up potting.

Am liking the spacing of that growth, and like wow
for that dual twisting pheno.

I have an F2 BC that is of interest to some, one seedling
that is different than any I've seen to date:

View Image

I thought it relevant to the topic of variation.

Thanks Dropped Cat! These Durban seedlings have gotten off to an excellent start. They've rooted very well into their dixie cups and are coming along nicely.

I love starting seeds and searching for those unique stand out plants. Looks like you've got a nice one on your hands there. Those leaves look prehistoric with those jagged serrations. Hope it turns into something stellar later on.

If you dont mind some advice, Id recommend topping off your containers fully with more media. It will improve PWT(perched water table) conditions, and you're roots will thank you for the extra space.:tiphat:

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Thanks Dropped Cat!

If you dont mind some advice, Id recommend topping off your containers fully with more media. It will improve PWT(perched water table) conditions, and you're roots will thank you for the extra space.:tiphat:

Good call, those seedlings up potted to the coco,
planted just up to the cotyledons.

I'll update in a few weeks if plants are worthy of note.

Thanks again for the tip

Dave Coulier

Active member
PNG Update-sorta

PNG Update-sorta

I snapped a few photos of the clone of PNG-B. I had to cull her because of intersex traits. Ive had the clone in flowering for maybe 2 weeks now. Thought you all would enjoy a few shots of her before she got the axe. Gonna need to upcan the remaining ladies soon into something bigger. Likely 2 gallon containers. I doubt these small plants will reach the 6 foot height like the seed plants. Hoping to keep them under 4 feet.

I think Ive gotten these clones dialed in pretty well by now. 7.5grams of Osmocote per gallon of media, and WSF feedings(DynaGro Grow) at typically 100-150ppm. Keep them quite far away from the lights so i get that lush, rich look in the foliage. Thats the simple secret Ive learned over the years. If I keep the lights further way, or reduce intensity, the plants are healthier and perform better. Sure you can end up too far away, but far more often Ive had problems getting the lights too close.





Dave Coulier

Active member
Mr. Nice Shit x Classic Seeds Golden Diesel mid flower

Mr. Nice Shit x Classic Seeds Golden Diesel mid flower

Or ShitDiesel for short. I dont have anymore Shit plants in the garden, but before I let them go, I dusted 3 select Shit females with pollen from my only Golden Diesel F1 male(15 females/1male). Shit is an Afghani Dominant Skunk line, and Classic Seeds Golden Diesel is a Colombian Gold dominant Skunk line. Seemed like a good cross to explore. So far, Im liking what Im seeing and smelling. In about 1.5-2 months Ill get to smoke em too.

I was going to transplant them into something larger, but they've been doing fine in their small containers so far, and were already at the halfway point(40 days), so Ill just leave em be. They need to be hand watered nearly every day, which is usually around 3 oz of feed. Gonna dial back the feed a bit and give some pure water feedings over the next week. Id say were right at the limit of what they can take.

Terp profiles are off the charts already, with a wide range of smells to enjoy. Pungent & funky b.o/onion, sweet, berry, astringent/superglue, skunky, citric. I expect even more changes in the terp profiles as we get deeper into flowering, but so far Im impressed.

Lets get some pics up. The first pic is a couple of plants, while the remaining pics focus on the right plant. Ill try to get some pics of other girls soon.






Dave Coulier

Active member
Good call, those seedlings up potted to the coco,
planted just up to the cotyledons.

I'll update in a few weeks if plants are worthy of note.

Thanks again for the tip View Image

I hope you will post some pics of the lil ones. I always like seeing what other members got going on. especially unique ones like the one you posted here. Jurassic Pot.

Dave Coulier

Active member
A colorful Shit x Golden Diesel has popped up. The first plant to go purple doesn't even have DP in it, go figure. I had 1 or 2 females out of 15 Golden Diesel F1's that were purple, so its kinda rare in that line, but the mr. Nice Shit plants would throw purple to a higher degree about 15% of the time. So Im not too shocked to see a purple plant spring up.

The purple is starting at the top and working its way down. The upper fan leaves are taking on a metallic purple appearance now. Will have to get a better shot of the fan leaves soon. Next update will have some PNG buds in it, so it'll be awhile before we see anymore ShitxGoldenDiesel.





Getting very purple under those frosty leaves.


Dave Coulier

Active member
PNG Update

PNG Update

Time for a PNG update everyone. I also brought some pictures too!

Of the 6 females Ive flowered out so far, about 2 were of the chunky variety, 2 of the foxtail variety, and the remaining two fall somewhere in between. The foxtail ones remind me alot of the Gypsy Thai Ive grown out before, just a bit longer flowering than the Thai. Were around 4.5 months into flowering for the PNG, and the foxtail ones will need another month or so to be ready. I think the chunky ones are likely ready around the 5 month mark.

Terp profiles have become stronger too as we've gotten deeper into flower. The first 3 months it was muted and not very pronounced. At the 4.5 month mark, Im picking up strong citrus rind in some, while another harvested plant has a very similar profile to Sam's Hazeskunk Catpiss pheno. Yes Catpiss. Not the nicest to smell nor taste, but its a good smoke still even if it that particular plant may not taste so great.

Ill be keeping two of the 6 females out of this run to explore further. One is a nice chunky variety, and the other is the foxtail one, which needs probably 6 months to be ready. Im keeping these two around even though I have plucked a few nanners off them. I was pleased it took 4.5 months to see any nanners spring up on them considering the dark cycle is disrupted daily by me. When I first got into growing, I was much more strict about light leaks, cycle disruptions, but Ive learned giving your plants the ideal environment can cover up some flaws. Now I prefer dark cycle disruptions to trigger any intersex genes the plant may be hiding from me. Under ideal conditions those genes may never be expressed, and before you know it you've bred with a plant that has a hidden flaw.

Chunky lady








Keyboard Warrior
Looking good, stress testing is part of the selective pressure regime for sure, some girls are xx chromasome and those are the ones for keeping.:tiphat:

Where is that png from ? Looks like it may have some bld influence compared to fets 303 from the old days.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Looking good, stress testing is part of the selective pressure regime for sure, some girls are xx chromasome and those are the ones for keeping.:tiphat:

Where is that png from ? Looks like it may have some bld influence compared to fets 303 from the old days.

Im kinda foggy on the details on this PNG line. Maybe Azure will chime in and provide some info. With how much contamination of lines all around the world over decades and decades who knows if this is pure landrace PNG or not. I know it sure flowers extremely long like pure sats. 5-6 months flowering time needed. Not for the feint of heart.

Im not familiar with fets 303? Got any threads regarding it you could link to?

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