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Click here for Afropip Durban Poison, and GN Thai Stick or don't. I dont care.

Dave Coulier

Active member
For when Mary Jane just isn't enough...

The cap is so large it reminds me of a turtles shell.

Im gonna miss this stuff when its all gone. I will NOT miss the taste at all. Even eaten with peanut butter, I still have the urge to retch. Eaten without anything, I will nearly vomit trying to eat the stuff. Meanwhile my friend can eat the mushrooms without needing anything to cover the taste, or drink. Id puke all over myself If I even attempted that!

Its starting to kick in, and Im not sure Ill get to my DP Seedling week 1 update tonight. I just realized I deleted about half the pictures from my camera by accident. I blame the mushrooms!


Dave Coulier

Active member
DP F2 Week 1 Update

DP F2 Week 1 Update

Im currently too high for words. Pictures will have to do. Unfortunately, I deleted most of them by accident. These were taken on the 26th. Enjoy!




Dave Coulier

Active member
That last pic is simply stunning no words needed.

One good pic deserves another, or several pics. This time at the opposite end of a plants life. I bring you my very first Classic Seeds Columbian Gold x Sour Diesel..that is nearly harvest ready. At least one more week, and then I'll probably bring her down. She already has alot of amber resin glands at this point, but lets see if we get any more swelling over the next week before harvest.

She's in the 65-75 day range of flowering, so pretty quickly for my liking. I ended up letting her enter the fade sooner than I should have, hence the chlorotic leaves that are droopy. I think I could have gotten a better yield out of her if I had kept her healthy deeper into flowering. She got pollinated by the male along with her other sisters I flowered out, so Ill get some nice buds filled with some nice healthy F2 seeds. Already had one fall right into my hand when I was handling her.






Dave Coulier

Active member
Durban Poison Seedlings Week 2 Update

Durban Poison Seedlings Week 2 Update

Okay gang, Im back with another update on the lil ones. Im a few days late though. The pics were taken on the 3rd.

We have 3 trifoliate plants, and one might think with the extra leaf surface area, they would grow faster, but they're actually lagging behind somewhat. You'll see in the pics below as I show off my 3 largest, fastest growing ones compared to the trifoliate plants. Now of course I do have some other regular seedlings that are about the same stage of growth as the trifoliate plants, so we can't really glean too much from the comparison.

I also knocked the smallest trifoliate plant over onto the ground recently, and much of the soil was knocked free of the container exposing the taproot. I put the seedling back into its container, and backfilled it, but its basically stalled in growth since then. I hope it will recover.

I also lost a couple more seedlings to what appeared to be damping off, but the media was not excessively moist at all. Ill be picking up some Rootshield Home & Garden to protect my lil ones.

Also, for the second week of life, I fed the seedlings at 150-160PPM Total. Im now back at 300-310PPM for the third week. Im trying an alternating style for the moment hoping to keep the plants within a healthy-balanced level of media fertility. Feeding at full strength every watering is likely to lead to excessive fertility levels, so I opted for this approach. Ill be keeping a close eye on the cotyledons to make sure they're not yellowing yet. Were two weeks in, and none have yellowed yet, so all is going well. Lets see if we can keep them healthy into week 3!

Alright, lets get to some pics of the seedlings now.

Hmmm..Somehow my window has closed itself, but I dont recall getting up. This Thai must be stronger than I realize.

First up, is one last photo I have of them on 9/26.


10/03/17 Week 2


The one on the left is the one I knocked over.


Looks like I failed to get the plant in focus, and instead got the media. Easy for you to spot the Calcined DE in the media. Wouldn't grow without it. This plant is lagging behind too, and has been droopy from very early on. Doesn't matter if I let the media become more dryer or moister, the plant stays in the same semi-droopy state. Ill give it some more time before deciding if I want to cull it.



Dave Coulier

Active member
Week 2 Continued

Week 2 Continued


Quite the difference in size, but these bottom 3 are my standout plants among the 15. Two of the 3 have received one feeding of Pro-Tekt, but the largest has not, so not much to conclude there.





Dave Coulier

Active member
I noticed this when I was watering the Golden Diesel, and thought it was too cool not to take a pic of and share. This lady has the longest pistils of any plant Ive ever seen, and she's only in veg. I can't wait to see her in flower soon.

Two pistils reaching out to each other.



Fiery Orange Pistils and some purpling in the buds? Oh yeah, this Mr. Nice Shit will definitely get a second run+.




Knight of the BlackSvn
That picture of the pistils reminds me of the Sistine Chapel. Photo of the month material right there! :biggrin:

Dave Coulier

Active member
That picture of the pistils reminds me of the Sistine Chapel. Photo of the month material right there! :biggrin:

Well I can't nominate myself, but you can do it. :biggrin: Glad you liked the photo, I thought it was a good one, and even more so when I think of the Sistine Chapel.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
i admire any grower who can run a true sativa 3-6 months in flower
i personally would not be able to keep a plant alive that long in my
flower room



Dave, as a photographer, I'd like to say that the picture of the pistils is, indeed, visually stunning. :)

Still finding my way around here...where would one go to nominate, or second a nomination, on that photo? :)

Hope your little one bounces back!

Dave Coulier

Active member
i admire any grower who can run a true sativa 3-6 months in flower
i personally would not be able to keep a plant alive that long in my
flower room


I balance things out by killing them off when their in veg! :laughing:
It isn't always easy, but I enjoy the challenge of it, and I feel tackling these Sativas has made me a better grower by leaps and bounds.

Dave, as a photographer, I'd like to say that the picture of the pistils is, indeed, visually stunning. :)

Still finding my way around here...where would one go to nominate, or second a nomination, on that photo? :)

Hope your little one bounces back!

Thanks a bunch Mary. Im glad you liked the photo.

Normally one would go to the October photo of the month thread in the Cannabis Flower Photos Subforum, but it looks like there was no contest done last month and no thread made this month by the poster who normally does it. I hope its not the end of them.

As for the lil one, I culled my smallest Trifoliate DP plant. It has no roots showing on the outside of the container, and it was progressively getting worse day by day. I pulled it up out of the soil, and the taproot looked desiccated even though the plant was watered the day before. I may end up culling another one thats lagging behind too, but for the most part nearly all the remaining plants are moving along nicely.

They'll get transplanted tomorrow on Day 21 into something bigger. Growth should pick up even more with larger containers. Im thinking about 1.5 months veg, and then into flowering, so were about halfway there till flower.


Well-known member
Hey Dave :wave:

The plants are looking killer buddy and the photography is on point too....Just really pleasing photos of your babies.

Sorry to ask but can you give me a short rundown of what going on in the moment with your grow.Catching up:)
I really liked that Golden diesel super sized pistols...I get a couple of the rogue hairs every once in awhile....I just have the queen pluck mine though:biggrin:



Thanks a bunch Mary. Im glad you liked the photo.

Normally one would go to the October photo of the month thread in the Cannabis Flower Photos Subforum, but it looks like there was no contest done last month and no thread made this month by the poster who normally does it. I hope its not the end of them.

As for the lil one, I culled my smallest Trifoliate DP plant. It has no roots showing on the outside of the container, and it was progressively getting worse day by day. I pulled it up out of the soil, and the taproot looked desiccated even though the plant was watered the day before. I may end up culling another one thats lagging behind too, but for the most part nearly all the remaining plants are moving along nicely.

They'll get transplanted tomorrow on Day 21 into something bigger. Growth should pick up even more with larger containers. Im thinking about 1.5 months veg, and then into flowering, so were about halfway there till flower.

Ah, ok, well I was looking in the right place anyway, but I couldn't find a current picture of the month thread. That would explain it. :)

Bummer about the little one, those trifoliates sure are cool.

I let that mystery sativa I had go 109 days. Managed to keep her healthy and happy so I have a better feeling about the next ones I plan on running eventually. She's all cobbed up now and 'napping' :D



Curious Cannivore
Thanks for the fantastic journal Dave. Outstanding info and very inspiring. I've learned a lot here..

One thing though, I did pick up some Hanna lysimeters and can't get them to work. I can't seem to get much of a test sample in mine, no more than few drops. I don't know how you can get so much liquid drawn up in yours. I'm probably screwing it up....

Anyway, what really is the difference between the lysimeters and simply catching a sample of the runoff water? It seems to me there really is little or no difference?


Curious Cannivore
Btw, your feeding seedlings thread from few years ago was friggin awesome! Should be required reading.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Hey Dave :wave:

The plants are looking killer buddy and the photography is on point too....Just really pleasing photos of your babies.

Sorry to ask but can you give me a short rundown of what going on in the moment with your grow.Catching up
I really liked that Golden diesel super sized pistols...I get a couple of the rogue hairs every once in awhile....I just have the queen pluck mine though:biggrin:


Hey Patrol! Hope all is well with you and your garden.

Im overdue for a garden update, so Im glad you asked!

Here's whats going on in the garden lately: Ive harvested a few Golden Diesels lately, with a gorgeous lady coming down last week. A mix of purple and green calyxes with fiery orange pistils to really give the buds some wow factor. The purple was nothing like what the Durban Poisons produce, but still nice buds to look at and smoke. I should have gotten some pics before all of it was gone, but I have a clone of her, and all her sisters that are just waiting for a transplant, a lil more veg time, and then into flowering room.

I think I have 12 Golden Diesels to flower out, and I can't wait to see what goodies they're hiding from me. I love the long pistils on the Golden Diesels. Quite a few of the ladies have these extremely long pistils. Never seen anything like it on other lines Ive run. I can't wait to see what those few look like in flower.

We've also got a batch of about 15 Durban Poison F2's in veg, although I did have a setback on them. I over-watered some of them while they were in the small dixie cups, and that lead to damaged roots, and some deficiencies popping up. Even after all these years gardening, I still manage to over-water at times. Doh! Less is better with small plants, especially if you're using calcined DE as I do.

They all got transplanted a few days ago into 1/2 gallon containers. IME the best way to get a plant back on track is to give it a transplant, with adequate feed, and very importantly not to over-water. I can already see an improvement in most of the seedlings at this point.

The DurbanxShits are very happy now that they got transplanted too. I had issues with them as well, but now they're improving and roots are already visible from the bottom of the container after only a few days. Ive only been watering 2 oz about each night with the plants in 1/2 gallon containers, and they're appreciating that Im not over-watering anymore. As they grow larger, Ill slowly increase my watering requirements, but Im gonna be cautious while they're small.

Ive also got two Durban x Thai sisters flowering that are from separate Thai moms. One has long spears with gorgeous, purple, fat calyxes(TSA mom), and the other has very small calyxes with delicate foxtail type bud structure(TSG mom). Im a much bigger fan of the hybrid from the TSA mom. Big fat purple calyxes that smell pungent and musky! Just my type. I should snap some pics of them soon so you all can see. I think they'll both be ready within a month from now.

On the seed front, Ive made Golden Diesel F2's, and Ive also got a small amount of DP x Golden Diesel seeds too. Ill have to show you all a pic of the two different seeds side by side. The Durban Poison hybrid seeds have a darker slightly purple tone to them. They're dark enough, I can't really make out tiger striping on them, but the Golden Diesel F2's look like your typical seeds.

Ive also got some Golden Diesel x Shit seeds I need to harvest from my Mr. Nice Shit clones in the veg room. They didn't quite continue to veg like I wanted. They've sorta gone into a quasi flowering mode while producing the seeds. Im starting to see normal veg growth showing up on multiple clones now that they've not been pollinated in a month+.

I do have two non-seeded Shit clones I moved into flowering a few days ago. Those two are gonna be used for a Pro-Tek side by side. Both plants are from the same mom, same size. It'll be fun to see if the addition of silicone in flowering will have any positive impact..

Well I think thats about all thats going on in the garden atm. Now to get some pics to document it too!

Ah, ok, well I was looking in the right place anyway, but I couldn't find a current picture of the month thread. That would explain it. :)

Bummer about the little one, those trifoliates sure are cool.

I let that mystery sativa I had go 109 days. Managed to keep her healthy and happy so I have a better feeling about the next ones I plan on running eventually. She's all cobbed up now and 'napping' :D


I appreciate you trying to find the thread and give me a nomination.

Ill miss my lil trifoliates. Ive still got one left sorta. It has been keeping up with most of the other plants, but It appears it has grown out of that trait, and has returned to normal.

Congrats taking your Sativa to 100+ Days plus. I know it isn't easy! I got to see the photos you posted in Tangs Cob thread. She looked good and healthy, but I would dial back the N just a lil bit next run with her. You will enjoy those cobs. Its been awhile since Ive gotten to make some myself. Starting to miss having any around.

Thanks for the fantastic journal Dave. Outstanding info and very inspiring. I've learned a lot here..

One thing though, I did pick up some Hanna lysimeters and can't get them to work. I can't seem to get much of a test sample in mine, no more than few drops. I don't know how you can get so much liquid drawn up in yours. I'm probably screwing it up....

Anyway, what really is the difference between the lysimeters and simply catching a sample of the runoff water? It seems to me there really is little or no difference?

Thanks for taking the time to follow along Texas Tea. Im always glad when someone appreciates the thread :).

What size lysimeter do you have? I find its easier to get the shorter one to work correctly in shallow containers, but the longer lysimeters dont work as well in short containers.

I would recommend putting the lysimeter into a container of water, and prime the lysimeter. Wait a few hours, and check on it. If there is water in the lysimeter, then its functioning just fine. Often the problem is getting a good insertion where the lysimeter is in contact with the surrounding media.

Its possible, you're not generating enough vacuum inside the tube. When you pull the plunger back, does it immediately rush back into the syringe if you let go? If so, you're doing it right. If the plunger doesn't slide back in quickly, then you've not generated enough pressure.

Also be aware that sometimes the vacuum can 'leak' out if you've not closed the finger clamp enough. Buy extra finger clamps too, as the one that came with it will eventually break from repeated usage, and the lights will further degrade the plastic overtime.

A few options to improve it are: Make a slurry of your media, preferably no perlite, or anything 'rocky', then pour it into the hole you created. Then insert the lysimeter in, and push down the soil some around the tube.

Make sure the hole is smaller than the tube. I use a bamboo stake thats 1/3rd or half the diameter of the Lysimeter, so that I can get a really tight fit when inserting it.

Another option is using Silica Flour to improve water transfer from the media into the ceramic cone. I dont use it myself. Ive had fine results from just inserting the Lysimeter into a smaller hole, push down the surrounding media a bit, and it works pretty well with my 12 inch lysimeters.

As for lysimeter versus pour-thru..Pour thru method is likely to lead to damaged roots because you are saturating the container to get a reading. It also leaches nutrients out of the media, hence wasted money. The lysimeter wont damage roots, and you'll get a more accurate reading as you are pulling directly from the soil solution.

One thing to be aware, pH measurements are not going to be correct due to the ceramic cone. The pH when measured from suction lysimeter is always going to be higher than it actually is. Typically by .5 points or higher. I rarely bother with pH anymore, and focus more on soil fertility.

Btw, your feeding seedlings thread from few years ago was friggin awesome! Should be required reading.

Im glad you found that thread and enjoyed it. Many people want to believe the cotyledons will supply all the nutrients the plant needs for 2-3 weeks, which is kinda foolish. They're more like a backup supply of nutrients, and seedlings should be fed within one or two days of breaking the surface for optimal growth.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Durban P x Thai Stick Hybrid

Durban P x Thai Stick Hybrid

Its been awhile since Ive uploaded some pics, so I snapped some of my favorite Durban P x Thai Stick that's coming down tonight.

She's been flowering for around 100 Days or so, and covered in golden/amber resin glands. The calyxes have swelled up nicely, even with some Golden Diesel x DP/TS hybrid seeds in those pretty buds too. More seeds to add to the collection!

This lady takes on the deep purples given to her by the Durban Male. The fan leaves turn lovely shades of autumn too, now if only her lil half-sister next to her would do the same just like her. She's a very pretty plant to look at, and offers up a wonderful bouquet of terps for the nose to enjoy.

Definitely takes after her mother. She grows tall and a bit lanky, but I never had to worry about her getting too tall for the lights this round.

She's a good enough lady to run non-stop, which is why Ive moved a clone replacement into the veg room last week to replace the flowering one coming down. Ill try and share a photo of that lil clone when I can.


Very top of the spear!


This shot is from a side bud.


A lil crop/zoom in action.



Well-known member
Its been awhile since Ive uploaded some pics, so I snapped some of my favorite Durban P x Thai Stick that's coming down tonight.

She's been flowering for around 100 Days or so, and covered in golden/amber resin glands. The calyxes have swelled up nicely, even with some Golden Diesel x DP/TS hybrid seeds in those pretty buds too. More seeds to add to the collection!

This lady takes on the deep purples given to her by the Durban Male. The fan leaves turn lovely shades of autumn too, now if only her lil half-sister next to her would do the same just like her. She's a very pretty plant to look at, and offers up a wonderful bouquet of terps for the nose to enjoy.

Definitely takes after her mother. She grows tall and a bit lanky, but I never had to worry about her getting too tall for the lights this round.

She's a good enough lady to run non-stop, which is why Ive moved a clone replacement into the veg room last week to replace the flowering one coming down. Ill try and share a photo of that lil clone when I can.

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Very top of the spear!

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This shot is from a side bud.

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A lil crop/zoom in action.

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Magic plants and awesome photography that resin is to die for respect my friend mucho respect

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