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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Moreover, as life does not go beyond the moment, the Buddha expounded the blessings that come from a single moment of rejoicing [on hearing the Lotus Sutra]. If two or three moments were required, this could no longer be called the original vow of the Buddha endowed with great impartial wisdom, the single vehicle of the teaching that directly reveals the truth and leads all living beings to attain Buddhahood.

[ Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra, WND Page 63 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"When Dr. Rotblat, president emeritus of the Pugwash Conferences, was once asked about the secret to his health, he replied immediately that remaining active was the key. He also said that the secret to health and youthfulness was never losing one’s fighting spirit.

"There is no end to the struggle for the happiness of humanity, nor is there an end to the struggle for kosen-rufu. Losing our fighting spirit starts us on a downward spiral of decline."

SGI Newsletter No. 7016, SGI President Ikeda's Conversation Series, Discussions on Life and Death, A Constructive Approach to Aging-Part 1 [of 3], translated Nov. 6th, 2006 from an article in the Seikyo newspaper Feb. 4th, 2006


Active member
Wow !!! so much incredible stuff the last few pages , im really moved, you said it Babba just go back and read a bunch of pages and you really get the scope of how unreal this thread is.

Get on it easy!!!! WOOO HOOOO MAN!!!

Welcome LeoNardo and rasta!

thanks again BIG T for knockin' some sense into me , i dont know why i didnt get the jist of things last nite , i think iwas thinkin too much.

Thanks dude about mt Butsudan and yes i made it well allmost all of it , to be honest and not to toot ny own horn but if i was going to make my own from top to bottom it woul be nicer than that one , but i like the semi worn and funckyness of this one it looks like ist been around awhile dosnt' it? Bonzos Butsudans, wait a minute Babba wouldnt you like to do some thing different too arent you tired of 9 to 5in?

Babbas and Bonzos Butsudans, custom made to order and fit any price range! Made with the utmost care and respect for your Gohonzon! Waddya think eh? T you can handle distribution where you are and everyone else here can hande ditribution and sales where they are. We cant lose!!

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!! NEW TRUCK and the ultimate MEETING house!

Can it be done? I think thats a stupid question, the question is do we really want it to happen! You think we could make a few out of hemp press board? How cool would that be? Stop me Thomas im goin bananas!!!!! woooo hoooooo!!!!!!!

LIFE!!!! How precious it is eh?

World Peace Meeting Tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Im allready taking 2 new people, Personal meds pm me dude it starts at 7 pm, can you do it? Maybe we could get Blatant there as well! Ill PM him.

Is life great or what!!!!!!!!!! Chanting growers showin' the WORLD what PEACE is all about KOSEN RUFU my brothers and sisters!!!!

whew its past my bed time

i deeply love and respect each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart!!

goodnight my friends

BONZ :wave:

!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!
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Active member
High CAPTAIN and SCEGY!!!!!!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
(Fallenangel needs one for his new Family Room)

B.B.B., L.L.C.

I really really like it!!!

GET BLATANT TO THAT MEETING! YOU TWO SHOULD REALLY HOOK UP AND DO SOME DAIMOKU TOGETHER!!! Very cool Bonz! I am most impressed! You are a shining example of the power of the Law and I am honored to have come together with you again in this lifetime. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Hey Mr. Cheese! Dear Bud, SoCal, and Bonz! An unexpected stop-over in the Southland may be in the offing. Details to be made available as they develop. Strange you would have offered to come south, Bud. And then the wife laid this on me. Within the next three weeks.

I bow in obeisance,



Active member
Wooo hooooooooo!!!!! Is this for real T? Right on my brotha!! Keeo us posted! Man that would be the coolest dude!!! It will be in my Diamoku all day!

When youget here we can all pile in my new truck!!!

HHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!! JUST KIDDING But would that thing be cool with some huge mudders on it and a fresh 454 under teh hood? Wooo HOOOOOO!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
Thanks and Love

Thanks and Love

Babbabud said:
Welcome to our new friend rastamonunika and his seeking spirit. Thanks for dropping in buddy !
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Just wanted to thankyou for the kind invite, and everyone else in this thread for being considerate of others on their Path and trying to help them discover the Way =)

Im so happy to see, that this thread, is indeed the LONGEST thread. . . That says a lot to me, and it really puts a smile on my face =)

Together we can Dream a new Dream, and live with all beings on this planet in complete harmony and Oneness =)

I AM Radiant and a Being of Light and Love.
Miracles happen wherever I go.
My health and body are perfect, and I am stronger everyday.

and one mantra for the people of the Hindu faith:

Shante Prashante Sarva Bhaya Upasha Mani Swaha (Transform energy of Fear. . . .)
(Shan-teh Prah-shan-teh Sahr-vah Bhah-yah Oo-pah-shah Mah-nee Swah-ha)

much Love and Respect to you all!

lots of Love and Light


Active member
And i forgot to ask!

Can someone please fill me in more on the Chanters Growing group>? I try and learn about all Faiths and Religions in the world, but im surprisingly lacking knowledge on Buddhism =/. . . I have Joseph Campbell's book on Religion/Faith, Mythos, which outlines basically all faiths and their similarities =)

So anyhow, please, feed my Mind Heart and Soul with the bountiful knowledge that is the Chanting Growers Group =)

much Love to you all

Love and Light


Active member
i was on SGI last nite =P trying to gain some more knowledge!

i was going to review the thread, then i noticed it was 314 pages =P Im sure every page is full of Love tho, so it would definately be worth it =)

thanks for the help babba! much appreciated

Love and Light


The Soapmaker!
Yes, an intimidatingly long thread. But if you have a couple hours on a Sunday afternoon to review it, go for it.

Question for you all: Anyone familiar with the 15-Minute Miracle? I've been doing it for a while and it's remarkable.


another three hours of daimoku again today, this is a huge thing for me. I will try and get in another 2 hours at least today.

T: :yoinks: You're may be in this area soon too? Wow, seems everyone is coming, how exciting!!! :D :D :D

MyohoDisco: Rock on, bro! Keep that disco-dancin' daimoku pumping out into the world!!

Bonz: I think it's obvious you should be building -something-! Whether it's Butsudans or cabinet kits or hell, maybe both! Whatever makes you happiest. You know, good craftsmanship is a lot harder to find nowadays too, my friend. You have some very serious skills!

Dignan: I, for one, am unfamiliar with it, sorry! :)

Unika: So good to see you here! I hope you are enjoying your latest learning venture here, I've been here ever since I found these wonderful folks! Don't be afraid to ask questions either! Welcome welcome :joint:

Babba: Did you guys make it to the meeting this week like you planned? I'm sure it's very nice to be so close to done with the harvest season after all your hard work! :joint: Please say hello to the Mrs!

Much love and respect to you all and everyone else I didn't mention (socal, tree, respect, blatant, fallen, desi, baccas, scegy, dg, gypsy, capt. crip, leonardo, and anyone I forgot!) Have a safe a wonderful weekend!



Active member


Dignan said:
Yes, an intimidatingly long thread. But if you have a couple hours on a Sunday afternoon to review it, go for it.

Question for you all: Anyone familiar with the 15-Minute Miracle? I've been doing it for a while and it's remarkable.

I havent heard of the "15 minute miracle" but im familiar with various ways to create your reality and manifest what youd like =)

I forgot the EXACT quote, but it was something relating to Buddhism and how you learn in Buddhism that life is nothing but an illusion, and with that applied knowledge you can manifest whatever you desire =) (as long as they are POSITIVE) ill have to see if i can find it =P

But im a big fan of any "Old Age" ["new age"] knowledge, mystery schools, healing modalities, MAP, Ascended Masters, basically just about anything =)

Personal Meds - Thanks for the kind welcome! Its much appreciated! Im slowly learning the terminology, but the practices are similar to my multi-faceted faith =P Things are just termed differently =P

but anyhow, i can feel the Love from you all, and the Love is strong. .

lots of Love and Light


Hello all and thanks for keeping the vibes strictly positive.

I just thought I would comment on my own experience of cannabis and buddhism. I practice zazen (zen meditation--basic breath awareness/counting breaths) and I generally find that my cannabis usage inversely proportional to the regularity of my meditation--it is strange but true, at least for me, that pot stimulates my spiritual awareness and feelings of unity and oneness but impedes my progress as a practicing buddhist, as it decreases my ability to concentrate passively and meditate effectively. I'm not sure whether this is a result of personal chemistry or the type of meditation but I, to a certain degree, doubt that this is so. Buddhism generally is practiced soberly with the intent and understanding that no outside substances are necessary or desirable to reach enlightenment; buddhist monks are scientifically proven to be the HAPPIEST people on earth when they are completely sober!! (studies done by, I believe, the university of wisconsin, demonstrate this!). Anways, I'm just curious as to other people's experiences so please respond if you have something to share. Peace.


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
Hello to all ... PTD .... hope you have a good one ....

Sceg's , bonzo, TH, Easy hope your all well

rastamonunika ~ welcome .... there are many here who can show you in the right directions .... and I loved your previous posts ...



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Worthy persons deserve to be called so because they are not be carried away by the eight winds: prosperity, decline, disgrace, honor, praise, censure, suffering and pleasure. They are neither elated by prosperity nor grieved by decline. The heavenly gods will surely protect one who is unbending before the eight winds. But if you nurse an unreasonable grudge against your lord, they will not protect you, not for all your prayers.

[ The Eight Winds, WND Page 794 ]


I chanted for 3:45 minutes yesterday and today I feel pretty darn GREAT!

I chanted for 3:45 minutes yesterday and today I feel pretty darn GREAT!

all_is_1 said:
Hello all and thanks for keeping the vibes strictly positive.

I just thought I would comment on my own experience of cannabis and buddhism. I practice zazen (zen meditation--basic breath awareness/counting breaths) and I generally find that my cannabis usage inversely proportional to the regularity of my meditation--it is strange but true, at least for me, that pot stimulates my spiritual awareness and feelings of unity and oneness but impedes my progress as a practicing buddhist, as it decreases my ability to concentrate passively and meditate effectively. I'm not sure whether this is a result of personal chemistry or the type of meditation but I, to a certain degree, doubt that this is so. Buddhism generally is practiced soberly with the intent and understanding that no outside substances are necessary or desirable to reach enlightenment; buddhist monks are scientifically proven to be the HAPPIEST people on earth when they are completely sober!! (studies done by, I believe, the university of wisconsin, demonstrate this!). Anways, I'm just curious as to other people's experiences so please respond if you have something to share. Peace.

Try repeating the words "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" a few times, give it a go...

I am pretty sure the chanting growers here smoke pot regularly or at least still could be considered perrenial tokers.


Hi Babba!


Hey there Delta.

Hello Respect

Hello Hitman

Hello SOCAL! (did another meteor come yet?)

Hello Thomas! :wave:

Meds your really shining dude, I am looking forward so much to your first meeting post, your daily presence is really motivating.

I never chanted as much as I have already done this week. Rest assure i chanted very much for all of you too.

This year has been very very humbling for me and I am learning very much as a result of my earnest daimoku, consistency with this thread and new friendships here and abroad. I am eternally greatful for Nichiren Daishonin inscribing his life in sumi ink and having Gohonzon in my home. Its an honor to be here.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ,every waking day!

much love!
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