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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
(Note: Shin'ichi Yamamoto is Daisaku Ikeda)

(Note: Shin'ichi Yamamoto is Daisaku Ikeda)

"During his speech, Shin’ichi Yamamoto articulated the essence of the Soka movement. “In a word,” he said, “it is the altruistic spirit of caring for others. Establishing this spirit in people’s hearts is the key to realizing world peace. If people think only of their own benefit and self-interest, like many of the corrupt and unethical companies that have been in the news lately, society will be thrown into chaos. The reason why Japanese business practices are so despised overseas is that they focus solely on business strategy and immediate gain, lacking any concern for the welfare of others.”

"The Soka Gakkai had thus far enabled countless people to establish in their lives the spirit of supporting and caring for others. Many Gakkai members began to practice Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism because they were suffering from illness, financial troubles, family problems, or other personal difficulties. In other words, they started practicing for their own sakes.

"But the Daishonin writes: “You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others” (WND, 386). In addition to striving in faith ourselves, he says, we must also help others do the same. Basically, it is by working for kosen-rufu out of our desire for the happiness of others that we ourselves become truly happy. This is the fusion of practice for self and practice for others. Our own sufferings become the driving force for the ultimate bodhisattva practice that is kosen-rufu.

"As we do our best for the welfare of others, we break out of our narrow lesser self that is focused only on personal concerns, and gradually expand and elevate our life-state. The commitment to others’ well-being is what propels us to transform our life-state and carry out our human revolution.

"The lives of Gakkai members, who pray wholeheartedly for the happiness of their friends and earnestly share the Daishonin’s teachings with others, brim with joy, courage, and hope. Though we may be struggling with various health, financial, or other problems, we can overcome them confidently, like an accomplished surfer riding a big wave.

"The true great benefit of faith is this fundamental inner transformation and human revolution. According to the principle of the oneness of life and its environment, when our life-state changes we are able to change our environment as well, and thereby solve all of our problems and struggles."

SGI Newsletter No. 7019, The New Human Revolution—Vol. 19: Chap. 1, Rainbow of Hope 39, translated Nov. 9th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"And yet, though one might point at the earth and miss it, though one might bind up the sky, though the tides might cease to ebb and flow and the sun rise in the west, it could never come about that the prayers of the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra would go unanswered."

(On Prayer - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 345) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 11th, 2006


It is my great fortune to have PTD post such great great words onto this thread, day after day.

I am completely grateful for that and so glad to be going in the right direction. I believe that I will really accomplish some huge things in the near future, I have wanted to step it up for a bit and feel like I just need to do it and test my faith and build more faith in the process, huge things in store for me.


I appreciate those bold words PasstheDoobie! Thanks very much! V for Victory!

The meeting and physical discussion of Buddhism is an integral aspect of daily life. Let's resolve to break barriers and help our SISTERS AND BROTHERS best we can! Much Love!


Active member
I couldnt agree with you more easy!!!!

Keep up the work bro your kickin some ass!!!

illl bw back

peace and love


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Even if your fiefs should be confiscated or you yourself driven out, you must think that it is due to the workings of the ten demon daughters, and wholeheartedly entrust yourself to them. Had I not been exiled, but remained in Kamakura, I would certainly have been killed in the battle. In like manner, since remaining in your lord's service will likely be to your detriment, this may well be the design of Shakyamuni Buddha.

[ A Warning against Begrudging One's Fief, WND Page 824 ]


Active member
Good morning my friends! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

OK, Dumb question what is/are fiefs'? :confused:

So i took a friend of mine to the World Peace Prayer Meeting, her friend couldnt' make it and personakmeds couldnt' make it either.Blatant and me are gonna get together soon i hope. It wasnt' the best WPPM Ive been to but it was good, i dont know , for me anytime i can get together with 200 people and do gongyo is a pretty good time, it charges my batteries man!I dont know at this point if my friend is going to continue chanting, i am going to call her today, im also going to meet up with Personal Meds today and we are gonna go out and check out the Friendship Center and prolly do a bit of daimoku in room D. Gonna be fun but niether of us has much time so we gotta make the most of it this first time around, im looking forward to it! :woohoo:


One step at a time eh?

What i wanted to say is that my faith is such that i NEVER question if im doing the right thing or saying to myself "is this right for me", its trippy its like this IS me without a shred of doubt, dunno how to explain it but maybe i just did.

peace and my deepest love and respect.

bonz :wave:

PS' I came up with a slogan Babba: Butsudans made BY people who chant FOR people who chant.

just a thought. :wave:

:dance: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :dance:

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Fief would would be something of value that you have been granted by your master. Most often it would be a piece of land.
That is a beautiflu butsudan Bonzo. If you can create those or something similar I think you might just be onto something :) Hope everyone has a great day and gets in some chanting :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Wonderful reading...!
The last 5 pages have been eye openers to say the least...
Thank you for all the info Doobie!

Bonzo,Babba,Easy,Personal,Rasta,All,Delta and I'm sur I have missed others....
You all have your own unique way of saying things and certainly have my deepest respect...Thank you for such enlightning post...
A book could easily be written from this thread alone...A wonderful book !

Thank you my brothers...............................CC



Active member
Some Love!

Some Love!

Good morning beautiful people!

Im glad to see that everyone is meeting with Spirit daily, gives us hope for the Children of tomorrow =)

Im very busy today, constructing a new cabinet =) So i will be singing songs of Unity and Love, as always =)

Not sure how many Fire lovers we have in these forums, but i figured i could let out a quick chant for the circle-goers =)

People of the Earth Tribe, RISE UP
People of the Earth Tribe rise up now
Some, say,
Some, say,
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ( its actually oh mataquesan <sp>, but i changed it out of Love for this community =) )
Some, say,
Some, say,
we all call Mother Earth our Home

Enomai my Dear Ones!

Love and Light


The Soapmaker!
I just wanted to say hello and thanks to all of you for the enlightening, heartening, positive posts. I haven't had the time I'd like to have to participate and ask the 1,000 questions I have, but maybe sometime soon. (I know I threw out that 15-Minute Miracle hook and then haven't followed through with a discussion...)

But for now, just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the positive vibrations I feel each time I open this thread.



Active member
Why did you throw the book out>

id love to hear more about it =) I try and apply the Universal laws in Conjunction with Quantum Physics to influence certain events in my life =)

much Love for you Dignan

Love and Light


Rasta and Dignan Whats up? Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Bring on the benefits...

Rasta and Dignan Whats up? Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Bring on the benefits...

Your the Buddha You Make the Benefit!
This buddhism teaches that within each person is an inhierant buddhanature. I appreciate your fresh contributions and introspective into your lives. Sounds like my introduction into this thread, I was in awe after a while of the results then bang, galloping in my chants.

You can feel the beat, its a fast gallop, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, read these Gosho quotes by PasstheDoobie they are huge! Within them are even more jewels of wisdom, its like jewels encrusted in jewels of the jewels of jewels!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Bring it on, Bring it out, Make it happen, Thank you so much for nurturing the spark and keeping the torch lit! It all begins with you, :woohoo:

Capt. Crip said:
Wonderful reading...!
The last 5 pages have been eye openers to say the least...
Thank you for all the info Doobie!

Bonzo,Babba,Easy,Personal,Rasta,All,Delta and I'm sur I have missed others....
You all have your own unique way of saying things and certainly have my deepest respect...Thank you for such enlightning post...
A book could easily be written from this thread alone...A wonderful book !

Thank you my brothers...............................CC


My sentiments exactly!


Congrats to Meds and Bonzo! WOohoo! :wave: Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
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The Soapmaker!
rastamonunika said:
Why did you throw the book out>

id love to hear more about it =)

Heh heh, no I threw out the hook, but then couldn't hang out for any real discussion of it. I'm fairly new to the 15MM but it's all about intention and I think has some parallels to Buddhism, as most things do. :) It's about spending 15 minutes each day feeling deep appreciation for all you are blessed with, and verbalizing that appreciation, so as to open up yourself to the Universe and all of its blessings. It helps you to evaluate your wishes, focus them and then plot a course toward achieving them... all the while living in your appreciation for each and every blessing that you come across on the Path.

It's very unstructured at present, but my practice lately has incorporated the 15MM and my personal little version of chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo and I feel very inspired by both of them.

Perhaps I will bring more structure and knowledge to my chanting in the near future. For the moment, I'm enjoying winging it. It feels good.

Thank you for the words and the encouragement, easydisco! This is a great thread and you are a great bunch of people.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Dignan the practice of Nichiren Buddhism consist of doing Gongyo twice daily. With Daimoku happening many more times throughout the day normally.
In the morning and evening we do Gongyo which consist of reciting parts of the Lotus Sutra and multiple prayers ending with what we call Daimoku which is the chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo while sitting in front of our Gohonzon aka object of devotion. Hope this quick explantion awakens your spirit to take a closer look into the practice of Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism. Please feel free to ask question and the search engine at the SGI site is awesome :)Hope everyone is having a wonderful day:) The Babba's are having a busy weekend but are always so glad to take a moment to send all these awesome "chanting growers" some Daimoku and Love :wave:
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–82) wrote: 'The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.'

"This 'active soul,' or dynamic spirit, is vibrantly alive in every Soka Gakkai member. The Daishonin says: 'Carry through with your faith in the Lotus Sutra. You cannot strike fire from flint if you stop halfway' (WND, 319). I hope that all of our members will continue to make their way through life with this passionate spirit, no matter what their age. Even should you advance in years or fall ill, please never forget: 'It is the heart that is important' (WND, 1000). As long as the commitment to strive for the sake of others, for the sake of Buddhism and kosen-rufu, burns in your heart, you will remain youthful and glow with health. A fighting spirit is the true fountain of youth and the key to sound health and long life."

SGI Newsletter No. 7016, SGI President Ikeda's Conversation Series, Discussions on Life and Death, A Constructive Approach to Aging-Part 1 [of 3], translated Nov. 6th, 2006 from an article in the Seikyo newspaper Feb. 4th, 2006
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Active member
BONZ and TREE top secret mission revealed!

BONZ and TREE top secret mission revealed!

That's right! Bonz has encouraged me in a cople of private seasons to get my Gohonzon! I already contacted SGI community in our country and there will be a buddhist meeting in the first weekend in december. Tree is going there and hopefuly recieve my Gohonzon! I hope my dear fried scegy is going to join me on this one! I talked to him but I am still waiting for the final word... WHAT'S UP SCEGY?!

Thank you Bonz! Thank you T! THANK YOU ALL!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well done, Brother Tree!

Well done, Brother Tree!

Chant to get scegy to join you. Chant to get Delta to join you! The fortune you'll receive in doing so is beyond your calculation. This is the most wonderful news I could hear. Remain steadfast in your desire for Gohonzon--expect obstacles that my hinder you in making it there.

Chant for this to happen. Don't assume it will just because you decided to go to a meeting. (Huh Desi???) The Devil of the Sixth heaven is a very cunning fellow.


Thank you!

Deep respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Life is a challenge.
Buddhism is about challenging to be victorious.
Let's all advance enthusiastically and with great joy,
united towards achieving kosen-rufu!
The lives that we SGI members lead,
constantly challenging to be victorious,
are truly happy and fortunate ones

Daisaku Ikeda


Chanting for a great week, lets remember to chant with appreciation.

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo sure does help me alot. :wave:
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