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The Soapmaker!
easydisco said:
Dignan thanks for that great Tina Turner link, it really helped me alot to see her chanting a little bit, thanks so much

It was my pleasure. I've watched it several times myself. She seemed like once she got going she didn't want to stop. I've felt the same chanting lately.

I forget who mentioned it a couple pages back, but I will try to start bringing more focus and direction to my chanting in the near future sometime. For the moment, I am enjoying the sensations of the chant and the thought of feeling obligated to do it a certain way doesn't speak to me at the moment.

I think it will just evolve as I go along. Or not. Either way is fine.




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I think she just wanted to finish with the section of Gongyo she was reciting rather then just stopping in the middle of it. It really was a nice feeling to see her chanting and reciting Gongyo even if it was a bit hurried and interupted for tv.


Respect said:
I am sorry for not stopping by everyday to check in to see what is going on...Easy I did not know anything was Wrong...I sure glad your feeling better already...

I wish I could hook you up with a big hug bro!...

I will read back right now to see what is going on....

I will chant a few right now for you my friend.....

Posting in a few minutes when I am done scanning the pages

Don't be sorry brother, its from this moment going forward. We all struggle I have come to find out, some of us wear those struggles on our sleeves others you could never seemingly tell if they are suffering or not. My issues are really self derived, I have been a really egotistical, greedy, cocky, foolish, habitual "foot in your mouth" type fellow and chanting has humbled me to the point were I haven't been able to get past my catholic guilt with respect to my shortcommings and troubles until I chant about it. When I chant about it, my brain works to fix those problems but I can be so insiduous and mean to myself that I cause all these silly issues which cause me further heart ache and pain. That's what it is.

So I chant about it, and do you know something, I have been chanting for almost a year and over the past couple weeks as I have been putting myself through like some sort of torture, like almost all of a sudden so many awesome benefits start materializing. I am protected chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, before chanting, when the going got bad it was a given it would only get worse. How low could I go was my mantra... lol, now its the opposite Nam-myoho-renge-kyo lets make the impossible possible.

Today writing my checks to pay my bills was trippy because I always have had enough to pay my bills and was just a tad short and have to leave my studen loan payment for next month. If I didn't chant all morning and last night today facing that dilema would have most likely cause me more stress (more bad marks on my credit score), I know that the bill will be paid since I am working today and will get paid on friday then I could go forward and face the next batch of bills next month.

Building a foundation of faith has really added a much needed dimension into my life. I never believed in shit even when I prayed our father and hail mary until I was blue in the face and always ended up digging myself a deeper grave. I didn't believe in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo until I started chanting and living a positive life, taking vitamins, eating healthy and well, toking regularly (even toking inconsistancies[lack o weed] would throw me off course big time), became friends again with my family and friends, made the most amazing friendships ever, found peace ( that I can feel in my heart very often), freed myself from the ten commandments damning me to hell before I finished my teenage years, and most importantly saved my marriage I was teetering on quitting on that too. I'm not a quitter anymore, now I stand up for myself and go forward. When I feel weak thats the old disco trying to derail new and improved disco.

I can see others go through what I go through sometimes, and I try to help any chance I get. Best thing I have been doing lately is telling others about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, I think thats what gave me so many benefits so fast. I actually chant about that, to have Gohonzon again in my next life and keep me alive to spread Nam-myoho-renge-kyo all over the world. Its a powerful part of my gongyo prayers and even when I am just doing daimoku I pray to be able to keep going forward and in this life really dedicate myself to kosen-rufu. I think I have been lazy in so many lifetimes including this one, its time for a HUGE CHANGE.

Thats where the humbling factor comes into play, I was and sometimes can still be too big for my britches, going forward I must be more humble and take more action instead of making negative causes calling out my pain and constantly addressing my negativity and negative aspects. I intend to keep growing and support all of you and the Soka Gakkai going forward.

Don't count me out, in fact lets keep on chanting and create a disco inferno of momentum and smash through as many barriers as we can by living as best we can and giving it our best to embrace Nam-myoho-renge-kyo especially when the going gets rough, because usually the going can get pretty rough and I want to continue to be tough enough to keep on going. I'm sure you do too, so yes if your with me UNITED WE STAND.

Thanks for the great message as always RESPECT, your on your way for sure. Let me know how your first meeting goes when you make it, I look forward to your expirience, Same for Personal Meds, Desi, Fallen, Smiley (Delta), and Scegy to recieve Gohonzon, actually all of us to recieve Gohonzon into our homes and lives.

I get emotional posting very often thats why I write so much, sometimes these posts take over an hour to compose and do you very often they disappear because I'll click something or hit backspace and lose the page. I have lost over 50 really long posts in less than a year posting (I have been around for over 4 years lurking from OG to IC) and losing those awesome posts can be downright shitty but I am motivated to keep going and even today when I lost a really long post welcoming Capt. Crip which pissed me off momentarily but right now I can laugh about it since I was able to articulate my feelings about this aspect of my day to day living. Losing posts sucks but getting my feelings on this forum is huge, because when I get that heart to heart feedback, BOY OH BOY IS IT PRICELESS!

So Yes I cherish even our online acquaintences very much because you guys are a part of my life. I come home and read the thread after going to work and reading the thread, I wake up and read the thread then tell people in my day to day living about what I read or wrote on the thread. Some people have even told me I'm like a teacher but I tell them I'm a student learning through Nichiren Daishonin's Life and Writings and through Thomas' guidance. This mentor disciple relationship is very important in Buddhism and a big part of my saving grace. How could you give up if your Mentor can't give up?

Much love and Deep Respect to All,


Thank you easy...Thanks for taking the time....You say many things I go through all day long....I am glad I am not the only one...It just feels right...

I know to well the feeling of deleting a post on accident that took me over an hour to write....It almost makes you question the whole fabric of life LMAO....

But I have learned to copy it as I am writing..when I get to a good paragraph then I select it all and copy....

I have lost some great Posts...and PMs too...but like you said we must go on

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!
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The heart of a LION!

The heart of a LION!

Is it alright to look really sexy while you're chanting? =P

If not I'm in trouble! Ahaha :D

MyohoDisco: Wow man, quite a post. I think we all very much appreciate the unabashed window into your progress and struggle that you provide us all with consistently. It almost makes -me- upset to hear that we've lost pages of wisdom you intended for us to read! But I think this has happened to everyone at one stage or another on the internet. Your best bet if it happens to you often is to get in the habit of using Notepad to compose your messages and then pasting them from there into your Browser. It may seem difficult at first, as with most forced changes to our mannerisms (i.e. nail biting), but the outcome would be 100% of your posts being made and 0% being lost, which I think would be worth the effort :) Just a tip, my friend! Glad to hear that you made it to a meeting and are on top of the disco ball again, just remember it keeps spinning so you can't stand still!

Cap'n Crip! Great to see you making posts and chanting. Welcome to our lovely family here, I think I can speak for everyone when I say I hope we see more of you. How's your Incredibubble research progressing? Can't wait to try that badboy someday! :joint:

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, everyone!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"If teacher and disciple are of different minds, they will never accomplish anything."

(Flowering and Bearing Grain - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 909) Selection source: Soka Gakkai member's experience, Seikyo Shimbun, November 6th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The old fox never forgets the hillock where he was born; the white turtle repaid the kindness he had received from Mao Pao. If even lowly creatures know enough to do this, then how much more should human beings!"

(On Repaying Debts of Gratitude - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 690) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 7th, 2006


Active member
Thank you Babba, right on the money, still unclaer about a couple things having to do with desires but that pretty much summed it up.

thank you again


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Let's wholeheartedly cherish and respect women!
Any group or organization that truly appreciates
its women members' sincere dedication and great efforts
will, for sure, make significant and boundless development.

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Gakkai activities contain all manner of ways to create value. They contain everything we need to bring our lives to shine, including the promotion of health and long life. By living out our lives together with the Soka Gakkai, the organization carrying out the Buddha’s intent and decree, we will as a matter of course enjoy a healthy life pervaded by the noble virtues of eternity, happiness, true self, and purity."

SGI Newsletter No. 7016, SGI President Ikeda’s Conversation Series, Discussions on Life and Death, A Constructive Approach to Aging—Part 1 [of 3], translated Nov. 6th, 2006 from an article in the Seikyo newspaper Feb. 4th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Repost after cleaning up

Repost after cleaning up

“Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment”:
Taking Control Of Our Lives

AS THE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR of politicians surges to the forefront of public debate, two contrasting undercurrents of American thinking rise into view. One side tells us to suppress desires because they are nothing but trouble—the suppression or even denial of desire should be celebrated as a sign of virtue. Meanwhile, the other tells us that human desire is natural (and good!); that we should trust our feelings and desires, and do whatever they move us to do, so long as we do not infringe on the rights of others. Experience, however, tells us that neither the suppression of nor abandonment to desires leads to satisfaction in life. Then how do we live with the reality of our abundant desires and still become happy and fulfilled?

Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism helps shed light on this issue through the concept called “earthly desires are enlightenment.” The original term in Japanese is bon’no soku bodai. The Japanese word bon’no derives from the Chinese interpretation of the Sanskrit word klisa (or klesa), which means defilement, pain, affliction, distress, evil passion, moral depravity, worry, trouble, infection or contamination. The Chinese interpretation also implies delusions or temptations arising from passions or ignorance that disturb and distress the mind. The Japanese word soku means to be immediately present or to be the same as. And finally the Japanese word bodai is a transliteration of the Sanskrit bodhi, which means knowledge, understanding, perfect wisdom or the enlightened mind. Put simply, this Buddhist concept tells us that our desires and suffering—all that torments our mind— can be the source of wisdom and happiness.

On the surface, however, this concept is contradictory. Our desires often cause delusion and suffering, which are the exact opposite of wisdom and happiness. In this sense, defining desires as an obstacle to enlightenment, rather than as enlightenment, seems more reasonable. So the logical extension of this line of thought will be that we have to eliminate our desires in order to attain enlightenment. This is exactly what was taught in the monastic Theravada Buddhism, which the populist Mahayana (“Greater Vehicle”) Buddhists called Hinayana (“Lesser Vehicle”). Taking this view of desires to the extreme, Theravada Buddhism taught the annihilation of self through religious austerities. In other words, as long as we have a body and mind, we will continue to suffer from our desires. So we must reduce ourselves to nothing, or so those Theravada monks thought.

The Daishonin’s Buddhism, however, explains that both “earthly desires” and “enlightenment” are intrinsic to our lives. So any intent to deny either is itself a delusion. In this regard, the Daishonin states: “Among those who wish to become Buddhas through attempting to eradicate earthly desires and shunning the lower nine worlds, there is not one ordinary person who actually attained enlightenment. This is because Buddhahood cannot exist apart from the lower nine worlds” (Gosho Zenshu, p. 403). The Daishonin defines “earthly desires” as “the obstacles to one’s practice which arise from greed, anger, stupidity and the like” (The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 145). Earthly desires such as greed, anger, stupidity, arrogance and doubt have a negative influence upon our lives, causing delusion and suffering. The Daishonin teaches that since such earthly desires are ever-present, we must develop wisdom and inner strength so that they do not influence us negatively, and so that we may transform these functions into a driving force for our spiritual growth.

The Daishonin stresses the importance of inner strength to control our “earthly desires” as he encourages us to “keep the three paths of earthly desires, karma and suffering in check” (GZ, 984). Desires give rise to actions, but when those desires are steeped in delusion, those actions create negative karma, which in turn leads to suffering, which gives rise to more desire, and so on.

THE key for us to develop inner strength to stem this negative cycle lies in our prayer to the Gohonzon, in our chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The Daishonin states: “Believe in this mandala [the Gohonzon] with all your heart. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?” (MW-1, 119). Though this was written to the parents of a child suffering from a physical illness, “sickness” can be broadly interpreted as earthly desires or all that causes spiritual or physical anguish such as problems with health, relationships, family harmony, money or career. As long as we firmly believe in the Gohonzon and continue to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no suffering or hardship can be an obstacle to our happiness. With a powerful prayer to the Gohonzon, our earthly desires not only cease to cause suffering, but also become an impetus for our wisdom and happiness. The fact that they motivate us to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a strong prayer in itself suggests the transformation of earthly desires into enlightenment. To illustrate this point, the Daishonin states: “Through burning the firewood of earthly desires, one can manifest the wisdom-fire of enlightenment” (GZ, 710).

Because we have earthly desires, that is, suffering and delusion, we pray to the Gohonzon. Our hardships are often our greatest motivation to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. When we make a determination that our desires and hardships are yet another opportunity to strengthen our faith and our life, they no longer function as earthly desires that torment us.

Through our prayer we can sublimate our base desires into noble and creative causes. Through the Buddhist practice, an egoist whose only concern in life is to gain material wealth can change into a person of magnanimity who gladly uses wealth for the sake of others’ peace and happiness. Sexual desires can be destructive. Shakespeare writes about them as: perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame, /Savage, extreme, rude cruel, not to trust (Sonnet 129).

Passion, however, if imbued with wisdom, can become an impetus for our affectionate expression of humanity as the Daishonin states: “Even during the physical union of man and woman, when one chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, then earthly desires are enlightenment and the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana” (MW-2, 200).

We cannot avoid our passions. But whether, when they arise, we act wisely and compassionately, or foolishly and selfishly, may determine happiness or suffering in life. The spirit to use whatever desires arise as fuel or “firewood” to empower our prayer to the Gohonzon and thus to bring forth wisdom, is the key to making the principle that “earthly desires are enlightenment” a reality. If we leave the “firewood of earthly desires” alone, they will simply remain a source of suffering. Only when we ignite the firewood with the spark of faith in the Gohonzon, can we bring forth a bright flame of wisdom and happiness from within. Through the concept that “earthly desires are enlightenment” the Daishonin teaches us how to create the greatest possible value from our natural desires and suffering, while neither denying them nor abandoning ourselves to them. This Buddhist principle thus offers us a new approach to the problem of human desire—one that is neither self-denying nor hedonistic.

Viewed from the standpoint of delusion—desire does not “equal” enlightenment. But viewed from the standpoint of enlightenment itself, earthly desires are indeed enlightenment. This is because a Buddha experiences desires while maintaining full control of them, always bringing forth their enlightened quality to the fullest benefit of self and others. .

(This series of Buddhist concepts was prepared by the SGI-USA Study Department)

Title: Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment: Taking Control Of Our Lives
Subject: Living Buddhism 02/99 v.99 n.2 p.6 LB9902p06
Keywords: Buddhist Concepts Control Desires Earthly Enlightenment Lives Study Taking Terms


Thank you Thomas thank you Babba for the great posts.

Its important to study Buddhism everyday. Buddhism is Reason and I sure can use all the reason and guidance I can get damn it! Left to my own devices it can get really hairy really fast.... EEEEEEEEEEE :chin: But with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I have developed a powerful faith that protects me going forward and polishes me as I chant daimoku to the point where I know I am changing, the human revolution is not totally painless for a fool like me, but even a fool like me can become enlightened!

Can I get a Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

When I'm down I get back up, when I'm lost I look for a frame of reference to get back its been Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the better part of this year and I am have been protected, my family who I chant for Blood and Friendly are and have been protected and overcome some huge shit. I am witnessing all this and frankly, I love it!


I am my own worst enemy! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo binds me to the Mystic Law and makes me befriend my evil doppelganger and persuade that aspect of my life to be beneficial instead of distructive. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Today I resolve to win!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I know I will!
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Active member
Good morning my friends!

Excuse me if you come accross a few typos in this post, my typing sucks but it seems the last couple of days have been really bad. Oh well its not how you say or type it its what you mean that counts.Although when speaking face to face HOW you say what your feelig can have a peofound effect on whoever it is your speaking to weather it be an individual or a group.

Anyhow Babba (and whoever is listening) my question/s about desire have nothing to do with sexual desires.

My confusion at the moment lies with my desire to do something that i really want to do, i have been a carpenter all my life , with a few years in the studios as a grip, which has nothing to do with carpentry. I liked the job but couldnt take all the egotistical people surrounding me on the job, everyone was allways trying to one up eacother in the most ridiculous ways. Not for me and who knows maybe at that time in my life MY EGO got in the way as well.

Any how i feel the need to be doing something im passionate about, i have thought of setting up a small shop and biulding Butsudans? I have thought about working in the Hydro field, growing system development, as im no chemist when it comes to nutrients.

Minly though i have been feeling giulty for wnting some of the finer things in life that ive never had before, like a new truck! Is that a wrong thing to want /desire? I would like to own a home and just let my mom live the way she chooses without any finacial worry. Is the gesire ti become financially stable with some left over to share and play with a bad one? The way isee it the better my life is the better those lives of the people around me will be, and that goes for people i donet even know. Just people i run into, i allways want to give more than recieve, but dangit i want a new truck and a house! Is that wrong?

help me , im confused.

Notice i started this post by saying i want to be doing something with my life im passionate about, if i am sick and tired and not into what im doing to make a living i have noticed that i will make small attepts at trying to fuck it up, cause i think i know deep down i should be doing what makes me happy. And gets me a new truck!!!! h a ha ha, j/k but not at the same time.

make any sense, again im throwin my thoghts out ther for any and all to give thier wisdom on the subject.

peace and my deepest love to you all


>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I think those are very healthy desires, Bonz! I'm not sure why you feel you are asking too much? Those are pretty simple wants and needs that probably mirrors most peoples. It's not like you're wanting a chromed out H2 with spinners and a diamond-studded pimp cup. I think having these desires is what leads to the determination and drive to fulfill them. I believe the only time these material desires are unhealthy is when the person desiring them is willing to do anything necessary, including harming others to obtain their desires. We all know that's not you, though, so let it be the fuel that you need for your fire and let it burn brightly. What could be wrong with wanting to fulfill your needs with a little extra to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor?

As far as doing something you're passionate about...well if we could all do that it would be a better world. However, don't eliminate that you may become passionate about things you haven't even tried. If you can't find a gig that fulfills your passions now, maybe try new gigs in random fields you wouldn't have thought of before. It may be a risk, but no moreso than sabotaging your current job (which I think some of us are guilty of also!) In doing so, perhaps you'll unearth a passion you didn't even know you had.

Spend some time in meditation, maybe it will come to you? Seek instead of Stagnate, my friend.

I just wanted to chime in as I have begun chanting and it puts me so much at ease, when you chant it is best outloud? Chanting silently with only thought what about that, I find myself doing that alot throughout the day if I feel nervous or anxious in my mind I just say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo about 20 times and I will feel buch better. I am becoming a buddhist, I know my path and I can see my salvation. I know enlightenment is at my doors as I have seen its light but still I hold on to the material world and through the teachings of Buddha I hope to rid myself of that.


Bonz my Brutha! Your just hanging out in the Ten Worlds. Hungering for some Relative Happiness, which is just fine. You klnow what you want just keep up the Chanting and Yours Spirits. Sooner than Later it will Manifest itself.......

Ya ever need anything Bruh, Give me a Holler. I'm not too far from you I think. Hell we'll hit up a Chanting Meeting or two.

LeoNardoDaVinci: Glad you found this place. This Thread alone can be the vehicle in which you can find that enlightenment you've been searching for. Just lay off the Nitrous Bruh. That does more harm than good............

Hey guys, you think my Chanting helped the Dems in the Election?

Blatant :wave:


LeoNardoDaVinci said:
I just wanted to chime in as I have begun chanting and it puts me so much at ease, when you chant it is best outloud? Chanting silently with only thought what about that, I find myself doing that alot throughout the day if I feel nervous or anxious in my mind I just say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo about 20 times and I will feel buch better. I am becoming a buddhist, I know my path and I can see my salvation. I know enlightenment is at my doors as I have seen its light but still I hold on to the material world and through the teachings of Buddha I hope to rid myself of that.

You my new friend are totally welcome. If you need any guidance or advice please feel free to post in the thread or ask any of us here for further assistence. Leonardo When you posted about your expirience I knew in my heart I kinda been there but on wicked strong shrooms after a very drunk couple of years, then when you start chanting those algebra equations of life turn into answers with all the factors equaling Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

I didn't even send a link your way and you came here, that so MYOHO! Much respect to you and your seeking spirit, I hope your earthly desires help further your progression and lead to your further enlightenment. Here is the coolest thing leo, just chant Buddy No Priest or Nuns are gonna hold your hand and blow smoke up your ass. It all begins with you as you go forward, and its always from this moment going forward, don't get hung up on the small stuff my dear comrade. Create value in your life going forward and keep on coming back here and posting!

"One life is more precious than all the treasures of a major world system!"

Bonz, we're living it baby! Keep on Boogie'in and show them how its done bud, your desires and needs and wants will be provided by Gohonzon, Don't you believe your the Buddha and Make all the Benefits? Sure you DO! YOU live it everyday and represent it to the fullest on this thread everyday! Its my honor and pleasure in this life to have learned so much from you... here's the trick to manifest those desires....

CHANT NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO for THEM! Gohonzon will never let you down!

PersonalMeds your such an amazing Bodhisattva, so intuitive and such a great friend! I'm looking forward so much to hearing about you recieving Gohonzon, time for a meeting! I got one tonight I'll tell you all about it later on bud, great post!

Blatant, did you vote? I didn't but I chanted for the Dems to take over control and usher in a new era in our homeland. I didn't chant enough for it thats why the virginia race is so tight but hey, maybe you picked up the slack at the last count we were ahead by 800 votes! GOOO WORLD PEACE! Granted Iraq is a catastrophe but then again its our next best oppurtunity to usher in world peace across the globe, either than or hopefully dates ( yes the fruit ) will make a huge comeback across the world and since Iraq is the largest producer of dates in the world maybe with the oil to the north and south (kurds and shites) the sunnis will cash crop the shit outta dates and raise funds for peaceful causes. Its all possible, I chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and I know you do too. I'd like to goto a huge meeting with all of you (including you Blatant) we'd have a great time!

Like the Roar of the Lion Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


easydisco said:
Can I get a Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


and thanks Babbabud great post...

LeoNardoDaVinci--I chanted inside my first few times I think it really helps ....But it really does something to chant outloud...Chant loud try it out .....

Bonzo---Bro I been going through the same things you have...I do not think you should feel guilt for wanting what everybody needs....you do not want to much ....a new truck....everyone should know what it feels like to own a new truck atleast once....But find something that makes you happy for work and then get those things you desire...because the same things you desire are the same things you need....

Most peoples desires do not make sense...you desire to have a stable household and a reliable source of transportation and a roof over your moms head that is paid for so she can go play with her grandkids and go shopping all day if she wants...that is not to much to ask and there should be no guilt associated with those wants AT ALL!...

You should be commended for wanting such noble things for your family. And forge forward and get them..YOUR A GOOD SON!

I believe your intellegent enough that you can figure out something you can be happy with and still make enough to do the things you want....Your a good dude and you make alot of sense to me...keep your head up know your a good guy.....Brush ya shoulda off! we got much love for ya!

hope everyone is doing good... Desi Easy Bonzo Babbabud Personalmeds Passthedoobie blatant LeoNardoDaVinci Fallen Delta Capt and everyone else that is not on this page hehehe I hope your all good This chant is for you!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Woahhhhhh Dudes you guys are heavy!!!!!! Check out the post coming out all you Buddhas. Look at this place FuLL of BUDDHAS what awesome bunch of post . Just look at all that buddhanature hanging out. You dudes are too much. Wooooohooooooo Meeting night. Havent been to a group meeting in a month. Wow im gonna go charge up some batteries tonight. Lets rock and chant together.
Bonzo you deserve everything you desire brother ... GO FOR IT. Chant for what you want and need Bonz. :woohoo: Hope everyone is feeling great and chanting chanting chanting !!!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
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