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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The Nirvana Sutra says: 'If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him, or to punish him for his offence, then you should realize that that monk is betraying the Buddha's teaching."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 286) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's speech, Seikyo Shimbun, November 3rd, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If you truly fear the sufferings of birth and death and yearn for nirvana, if you carry out your faith and thirst for the way, then the sufferings of change and impermanence will become no more than yesterday's dream, and the awakening of enlightenment will become today's reality.

[ Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man - Part Two, WND Page 130 ]


I really get pumped coming in here reading the Daishonin's Words for me. Really invigorating, as I go forward today.

Lets remember the Daishonin's sincere guidance for us, its truly remarkable. I went back and read 40 pages today and read some amazing things in here. We are all Buddhas and as the Buddha we alone make the benefits!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Nichiren's disciples cannot accomplish anything if they are cowardly."

(The Teaching, Practice, and Proof - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 481) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 4th, 2006
Hey everyone, I've missed you all! Wow, a lot has transpired in the last week or so (not that I'm surprised!) I don't know if anyone has noticed my absence, but I've been horribly busy. We went to Las Vegas last weekend for a friend's wedding, and had a great time, but unfortunately she got sick after we got home and has been slowly recovering. Thankfully I did not catch it! Anyhow, I guess I feel the need to explain my disappearance, even though it's not necessary I'm sure. I guess I feel guilty for not having been by often enough to read (though you've all been in my chants!) Due to all this (and the fact that my crop decided it was ready to harvest, which has been occupying time also!) I have yet to see the Gohonzon, but I have not lost faith or resolve. I will seek the Gohonzon in the next week no matter what, and the King Devil of the Sixth Heavens will not sidetrack me with other matters! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I wanted to express my sadness that I was unaware of Jolene's situation to have chanted for her while she was still on Earth with us, but that will not stop me from chanting for her now. It sounds like she was sent back to the Earth peacefully, and that's the best you can expect sometimes. My condolences go out to the Babbas for the loss of their friend..

Whenever we know anyone who is terminal, we should do our best to encourage them to say Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at least once. Even just one Daimoku makes a difference, whether one can fathom that fact or not. Do it on faith if nothing else--get them to say it. The Daishonin's teachings say that the path to enlightenment and eternal happiness starts with even a single Daimoku.

Believe him.

T, once again, you are a beacon so bright I almost have to shield my eyes to read your amazing posts! I have a friend in Australia, who is very very dear to me, and she has what they call an AVM in her brain. It's basically a tangled mass of veins that can grow similar to a tumor and puts pressure on the brain, causing seizures and all sorts of bad things. Unfortunately we don't get to speak much, but I know lately she has been in and out of the hospital for various scans (most of them involving having a metal halo screwed into her skull for the duration..), and this has been going on for the past 1-2 years since she found out it was happening. She is a beautiful and amazing person who's just barely turned 21, and I often joke that she's an evolved human for the way she deals with things differently than most people. I have recently been trying to introduce her to the Daishonin's teachings as I think it will help her immensely, and I agree with you T, if I can get her to at least say it once I think she will be better off. If it's not too much to ask, perhaps you all can send some spare Daimoku her way. Her name is Catherine.

Okay, sad stuff aside, I wish a wonderful day to all my brethren here! I'm off to trim trim trim! :joint:

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


The Soapmaker!
Question good folks:

A long while ago I printed up the words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to my computer monitor at work and at home. In all honesty (preaching to the choir here) just reading or saying the words aloud moves me toward a more relaxed, focused and open state of being.

But I keep finding myself curious to actually hear the chant being done by others, which I never have.

Does anyone have a link to audio of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo being chanted?

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Tsukimaro must have chanted Nam-myoho-rennge-kyo with her very first cry at birth. The Lotus Sutra speaks of "the true aspect of all phenomena." T'ien-t'ai said, "Voices do the Buddha's work." This is also what I think. The deaf cannot hear the thunder, and blind cannot see the light of the sun and moon. But I am quite certain that the ten demon daughters must be together side by side, giving the baby her first bath and watching over her growth.

[ The Birth of Tsukimaro, WND Page 188 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Welcome Dignan!

Welcome Dignan!

You are a cool dude and definitely a Bodhisattva of the Earth! I REALLY enjoyed that 'Tina Turner on Larry King' link. Thank you! I will say it again, anyone wanting to see the influence of this practice on the life of someone well known should see, "What's love got to do with it?" Great movie, great tunes, true story. You'll enjoy it.

Good to see Meds and Repect and Fallen! How you doing Tree? Thanks for helping our our new friend Dignan.

Meds, I chanted Daimoku for Catherine today. I hope this link will assist you in your efforts towards her:


I hope you and fallen get to a meeting soon so you can see the Gohonzon!

Someone here that has been to their first meeting, hasn't shared their experience yet. I hope they find the time to do so soon!

Respect, your special ONE is in my prayers as well. And so is Jolene! I got really good feelings everytime I chanted about her. I hope you will all continue to show such sincere respect for each other. Thank you for becoming a part of my life.

I bow in obeisance to you all!

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Former Chinese premier Zhou Enlai (1898–1976) once said new things always announce themselves in ringing tones and transform the old. As the Daishonin declares: 'The voice does the Buddha’s work' (cf. OTT, 4). I, too, have always spoken out vocally to open the way for a new age. Leaders’ voices are very important. Don’t speak in a dull, flat tone that puts everyone to sleep, or talk in a self-important, conceited manner that turns people off.

"Make a vigorous, resounding gongyo your starting point. All victory unfolds from there."

SGI Newsletter No. 7007, 64TH SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING, The Mentor-Disciple Relationship Is the Very Foundation of Buddhism, translated Oct 25th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"What gives you pleasure in life? The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca said: 'There is great pleasure not only in maintaining old and established friendships, but also in beginning and acquiring new ones.' One of life’s supreme joys is treasuring our old friendships and making new ones. Widening our circle of good friends is one of the basics of Buddhism. Because the Gakkai has always placed importance of reaching out to others in friendship, it has achieved such bright and vigorous growth. Let us continue to walk this path of friendship and extend it even further.

"The Indian poet Tiruvalluvar said: 'There are no better allies than good friends. Nothing brings greater misfortune than bad friends.' This is indeed true. The poet also wrote: 'Wisdom appears to lie within, but it is actually cultivated through associating with friends.' Wisdom, he says, manifests itself through our friendships and connections with others. That’s why it’s important not to be a loner but to move forward through life with good friends at our side."

SGI Newsletter No. 7007, 64TH SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING, The Mentor-Disciple Relationship Is the Very Foundation of Buddhism, translated Oct 25th, 2006


Active member
Hey Pass!!!

Doing ok, slightly unclear days but i'll get trough it. How are thing on your end?

Greetings to all chanters!!! NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO FOR YOU!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey tree! Dude, you need to hook up somehow so you can get to a meeting and see the Gohonzon. Scegy got that done. You could too. I highly encourage you to do so.

Hey Bonzo! Are ya still sick dude? Are you having a bitchin' weekend or a bitchy weekend? Ha! Keep slugging! How was your Friday meeting? I very much agreed with your assessment of the experiences of the three ladies. Never be angry at others for what they cannot see. It reflects upon oneself. Be grateful for what you see and compassionate for what they don't.

I now realize that what Dr. Obo said about the way we see others being the way we see ourselves is so very true. And so, we need to be mindful that when we are critical of others we are more than likely going to be critical of ourselves. I am coming to the conclusion there is no real merit in that. Having compassion for who you are will manifest as compassion for other people. (AND BELIEVE ME I KNOW YOU WERE NOT THINKING ANYTHING BAD ABOUT ANYONE IN ANYTHING YOU SAID.)

Never doubt that you are a Buddha. You simply amaze me.

Disco. Stop the cycle. Get off the fucking horse, take a hit off the cantene, and pull your fucking compass out of your pocket to make sure you know what direction you're headed. A little bit of an error over time becomes a much greater required effort for correction. I love you dude. You have encouraged my life in a way I can NEVER repay. Thank you.

Bud, I love you too.

Where are my friends Delta, and Desi, and Scegy, and Hitman? SoCal stay with us here. It's a good cause for your karma to share your wisdom with us all. You are in my Daimoku daily. So are you MsG, and MrsB!

Hey Baccas, and Bartender, Sack, Wamen, Sleepy, Wags and DG. High Mr. Nirvana!

Where the hell is Always? (Doing Kosen-Rufu)

Hello to Avid, Gordy, and Southern Girl. You are all in my Daimoku more than you will ever know. (But the Gohonzon does.)


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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"A woman who takes this efficacious medicine will be surrounded and protected by these four great bodhisattvas at all times. When she rises to her feet, so too will the bodhisattvas, and when she walks along the road, they will also do the same."

(On Offering Prayers to the Mandala of the Mystic Law - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 415) Selection source: Soka Gakkai Women's Division Advisor Sakaguchi's encouragement, Seikyo Shimbun, November 5th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
In the end, no one can escape death. The sufferings at that time will be exactly like what we are experiencing now. Since death is the same in either case, you should be willing to offer your life for the Lotus Sutra. Think of this offering as a drop of dew rejoining the ocean, or a speck of dust returning to the earth.

[ The Dragon Gate, WND Page 1003 ]


Active member
Good morning my chanting friends!!

Its good to be alive aint it? As shitty as i have felt all weekend , it did get me to get some things done around the house that needed it, like play with my plants, HHHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Yes T HOMIE, i have been sick and still am but im goin to work anyway , i gotta. Cant afford to miss anymore. I had moments of bitchen and moments of bitchy as well lol!!!!!
Lots of calls from my district members givin me encouragement, pretty darn cool man, made me feel good.

Your right T i wasnt thinkin bad things about the kid , as a matter of fact he really got me thinkin that i need to study more, and hopefully i got him thinkin about how maybe he has to put the book down every now and again and "go with his gut" strait from the heart. As ive said before, EVERYTHING is a learning experience. But wasnt that pretty cool about the 3 girls?

BITCHY!! HHAAHHAAAAA!!!!! You funny T and very intune indeed. LMAO!!

tree my brotha!! T has said what i would say, get to Gohonzon, and se the clarity come shining through!!! Dont wanna lose ya man, hang in there!! It was so cool chattin with ya the other day!

I just wanted to say damn fallen , your right where you should be i can relate 100 % with your thoughts and experiences, sounds like me to a T.

Actually i wanted say a whole lotta things but i gotta run!

>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>

keep chanting!!!!!!!! everyone!!!!!!! myself included!!!!!! :woohoo:

peace and my deepest love and respect to you all

bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



PassTheDoobie said:
Disco. Stop the cycle. Get off the fucking horse, take a hit off the cantene, and pull your fucking compass out of your pocket to make sure you know what direction you're headed. A little bit of an error over time becomes a much greater required effort for correction. I love you dude. You have encouraged my life in a way I can NEVER repay. Thank you.



Thanks Teacher/Mentor/brother aka Thus Come One PasstheDoobie, you know me well.

Big thanks to Personal Meds for encouraging me through thick and thin. Same to Babbabud and Mrs.B.

Big Thanks to Bonz, Thanks so much for your gracious offer, I had to run the other night midchat because I was running very late to go see our nephew, was nice to see the boy smiling he is 4 months old now and brings alot of love and happiness into my life when I see him. I'll chat with you soon.

I have not been too consistant again with my posts because quite frankly I have been a negative nelly lately and have to change that. Economic pressure sucks, coupled with social and mental woes must mean that soon I will make a huge breakthrough and really have a great expirience to share with all.

Regarding my first meeting expirience, it was awesome. I was very very red eyed and stoned and asked questioned until my cottonmouth caught the best of me and my top lip rolled in, shut, and I looked like a crazy rabbit man with my top set of teeth out there, me smiling happy as a clam. I asked for Gohonzon right away because that is what I went for, to get my Gohonzon. I was told on my 2nd meeting I would be recieving Gohonzon soon and that was totally bitchin'! I was so happy to ask questions and find out more about the practice. Those 5 people I met that night I have seen them all many times since and consider them family when I see them.

Chanting with the Group was so trippy, It felt like I was healing all my illnesses right on the spot. I never chanted before and thought I kinda was way off tune/haramony but they told me I did well and that made me feel great. Since then everytime a new member shows upto a meeting, its always really cool because your always welcomed with open arms no matter who you are! If your a stoner or a loner, grower or non-grower, everyone is welcome and encouraged to always go forward.

I need to attend more meetings this week!.... bye for now
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