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The Soapmaker!
I've been chanting for a few days now and really enjoy it. Many observations but no time to type right now (or maybe just not the motivation to type about it). But I wanted to thank you guys here at ICMag for finally making me curious enough to try it.

I will say, my favorite part of simple chanting: No Pressure. I feel like I am free to do it MY way and that there is no "wrong" way. I've meditated for periods of time in the past and always struggled with feeling like there was some "correct" way of doing it. With simply chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, the experience just flows without me feeling self-conscious.

Thank you folks.


Dignan said:
I've been chanting for a few days now and really enjoy it. Many observations but no time to type right now (or maybe just not the motivation to type about it). But I wanted to thank you guys here at ICMag for finally making me curious enough to try it.

I will say, my favorite part of simple chanting: No Pressure. I feel like I am free to do it MY way and that there is no "wrong" way. I've meditated for periods of time in the past and always struggled with feeling like there was some "correct" way of doing it. With simply chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, the experience just flows without me feeling self-conscious.

Thank you folks.

Big Thanks to you Dignan. Glad your chanting. We chant to the Gohonzon which I suggest you try to see ASAP. Gohonzon means: go is an honorific prefix, and honzon means object of fundamental respect or devotion.

Here is the Soka Gakkai Dictionary Translation:

Gohonzon (Jpn)


The object of devotion. The word go is an honorific prefix, and honzon means object of fundamental respect or devotion. In Nichiren's (1222-1282) teaching, the object of devotion has two aspects: the object of devotion in terms of the Law and the object of devotion in terms of the Person. These may be described as follows: (1) The object of devotion in terms of the Law: Nichiren's mandala that embodies the eternal and intrinsic Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. That Law is the source of all Buddhas and the seed of Buddhahood for all people. In other words, Nichiren identified Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the ultimate Law permeating life and the universe, and embodied it in the form of a mandala. In his Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion, Nichiren refers to the object of devotion for people in the Latter Day of the Law as "the title (daimoku) of the Lotus Sutra." He further describes the title as the essence of the Lotus Sutra, or Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to be found only in the depths of the "Life Span" (sixteenth) chapter of the sutra. The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind reads, "Myoho-renge-kyo appears in the center of the [treasure] tower with the Buddhas Shakyamuni and Many Treasures seated to the right and left, and, flanking them, the four bodhisattvas, followers of Shakyamuni, led by Superior Practices. Manjushri, Maitreya, and the other bodhisattvas, who are followers of the four bodhisattvas, are seated below" (366). In this passage, Nichiren clarifies the relationship between the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the Buddhas Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, and the various bodhisattvas depicted on the Gohonzon. In this way he emphasizes Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the fundamental object of devotion. The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon explains that all living beings of the Ten Worlds "display the dignified attributes that they inherently possess" (832) through the benefit of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Nichiren viewed the Dai-Gohonzon, the object of devotion he inscribed for all humanity on the twelfth day of the tenth month in 1279, as the purpose of his life. This can be gleaned from his statement in On Persecutions Befalling the Sage, written in the tenth month of 1279: "The Buddha fulfilled the purpose of his advent in a little over forty years, the Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai took about thirty years, and the Great Teacher Dengyo, some twenty years. I have spoken repeatedly of the indescribable persecutions they suffered during those years. For me it took twenty-seven years, and the great persecutions I faced are well known to you all" (996). The object of devotion in terms of the Law is explained in greater detail in Nichiren's writings such as The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind and The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon.

(2) The object of devotion in terms of the Person: In his Reply to Kyo'o, Nichiren writes, "I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart. The Buddha's will is the Lotus Sutra, but the soul of Nichiren is nothing other than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" (412). Nichiren here expresses his realization of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the origin and basis of his life, which he embodied in sumi ink in the form of the mandala he calls the Gohonzon. In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, he says, "The object of devotion is thus the entity of the entire body of the votary of the Lotus Sutra." "The votary" here refers to Nichiren himself. He also says, "The Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law is an ordinary person and an ordinary priest." "An ordinary priest" here refers to Nichiren. Because Nichiren revealed and spread Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which is manifest as the Person and the Law, he is regarded by his disciple and designated successor Nikko and his followers as the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. Nichiren himself writes in The Opening of the Eyes: "On the twelfth day of the ninth month of last year [1271], between the hours of the rat and the ox [11:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M.], this person named Nichiren was beheaded. It is his soul that has come to this island of Sado and, in the second month of the following year, snowbound, is writing this to send to his close disciples" (269). He states that he "was beheaded," though actually he survived the execution at Tatsunokuchi, implying that the ordinary person Nichiren ceased to exist. In this context, the passage "It is his soul that has come to this island of Sado [his place of exile]" means that Nichiren described himself as having revealed a deeper, true identity in the course of his attempted execution. Again Nikko and his followers equate that identity with the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law.

(3) The oneness of the Person and the Law: This means that the object of devotion in terms of the Person and the object of devotion in terms of the Law are one in their essence. The Law is inseparable from the Person, and vice versa. The object of devotion in terms of the Law is the physical embodiment, as a mandala (the Gohonzon), of the eternal and intrinsic Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Nichiren writes in his Reply to Kyo'o, "I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart" (412). This passage indicates that Nichiren embodied in the Gohonzon the state of life he enjoyed as the eternal Buddha who personified the Law, so that people could attain the same state of enlightenment. The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings reads: "The 'body that is freely received and used [also, the Buddha of limitless joy]' is none other than the principle of three thousand realms in a single moment of life. The Great Teacher Dengyo says: 'A single moment of life comprising the three thousand realms is itself the "body that is freely received and used"; this Buddha has forsaken august appearances. The Buddha who has forsaken august appearances is the Buddha eternally endowed with the three bodies.' Now Nichiren and his followers who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are just this." "The Buddha who has forsaken august appearances" means a Buddha who is no different from an ordinary person in form and appearance.

(4) The core of the Three Great Secret Laws: The Gohonzon, or the object of devotion of the essential teaching, is the core of the Three Great Secret Laws in Nichiren's doctrine and represents the purpose of his life. The Three Great Secret Laws are the object of devotion of the essential teaching, the invocation, or daimoku, of the essential teaching, and the sanctuary of the essential teaching. Here, "essential teaching" refers to the teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, not to the essential teaching (latter half ) of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren expressed the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo he realized within his own life in these three forms, which correspond to the three types of learning in Buddhism-precepts, meditation, and wisdom. The object of devotion corresponds to meditation, the invocation to wisdom, and the sanctuary to precepts. Sanctuary is a translation of the Japanese word kaidan, which is also translated as "ordination platform." This is a platform where practitioners vow to uphold the Buddhist precepts. In Nichiren's teaching, to embrace the object of devotion is the only precept, and the place where one enshrines the object of devotion and chants the daimoku is called the sanctuary. Again to keep faith in the object of devotion and chant the daimoku while teaching others to chant it is called the invocation. Both the sanctuary and the invocation derive from the object of devotion. Hence the object of devotion is the core of all three. For this reason the Gohonzon, or object of devotion, is also referred to as the One Great Secret Law.

(5) The inscriptions on the Gohonzon: In the center of the Gohonzon are written the Chinese characters "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nichiren." This indicates the oneness of the Person and the Law. On either side there are characters for the names of beings representing each of the Ten Worlds. At the top of the Gohonzon, the names of Shakyamuni Buddha and Many Treasures Buddha appear respectively to the immediate left and right (when facing the Gohonzon) of these central characters. They represent the realm or world of Buddhahood. The four bodhisattvas-Superior Practices, Boundless Practices, Pure Practices, and Firmly Established Practices-who lead the other Bodhisattvas of the Earth are positioned to the left and right of the two Buddhas. They, along with other bodhisattvas in the second row from the top such as Universal Worthy and Manjushri, represent the realm of bodhisattvas. Also in the second row are persons of the two vehicles-voice-hearers and cause-awakened ones , such as Shariputra and Mahakashyapa-and flanking them are representatives of the realm of heavenly beings, such as Brahma, Shakra, the devil king of the sixth heaven, and the gods of the sun and moon. In the third row appear a wheel-turning king, representing the realm of human beings; an asura king, representing the realm of asuras; a dragon king, representing the realm of animals; the Mother of Demon Children and the ten demon daughters, representing the realm of hungry spirits; and Devadatta, representing the realm of hell. Moreover, the four heavenly kings are positioned in the four corners of the Gohonzon: (again, when facing the Gohonzon) Vaishravana in the upper left, Upholder of the Nation in the upper right, Wide-Eyed in the lower right, and Increase and Growth in the lower left. While all other figures on the Gohonzon are represented in Chinese characters, the names of the wisdom king Craving-Filled and the wisdom king Immovable are written below Vaishravana and Upholder of the Nation respectively in Siddham, a medieval Sanskrit script. Here the wisdom king Craving-Filled represents the principle that earthly desires are enlightenment, and the wisdom king Immovable, the principle that the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana. Other characters on the Gohonzon include the names of Great Bodhisattva Hachiman and the Sun Goddess. All these names express the principles that the Ten Worlds exist within the eternal Buddha's life, and that living beings of the Ten Worlds can attain Buddhahood. Not all of the above names appear on every Gohonzon that is transcribed from the Dai-Gohonzon, but whichever ones do appear represent all of the Ten Worlds.

The names of the Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai and the Great Teacher Dengyo are inscribed in the lower part of the Gohonzon representing those who transmitted the true lineage of Buddhism. There are two inscriptions gleaned from Miao-lo's Annotations on "The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra," which Nichiren used to describe the power of the Gohonzon and the Law it embodies. One, placed in the upper right (facing the Gohonzon), reads, "Those who vex or trouble [the practitioners of the Law] will have their heads split into seven pieces." The other, in the upper left, reads, "Those who give alms [to them] will enjoy good fortune surpassing the ten honorable titles." The ten honorable titles are epithets applied to the Buddha expressing his virtue, wisdom, and compassion. In the lower right is Nichiren's declaration that "This is the great mandala never before known in the entire land of Jambudvipa in the more than 2,230 years since the Buddha's passing."

WWW Resources: Online Gohonzon References
From source: The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Hey whats up Chanting Growers :) So glad to see everyone looking and feeling pretty good. Want to come on and thankyou all for the encouragement as of late ....much appreciated. The PM's have been beautiful and really have kept me going. Well things are just about done as far as harvest goes. Was alot to do and didnt have nearly the help trimming that I thought I might so it was a huge job. Thank you all so much for keeping this place rocking with positive vibes its truly what has gotten me through the last month. Well Ive got one big sativa plant left. Got the rest of the girls cut down this week. We have stash :) Funny how its rags to riches. Just a month ago I was smoking roaches and now i am truly a BUDhisattva along with being a Bodhisattva. Ive kept myself pretty much locked up here for the last month and have missed my group chants. Everytime Ive gone to leave ive been kept home by my girls and my own Gohonzon. Starting again this wednesday we will be back to meetings. Our friends from the SGI have been calling to encourage us back. Should be a fun home coming even after just about a month.
Ok well Ive been getting some ideas lately...not sure what you guys will think of it . I have noticed there are a few of us out here on the west coast . Actually mostly in southern cali. Was thinking now that harvest is almost over it might be time for a chanting smoke out. I think there are at least 5 of us or so that dont live all that far and could possibly pull off a little fun. Its just a thought rolling around like a bee bee in a box car here so far but lets have a little dialogue and see what we come up with. I have parents that live in sourthern cali and a visit is very much in order here soon. So lets throw out some ideas and see what happens. If no one is into it no problem... just feeling like id like to smoke a few ppl out :) hehe Much love and thanks to you all :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Active member
You can count me in Babba, im in So Cal, so im all for it, WOW!!! Wouldnt that be cool!!

Glad to hear your gettin' back to your meetings, i missed 2 over the weekend and that sucked, 2 of my favorites.

Well ive now got this get together thing in my head so ill be preparieng for it!!!!

wooooo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!

peace and love


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
Desi!!!!! You got a car? Get in it and drive bro!!! How are you dude? good to se you!

>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>
>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>
>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>

peace and love


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Man, it would be a dream come true to meet you guys. We all are like a family here! We are close in a different way that makes it so special,.............damn I love you people!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Bonz,.......... well I tell ya,............. that 'gravity devil',........... the one that tries to bring me down,..............hasn't been able to lay his hands on me, with all our chanting going on. I mean, I have to duck at times because so much good karma is flying around below the tree tops. We are some chanting growers fosho!!!

Love, Desi!


Active member
WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! Desi , thats awesome bro, i love that! Fosho my brotha!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
T: Thanks for the link and the daimoku, as always you are a huge influence on us all, and we thank you profusely! :)

Disco: Glad to see you're doing better again, my friend. Keep yourself going to the meetings, it seems to really open you up even though it seems like you might have to force yourself to go sometimes :D

Babba: That sounds like an excellent plan! That would be loads of fun. You can definitely count my fiancee and I in, will be looking forward to it! :joint: As far as your trimming goes, I say you did a great fucking job, man! I'm -still- trimming this huge sativa beast I had growing, so I don't envy your work on that Bullrider that's left, but at least you're 90% done now and have tons of great stash :D Rags to riches indeed, haha! Say hello to the Mrs!

Bonz: Hey bro! Let me know about this Friday okay? Glad to see you're having good days lately :)

Desi: I agree with Bonz on the car bit! :D Well I guess that depends on how far away you are, haha. Keep the posts coming, please, you're awesome.

Dignan: I don't think I said this yet, but welcome welcome welcome! :D

SoCal, Tree, Fallen, Baccas, Scegy, Respect, DG, and everyone else I'm forgetting: I hope you're all having a bright and shining week! Well, I better get back outside to try to finish up this trimming while I still have some daylight left. Peace! :joint:



Active member
hey everyone .. looks like im getting ready to put up my 500th so what better place than here . small little mile stone lol


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I knew from the outset that, if I set aside my fears and declared things exactly as they are, I would be sentenced to death. And even if I should escape the death penalty, I would surely be condemned to exile. So great is the debt of gratitude I owe the Buddha, however, that I have not let others intimidate me, but have spoken out.

[ Letter to the Lay Priest Ichinosawa, WND Page 529 ]


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

PassTheDoobie said:
"A woman who takes this efficacious medicine will be surrounded and protected by these four great bodhisattvas at all times. When she rises to her feet, so too will the bodhisattvas, and when she walks along the road, they will also do the same."

(On Offering Prayers to the Mandala of the Mystic Law - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 415) Selection source: Soka Gakkai Women's Division Advisor Sakaguchi's encouragement, Seikyo Shimbun, November 5th, 2006

High there .... EVERYONE

Sorry I havent been around as much ...but I leave my love here with you : )

So when I come back I can collect it ....

I Hope Your All Well and seeking enlightenment from all aspects of this life .... we shall prevail PTD ...

Tree...PM me or be in chat sometime : ) ...Been a while since I was online hope your well

Scegy ...Hope everythings good

Easy ~myoho~ Disco ... Hope times are good and lookin up ^

Babba ... always good to see ya ... Know your doing good .... hope the hands dont hurt too much ( : ), trim , trim ,trim )

nam myoho renge kyonam myoho renge kyonam myoho renge kyonam myoho renge kyonam myoho renge kyonam myoho renge kyonam myoho renge kyo



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


"What gives you pleasure in life? The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca said: 'There is great pleasure not only in maintaining old and established friendships, but also in beginning and acquiring new ones.' One of life’s supreme joys is treasuring our old friendships and making new ones. Widening our circle of good friends is one of the basics of Buddhism. Because the Gakkai has always placed importance of reaching out to others in friendship, it has achieved such bright and vigorous growth. Let us continue to walk this path of friendship and extend it even further.

"The Indian poet Tiruvalluvar said: 'There are no better allies than good friends. Nothing brings greater misfortune than bad friends.' This is indeed true. The poet also wrote: 'Wisdom appears to lie within, but it is actually cultivated through associating with friends.' Wisdom, he says, manifests itself through our friendships and connections with others. That’s why it’s important not to be a loner but to move forward through life with good friends at our side."

SGI Newsletter No. 7007, 64TH SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING, The Mentor-Disciple Relationship Is the Very Foundation of Buddhism, translated Oct 25th, 2006

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Thank you Babbabud!

Thank you Babbabud!

I could not find this badboy to save my life....


I have not posted but have been reading along when time permits...
I have to say that this thread has made me change my outlook and has certainly stopped me from arguing so much.... :woohoo:
(of course it's hard when Pips is around but we all have our faults I guess :yoinks: )

So a big thank you to Pass the Doobie(my brother),no more need to be said...

Babba,thank you!

And also to easydisco....Your writing style is up there with the best and I enjoy reading your post friend....An excellent addition to this thread and site...

And all the other who post here....You guys/gals are the very best IC has to offer..A thank you to you all!!!

Take care my friends................................CC



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

So great to see you post Capt. This thread is responsible for alot of good outlooks. Our thread starter is quite the buddha. He has inspired many of us towards the mystic law. This thread is truly a magical place. Thanks for the good words buddy. So glad to see you post :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Great Post Capt. very uplifting. Thanks alot for that great post!

Thanks to everyone especially my Teacher Tom, Desi, Bonz, PersonalMeds, Fallen, Respect Mrs.Babba and Babbabud for being soo gosh darn encouraging!

Hi there Delta (i like calling you smiley), nice to see you out and about.

Much love to all :wave:

Dignan thanks for that great Tina Turner link, it really helped me alot to see her chanting a little bit, thanks so much


personalmeds said:
Disco: Glad to see you're doing better again, my friend. Keep yourself going to the meetings, it seems to really open you up even though it seems like you might have to force yourself to go sometimes :D


I went last night and it helped me soo much!
Going again on wednesday to another, it helps so much to chant with others.
Thanks so much for you support, your very very in tune with The Mystic Law.


I am sorry for not stopping by everyday to check in to see what is going on...Easy I did not know anything was Wrong...I sure glad your feeling better already...

I wish I could hook you up with a big hug bro!...

I will read back right now to see what is going on....

I will chant a few right now for you my friend.....

Posting in a few minutes when I am done scanning the pages
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