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Active member
Hi my friends!

can a cub roar like a lion?


i think so. ill be back.

another meeting awaits, been very busy.


peace and love

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"I will certainly overcome this obstacle, no matter what!"
It is vital that first and foremost, we make such a strong decision.
Through chanting daimoku as earnestly and sincerely as we possibly can
and by using the great strength of the lion's ferocity*,
let's open up a path to an outright victory!

Daisaku Ikeda

* shishi funjin shiriki - “The lion king is said to advance three steps, then gather himself to spring, unleashing the same power whether he traps a tiny ant or attacks a fierce animal. In inscribing this Gohonzon for her protection, Nichiren was like the lion king. This is what the sutra means by 'the power [of the Buddhas] that has the lion's ferocity.'”(WND, page 412)

Here, the Daishonin encourages us to unleash our greatest possible strength to overcome whatever difficulty we may face. This is the spirit of a lion king and the spirit of a Nichiren Buddhist. Nichiren sets an example of how to pray in order to overcome severe obstacles. It is up to the disciples to bring forth their innate strength and pray as powerfully and courageously as the mentor does. This passage shows that courageous faith is the hallmark of mentor and disciple in Nichiren Buddhism. It is the key to victory both in faith and life. (The Living Buddhism, January 2005)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"If only you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, then what offence could fail to be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth, and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it."

(Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man -The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 130) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 28th,2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"If only you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, then what offence could fail to be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth, and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it."

"If only you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, then what offence could fail to be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth, and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it."

"If only you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, then what offence could fail to be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth, and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it."



Active member
I wonder how many times i chanted Nam myoho renge kyo this morning? I went to a morning meeting at the center and we chanted for 2 1/2 hours strait at a pretty fast uplifting pace.


i certianly do believe and accept it!



>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
I have never chanted for that long before and it was amazing! For some reason when i would go to the center and chant with others i couldnt focus or chant with much conviction. This morning was different, for the whole 2 1/2 hours i was totally focused and as more people arrived it got even better. When i got there, there was only 3 people, i was early, ended up about 40 people chanting together. It got kinda hard, at times i was out of breath and my back started to hurt a bit but just kept on chanting. We did Gongyo somewhere in the middle. It was unreal. I stayed for discussion and sharing afterwards but didnt share. After the sharing some district leaders addressed some current events so i got a taste of that as well. That part was a trip and my friend who has helped me along so much urged me to get involved in at least sharing next saturday.

district meeting tomorrow! woooo hoooo!!!!!! I cant believe how much i look forward to that now!

I know ive said i feel as though im changing for the better from the inside out but now it seems to be at a whole different level, it feels good to go about my day with a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

sounds cheesy huh? well cheesy as it may sound, i like it!!!

oh my im tired and dont know what else to say, allthough i have so much more i want to tell ya;ll and posts i want to respond to. Im just blown away by everyone posting up lately, it has really got me a tad emotional cause whats bein posted is some amazing stuff!! Its a heavy feeling taking it all in!


peace and love


>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YES BONZ! I'm with you 100%!

YES BONZ! I'm with you 100%!

On my way to Kosen-rufu Gongyo in a few yet I begin my day here with Gohonzon chanting with appreciation as Ted Osaki told us to. THANK you for the recent flurry of uplifting and joyous posts, it warms my heart to always have this ongoing meeting of meetings flourishing while I sleep and ready for me the moment I decide to jump back into the fold.

New fortune baby born into our district today in California, just got a great email and I am so happy to know hear this news. Much love to all the children of the members of this thread, big and small!




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I do not know whether these trials equal or surpass those of the Buddha. Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, T'ien-t'ai, and Dengyo, however, cannot compare with me in what they suffered. Had it not been for the advent of Nichiren in the Latter Day of the Law, the Buddha would have been a teller of great lies, and the testimony given by Many Treasures and by the Buddhas of the ten directions would have been false. In the 2,230 and more years since the Buddha's passing, Nichiren is the only person in the entire land of Jambudvipa who has fulfilled the Buddha's words.

[ On Persecutions Befalling the Sage, WND Page 997 ]


easydisco said:
Never let Fundamental Darkness/Illness/Negative History or memories slow your growth, if something is obstructing your continued growth chant about it....
Easy, your words ring so true....thank you for the reminder!


Much love to all!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Pick me up ole buddah under your arm to carry me to the river and toss me to the waves. Watch me delight in your sunshine eyes and cleanse my beaten feet, for you are my passenger to walk a long stride to the top of the eternal mountain.....and when we top that snowpath over the sharp edges our focus will be rising over the new horizon, and all our comrades will be smiling today and forever.

love, Desi!


Active member
Good golden morning my friends! :wave:

I know what you mean easy, this may seem a bit crazy but i often think about, with great anticipation what im going to see posted when i get home from work, i look forward to it everyday as it jumpstarts my Diamoku and gets me goin.

Hi DG! :wave: Great to see you and thanks for posting that quote, i needed it. Looking forward to seeing more of you here!

Desi! :wave: wow my brotha! YOUR cookin' bro! And im diggin it! Please continue!

BIG T! :wave: Hows the dragon slaying coming? NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Belated big howdy's to Mr and Mrs babba, :wave: :wave: so good to see you Mrs Babba!!!! :wave:

BLATANT! :wave: allways enjoy your posts bro, and you know you would reach that 75 post number alot faster if you posted up here more often!!!! Damn good to see ya man!

So cool to see so many posts from you HIT :wave: , was gettin' i bit worried there, dont be greedy keep on sharin'!!!

So Cal! :wave: Man you come up with the goods when needed most! more more more!!!

Hi Mrs Gratefull, :wave: once again please say hi more often!!!!

Who did i miss? Delta did you post recently? If not get your ass in here!!! :wave:

Tree as well, i think you posted too if not same goes for you!! :wave:

scegy: :wave: more more more!!!

easy my brotha, :wave: your encouragement seems limitless, i allways know i can depend on your presence and consistency,that is priceless to me bro!

BIG T, :wave: "I felt the wind at my back and knew it was you" Damn right bro!!!! Your gettin a ton of insanely focused Daimoku thrown at ya RIGHT NOW!!! Those dragons dont stand a chance, dumbass dragons dont know who there fuckin' with!!!!! :dueling:


WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if i hurt anyones ears by roaring too loud:GET USED TO IT! cause its only gonna get louder!!! he he, fun fun fun eh?! :woohoo:

peace and my deepest respect and love to YOU ALL!!! :wave:

bonz :crazy: :wink:

>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dutchgrown said:
Easy, your words ring so true....thank you for the reminder!


Much love to all!

Yes DG, I am more aware with a few months of chanting diligently under my belt of sansho-shima...

three obstacles and four devils
[三障四魔] (Jpn.: sansho-shima)


Various obstacles and hindrances to the practice of Buddhism. They are listed in the Nirvana Sutra and The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom. The three obstacles are (1) the obstacle of earthly desires, or obstacles arising from the three poisons of greed, anger, and foolishness; (2) the obstacle of karma, obstacles due to bad karma created by committing any of the five cardinal sins or ten evil acts; and (3) the obstacle of retribution, obstacles caused by the negative karmic effects of actions in the three evil paths. In a letter he addressed to the Ikegami brothers in 1275, Nichiren states, "The obstacle of earthly desires is the impediments to one's practice that arise from greed, anger, foolishness, and the like; the obstacle of karma is the hindrances presented by one's wife or children; and the obstacle of retribution is the hindrances caused by one's sovereign or parents" (501).

The four devils are (1) the hindrance of the five components, obstructions caused by one's physical and mental functions; (2) the hindrance of earthly desires, obstructions arising from the three poisons; (3) the hindrance of death, meaning one's own untimely death obstructing one's practice of Buddhism, or the premature death of another practitioner causing one to doubt; and (4) the hindrance of the devil king, who is said to assume various forms or take possession of others in order to cause one to discard one's Buddhist practice. This hindrance is regarded as the most difficult to overcome. T'ien-t'ai (538-597) states in Great Concentration and Insight: "As practice progresses and understanding grows, the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying with one another to interfere... . One should be neither influenced nor fright-ened by them. If one falls under their influence, one will be led into the paths of evil. If one is frightened by them, one will be prevented from practicing the correct teaching."

From source: The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism

This is what is bound to happen to those of us who uphold the Lotus Sutra. If you practice the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect then you will undoubtly expirience obstacles from every angle. Not just a 1 dimensional blow coming straight at your face, you must watch your back, your side, your front, above your head, your thoughts, ... you get the picture I'm sure! We live it everyday, when we momentarily begin to second guess, "is this chanting really working? What are these people on, they are smiling too much? Who's President Ikeda why does he get so much respect?" Thats our fundamental darkness and its the most insidious and detrimental of all since what we call the Devil of the 6th Heaven, resides in the world of rapture or where we may typically expirience some fleeting (most of the time) quasi-wannabe-joy but is it really the happiness we are seeking?

Thus we chant for not only the clarity strength wisdom determination ourselves/others kosen-rufu or anything our hearts truly desire because faith exsists to make the impossible possible. Today I learned something very important after being appointed a leader in our organization and it is that the SGI is like an upside down pyramid in the sense that all the members of the Soka Gakkai (Value Creating Society) are at the Top of the upside down pyramid and that as you go down the pyramid you find Leadership all the way down to President Ikeda who leads his life as a living example for us all to follow/aspire/model and really focus our efforts and future efforts since ultimately we practice not only for ourselves but others and try and bring world peace through our dedicated efforts of kosen-rufu each and every day.

So then by applying faith, study and practice to our everyday lives and always remembering we are unique and what may be good for the goose is not always good for the gander and independantly going about our lives leading a positive value creating Buddhist haramony in our environment as we propagate the Law just as Thus Come One PasstheDoobie has tirelessly done so for our sake/grow/and the continued propagation of Kosen-rufu we can truly always advance and really MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE! We must always dream big and never let the obstacles in our lives over shadow our continued growth! On the contrary as our Teacher Thomas tells us,

"Don't be afraid. Don't be Defeated. Faith. Victory of Gold!"

On this site we are taking part in something incredibly special for all who are bound to come into contact with us and have developed a strong powerful base for our reference in our ongoing Mission to spread world peace and knowing that it all originates with us. IT ALL BEGINS WITH YOU!

Smile and overcome every obstacle with the joy in your heart that will propel you above and beyond the next obstacle and conquer your fundamental darkness! Have faith you will always overcome and your almost there! Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for those whom trouble us or for those who need our prayers and remember to always be brave enough to tell others about this and what is working for you, it may just be exactly what you needed.

It is an honor to share with you all, and yes I do appreciate every single post including special thanks to Desi, Bonz, Hit, Babba and all for recently taking part and keeping the momentum flowing for me and everyone else. We are truly grateful! Thank you very much, Domo Arigato (mr.roboto!) :woohoo:


This is the chanting growers thread and please allow me to share Mr.Wags Expirience..

This is the chanting growers thread and please allow me to share Mr.Wags Expirience..

mrwags said:
Before I go away for my adventure I felt it would be best to reflect upon a man and a dream.

Before I joined IC I was a member of like many here now OG way back in 02. With the new birds in the air and the old kinks in my back I felt it was time to come indoors and try my hand at Hydro. Like all newbies the OG shark tank ate my newbie ass alive so I followed Hog (I do miss Hog) here and found my home. Up until that time I had invested countless hours and many dollars in my quest for homegrown but had only managed some nasty looking so called plants in BOB and then Texas Kid was kind enough to take me under his wing and as they say the rest was history.

"Take care of the envioroment and the rest is easy" he would always say "you got the passion" to bad at that time I had no idea what lay instore.

Now here we are almost to 07 with a bunch of new faces in the same old places and life as they say is all good thanks to IC and it's memeber's I have realized a dream.

You see this dream of mine started years back when I read a Weed story about Soma,the one that told about his days at IBM How one day he said screw it and chased a dream for the buds. The more I read the article the more I wanted to be able to feel what is was like to look upon a garden of frosty buds and maybe someday be good enough to share them with the world,maybe just someday but I had a dream:

If you go back through my posts you will find one regarding a kid that stated the whole world was against him blaw blaw blaw and I simply stated that with a dream and a plan that anything was possible so to get off his ass quit feeling sorry for himself because if he didn't believe why should anyone else? I forgot your name guy but I just wanted you to know that I practice what I preach.

Thank You Female Seeds for the opportunity and thanks to all the members that answered all my silly little questions along the way in search of my dream. :woohoo:

But This One Is For You Texas Kid:

The Constant Student,


I am so proud to consider Wagsy a great friend and Bodhisattva Wags we admire you and have a special place in our hearts for you and appreciate your great story and continued presence. I have to admit to everyone Wags spent many hours helping me through private messages and chat to fix spyware issues and even helped me get the right software to avoid future occurances!

Bodhisattva Wags I salute you :salute: and sincerely thank you for bringing to this site another example of President Toda's Guidance "Never leave anything to chance, Always have a Plan."

Wags by your chanting and service to fellow Bodhisattvas you are a shining example of Honor and Dedication/Determination and Emancipation! Keep it up and Keep on chanting brother, your a Traveling Star Shining Bright! :wave:
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hey all just wanted to say that Im alive and kicking, fuckers didnt bring me down with that shit last year, thank christ.... is it safe for us to come out yet??? lol, havent been on in a minute, Ill need some time catching up with some old buddys around here, looks like capt. crip and rez are still doing there thing, wtf happened to worms and everyone from CC, I have some people at headz Ive been chatting with but they dont have a clue about the underground, anyhow somebody who knows me please drop a note, good to see yall.


Active member
fallenangel, where are you!! i miss you bro!!!



>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Active member
Hi catmanrob2, nice to meet ya! welcome!

nice pic!!!



>>>>>>>>>>> nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
deep chunk, is that you?

deep chunk, is that you?

"Even if you are not Shariputra, you should leap up and dance. When Bodhisattva Superior Practices emerged from the earth, did he not emerge dancing?"

(Great Evil and Great Good - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 1119) Selection source: The New Human Revolution, Seikyo Shimbun, September 30th, 2006


Welcome back catmanrob2 its good to be back isn't it? Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Welcome back catmanrob2 its good to be back isn't it? Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

"Faith lies not in simply reciting the sutra. Nor does it lie in eloquence or being skilled at giving guidance. A genuine Buddhist, no matter what happens, pursues the way of faith, practice and study as taught by the Daishonin to the very end -- a person who continues striving earnestly for kosen-rufu. Such conduct is the essence of the Daishonin’s Buddhism.

"The outcome of our lives is determined by the final chapter. Therefore, it all comes down to whether the last phase of our lives is free of regrets and shines with magnificent brilliance like a beautiful sunset. Just as a lovely sunset portends a sunny day tomorrow, our life’s closing chapter will determine the nature of our next existence."

From part 1 of SGI President Ikeda’s Jan. 7 speech at the 1st Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting, held at the Tokyo Makiguchi Memorial Hall

"I have no doubt that Shakyamuni and the Daishonin are filled with praise for all of you, who have spared no effort to come to Japan on this occasion for the sake of kosen-rufu. In the letter 'On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime,' Nichiren Daishonin states: 'All your virtuous acts will implant benefits and roots of goodness in your life. With this conviction you should strive in faith' (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 4). I hope you will be confident that all your actions arising from your commitment to faith will result in clear benefit and good causes accumulating in your lives, with no effort ever being wasted."

Never be shaken, no matter what happens or what others may say. Never be flustered; never lose confidence. This is the way we should strive to live our lives. Being able to do so is a sign of genuine character.

four bodhisattvas
[四菩�] (Jpn.: shi-bosatsu)


Different groups of four bodhisattvas who are referred to in various Buddhist scriptures. In the Lotus Sutra, they are the four leaders of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth described in the "Emerging from the Earth" (fifteenth) chapter: Superior Practices, Boundless Practices, Pure Practices, and Firmly Established Practices. According to Tao-hsien's Supplement to "The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra," they signify respectively the four virtues of the Buddha's life: true self, eternity, purity, and happiness. The four bodhisattvas described in the Flower Garland Sutra are Dharma Wisdom, Forest of Merits, Diamond Banner, and Diamond Storehouse. Other sets of four bodhisattvas to which this term applies are Manjushri, Universal Worthy, Perceiver of the World's Sounds, and Maitreya; and Manjushri, Universal Worthy, Medicine King, and Perceiver of the World's Sounds.

How To Live as Humans:

What separates humans from animals is less distinct than we might expect. The examination of human nature not only holds interest for philosophers, but concerns all of us directly. How should humans live? If we trace our lineage in the context of life’s evolution on the Earth, we find that our species is a comparatively recent phenomenon. The Earth is about four and a half billion years old. The origin of the ancestral stock of the African apes and humans, although uncertain, seems to be no earlier than thirteen million years ago. The Neanderthals, an early relative of modern human beings, are believed to have lived about 100,000 to 30,000 years ago. Although scientific investigation has not yet pinned down the moment of divergence between humans and apes, it is clear that we have a far longer history as animals than as humans.

In the course of evolution, Homo Sapiens have developed the ability to reason as this name "man the wise" indicates. Animals live predominantly according to instinct. As a result, their influence cannot exceed what is prescribed by their natures. Through our intelligence, however, humans can exercise good or bad influence far beyond what seem to be our natural limits. A shark may bite a surfer’s leg dangling beneath the surface, but it cannot make a bomb capable of annihilating all life on the planet. Perhaps due to our long history as animals, we amplify--ironically through intelligence--our animalistic impulses to seek selfish pleasure and thus destroy what we fear and bring harm not only upon ourselves, but also upon many other species.

From various perspectives, Buddhism throws light on the workings of human nature. One Buddhist concept that does so is the Ten Worlds, originally described as distinct realms into which people are born according to their past actions (karma). From the lowest, they are the worlds of hell, hungry spirits, animals, asura (warlike demons from Indian mythology), human beings, heavenly beings, voice-hearers, cause-awakened ones, bodhisattvas and Buddhas. In Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, however, the Ten Worlds are viewed as various states of being we experience from moment to moment, rather than distinct physical realms or categories. Then Ten Worlds, therefore, may be understood as the following states: (1) Hell--intense suffering and despair, (2) Hunger--insatiable desire, (3) Animality--selfish stupidity, (4) Anger--arrogance and belligerence, (5) Humanity--temporary balance and tranquillity, (6) Heaven--passing joy and pleasure, (7) Learning, (8) Self-realization, (9) Bodhisattva--altruism, and (10) Buddhahood--supreme happiness characterized by compassion and wisdom.

Buddhism classifies those Ten Worlds into two categories. The six lower states are called "the six paths," and the four higher states "the four noble worlds." Such distinction is made because those who dwell in the six paths are controlled by their environment or physical condition; they experience any of those six states at any moment in response to changing circumstances. People of the four noble worlds, on the other hand, are self-aware, striving to improve themselves regardless of external conditions. The Daishonin succinctly explains the six paths as follows: "Rage is the world of hell, greed is that of hungry spirits, foolishness is that of animals, perversity is that of asura, joy is that of heaven, and calmness is that of human beings" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 358, "The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind"). Common to all six is that they are passive states. It may be said that animals like dogs and cats manifest those states whenever they have an appropriate stimulus. Those of the six paths are slaves to their desires and environment though sat times they may seem carefree, doing whatever is pleasurable. Simply put, those of the six paths are trapped in the dungeon of desires and external circumstances, and have locked the gate to true happiness from the inside through ignorance of their higher potential.

On the contrary, the four noble worlds only emerge when we make deliberate efforts to develop ourselves beyond our natural tendencies. Buddhism, in this sense, defines our humanity in our active will for self-reflection and self-improvement. Regarding those four higher states, the Daishonin comments as follows:" "The fact that all things in the world are transient is perfectly clear to us. Is this not because the worlds of the two vehicles are present in the human world? Even a heartless villain loves his wife and children. He too has a portion of the bodhisattva world within him. Buddhahood is the most difficult to demonstrate. But since you posses s the other nine worlds, you should believe that you have Buddhahood as well" (WND, 358, "The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind"). Here "the worlds of the two vehicles" refers to the states of learning and self-realization. As people see the transience of the world around them, they come to realize the shallowness of letting their self-worth raise and fall with the ups and downs of circumstance, and seek to expand their knowledge of themselves and the universe. The Daishonin also points out that we are all capable of extending our love and care to others despite our baser instincts. Regarding the state of Buddhahood, the Daishonin also points out that we are all capable of extending our love and care to others despite out baser instincts. Regarding the state of Buddhahood, the Daishonin urges us to overcome our disbelief and reveal this supreme state of happiness through faith. What characterizes people of the four noble worlds is their awareness of the slavish reality of the six paths and their conscious efforts to free themselves from the shackles of selfish desire and attachment.

In once sense, Shakyamuni and other Buddhist teachers expounded their teachings so that people might escape the entrapment of the six paths and pursue more humane ways of living. In early monastic Buddhism, practitioners were encouraged to establish the states of learning and self-realization. Mahayana Buddhism stressed the altruistic state of a bodhisattva. The Lotus Sutra, the supreme teaching of Mahayana Buddhism, illuminates the path of Buddhahood. In this regard, Buddhism teaches us the importance of transforming the animalistic, passive conditions of the six paths into the self-aware, humane states of the four noble worlds.

The necessity to transcend our animalistic nature is stressed not only in Buddhism, but also in many intellectual traditions of the West. For example, in medieval and Renaissance Europe, the human existence was divided into the four categories of the mineral, vegetable, sensual and rational. The man of stone is a man of despair and sloth. He exists but has no will to act; his existence is living death. The vegetable man only lives; he is a man of gluttony who eats, drinks and procreates. The sensual man, like many animals, lives and feels; he seeks pleasure and avoids pain. The rational man, unlike the previous three, lives, perceives and understands; he knows, chooses and acts. An image of the rational is a man at his book, trying to expand his awareness and understanding. As in the Buddhist concept of the Ten Worlds, Renaissance philosophy characterizes humans by their active will to challenge themselves.

In reality, however, it is easy for us to fall into the lifestyle of the six paths where we mistake pleasure for supreme happiness and fail to challenge our weaknesses. This maybe the result of our long history as animals. But if we truly wish to experience the profound sense of fulfillment as human beings, we must, as taught by the wisdom of both East and West, challenge ourselves to manifest the higher states, especially those of bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

Plato quotes his teacher Socrates: "I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm; then they might have an unlimited power for doing good, which would be a splendid thing, if it were so." The ominous first half of his wish has come true with the arrival of the nuclear age. The fulfillment of the rest of Socrates’ wish, it seems, depends greatly upon how willing we are to challenge ourselves to live as humanly and humanely as possible in the twenty-first century.

July 2000
Living Buddhism
Page 6
By Shin Yatomi, SGI-USA vice Study Department chief, partly based on Yasashii Kyogaku (Easy Buddhist Study), published by the Seikyo Press in 1994.
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