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Active member
Doobie, thank you for such a great thread and for keeping it alive! To all chanters of the world go for the gold!

Hi Easy!

Every time I chant I shake up my environment and my buddah nature puts everything in such a beautiful order, sometimes I can't believe it's me that I do possess the virtues of a buddah and I can live in the higher worlds. Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo moves mountains! Yes. I'll remember this day forever!



Active member
I certainly shall Bubbabud. I've been closer to a million Daimoku on step at a time. It may take a year but I'll strive and chant and gallop! Take care and may you enjoy each moment to the fullest and that's to everyone!


hi hitman great encouragement keep it flowing, where's always? where's delta? baccas come on give us an update bud!

SGI President Ikeda's Daily Encouragement for September 28

Faith means making a hundred percent effort ourselves-in our daimoku and in our actions. When we practice in this way, the Buddhist gods will lend us their protection. We mustn't have a complacent, dependent attitude in faith, chanting haphazardly without definite goals and making only halfhearted efforts in the belief that we'll automatically be protected. Depth of determination and unshakable character are vital. Those possessing these qualities are second to none in faith.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

[ The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon, WND Page 832 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
(Hey Bonz!) !!!!!PPPPPOPPPPP!!!!!

(Hey Bonz!) !!!!!PPPPPOPPPPP!!!!!

The other problem with having your head up your ass is that you can't see the fucking wall you're about to run into. I ran into one around a hundred feet tall last night. It made me shudder. It scared the shit out of me. POP!!! I had been feeling something coming--I was ready for a shoe to drop--but I never thought it would fit Shaq! I hope if you have time you will throw in a few Nam-myoho-renge-kyo's for 'ol PassTheDoobie.

In the mean time I am chanting my ass off trying to make the impossible possible (number five on Babbabud's list). Scuse me if I am focussed on resolving this challenge in the near term. It is because of you all, that I am confident that I shall.

Don't be afraid. Dont be defeated. Faith! Victory of GOLD!

Deep respect,


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
......and remember 'Fear is your worst enemy'........

...keep it alive within you........and watch yourself be eaten by it....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Well thats all I need to see. My buddy PTD that started this thread and gives us all so much encouragement each day says he needs some Daimoku sent his direction. I for sure will be spending extra time chanting for my friend and mentor. How awesome are challenges that get us in front of our Gohonzon. We are truly blessed!! So much love coming your direction brother !! We need to smoke the babba bush together!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Gypsy I completely agree, so...

Gypsy I completely agree, so...

PassTheDoobie said:
When I have fear I substitute the Daimoku for that fear.

Thank you Bud! Already have two hours in today and am going to sit down for number three right now! This moment is all that really exists. I will win:

1) Through this experience, I will become someone who does not doubt the Gohonzon, no matter what happens.

2) As a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I have the mission to experience this, and as a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I have the mission to create a victory.

3) I will share the power of Buddhism with others, even as I grapple with this experience.

4) I won't let my spirits stay down. I won't make a place in my life for negativity to settle.

(Yasunori Takimoto)

Deep gratitude,



Active member
Morning chanting homies.

So im assuming your head !!POPPED!! out T and you can see the wall and the big ass shoe facing you? And can focus all your Diamoku in the right direction? If so wooo hoooo!!!! for you cause you cant see shit with your head up your ass, errr wiat a minute all you can see is shit i suppose eh? Mine has POPPED!! No more faking it, conviction and focus have returned! All my diamoku comin' your way bro.

It sure helps me to be able to clearly see the obstacle/s facing me so i can concentrate directly on them while chanting.

Hi Gypsy, An old friend of mine used to say "faith and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time".

Gotta go to work,

peace my friends and have a victorious golden day!!!!!

nam myoho renge kyo!!!
nam myoho renge kyo!!!
nam myoho renge kyo!!!

deep respact


>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats PTD!

Congrats PTD!

Its the attachments to illusion among other negative causes that make me suffer.

You guys want to know something, I never wanted to be a gajukai and be one of the SGI men who serve to protect the Gohonzon in their free time, but as I see it, my life is pretty shitty when I don't constantly embrace the law and chant and serve the Gohonzon. I really feel its of the highest importance to make Myoho-Renge-Kyo the center of your life and really branch out from there otherwise when you start swinging those flimsy pipedream induced branches are bound to snap and let you down, whereas the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nichiren Daishonin and PasstheDoobie never let me down!

So lets keep chanting for Kosen-rufu and now even more for PTD since thanks to him we are practicing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism today and will be tomorrow and so forth. Its tough for me when the going gets rough to practice what I preach, but now when I wake up in the morning, life isn't a chore its a momentus occassion and the next best oppurtunity for me to rise above the self imposed limitations and accumulated bad karma and really make some incredibly fruitful causes, enhancing my Lifecondition as I forge on. Its better to be in the Higher Lifeconditions and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and bringing forth our buddhahood than any other alternative that may seem temporarily "better or more suitable", enough with the made up expediant means, its time to focus on the Goshos as the only interpretation of the Lotus Sutra and really focus. Muster up your faith and have the conviction of the Daishonin, only during great trials and tests like PasstheDoobie is going through do we get to realize the truly magnificant wonderous universal nature of THE MYSTIC LAW.

When the going gets tough, hold on tight to The Law and rest assure as Nichiren Daishonin did that the protective forces and the Gods will always protect the Votary of the Lotus Sutra. PTD has embodied this spirit through his diligent efforts over the last few years on this thread and is now due for a great "house cleaning" which I wholeheartedly send my sincere Congratulations!

Here PTD I know you enjoy great Gosho quotes:

Gosho Excerpt:

Both of you were born as commoners and live in Kamakura, yet you believe in the Lotus Sutra without concern for the prying eyes of others or the danger it may pose to your lives. This is nothing short of extraordinary.

The gods same birth and same name,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 315)
Written to Nichigen-nyo in April of 1272 from Sado - Ichinosawa

Gosho Excerpt:

The Lotus Sutra states, "(The doctrines that they preach. . . ) will never be contrary to the true reality." T'ien-t'ai commented on this, saying that "no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality." A person of wisdom is not one who practices Buddhism apart from worldly affairs but, rather, one who thoroughly understands the principles by which the world may be governed."

The Kalpa of Decrease,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 1121)
Written from Minobu

Gosho Excerpt:

The most important thing in practicing the Buddhist teachings is to follow and uphold the Buddha's golden words, not the opinions of others.

On practicing the Buddha's teachings,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 393)
Written to All believers in May of 1273 from Sado - Ichinosawa





Daily Encouragement:

Buddhism concerns itself with winning. When we battle a powerful enemy, either we will triumph or we will be defeated-there is no middle ground. Battling against life's negative functions is an indivisible part of Buddhism. It is by being victorious in this struggle that we become Buddhas. We have to win. Moreover, Buddhism ensures that we can definitely do so.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


ICMag Donor
Gotta embrace the challenges life throws your way!!...Dont let anything get you down!..YOU are the Buddha!!..T you are always in my chants and so are all of my friends here...Keep going on cuz life starts "right at this moment" ...Have a great day everyone!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member

You are the greatest and nothing can stop you. I hope you didn't get busted, that's what I think when I hear "POP" Like you got popped. I'm going to do 15 minutes of Daimoku daily. The whole million is for you brother man. Same goes for the rest of you.

Hi Gypsy, thanks for IC. I'm really starting to love it and feel at home, thanks for the hospitality! You're right about that fear shit. It's real.

Fear knocked on the door and Faith answered- there was no one there. I'm trying to live by this.

Doobie we got your back! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. You know with all the remarkable encouragement you give it was only a matter of time- you'll bounce back!

Easy- I know what you mean about those snapping branches! I'm going to stack up so much Daimoku that there will be a force around us all! YA!!!!!!!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Thanks so much for creating the cause to have us all spending more time in front of the Gohonzon. Thank you so much T
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Like the Roar of the Lion!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! :woohoo:


Active member

checking on you a little... :) Finaly got some free time (at 3am) to catch up :) Things are going up on my end and I see the same stands for all of us.

Results came back from my tests and I have succeded! Faith and work made that possible for me and for anybody. That gives an extra chanting boost.

Hope you have a joyful day!

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Great message tree and I agree, we can all make it happen. I met some new members tonight at the new members meeting and exchanged phone numbers to hopefully make another group meeting for tuesdays so I could now have 3 regular meetings a week and possibly 4 if saturday meetings stay steady.

This sunday I will be promoted to the status of a leader in my district and this is a great honor to share on the day when I see President Ikeda's video from Japan (which is now something I look forward to everymonth). I have been working hard and plan to take part more in my district, so I go from a lazy part time Buddhist Chanting Grower to a full time Buddhist Chanting Grower. When I do I'll let you all know how in goes!



T my Brutha!
So you came up against the proverbial 100 ft wall, huh? Don't be put down by it. Shit, it seems like I hit a new one every week. Focus, Chant, and Blast thru that Fucker. Seems that you always pull a Rabbit out of your Ass, and I'm sure you'll come out of this one just fine as well.

Good Vibes Bruh
Blatant :wave:


For the members in the United Kingdom

For the members in the United Kingdom

i was given a link to this site as a link from another site, if you chose not to take the usual SGI.org route....


hoping it helps, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

hi there blatant, Hello Baccas! Hello Wags!

“President Toda said: You don't have to worry about changing your personality. All you have to do is chant daimoku (Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo) and live the best you can. Then, very naturally, you will see the negative aspects of your personality disappear, leaving you with the positive ones. You must have a clear purpose and work for the betterment of society ”.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
MyohoDisco, this is from a year ago...(post 1497)

MyohoDisco, this is from a year ago...(post 1497)

See point 29 below:

easydisco said:
So I read this quote and gained little understanding from conjecture...

The Lotus Sutra

Translated by Burton Watson

Chapter Twenty: Bodhisattva Never Disparaging

At that time the Buddha said to the bodhisattva and mahasattva Gainer of Great Authority: 'You should understand this. When monks, nuns, laymen or laywomen uphold the Lotus Sutra, if anyone should speak ill of them, curse or slander them, he will suffer severe recompense for his crime, as I have explained earlier. And I have also explained earlier the benefits gained by those who uphold the sutra, namely, purification of their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

"Gainer of Great Authority, long ago, an immeasurable, boundless, inconceivable number of asamkhya kalpas in the past, there was a Buddha named Awesome Sound King Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One. His kalpa was called Exempt from Decay and his land was called Great Achievement.

"This Buddha Awesome Sound King during the age when he lived preached the Law for heavenly and human beings and asuras. For those who were seeking to become voice-hearers he responded by preaching the Law of the four noble truths so that they could transcend birth, old age, sickness and death and eventually attain nirvana. For those seeking to become pratyekabuddhas he responded by preaching the Law of the twelve-linked chain of causation. For the bodhisattvas, as a means to lead them to anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, he responded by preaching the Law of the six paramitas so they could eventually gain the Buddha wisdom.

"Gainer of Great Authority, this Buddha Awesome Sound King had a life span of kalpas equal to four-hundred thousand million nayutas of Ganges sands. His correct Law endured in the world for as many kalpas as there are dust particles in one Jambudvipa. His counterfeit Law endured in the world for as many kalpas as there are dust particles in the four continents. After this Buddha had finished bringing great benefits to living beings, he passed into extinction.

"After his Correct Law and Counterfeit Law had come to an end, another Buddha appeared in the same land. He too was named Awesome Sound King Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One. This process continue until twenty-thousand million Buddhas had appeared one after another, all bearing the same name.

"After the original Awesome sound King Thus Come One had passed into extinction, and after his Correct Law had also passed away, in the period of his Counterfeit Law, monks of overbearing arrogance exercised great authority and power. At this time there was a bodhisattva monk named Never Disparaging. Now, Gainer of Great Authority, for what reason was he named Never Disparaging? This monk, whatever persons he happened to meet, whether monks, nuns, Laymen or laywomen, would bow in obeisance to all of them and speak words of praise, saying, 'I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare treat you with disparaging and arrogance. Why? Because you are all practicing the bodhisattva way and are certain to attain Buddhahood.'

"This monk did not devote his time to reading or reciting the scriptures, but simply went about bowing to people. And if he happened to see any of the four kinds of believers far off in the distance, he would purposely go to where they were, bow to them and speak words of praise, saying, 'I would never dare disparage you, because you are all certain to attain Buddhahood!'

"Among the four kinds of believers there were the those who gave way to anger, their minds lacking in purity, and they spoke ill of him and cursed him, saying, 'This ignorant monk - were does he come from, presuming to declare that he does not disparage us and bestowing on us a prediction that we will attain Buddhahood? We have no use for such vain and irresponsible predictions!'

"Many years passed in this way, during which this monk was constantly subjected to curses and abuse. He did not give way to anger, however, but each time spoke the same words, 'You are certain to attain Buddhahood.' When he spoke in this manner, some among the group would take sticks of wood or tiles and stones and beat and pelt him. But even as he ran away and took up his stance at a distance, he continued to call out in a loud voice, ' I would never dare disparage you, for you are all certain to attain Buddhahood!' And because he always spoke these words, the overbearing arrogant monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen gave him the name Never Disparaging.

"When this monk was on the point of death, he heard up in the sky fully twenty thousand, ten thousand, a million verses of the Lotus Sutra that had been previously preached by the Buddha Awesome Sound King, and he was able to accept and uphold them all. Immediately he gained the kind of purity of vision and purity of the faculties of the ear, nose, tongue, body and mind that have been described above. Having gained this purity of the six faculties, his life span was increased by two hundred ten million nayutas of years, and he went about widely preaching the Lotus Sutra for people.

"At that time, when the four kinds of believers who were overbearingly arrogant, the monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen who had looked with contempt on this monk and given him the name Never Disparaging - when they saw that he had gained great transcendental powers, the power to preach pleasingly and eloquently, the power of great goodness and tranquility, and when they heard his preaching, they all took faith in him and willingly became his followers.

"This bodhisattva converted a multitude of a thousand, ten thousand, a million, causing them to abide in the state of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. After his life came to an end, he was able to encounter two thousand million Buddhas, all bearing the name Sun Moon Bright, and in the midst of their Law he preached this Lotus Sutra. Through the causes and conditions created thereby, he was also able to encounter two thousand million Buddhas, all with the identical name Cloud Freedom Lamp King. In the midst of the Law of these Buddhas, he excepted, upheld, read, recited and preached this sutra for the four kinds of believers. For that reason he was able to gain perfection of his ordinary eyes, and the faculties of his ears, nose, tongue, body and mind were likewise purified. Among the four kinds of believers he preached Law with no fear in his mind.

"Gainer of Great Authority, this bodhisattva and mahasattvas Never Disparaging in this manner offered alms to a vast number of Buddhas, treating them with reverence and honor and praising them. Having planted these good roots, he was later able to encounter a thousand, ten thousand, a million Buddhas, and in the midst of the Law of these Buddhas, he preached this sutra, gaining benefits about him to attain Buddhahood.

"Gainer of Great Authority, what do you think? The bodhisattva Never Disparaging who lived at that time - could he be unknown to you? In fact he was none other than I myself! If in my previous existences I had not accepted, upheld, read and recited this sutra and preached it for others, I would never have been able boat to attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi so quickly. Because in the presence of those earlier Buddhas I accepted, upheld, read and recited this sutra and preached it for others, I was able quickly to attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

"Gainer of Great Authority, at that time before the four kinds of believers, the monks, nuns, laymen and many women, because anger arose in their minds and they threatened me with disparagement and contempt, were for two hundred million kalpas never able to encounter a Buddha, to hear the Law, or to see the community of monks. For a thousand kalpas they underwent great suffering and Avichi hell. After they had finished paying for their offenses, they once more encountered the bodhisattva Never Disparaging, who instructed them in anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

"Gainer of Great Authority, what do you think? The four kinds of believers who at that time constantly disparaged this bodhisattva - could they be unknown to you? They are in this assembly now, Bhadrapala and his group, five hundred bodhisattvas; Lion Moon and her group, five hundred laymen, all having reached the state where they will never regress in their search for anuttara-samyak-sambodhi!

"Gainer of Great Authority, you should understand that this Lotus Sutra richly benefits the bodhisattvas and mahasattvas, for it can cause them to obtain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. For this reason, after the Thus Come One has passed into extinction, the bodhisattvas and mahasattvas should at all times accept, uphold, read, recite, explain, preach and transcribe this sutra."

At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying:

In the past there was a Buddha
named Awesome Sound King,
of immeasurable supernatural powers and wisdom,
leading and guiding one and all.
Heavenly and human beings, dragons, spirits
joined in offering him alms.
After this Buddha had entered extinction,
when his Law was about to expire,
there was a bodhisattva
named Never Disparaging.
The four kinds of believers at that time
scrutinized and adhered to the Law.
The bodhisattva Never Disparaging
would go to where they were
and speak to them, saying,
"I would never disparage you,
for you are practicing the way
and all of you will become Buddhas!"
When the people heard this,
they gibed at him, cursed and reviled him,
but the bodhisattva Never Disparaging
bore all this with patience.
When his offenses had been wiped out
and his life was drawing to a close,
he was able to hear this sutra
and his six faculties were purified.
Because of his transcendental powers
his life span was extended,
and for the sake of others
he preached this sutra far and wide.
The many persons who adhered to the Law
all received teaching and conversion
from this bodhisattva,
who caused them to dwell in the Buddha way.
When Never Disparaging's life ended,
he encountered numerous Buddhas,
and because he preached this sutra
he gained measurable blessings.
Bit by bit he acquired benefits
and quickly completed the Buddha way.
Never Disparaging who lived at that time
was none other than myself.
And the four kinds of believers
who adhered to the Law then,
who heard Never Disparaging say,
"You will become Buddhas!"
and through the causes thus created
encounter numerous Buddhas -
they are here in this assembly,
a group of five hundred bodhisattvas,
and the four kinds of believers,
men and women of pure faith
who now in my presence
listen to the Law.
In previous existences
I encouraged these persons
to listen to and accept this sutra,
the foremost in the Law,
unfolding it, teaching people,
and causing them to dwell in nirvana.
So in age after age they accepted and upheld
scriptures of this kind.
A million million ten thousand kalpas,
an inconceivable time will pass
before at least one can hear
this Lotus Sutra.
A million million ten thousand kalpas,
an inconceivable time will pass
before the Buddhas, World-Honored Ones,
preach this sutra.
Therefore its practitioners
after the Buddha has entered extinction,
when they hear a sutra like this
should entertain no doubts or perplexities
but should with a single mind
preach this sutra far and wide,
age after age encountering Buddhas
and quickly completing the Buddha way.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings (by Nichiren)

Point Seventeen, concerning the various positions or standpoints from which the bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s bow of obeisance is carried out

There are fourteen such positions from which the bow of obeisance is conducted.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The first position is that represented by the bow of obeisance carried out in the treasure tower. This is because the stupa or tower is composed of the five elements. The five elements are earth, water, fire, wind, and space. The stupa made of these is known as the treasure tower.

Vast as the Dharma-realm is, it is composed of nothing more than these five elements. Therefore it has been taught that the bow of obeisance is carried out within the treasure tower. Treat this as secret, treat this as secret.

Point Eighteen, concerning the bow of obeisance based on the passage on opening, showing, awakening, and causing to enter (chapter two, Expedient Means)

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: Another place where the bow of obeisance is conducted is the passage that tells how the Buddhas wish for the sake of all living beings to carry out four actions, namely, to “open, show, awaken, and cause them to enter” the Buddha wisdom. This passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter therefore represents the second place where the bow of obeisance is carried out.

[In his Words and Phrases, volume ten, T’ien-t’ai] interprets this to mean that within one’s heart one possesses the understanding of the bodhisattva Never Disparaging. He interprets this understanding to mean the understanding that all living beings possess innate Buddhahood. To open up the Buddha nature that is innate in them, the Buddhas appear in the world. This is what the sutra means when it says, “to open the door of Buddha wisdom to all living beings” (chapter two, Expedient Means).

Point Nineteen, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the passage “At all times I think to myself: / How can I cause livings beings / to gain entry into the unsurpassed way / and quickly acquire the body of a Buddha?” (chapter sixteen, Life Span)

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The words “at all times” refer to the three existences. The word “think” indicates that the Buddha thinks of the Buddha nature inherent in all living beings. Consequently, the idea expressed in the words “quickly acquire the body of a Buddha” is the same as that expressed in the words [of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging] “you are all certain to attain Buddhahood.” Hence this passage has been taken to represent the bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s bow of obeisance.

The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai interprets it [in his Words and Phrases, volume ten] as the ‘replacement of the three vehicles with the one vehicle,’ and as “the opening of the near and the revealing of the distant.” Treat this matter as secret. Treat this matter as secret.

Point Twenty, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the words “Originally I practiced the bodhisattva way” (chapter sixteen, Life Span)

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The word “I” here refers to Shakyamuni Buddha when he was carrying out the true cause of his original enlightenment. This passage concerning how the Buddha “originally practiced the bodhisattva way” refers to the practice of the bodhisattva Never Disparaging [who was reborn as Shakyamuni]. Hence it indicates a place where the bow of obeisance is carried out.

Point Twenty-one, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the words “birth, aging, sickness, and death”

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: Living Beings as a whole fail to free themselves from the sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death, but continue to wander deludedly in impermanence, change, and extinction. Therefore they fail to realize that they are capable of achieving enlightenment in a future existence. But when they come to realize this fact, then they will understand the doctrine that earthly desires are enlightenment and the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana. And when they do so, the person who has taught them has performed a bow of obeisance to them.

When the left and right hands of the bower are held apart, this symbolizes the fact that earthly desires [and enlightenment], the sufferings of birth and death [and nirvana], and the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance and the bodhisattva Never Disparaging are all quite separate entities. But when the two hands are brought together in a bow of obeisance, this symbolizes the fact that earthly desires are enlightenment, and that the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana. Then a bow of obeisance is preformed to the fact that the Buddha nature inherent in the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance and the Buddha nature inherent in the bodhisattva Never Disparaging are both manifestations of the single Wonderful Law.

Point Twenty-two, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the Dharma nature.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The bodhisattva Never Disparaging plants his feet firmly on the three inherent potentials of the Buddha nature that represent the Dharma nature and the true aspect of reality, namely, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, [the heart of] the twenty-four characters [that make up the passage reading, “I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare threat you with disparagement or arrogance. Why? Because you are all practicing the bodhisattva way and are certain to attain Buddhahood” (chapter twenty)]. And then he bows to the four kinds of believers who in their ignorance are overbearingly arrogant. In doing so, he is performing a bow of obeisance to the Buddha nature dormant and undeveloped in living beings.

Point Twenty-three, concerning the bow of obeisance related to ignorance

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: When one sets up distinctions between self and others, then the “others” are the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance, and the “I” is the bodhisattva Never Disparaging. To set up distinctions between good and bad by regarding the bodhisattva Never Disparaging as a “good” person and the arrogant ones as “bad” persons is a sign of ignorance. But when one recognizes this and performs a bow of obeisance, then one is bowing in obeisance to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the principle in which good and bad are not two different things, in which correct and incorrect are one and the same.

Point Twenty-four, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the two characters that make up renge, or lotus blossom

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: Renge stands for the two factors of cause and effect. Where there is a bad cause, it will produce a bad effect; where there is a good cause, it will produce a good effect. The persons addressed by the bodhisattva Never Disparaging in their inner lives possess good causes that represent the three inherent potentials of the Buddha nature. When these potentials are actualized, they will produce good effects, which is why the bodhisattva bows to these persons in obeisance and declares that they all are “certain to attain Buddhahood” (chapter twenty).

Point Twenty-five, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the Land of Actual Reward

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: When the Ten Worlds are considered in ascending order, the Land of Actual Reward corresponds to the ninth world, that of the bodhisattva. Accordingly, we know that the Land of Actual Reward is where the bodhisattva Never Disparaging dwells. Because he performs a bow of obeisance there, it is known as the bow of obeisance related to the Land of Actual Reward.

Point Twenty-six, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the two words “pity” and “compassion” (jihi)

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The practice of making a bow of obeisance carried out by the bodhisattva Never Disparaging is based on the teaching that the people he bowed to were “all certain to attain Buddhahood” (chapter twenty) and therefore is an expression of pity and compassion. Hence, although people might “take sticks of wood or tiles and stones and beat and pelt him (ibid.), he nevertheless persisted in his effort, ‘preaching to them forcefully, though it angered them” (Words and Phrases, volume ten), an action that arose from his feelings of pity and compassion.

Since we are taught that the Buddha mind is a mind of great pity and compassion, a bow of obeisance is made in acknowledgement of this pity and compassion.

Point Twenty-seven, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the stage of progressive awakening, the fifth of the six stages of practice

The record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The bodhisattva is regarded as occupying the stage of progressive awakening. From this vantage point he performs a bow of obeisance to ordinary mortals who are in the first and lowest stage, that of being a Buddha in theory. Because of this disparity in their respective positions, the ordinary mortals in the stage of being a Buddha in theory fail to accept the bodhisattva’s prediction that they will attain Buddhahood but instead slander him by calling him “this ignorant monk” (chapter twenty).

Point Twenty-eight, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the stage of ultimate enlightenment, the sixth and highest stage of practice

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: In the phrase “whatever persons he happened to meet’ or see (chapter twenty), the word ken, to “meet” or to “see”, refers to the insight of a Buddha. Because the bodhisattva Never Disparaging, employing the insight of a Buddha, performed a bow of obeisance to the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance, it is considered that he performed a bow of obeisance from the standpoint of the stage of ultimate enlightenment.

Point Twenty-nine, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the Dharma-realm

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The Bodhisattva Never Disparaging makes a bow of obeisance from the standpoint of the Dharma-realm. The Dharma-realm is neither broad, nor is it narrow. Essentially, the word “Dharma” of the Dharma-realm stands for all the dharmas, or elements of the phenomenal world, and the word “realm” is the world or state of life in which they dwell.

Each realm or world, from the realm of hell to the state of Buddhahood, has its own patterns or rules (dharmas). Thus, the bodhisattva Never Disparaging conforms to the rules of the realm of bodhisattva Never Disparaging, while the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance conform to the rules of the realm of the four kinds of believers. In this sense, the Dharma-realm makes a bow of obeisance to the Dharma-realm, * a bow of obeisance acknowledging the fact that “self” and “others” are in fact not two different things.

For this reason, when the bodhisattva Never Disparaging makes his bow of obeisance to the four kinds of believers, the Buddha nature inherent in the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance is bowing in obeisance to the bodhisattva Never Disparaging. It is like the situation when one faces a mirror and makes a bow of obeisance: the image in the mirror likewise makes a bow of obeisance to oneself.

* Here the Chinese characters for the dharma and for the realm are used to make up “the Dharma-realm” and “conforming to the rules of the realm.” When the text says, “The Dharma-realm makes a bow of obeisance to the Dharma-realm,” it means, respectively, the Dharma-realm (that is, conforming to the rules of the realm) of the bodhisattva Never Disparaging and the Dharma-realm of the four kinds of believers. Then this is described as the nonduality of “self” and “others.”

Point Thirty, concerning the bow of obeisance related to the attitude of forbearance.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: We are told that the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance in their anger cursed and abused the bodhisattva Never Disparaging, and that they slandered him further by calling his predictions that they would attain Buddhahood “vain and irresponsible” (chapter twenty). But after all that, it is said that the bodhisattva “did not give way to anger” (ibid.) Hence we know that he maintained an attitude of forbearance and from that position performed a bow of obeisance. Of these fourteen positions from which the bow of obeisance is conducted, the first is known to the ordinary run of teachers. But the remaining thirteen are not known to teachers of our present age.

This concludes the explanation of the fourteen standpoints from which the bow of obeisance is conducted.
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