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Active member
I can't wait to hear how you slayed the dragon, Doobie.

That is fabulous news, EasyDisco, Congratulations. You'll be a fine District leader.

I really can't even believe I'm friends with so many great people!

Have a wonderful day Everybody! :)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
Off work today so Ill put it in high gear and give you the Daimoku you deserve brother. Hope all is going well and the wall doesnt look quite so tall today!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The number of those endowed with human life is as small as the amount of earth one can place on a fingernail. Life as a human being is hard to sustain--as hard as it is for the dew to remain on the grass. But it is better to live a single day with honor than to live to 120 and die in disgrace. Live so that all the people of Kamakura will say in your praise that Nakatsukasa Saburo Saemon-no-jo is diligent in the service of his lord, in the service of Buddhism, and in his concern for other people.

[ The Three Kinds of Treasure, WND Page 851 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Pass the Dobbie, I chant for you to climb that mountain that stands in your path to a supreme life condition........... to unfold it's powerful wings, and raise you above the fear that casts it's shadow across your fantastic faith! We are all with you PTD, in mind and heart. You have raised me personally to a better place where I can see my life breathing deep, constructive thoughts, for a better tomorrow, and for a better now.

scegy, hitman, fallen, personal meds, Gypsy, of course Bonz and Babba's, and the ONE and only E A S Y, keep the faith baby!!!!!!

Once I land this new job with health insurance I will pm PTD for directions to a meeting. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row right now, so please include me in your chanting right now, I'm climbing a big one to hurdle over..........no fucking fear, baby!...lol

You know I love you all..........deeply!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Desi :) wooohooo you last couple post have really put the goosebumps up. Thanks brother and of course you are always in my chants :) A day in front of the Gohonzon is a day in bliss!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Thank you dear Teacher, you know I appreciate that guidance very very much and it really adds a well defined and appreciated elaboration on something I spent a few hours looking into. How fortunate am I that I am alive with the pinnacle of Mentoring! Yes as I must say, I bow in obeisance to you (and myself) and all of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions.

I did gongyo today and emphasized my prayers on new members I met last night whom will be forming a small district with me, like a mini district within the two districts I am a part of and we will enhance the protective forces coverage in my immediate area and I am starting to see how I will effectuate great victories for Kosen-rufu with The Lotus Sutra as my staff and Tom as my guide I know that The Sun and the Moon and especially Gohonzon will protect me and lead us all towards helping others embrace Myoho-renge-kyo.

I am fortunate that I began my practice when I did free of the currently slanderous Nichiren Shoshu way (priesthood perversion of the true Buddhist Practice) which I am grateful to in the sense that through their due diligence and servitude to the law we never lost the Daishonin (Dai-Gohonzon) nor his incredible message of compassionate, determination, peace and universal haramony through the perservation of the (Writings of Nichiren Daishonin) Gosho Zenshu. *It feels like maybe I shouldn't write this but I am on the straight talk express right now, doing 3000 things in a single moment so to speak. Ahem, maybe I should delete this portion?*

I have become tougher and am battling to not give in further to slander via complicity, which has been a reason for me to suffer immensely (my accumulated bad karma, coupled with ignorant constant slander, but always from this moment going forward I am rectifying myself and outlining the true path as written in the Goshos and this thread) in the not too distant past. For me its more about chanting the daimoku now than ever before, I strive to live upto my Mentor's encouragement and help others attain Buddhahood in anyway possible.

One gentleman I met last night has not had Gohonzon for over 5 years since he left his country to come to mine, he handed his Gohonzon into the SGI over in his country because he came here as an immigrant and did not want to disrespect Gohonzon, I noticed the leadership in my area was not soo enthusiastic about helping this Buddha be reunited with Gohonzon and today I am working at speaking with various leaders to attempt to get him his Gohonzon hopefully this Sunday at Kosen-rufu Gongyo. It was a pleasure making his acquiantence and we spoke about having regular meetings and he asked me to help his children get more involved with the SGI. I said that would be an honor!

Thanks Hitmon, your the sweetest, hows the chick hunting? You still chanting for that benefit right? Hello Desi, your a master at encouraging me, remember when you posted like 25 times in a day, bring it back! Your presence always makes me happy to be in your company, Don't let your fundamental darkness put your growth on hold, the quicker you get to a meeting and start your practice the quicker the benefits will continue rolling in and the better you will feel, act, react, and live! Bud, i love you dude, thanks for chanting for my lady, my plants and myself, you make my world just what I need it to be, again I never had a best friend like you and am eternally grateful for all you do us. You and T faciliated my introduction to this practice (and socal too) and I must say, your incredible benefits will effectuate before the end of the year, muster up faith my friend and keep fighting that winning battle! Bonz, Mrs.Babba, Stonegirl, Blatant Much Much Much Love.

WOOOHOOO, another great day another batch of obstacles to improve our lives!

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Thanks Babba,............ and thanks Easy, on the 'easy truth spear' that just penetrated my whole being. Man, I can hear your hearts beating! It's incredible, this beautiful stuff that chanting brings like a gift to a baby.


Desiderata said:
Thanks Babba,............ and thanks Easy, on the 'easy truth spear' that just penetrated my whole being. Man, I can hear your hearts beating! It's incredible, this beautiful stuff that chanting brings like a gift to a baby.

Never let Fundamental Darkness/Illness/Negative History or memories slow your growth, if something is obstructing your continued growth chant about it....

Daily Encouragement:

Faith, which at first glance may appear weak, is actually the most powerful force in the world. Many people put on a show of being strong, but true strength has nothing to do with appearances. On the contrary, we usually find that the weaker the individual, the greater their bravado or outward display of strength.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Active member
I reply with a quote to what you all have said in the last few pages.

I just love you all! And that's for real.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Everytime I felt down I ran here for refuge, I'm up right now and it feels good and I share it with all of you.

I just want to say that you all are the reason I'm succeeding- I see clearly when I'm here.

Three cheers for PasstheDoobie!


V for Victory!

V for Victory!


I really really really really really really really want to see the Dai-Gohonzon. I'm so excited about this weekend and the rest of today, Hi Bonz!

Hitman, when I'm down I need to attend more meetings. Buddhism cannot be (properly) practiced (just) in front of the computer, we need to go out and propagate The Law as you continue to strive for Kosen-rufu, you and your chickadee (on the way) are in my prayers.

PTD, give us a progress report! A few hours of Daimoku completed and more on the way.... :wave:
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Easy Buddhist Study by Shin Yatomi

Easy Buddhist Study by Shin Yatomi

Living Buddhism
Buddhist Concept for Today's Living (38)

Be Free to Control Yourself:
Embracing the Gohonzon Is Upholding All the Precepts

The law of cause and effect is always at work in our lives. When we cause suffering for others,our lives become corrupt and restricted, causing us to suffer and commit more wrongdoing. On the other hand, when we bring joy and happiness to others or prevent suffering and confusion, our lives will improve and expand, causing us to experience joy and happiness and, in turn, prompting us to do more good.

Based on this causal principle, the practice of Buddhism allows us to raise our life-condition and solidify compassion, courage and wisdom (that is, Buddhahood) as the basis of our existence. To keep us on this path of eternal self-improvement is the purpose of Buddhist precepts. As a guide to our efforts to improve ourselves, the Buddhist precepts were originally intended to encourage us to "stem injustice and stop evil."

Restoring the Intent and Purpose of the Precepts

As Buddhism spread, many precepts were adopted as rules of discipline. For example, lay believers were expected to observe the five most fundamental precepts, that is, (1) not to kill, (2) not to steal, (3) not to lie, (4) not to engage in sexual misconduct (5) not to drink intoxicants. In addition, two hundred and fifty precepts were adopted for monks, and five hundred for nuns. The Buddhist precepts were eventually viewed as a complex body of rules restricting aspects of people's personal conduct, such as diet and sex; some precepts, furthermore, were prescribed chiefly in the social and cultural context of the day, having not much bearing on the timeless, essential teachings of Buddhism itself. Although the original purpose of the precepts was to serve as internal guides to living and to encourage self-discipline and self-control, they became external rules binding the lives of people.

Since many complex precepts were established, fewer practitioners were able to observe all the required precepts, and more started to focus on the observation of precepts as the sole purpose of their Buddhist practice. Those who observed the precepts were regarded highly regardless of their character, and many practitioners became more concerned about maintaining the appearance of keeping the precepts rather than striving for the original goal of Buddhism, that is, the attainment of the greatest possible human potential filled with compassion, courage and wisdom.

In this regard, the Lotus Sutra attempts to return to the original purpose of precepts as aides to self-discipline and self-control. In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni says in verse: "This sutra is hard to uphold; / if one can uphold it even for a short while / I will surely rejoice / and so will the other Buddhas. / A person who can do this / wins the admiration of the Buddhas. / This is what is meant by valor, / this is what is meant by diligence. / This is what is called observing the precepts / and practicing dhuta" (The Lotus Sutra, trans. Burton Watson, pp. 180-8 1). Here "dhuta" indicates a discipline or ascetic practice earned out to purify the body and mind and free one from the desires for food, clothing and shelter.

The Lotus Sutra explains here that in the act of upholding the sutra are contained the benefits of keeping all the precepts. The central message of the Lotus Sutra is the universal existence of Buddhahood, thus the dignity of all people. "Upholding the sutra" then means to take faith in and act in accord with the dignity of life. This idea, as the sutra says, is "hard to uphold" because life's dignity must be internalized as faith and must become the basis of all action. This process of internalizing the universality of Buddhahood, the sutra explains, takes "valor" and 'diligence." The process, however, contains the benefits of all the Buddhist precepts since it constitutes the inward source from which all the outward conduct of human decency stems.

Upholding the Precept of the Diamond Chalice

Nichiren Daishonin identified the universality of Buddhahood with the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and embodied it in the concrete form of the Gohonzon, the object of devotion. The Daishonin taught that by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon with faith in our universal Buddhahood, we could manifest this supreme potential from within. Through the strength of our innate Buddhahood, we can exercise self-control in order to guide ourselves toward genuine happiness.

In this regard, the Daishonin states: "The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra, contain the benefit amassed through the countless practices and meritorious deeds of all Buddhas throughout the three existences. Then, how can these five characters not include the benefits obtained by observing all of the Buddha's precepts? Once the practitioner embraces this perfectly endowed wonderful precept, he cannot break it, even if he should try. It is therefore called the precept of the diamond chalice" ("The Teaching, Practice, and Proof," The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 481).

In the Latter Day of the Law, those who embrace the Gohonzon of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will enjoy the benefits of observing all the Buddhist precepts. To embrace the Gohonzon is to embrace the Buddha's indestructible life that exists in all people. For this reason, the act of embracing the Gohonzon is called the precept of the diamond chance or diamond precept.

Be Free And Independent

When we take faith in the Mystic Law and strive in our daily practice, we can manifest the Buddha's life, which is as strong and brilliant as a diamond, no matter what circumstances we face. This diamond precept is the foundation of all self-discipline and self-control.

The person who chooses to save life rather than cave in to the inclination to destroy is freer and more independent than a bird in the sky that cannot do anything but what it is programmed to do by instinct. Freedom and independence, in this sense, may be described as our power of self-determination and self-control. Those who act decently only when forced by external rules, often upon the threat of punishment, are neither free nor independent. In addition, those who only seek pleasure and avoid pain at the cost of others are least free and independent; in fact, they are slaves to their own selfish desires. To be free, we must rule ourselves; if not, we will allow someone else to rule us.

People are genuinely free and independent when they can control their negative inclinations and act compassionately and wisely on their own accord, without expectation of reward or punishment. By restoring the original intent and purpose of the Buddhist precepts, Nichiren Buddhism helps us clarify what it means to be free and independent as well as what it means to live morally and decently.

Upholding the principle of universal Buddhahood, we can act freely and morally, independent of external censure or coercion. The precept of universal Buddhahood, or the diamond chalice, therefore, is not a negation of other Buddhist precepts or rules of conduct in general; it is the sublimation of what they are meant to do.

By Shin Yatomi, SGI-USA Study Department Vice
Leader, based in part on Yasashii Kyogaku (Easy
Buddhist Study) published by Seikyo Press in 1994.


Active member
I'm so proud of you EasyDisco! I will go to Kosen Rufu gongyo, but she better be a growin' too! You are truly the man for your inspiration you give us all!

Desi- You're words ring true! That penetrate the innards if you know what I mean, just like Bubba mentioned!

Bongo, Cal, and every last one of you make this weekend the best one ever!

Hail to the Doob! Let us know cuz! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! There's so much chanting going on my dogs are chanting for you too! My mom's chantin' for you bro!

Keep the strongest faith and know that there is a bright sunrise just over the mountain and you're a great climber. Peace.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The meaning of this passage is that those who obtained benefit during the Former and Middle Days of the Law received "conspicuous" benefit, because the relationship they formed with the Lotus Sutra during the lifetime of the Buddha had finally matured. On the other hand, those born today in the Latter Day of the Law receive the seeds of Buddhahood for the first time, and their benefit is therefore "inconspicuous."

[ The Teaching, Practice, and Proof, WND Page 474 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
More Daimoku coming your way brother :) What an awesome cause to get us in front of our Gohonzons!!!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


I left the thread up last night and Mrs.MyohoDisco started to read it from 8pm to about 11:30!!! She started from the Beginning and said "T put it so perfectly!" Thanks for reinvigorating her practice and strengthening my resolve to buy more ink cartridges to print this entiire thread!

Daily Encouragement:

Those who strengthen their faith day by day and month after month are genuine practitioners. Our daily practice of gongyo, therefore, is important, as well as is attending meetings every month. We must not let our faith grow weak. We must make it stronger today than yesterday, stronger this month than last. Buddhist practice is a succession of such untiring efforts, the ultimate goal of which is attaining the summit of Buddhahood.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Dude, I don't want to get her in trouble...

Dude, I don't want to get her in trouble...

but she was sending PM's too! Thank you MrsDisco! Deepest respect!

And to all of my friends here, I feel you at my back. It feels like a gentle soft push on my back while I'm chanting. It kind of freaked me out at first because I never felt this before, but I DO feel the daimoku being sent. And my gratitude is sincere and as a result I am also chanting sincere Daimoku for all of you and expressing my appreciation and sense of honor to have come together with you here.

This Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is an unbelievably wonderful thing isn't it?

It isn't health. I didn't get busted (the 'pop' was my head coming out of my ass, Hit). I am somehow delighted this has happened because I am going to get to the bottom of some shit that I need to get straight in order to achieve anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. This is a major step toward my enlightenment and I am convinced of that.

Make no mistake, I will slay the dragon. I am a dragon slayer. Thinking of you all today while I chanted made me so happy. Thank you for your love. It's overwhelming. I felt that wind at my back.

And I immediately knew it was you!

I bow in obeisance with my deepest love and respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If we fail to make an effort to change for the better,
then we cannot expect to see any growth or progress.
If we are not advancing, then we are retreating.
By, from now on, having an even greater challenging spirit,
let's continually move forwards, onwards and upwards!

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The body is the palace of the ninth consciousness, the unchanging reality that reigns over all of life's functions."

* In saying, "The body is the palace of the ninth consciousness " Nichiren Daishonin emphasizes that the potential for Buddhahood exists within us. He taught that by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can gain access to this ninth consciousness, the ultimate depth of life. Activated by our daimoku, its light, so to speak, floods upward to illuminate the workings of the other eight conscious times, so that the entire interlocking network of causes and effects forming our individual existence comes to be based on enlightenment. By tapping the Buddha nature or the ninth consciousness within, we can fundamentally change our karma for the better and establish an unshakable state of life. (SGI-USA Study Entrance-level Textbook)

(The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 832) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's speech, Seikyo Shimbun, September 29th, 2006
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