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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Early on the morning of April 28, 1253, the thirty-two-year-old priest [Nichiren] climbed to the top of a hill at Kasagamori, which commanded a clear view of the Pacific Ocean. There, as the sun rose, he greeted it with mankind's first invocation of the supreme law. In a clear and resounding voice he chanted, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." Before heaven and earth, with the sun as his witness, he had proclaimed the correct practice of Buddhism for people in the modern era.

Excerpted from The Life of Nichiren Daishonin by Yasuji Kirimura

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Just as flowers open up and bear fruit, just as the moon appears and invariably grows full, just as a lamp becomes brighter when oil is added, and just as plants and trees flourish with rain, so will human beings never fail to prosper when they make good causes."

Third Day of the New Year Gosho
Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 7.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

SoCal Hippy said:
Early on the morning of April 28, 1253, the thirty-two-year-old priest [Nichiren] climbed to the top of a hill at Kasagamori, which commanded a clear view of the Pacific Ocean. There, as the sun rose, he greeted it with mankind's first invocation of the supreme law. In a clear and resounding voice he chanted, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." Before heaven and earth, with the sun as his witness, he had proclaimed the correct practice of Buddhism for people in the modern era.

Excerpted from The Life of Nichiren Daishonin by Yasuji Kirimura

Thanks SoCal great to see you my friend!!
This is one of the most beautiful quotes ive ever seen!!
Imagine it echoing through the woods.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Its very thrilling for me sometimes to take part in this thread, so much progress, can't help but recognize how contagious it really is!

How great is it to open the Butsudan and Chant! Gohonzon and I are so pleased to take part in this thread and I just wanted to reiterate once again these great pointers originally posted by Babbabud;

Ten Points To Become a Person of High Self-Esteem

1) Chant to become a person of unlimited self-esteem.

2) Chant to awaken your own greatness.

3) Chant to appreciate and value your life.

4)Truly appreciate your life, including your flaws, accomplishments, defeats, losses, and victories and truly appreciate all that makes you a unique and wonderful person.

5) Chant to make the impossible possible.

6)Chant to consistently manifest your Buddha nature and rise above your basic tendencies.

7)Believe that you are a Buddha and create all the benefits for yourself.

8)Believe you are the Gohonzon.

9)Trust that in the Gohonzon, you have all the means to fulfill each and every desire of your and become extraordinarily happy.

10)Chant to display your Buddhahood and bring forth that strength, joy and vibrant life condition and faith.

Great input today Socal, Babba and Thanks again for Marley popping in, hope to see you again real soon. Hello goes out to our DG, whats up, Baccas, hi buddy, Hillbillieonpcp, hello Super Bodhisattva Whats up, a cheerful hello to Gypsy Nirvana and everyone else working behind the scenes to keep us going. Keep it up, we are really really grateful.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"For this reason, when the bodhisattva Never Disparaging makes his bow of obeisance to the four kinds of believers, the Buddha nature inherent in the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance is bowing in obeisance to the bodhisattva Never Disparaging. It is like the situation when one faces a mirror and makes a bow of obeisance: the image in the mirror likewise makes a bow of obeisance to oneself."

(Ongi kuden - Gosho Zenshu, page 769, The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 165) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 26th, 2006
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Active member

Hello my awesome chanting, growing friends.

that felt good, wow! soooooo many incredibly bitchen posts!!!

I must apologize for not following through with my promise of tellin ya'll what i shared at my meeting, not that its that fuckin' important but its damn important to me to follow through with what i say no matter what it may be. Ended up doing a side job, fixing my moms friends security door, this lady is defenitly bodhisattva, shes unreal.

Anyhow by the time i was done and taken a shower and checked in here i was so blown away by all that had been posted i just couldnt get myself to post up!!??? Dont know why? Everything that was posted really kinda through me for a loop i think? Like i said i cant explain it, maybe it was the 14? slanders. Shit man i felt a was giulty of allmost all of em' to some degree or another, kinda just got me thinkin and chanting and not typing.

Shit!!!! I gotta run , goin to a new frinds house to chant with him and his wife, i think there stoners. Lil nervous, but its all good!!!!!!!!


I love you all from the very bottom of my heart.

peace and my deepest respect


>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!

Wow what a cool hang out this has become. People coming and going and sharing their experiences each day.
What a beautiful thing. Thankyou all for sharing your lives.
Thankyou all for sharing your buddha nature.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Ten Points To Become a Person of High Self-Esteem

1) Chant to become a person of unlimited self-esteem.

2) Chant to awaken your own greatness.

3) Chant to appreciate and value your life.

4)Truly appreciate your life, including your flaws, accomplishments, defeats, losses, and victories and truly appreciate all that makes you a unique and wonderful person.

5) Chant to make the impossible possible.

6)Chant to consistently manifest your Buddha nature and rise above your basic tendencies.

7)Believe that you are a Buddha and create all the benefits for yourself.

8)Believe you are the Gohonzon.

9)Trust that in the Gohonzon, you have all the means to fulfill each and every desire of your and become extraordinarily happy.

10)Chant to display your Buddhahood and bring forth that strength, joy and vibrant life condition and faith.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


I'll second that Bud!

Hey SoCal, don't be a stranger! It's so good to hear from you. Have you stumbled upon any new treasures to share? If you get the chance...

Hey, my UK friends! Chime in soon! I'm beginning to worry about you!

Same for you Hitman and Always!

FYI, the Devil of the Sixth Heaven is way into my shit! Thank god I have all of you to keep me going forward! The biggest difference in my life is all of you. Thank you! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!!!

I owe PM's to so many. Thanks for your patience (DG). Bonz, I haven't answered your last one because it is the very same one I am struggling myself with now! All I can say is it's all about life condition!

Once you get your head up your ass, it's hard to get it out. The key is to avoid letting it get there. If you're having a difficult time chanting with conviction and confidence, fake it 'till you make it but never stop chanting.

In the absence of wisdom, there is only one solution...

Faith Brothers and Sisters!

Hang tough!

Much love and deep respect,

Hello, everyone. I just stumbled upon your thread here, and I must say it's intriguing. I don't have the time right now to read through the huge number of posts to catch up, but I will work on it. For now I thought it proper to say hello, and also this way I am subscribed :lurk:

Peace to you all! Compassion is key! :joint:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Hello PersonalMeds so great to see your seeking spirit is so strong as to post up. Lots of reading and great vibes here.Do some reading ask some questions and enjoy your stay. Great to meet you. :wave: :joint:
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
Thanks babba for the warm welcoming. I will be sure to do lots of reading and I'm sure more than one question will be raised in the process. I only need be sure to read thoroughly enough to not ask questions that have already been answered and I just haven't gotten to yet :joint: Much more reading will be done tomorrow. Thank you again for the welcoming, my stay may become extended.

This may be unrelated, but I recently went to see his holiness the Dalai Lama give a lecture, and it was very enlightening to me. I had to spend money I barely had to be able to go, but it was well worth it. I wonder if any of you were there :D
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Active member
hello Bodhisattvas of the Earth!
personalmed: i assure you the reading will give you more than you expect :D
as for the others, bonzo i know faith raises in you, spreading from head to toe, funny inspiriing trip isn't it? :)
psd, myoho and others it's a pleasure to have you in our play!
as for me, i'm finally moving out and starting my new chapter;)
nam myoho renge kyo!


Active member
Welcome PersonalMeds, Babba pretty much said it all, hope to see more of ya!

A thousand thank yous Babba and easy for the Ten Points, sometimes i need to see stuff like that in Black and White, its allready printed and pinned on my wall.

"Once youve got your head up your ass its hard to get it out"

Big T, dont take this the wrong way cause BELIEVE ME as you know im no stranger to having my head up my ass, but im still laughin' my ass off at that!! Laughin' with you bro not at you. The greatest thing is the POP!!! when it comes out and (for me anyway) the clarity and focus are at a new and different level, allmost like an awakening of sorts. Ill be chanting for yours to POP!! out.

So thats what i shared at my meeting , that i had lost conviction ,confidence, direction and focus while chanting. I kept chanting, but like T said it was kinda "fake it till ya make it" and its working. My district members just flooded me with ways to get my conviction back and i was blown away by their input. Still not quite gettin all they were suggesting but its comin back, the POP!! IS COMING!!!

I can feel it.

"I can see clearly now my head popped out
i can see all obstacles in my way
somethin , somethin, somethin and happy times
gonna be a bright , bright ,bright ,bright SUNSHINY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hey, i allmost forgot, the chanting at my new freinds house was cool man! We did Diamoku and then went up the street and got tacos, it was one dollar taco tuesday! It was a good time, and were gonna do it again.

peace, love and deep respect to you all


>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Scegy!! you slipped that in there while i was rambling, great to see you bro! Thank you my brotha for your faith in my fiath, i feel it more and more each day, and yes what a trip it is indeed!!

Sounds like things are going good for you!!! Im so glad to hear it! you sound very positive about this new chapter in your life, shine on bro, shine on!!!!!


peace and love to ya my brotha!



PassTheDoobie said:
"For this reason, when the bodhisattva Never Disparaging makes his bow of obeisance to the four kinds of believers, the Buddha nature inherent in the four kinds of believers of overbearing arrogance is bowing in obeisance to the bodhisattva Never Disparaging. It is like the situation when one faces a mirror and makes a bow of obeisance: the image in the mirror likewise makes a bow of obeisance to oneself."

(Ongi kuden - Gosho Zenshu, page 769, The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 165) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 26th, 2006

So I read this quote and gained little understanding from conjecture so I picked up the Goshos and read the 20 pages of the Gosho The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra and wow I was blown away hearing the Daishonin facing the ultimate test, and proclaiming to all he stands alone as the only person in all of Japan upholding the Lotus Sutra and his unshaking unwavering conviction despite incredible obstacles only strengthened his resolve. The Daishonin is not only a great sage in having the ability to forsee the future and be kind enough to write letters to the polictical fuedal leaders in an attempt to be faithful to his country but also a great warrior who actually told the executioners on Tatsunokuchi Persecution groundsto "COME ON, GET ME NOW ITS GOING TO GET MESSY IN THE MORNING" (I am just repeating his words as I registered them and he did not exactly say those words, but did in fact tell them to effectually 'come on bring it!') Wow, so Not only is the Daishonin my Spiritual Role Model but my Hero!

I know that I have to face adversity in my life with the strength and determination and faith in the Lotus Sutra as the Daishonin! Thus I can bow in obeisance to The Daishonin, To Mentors and fellow Bodhisattvas of the Earth and to those who truly uphold the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Through studying this Buddhism I gain more wisdom with respect to my daily life and the effects are my faithful conviction that nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the answer. It always has been. I have died countless times for my wife, my parents, my land BUT NEVER FOR THE LOTUS SUTRA UNTIL NOW! I finally found out about Myoho-renge-kyo with enough clarity to finally step up to the plate and face the same persecutions that all of us who uphold the Lotus Sutra are bound to endure!

Never be Defeated, Always strive for Victory with your Heart of Gold!

My sincere gratitude and thanks goes out to Ted Osaki, Tony Matsuoka, T and M and President Ikeda for facilitating all this Mentoring in my life! My hair and body is only temporary but my dedication to The Mystic Law is eternal.

Today is a gloriously sunny day and another chance for me to Lead a Winning Life! Buddhism is daily life and I will go on and tell more people about this today and everyday, Thanks Bonz for meeting with your new friends, and keep it up because thats what I am doing in my spare time... read this encouragement if you need more ENCOURAGEMENT..

SGI President Ikeda's Daily Encouragement for September 27

Pioneering takes steady dedicated effort; it is advancing surely one step at a time. True Buddhist practice lies in such activities as visiting members, giving personal encouragement, talking to our friends about Buddhism and introducing others to faith. How many members do you take the time to visit and encourage in a month? In a year? True pioneering lies in making precisely such efforts. Our challenge is to deepen the understanding of friends and fellow members toward the philosophy and activities of the SGI through our encounters with them.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!



Enjoy your evening meetings, to those of us who attend SGI meetings on Wednesdays, and to those who don't feel free to contact any of us to facilitate you in integrating yourself physically into this practice. We practice for ourselves and for others, if and when your ready, HOLLA!

Also lots of love to DG and Gypsy for keeping this site afloat for us, we owe you a great debt of gratitude if you ever need anything, especially from me just ask. Coming here everyday is something I truly cherish.

Thanks to all for taking part today and everyday with us chanting growers. Keep growing!



Hope you all had great meetings and recieved great encouragement and shared great encouragement. This thread is an ongoing super meetings of meetings. :wave: Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
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