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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Always Good to see you!

Always Good to see you!

Now, no matter what, strive in faith and be known as a votary of the Lotus Sutra, and remain my disciple for the rest of your life. If you are of the same mind as Nichiren, you must be a Bodhisattva of the Earth. And if you are a Bodhisattva of the Earth, there is not the slightest doubt that you have been a disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha from the remote past. The sutra states, "Ever since the long distant past I have been teaching and converting this multitude." There should be no discrimination among those who propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law, be they men or women. Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku. At first only Nichiren chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify "emerging from the earth?" At the time when the Law has spread far and wide, the entire Japanese nation will chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, as surely as an arrow aimed at the earth cannot miss the target.

[ The True Aspect of All Phenomena, WND page 385 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Human Revolution and Overcoming Obstacles

Human Revolution and Overcoming Obstacles

Introducing Human Revolution

In today's world where global issues are so important, many people feel a sense of powerlessness and resignation; a feeling that no individual's efforts can change the way things are. But the Buddhist viewpoint is that the world should be seen from the perspective of the individual, and that the human life contains the entire universe. That is why changing our own lives one by one will bring a change in our family, our community, and the society in which we live. It will change the age we live in, our history, and indeed all aspects of our world.

If we look for the true causes of war, we see that it is essentially caused by the human mind. War stems from the desire to control and conquer others, to have power, and from hatred and antipathy. Such is a human being in the grip of the negative force of life. World peace starts with the inner transformation of the individual, and the struggle to elevate our state of life, and free ourselves from the domination of the negative force of life.

A single sunflower contains the seeds for more than a thousand new plants. Similarly, when one brave person stands up for peace, his or her resolve spreads out into the environment in thousands of ways. Courage always brings a response. One person's human revolution can therefore eventually change the destiny of the entire human race.

The Spirit of Human Revolution

In his writing On Attaining Buddhahood, Nichiren Daishonin conveys the basic spirit of human revolution: "You must never think that any of the eighty thousand sacred teachings of Shakyamuni's lifetime or any of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions and three existences are outside yourself. Your practice of the Buddhist teachings will not relieve you of the sufferings of birth and death in the least unless you perceive the true nature of your own life." [WND p3]

We could summarise the spirit of this teaching as being, "It's not up to others; nor can I blame anyone else. I have to change myself first." It is a viewpoint which says, everything in life is part of our own training; it is for our benefit and development. Human revolution takes place right now, in the situation we find ourselves at this moment.

World peace starts with this inner transformation of the individual. And yes it is a struggle to develop and elevate our state of life but human revolution is the foundation for world peace and also for individual peace and happiness. It is at the heart of our Buddhist practise. It is about changing our heart and drawing out our humanity.

It is the most amazing feeling as you discover that if the cause of your suffering is within the realms of your own life then you and only you can change that aspect of your life. This is the most freeing feeling. This is human revolution and the door to your Buddhahood.

Human revolution brings into play all the principles and processes that make up the Buddhist teachings of life. Learning to be able to live our lives on the basis of correct teachings is part of our human revolution. The process is a transformation of the heart.

Transforming the Self, Living the Teachings

When we commit our lives to chanting we embark on a journey of self-discovery and challenge. By taking responsibility for our feelings and emotions, especially those we most dislike, we come to realise we have the ability to transform our lives from within. As we broaden our experiences of chanting daimoku we get experiences of our environment reflecting the transformation of our inner lives. This could be in our family relationships, at work or in other aspects of life.

It is usually within one of these arenas that we find life can be difficult or cause us to suffer. As we continue chanting, the more we start to see our lives very differently. At first this process may seem a little uncomfortable because it is quite unique and new to us. We may or may not like what we see. Perhaps we realise we have set attitudes or opinions about others or various issues that make us suffer. It may seem that others have a problem with us. This can draw out all sorts of feelings and emotions that can make us uneasy, or uncomfortable.

Getting this kind of reaction does not mean that chanting is not working or that it is working in a negative way. On the contrary you are actually in the process of transforming exactly that which has always led you to suffer in that particular area of your life. Your chanting is illuminating an area of your life that needs to change for your own happiness. The realisation that this opinion or attitude stems from our own lives and not from others opinions of us, leads us to uncover the Buddha nature inherent in our lives. The quickest way to transform these feelings or attitude is to keep chanting until you realise the cause of these uncomfortable feelings.

However, it may be that is exactly when you find it the most difficult time to chant. You are on the brink of changing a part of your life that always stops you from progressing or being happy. It will probably feel like walking up a hill backwards. At such times obstacles and devils arise. You will probably be able to justify why it is more beneficial to watch TV than do gongyo or chant or tell a friend about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo or study some of Nichiren Daishonin`s writings. But this is exactly the time to do these things in order to break through and win over something that has always held you back. This is the time to muster a fighting spirit and to be courageous.

In his book Seven Paths to Peace, Daisaku Ikeda talks about human revolution in terms of self-mastery. Simply put, this means winning control over oneself, overcoming the small self that is dominated by narrow self-interest and awakening to the larger self that works for the good of all humanity. From this standpoint a major obstacle to developing ourselves is to pursue a way of life bound by our small ego or self. Expanding from the lesser self to the greater self is the path of human revolution.

Through our practice of introducing others to Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, and through efforts to share Buddhism with others, we ourselves grow immensely, we can carry out our human revolution, and transform our karma. Therefore by guiding another individual towards happiness, we also guide ourselves towards happiness. The act of introducing others to Buddhism, which enables us to profoundly benefit both ourselves and others, is the formula of hope for humanity.

At a time when an ordinary person attains Buddhahood, or at a time when a person is at a turning point in doing their human revolution, the negative aspect of life will always appear in some form. This is an unavoidable fact of life! Nichiren Daishonin assures us of this and asks us to transmit it as an axiom or principle of faith so that it is understood by all those who practise.


This negative aspect is often referred to as the 'three obstacles and four devils' (in Japanese, sansho shima). Obstacles refer to things which appear to be outside of ourselves (but which ultimately have their origins in our lives) and the devils, or negative elements, are 'internal'. What makes these obstacles and devils serious is that if we are influenced by them we may stop practising Buddhism. They confront us at a specific point in time - usually when we are about to grow in our lives and move forward. The fact that at a difficult moment we may think that we should stop practising is a sign that it is an attack of one of the three obstacles and four devils. From a positive point of view these hindrances enable us to see a weakness in our lives so that we can chant and become stronger in that area.

The first is the obstacle of earthly desires. Buddhism teaches that our earthly desires may be transformed into enlightenment. Second is the obstacle of karma, which includes the influence of those who are close to us such as a spouse, partner or children. Third is the obstacle of retribution, which means opposition from those with power over us, such as our superiors, parents or people in authority.

The devils come from within our own lives. We create our own negativity, our own doubt, uncertainty and confusion. The first devil arises from our earthly desires. It can include egoism, craving for personal fame and riches, laziness or being dominated by force of habit. It can also arise from the three poisons of greed, anger and stupidity.

Second is the devil of weakness that can arise in our own bodies, such as an illness which will hold us back and reduce our capacity. Third is the devil which manifests as the hindrance of death. Unless we are confident that death is not 'the end', but rather another phase in the cycle of life and death - then another person's death can trigger a sense of doubt and can considerably weaken our will to practise Buddhism, even though Buddhism is intended to relieve us from the sufferings of birth and death.

Finally the fourth devil is known as the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven who, in Buddhist mythology, works to obstruct Buddhist practice and drain our life force. This is the manifestation of fundamental darkness inherent in life. And because of this can be seen as the most challenging aspect of negativity to conquer. When influential people persuade or threaten us to stop practising this could be said to be the workings of the Devil of the Sixth Heaven.

Whatever form they take, the Daishonin advises us to take these obstacles and devils as confirmation that we are properly practising the true Law through which ordinary people become Buddhas. They offer us insight into aspects of our human revolution, ways to strengthen our lives and assurance that we are on the verge of achieving this, so long as we are neither influenced nor frightened by them. Human revolution includes experiencing this process and transforming some aspect of ourselves. It indicates the real experience of finding we have to confront something. It also includes our need to gain the inner conviction that we can win over the obstacle in question.

In Buddhism, the term 'fundamental darkness' is used to describe the ignorance and delusion inherent in human life. This is the ignorance of the fact that we all have the state of Buddhahood in our lives, at all times, latent and ready to be revealed. The aim of our great struggle for kosen-rufu, our movement of human revolution, is to transform that innate darkness into light. Our goal is to vanquish the destructive tendencies within human life that give rise to mutual distrust and hate, violence and fear. The three obstacles and four devils become an indispensable means for doing this. That is why we should rejoice when they appear.

(from: http://www.sgi-uk.org/index.php/buddhism/humanrevolution )


Thank you Tom for the timely post, this past wednesday I was not pleased when someone who seemed like a new member was at my monthly planning meeting after gongyo she said " We would like to hold a meeting of The Sofia Group here in your district this month" I was excited and encouraged everyone to make accomadations and then she told me I was not invited... I said "OK" she said the Sofia Group is only for women to discuss the Human Revolution. I resolved to get better acquianted with this concept and study material so that I can rise above that specific group's discrimination which was not as universal as I would have hoped. I chanted about it and came up with many reasons that specific group should cater specifically to women, so that men do not influence a more female oriented dynamic was the number one reason and it was only a sub-group within the SGI umbrella so it was ok in that sense, but I did not like the fact I was being shunned do to my sexual designation. LOL, thats what I get for so many dubious past causes, lol! Such is the unlimited mercy of the Gohonzon that I can sit here and discuss this freely and see the Mystic Law in effect.

Might be time for a public Cannabis Toking Chanting group, maybe in a med. state we could have monthly meetings. At least this year I plan to have or attend one of those meetings, a lofty goal but the wheels are in motion. :joint:

Have a good one all :wave:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'If we look for the true causes of war, we see that it is essentially caused by the human mind. War stems from the desire to control and conquer others, to have power, and from hatred and antipathy. Such is a human being in the grip of the negative force of life. World peace starts with the inner transformation of the individual, and the struggle to elevate our state of life, and free ourselves from the domination of the negative force of life. '

'A single sunflower contains the seeds for more than a thousand new plants. Similarly, when one brave person stands up for peace, his or her resolve spreads out into the environment in thousands of ways. Courage always brings a response. One person's human revolution can therefore eventually change the destiny of the entire human race.'

.....now thats beautifull......simply beautifull...


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
got to agree... simply beautiful

thanks again for all the love and yes I was half-joking ...
You couldnt change what I think of you all anyway ...... so there : )
T... keep up the works !


Gosho Excerpt:

"More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are the treasures of the body, and the treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all. From the time you read this letter on, strive to accumulate the treasures of the heart!"

The Three kinds of treasure,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 851)
Written to Shijo Kingo on 11 September 1277 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Youth means to cherish hope; it is a time of development. Youth means to challenge oneself; it is a time of construction. Youth means to fight for justice; it is a time of action.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The actual practice of daimoku of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth in the Latter Day of the Law means chanting daimoku for the enlightenment of all people—a practice that aims for the happiness of both oneself and others. As the Daishonin indicates in 'The True Aspect of All Phenomena' when he says, 'At first only Nichiren chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed' (WND, 385), the essence of daimoku is chanting it ourselves and also teaching it to others."

SGI Newsletter No. 6956, LECTURES ON “ON ATTAINING BUDDHAHOOD IN THIS LIFETIME” <FINAL INSTALMENT>from the July 2006 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai study journal, translated Sep., 6th, 2006


Much love to Marley! Much Love to all.

Much love to Marley! Much Love to all.

Great big hello to DG(Looking forward to your Gohonzon expirience), Gypsy(Can you do me a solid? Goto an SGI meeting and take DG please! I'll help you anyway I can! your almost there...), HillbillieonPcp(champion for humanity/making peace one head at a time), Baccas(undefeatable UberFriend awesome catalouger ), Mr.Wags (your the tops in my book! this man saved my computer world) Scegy(my brother from a foreign mother), Delta( ;) ), treehugger (always enjoy your posts), Desi (Hi there) and everyone else I am not mentioning. Join me in a chant for all,

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 283) Selection source: Soka Gakkai member's experience, Seikyo Shimbun, September 10th, 2006


Active member
Thanks allways!!!! I live in So Cal and sometimes surf the big name crowded spots like Malibu, but ususally surf semi secret spots to very secret spots like i surfed today. I goota tell ya man, after a 4 month layoff i got pitched and hammerred on all but 2 waves i cuaght! None the less i came up laughin' evry time, dude, my arms turned to rubber bands after about 20 minutes, so i just sucked it up and payed my dues dropping in (getting pitched) on anything that came my way. Still it was a great sunny day with a few good friends and was a blast, however next time i paddle out i wont be getting hammered on every wave!!!! Ive seen some awesome pix of the OBX, when its good it looks real good!!!

I must agree, awesome post T, I needed it.

hi Delta and Gypsy!

im joining you in chant right now easy, and thanks for postin up that Daily Encouragement!




>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Because this mountain is where this wondrous votary of the Lotus Sutra dwells, how can it be any less sacred than the pure land of Eagle Peak? This is what [The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra means when] it says, "Since the Law is wonderful, the person is worthy of respect; since the person is worthy of respect, the land is sacred."

[ The Person and the Law, WND Page 1097 ]


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
oh and bonz ... i love you too man ! : )

Easy ..~myoho~.. Disco MUCH LOVE

Tree,.,., You the silent type with silence in his eyes
And Peace in his heart : )
keep on chanting ...tommorows future is todays struggle

Peace Everyone!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The key to accomplishing something outstanding
exists in what may appear somewhat trivial or even inconspicuous.
It's the accumulation of our small successes that will certainly
open up a path towards great successes and victories.

Daisaku Ikeda

* "Dewdrops accumulate to form a stream, and streams accumulate to form the great ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to form a mountain, and mountains accumulate to form Mount Sumeru. And in the same way, trifling matters accumulate to become grave ones." - "The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings", WND, page 1133


Thank you all for being you!

Daily Encouragement:

Nothing can match the strength of those whose lives have been shaped and forged through challenging and overcoming hardships. Such people fear nothing. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to develop such strength and fortitude. To cultivate such an invincible core is in itself a victory. It is also the greatest benefit. Those who can succeed in this endeavor will savor unsurpassed happiness; they can manifest the supreme state of Buddhahood.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Active member
easydisco said:
Thank you all for being you!

Daily Encouragement:

Nothing can match the strength of those whose lives have been shaped and forged through challenging and overcoming hardships. Such people fear nothing. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to develop such strength and fortitude. To cultivate such an invincible core is in itself a victory. It is also the greatest benefit. Those who can succeed in this endeavor will savor unsurpassed happiness; they can manifest the supreme state of Buddhahood.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/
i really like this


Active member
Hi all of you Lions. May you roar with endless strength! Thank you for the encouragement. I may not be here in lettering but I'm here in heart! I travel through the day and often think of you all!


Fallenangel, glad to see you pop in!

Fallenangel, glad to see you pop in!

Hitman said:
Hi all of you Lions. May you roar with endless strength! Thank you for the encouragement. I may not be here in lettering but I'm here in heart! I travel through the day and often think of you all!

Thank you Hitman, the feeling is mutual!

Like the roar of the lion on Mount Semuru "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!"


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The daimoku chanted by the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is characterized by deep, thoroughly forged faith to overcome darkness and devilish functions, and by practice for both ourselves and others. Its essence, in short, is “faith dedicated to kosen-rufu.”

"It was shortly after the Daishonin proclaimed the establishment of his teaching, ready and resolved to battle all obstacles, that he composed this writing in which he explains the principle of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime. We must never forget how the Daishonin’s life, a momentous struggle to spread the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, was a succession of great difficulties and persecutions. Without a solid focus on how the Daishonin actually propagated the Mystic Law, any discussion of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime will just be empty intellectualising.

"We should carefully ponder the Daishonin’s words: 'From the time that I was born until today, I have never known a moment’s ease; I have thought only of propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra' (WND, 965).

SGI Newsletter No. 6956, LECTURES ON “ON ATTAINING BUDDHAHOOD IN THIS LIFETIME” <FINAL INSTALMENT>from the July 2006 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai study journal, translated Sep., 6th, 2006


"Since childhood, I, Nichiren, have never prayed for the secular things of this life but have single-mindedly sought to become a Buddha. Of late, however, I have been ceaselessly praying for your sake to the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha and the god of the sun, for I am convinced that you are a person who can inherit the soul of the Lotus Sutra."

The hero of the world,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 839)
Written to Shijo Kingo in 1277 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Buddhism is found in the reality of society and daily life. Because Buddhism is in no way separate from this reality, we must strive through our actions and behavior to be exemplary models for others.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

Gosho Excerpt:

"Faith in this sutra means that you will surely attain Buddhahood if you are true to the entirety of the Lotus Sutra, adhering exactly to its teachings without adding any of your own ideas or following the arbitrary interpretations of others."

Letter to Niike,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 1030)
Written to Niike Saemon-no-jo in February of 1280 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Faith is perseverance. The key to victory in any struggle in life is persistence. That is why Nichiren Daishonin stresses the importance of having faith that flows ceaselessly like water rather than faith that flames up briefly like fire. To advance continuously, it is important never to become exhausted. Carrying out activities until late at night does not equate with strong faith.
Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

Gosho Excerpt:

"To speak out without fearing others and without flinching before society? This is what the sutra means when it says, "We care nothing for our bodies or lives but are anxious only for the unsurpassed way." It is not that one does not recall the calumny, the staves and stones that were suffered by Bodhisattva Never Disparaging. It is not that one is unafraid of the world. It is just that the censure of the Lotus Sutra is even more severe."

Letter to Akimoto,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 1017)
Written to Akimoto Taro Hyoe on 27 January 1280 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Our lives are ruled by impermanence. But simply realizing that changes nothing. There is no value in bleak pessimism. The challenge is how to create something of enduring value within the context of our impermanent lives. The Lotus Sutra teaches us how to do this.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/
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