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Active member
Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

easydisco said:
Thats a thick trunk Bonzo :chin: Very Nice, I hope to have some thick trunks too very soon! I'll chant for it and a bountiful harvest as I chant for Hitman's Plants, Your Plants, Babba's Bushes, and Kosen-rufu through our marijuana related endeavors.

Like the roar of the lioni, NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!

I'm going to chant as if I was running blindfolded with confidence and faith for the future! Green forever!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Thanks very much Socal for that great post because I tell you, it hits home. Especially with me since I am relatively new to this practice. Hopelessness is like a blackhole that takes everything down including your environment with you. "Its so important for us to forge a lifeforce impervious to the winds of karma" President Toda's guidance. I can relate to many kinds of suffering and treading water in the lower life conditions since sometimes as hard as I try within me my brooding fundamental darkness is striking me and sometimes I succumb but through my practice I can quickly 'snap out' much better than ever and apply faith to the situations whatever they may be, but sadly I get very hasty. Faith Like Fire is not desirable it should flow like water, I have been consistently told. Working hard towards my goals is something I have rarely done, since everything was easy at first until I always eventually quitted, even with my relationship with my wife. We are not married, I have proposed and she said perhaps we should wait longer, so being the hyper guy I have been, I get 'ahead' of myself and mess up significant progress. Recently I proposed and she accepted yet due to my bad karma that became a passing thought once again and she found comformity in the status quo. Then I really really try and say lets do this, and she is once again reluctant! Many years have passed since we have been together and I could not imagine my 'life' without her since she is such an integral part of it, but I really want more. I always want more, I want a woman who wants to get married and be more goal oriented and this and that. Delusion! Yikes, I slip in and out of it, and wake up in reality and then realize, shit it can better if I chose to make it better but I also am satisfied with the status quo! How funny is that, the apparent shortcomings/trouble or lack thereof are part of my deluded thinking on those occassions and as a result I end up making causing that are tough to endure. What a vicious cycle, when I (we) are just as good as beasts and lack the mercy, compassion and wisdom (BY CHOICE) to really turn those Poisons into medicine. Nichiren says "There should be no discrimination among those who propagate the Lotus Sutra, be they men or women." So why do I find myself so critical when it comes to things and people outside of my realm of control, yet again, Delusion.

I fail to realize the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, when I cause that self inflicted harm, when I let the poison keep hurting me and not turn it into Medicine. In Socal's post above mine you will see that this young lady chanted and immediately her thoughts started to work for her! Bravo, to anyone that chants and embraces the superior teachings of the Lotus Sutra, because I know without recognizing Myoho Renge Kyo within me I can quickly find myself back at square one and what a sad square that is! It strengthens my resolve to keep chanting when I have very difficult issues before me, I reaffirm my faith and take that sailboat of faith and find an inner peace like no other! Recognizing and invoking my Buddhanature is chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and there is very little that can destroy you, besides you! Thus conquering Fundamental Darkness is a large task, for the bravehearted! Such a mission is meant for the Bodhisattvas of the Earth and that is what I am upto on this end. Holy mackarel I screw up so often i get headaches from my mistakes and missteps but now since I chant I can remember sometimes before the mistake what I am about to mess up on and really make a difference.... ok i need a fucking break, be back in the morning... sorry i had a rough day, i can't continue right now. thanks socal once again

*edit* woke up a bit better, glad to be posting this morning, happy to live another victorious day! I will triumph in the face of all the adversity that comes my way.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Much love, Brother!

Much love, Brother!

SoCal Hippy said:
A warm greeting to all sisters and brothers showing actual proof of the Mystic Law - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in their own individual lifes. Life is full of challenges, sometimes seemingly never-ending but where else can you continually without fail muster up hope and courage just 'one more time' to face your negative karma head on and change it. This is what those practicioners of Nichiren's Buddhism are guaranteed and I am proud to be associated with all here on this thread upholding the Law in their life.

What a wonderfully dynamic encouraging quote! We look forward to having you continue. Your presence here is always appreciated and needed here, SoCal!

Thank you!



New member
I've been chatting now for several weeks, and it's bringing clarity and peave of mind to me more each day. Nam myoho Renge Kyo. Crybaby.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The blessings from making offerings to a votary of the Lotus Sutra in the latter age exceed even those from making offerings to a Thus Come One endowed with the ten honorable titles, while those who persecute a votary of the Lotus Sutra in the defiled age will have their heads split into seven pieces.

[ Letter to the Lay Nun of Ko, WND Page 595 ]


Active member
Good morning, so much conveyed in that one paragraph SoCal, thank you so much for posting. Having the courage to face each days new and different challenges has been one of my main focuses while chanting and it has changed my life.

Hi crybaby, i also have chanted for and recieved more clarity and peice of mind as well, im way glad to hear its working for and helping you! Keep us updated!

Words cannot describe my grattitude for this thread and how it has led me to meetings and groups and meeting some incredible people so willing to invite and share with me there wisdom and many years of chanting. I find myself calling some of these people and asking them what they are doing this evening and is there a meeting or group somwhere we could attend. Just about a month ago the thought of that kind of interaction scared me outa my wits. I have also raised the bar if you will and started chanting for more courage so i can make even bigger changes and most importantly see if my changes can positivly inflence those around me, which has allready happened to a certain degree.

Nicheren' Buddhism has and is with diligent practice and action, changed my life and subsequently those around me. I have so much to learn and am eager to do so.

Must learn GONGYO! still reading from a page i printed out from this thread.

T has stated this allready but with gongyo added to your chanting just ups your/my personal streangth and courage tenfold but i want to learn it without having to read it.

Im also chanting to be able to say what i feel in my heart with out thinking about it 72 times!



>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo!!!!>>>>>>>>>>


I had a great victory today! More on it tonight!

Faith, Study and Practice, "without faith and study there is no Buddhism"

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So my office has not paid me overtime since may and I was very upset after recently working a sunday night till 12pm preparing a Motion for Monday morning and when I was not reimbursed for that time and excepted to accept what they called "comp. time" or the equivalent of using my overtime as time off from work... That was unacceptable since I accumulated just over 2 days of overtime due to me at time and a half and I was getting screwed, so I took it on the chin since I was not thinking properly and focusing more on my work quality and putting in more effort yet I was slacking on reclaiming what was mine until last week, I had enough and spoke up and they were surpised I spoke up and told me I would be reimbursed come tuesday. Tuesday came and went and I no check plus another hour of overtime, so I wrote the bookkeeper a note indicating what the head partner said to me on the previous friday, and yesterday I was told he wanted to speak to me and I automatically expected the worse "I'll be fired..." well I had a medical emergency and went to the doctor so I left earlier and then today addressed to him, "what did you want to discuss and why haven't I recieved my check" he showed me the note and said he never said of this! Ok REWWWWIIIINNND TO THIS MORNING...

I was stressing badly last night on my post here, trying to talk it out on the net then infront of Nichiren and I remembered that I had amazing guidance in this thread and I read backwards from here to page 140 something (about more or less) and felt inspired and fell asleep. Today I woke up tired and stressed and took a shower then did gongyo and told Nichiren "Master I have faith this obstacle I am facing will only lead me closer to accomplishing my dreams" I chanted throughout the morning then made it to the afternoon and had this meeting with the top partner, and it lasted about 2 hours and he was trying to snowball me, get me to take time off in increments and use up the accumulated time and not get paid. I fought this battle honorably and waged war in the sense that I represented that I am not one to fuck with in that matter! He tells me " I did not say on friday that you would be paid all that due overtime, I suggested ...." and I replied on a few occassions to the tune of " Are you questioning my integrity when I have never uttered a lie in this office and you constantly take advantage of every situation possible? Are you saying I'm a bullshitter!" Whoa, he was floored and put in his place then I reiterated "will you now reneg on your deal you 'do not recall you made' five days ago" He is 73 and said " I am not senile!" that was classic and I smiled and told him " either way you end up going, I have proven I am indispensible and here you are risking one of your best assets" Then I chanted more in my head and my determination culminated in a breakthrough "Ok you drive a hard bargin and this is between us and the bookkeeper, you win. Relish this victory they will be far and few between" So he says....

With Faith in the Gohonzon, anyone can make the impossible possible! i triumphed today and once again chant with grateful appreciation to my mentors Tom and Babba and President Ikeda, and the guidance from Nichiren Daishonin, President Makiguchi and President Toda and all amazing family in the SGI. :woohoo: Very empowering day!

Congrats to you Bonz, I am very happy to read your post and grateful for you growth! You are further proof of the law....

Now its time for our very good friend Dutchgrown to see the Gohonzon! I must take a trip out to amsterdam and bring her myself sometime soon. Maybe a chanting growers trip to amsterdam in the future is order! Hi DG :wave:

Hello Baccas! Hello Scegy!

Much love to Always and big respect to his growth and efforts. Much respect to Marley once again and thanks to socal for his great presence!

Going forward, we will continue to strive for kosen-rufu!

Like the roar of the lion, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Me again

Me again

Other thing that i have thinking about resent, is u no the people in life u meet and u no 4 some reason u was ament to meet them and be in there life 4 some u cant explain. well i hope u understand what i mean, its crazy how if u sit back and watch how much u can really c.

I dont no if i told u guys, it might sound crazy to some, but i had a dream and it happen the next day. I even told someone about the dream that nite but they justed look at me like i was crazy. What does that mean it kinda freak me out, but one thing i did notice is on the hoilday (that when i had the dream) i was still smokin but not as much and i was having a hell of alot of peace time down the beach day and nite, looking at the star and wounder .....

im siting thinking why am i writing this then i think i want some understanding and its good to talk......well i hope u have enjoy the read and peace out till the next time.

p.s Bonzo i cant tell u how many time i have came on to this thread and some has writing what i wanted to say or im readin things that relat to what going on in my life. Man i m happy im talkin way to much lol........Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to all


Yes i think we r all in tune with each other, but to explain it is hard but to feel and c thing is somethink else. All one, we all have 5 toes, 5 fingers, 2 eyes and a nose now tell me how we are different. To feel love for all living things is sometime so powerful it over wellming, but so warm that u seem to never forget it.

Bonzo nuff respect to u bother and all, sometime i dont read i justed write what i feeling and then go back and read the thread lol

peace out again


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Now, if you wish to attain Buddhahood, you have only to lower the banner of your arrogance, cast aside the staff of your anger, and devote yourself exclusively to the one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra. Worldly fame and profit are mere baubles of your present existence, and arrogance and prejudice are ties that will fetter you in the next one."

(Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 58) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's speech, Seikyo Shimbun, September 5th, 2006


Active member
hi Marley, i love readin what you write as it is how i want to, from the heart, off the top of my head. oops someones knockin' on my door , ill be back.



>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
HHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!! When i was responding to marleys post your post was'nt there T, LMAO!!!!! OH BOY THIS THREAD HAS GIVEN ME LAUGHTER AND HAPPINESS I HAVNT HAD IN A LONG TIME........

!!!!!!!!!!NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Marley, i read your post about 20 times, it really got me thinkin'. I really want to be able to just sit and watch, without thinking about any obstacles or bullshit cluttering my veiw, if that makes any sense. I dig how you put it " its crazy how if u sit back and watch how much u can really c" Very inspiring to me man!!!! I used to think, think, and fuckin' overthink so much i COULD NOT just sit back and watch. However, with every passing day that i continue to chant NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO those thoughts are being silenced and i can as you put it, just sit back and watch...in peace. I dont think your crazy bro , i think your blessed and i hope you continue to post and share your thoughts and experiences.

im gonna sit back and take it all in

PEACE TO ALL!!!!!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Active member
By the way , tomorrow i wll be recieving my Gohonzon!!!!!!!!

Im not one that asks for help very often, but if ya'll got a sec to throw a lil chant my way to just make sure all goes well i would appreciate it. I have to get up on stage in front of 300 people and for any of you that have read my posts you know that is a tad scary to me yet at this point so far im not trippin, i feel really good about it all going well, but i will be chanting all day for the little extra courage i need to just do it.

thanks my brothers and sisters and peace to you all!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
yooo bonzzo, i already feel your courage that will come when you recieve it, we are all with you and you know it!
it's nice just to be alone with nice positive thoughts isn't it? :D i've been waiting for that all my life!!! did i say thank you? :wave:
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Active member
WOOOO HOOOO !!! SCEGY!! How are you man? soo good to see you my brotha, i think of you often, and here you are when i need it most! hope all is goin' well with you!! Let a brotha know once in a while will ya?

miss you man, good to see you and THANKS DUDE!!1



>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
you said more thanks that i could have wished for just by postin bro, and yes it is awesome to be able to be alone with positive thoughts or no thougts at all, just no clusterfucking in the head, a tranquill state of mind, bitchen isnt it??!!



>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gosho Excerpt:

"Priests possessed by the heavenly devil, such as Ryokan and the others, deceived your father, Saemon no Tayu, and tried to destroy you and your brother, but you, having a wise heart, heeded Nichiren's admonition. Therefore, just as two wheels support a cart, or two legs carry a person, just as two wings enable a bird to fly, or just as the sun and moon aid all living beings, the efforts of you brothers have led your father to take faith in the Lotus Sutra."

A father takes faith,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 845)
Written to Ikegami Hyoe no Sakan Munenaga on 9 Sept. 1277 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Without opposition there is no growth. It is hard to argue with that logic. A state in which we are free from problems or constraints is not happiness. Happiness is transcending all opposition and obstacles and continuing to grow.

1957: President Josei Toda makes declaration against the use of nuclear weapons.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thanks Easy!

Thanks Easy!

easydisco said:
Without opposition there is no growth. It is hard to argue with that logic. A state in which we are free from problems or constraints is not happiness. Happiness is transcending all opposition and obstacles and continuing to grow.


I hosted a wonderful mens meeting at my house tonight. Beers, soup and salad, chips and salsa, home-made walnut brownies were joined with hearty laughs, and great relaxing cohesion. I had my rock star buddy come who is one of the Gohonzon recipients in the coming months and he really enjoyed himself. And of course he enjoyed being a celebrity, but he can't help how it turned out he makes a living. He is a Bodhisattva of the Earth, and he does chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and he really got off on what I shared with everybody.

I turned 'em on to ocean versus village people! Boy did everyone love it! I read the whole fifteen pages outloud (with a few self depricating ad libs that got a few laughs). You could see the lights go on in the peoples eyes and it was really cool that I got to share it with these folks. Thanks so VERY much SoCal!

The High point of the evening came when the subject of reefer came up thanks to a conversation about Orlando Bloom of all things. I was telling them about Bonz and Orlando meeting, and my WMD district chief, who is the engine of the group, and alpha leader in many ways (because of his ichinen; the guy would love to grow up to be Daisaku Ikeda someday) says, "Oh I know the guy that shukubuku'ed Orlando."

When someone asked how they (Orlando and the dude that introduced him to the Daishonin's Buddhism) had met, he says, "I think it had to do with doobies, because my friend very much likes to smoke doobies." To which my friend, the rock star said, "Oh so you can smoke doobies?" My WMD district chief repied, "Well we're pretty lax about whether you like to smoke doobies, but we would probably discourage you from using them during activities."

Ha! I wonder if any of these guys burn? They must!


Thank you all, for all of your encouragement! Knowing you is an incredible thing and a great joy for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much!

I bow in obeisance,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
And PS:

Crybaby I admire you! Way to go man! Throwing up that post was a beautiful thing. You just started chanting and your natural instinct was to give it up and praise the Law. Even if you only felt you were acknowledging some sort of change that seemed to occur in conjuction with your chanting effort; to decide to post that fact, which could only be viewed favorably by all who read it, was an effort of faith and praise that came straight from your heart. You are extremely respect worthy for that! Thank you so much for sharing!

And while my life condition is a little higher than it has been recently, may I add the Desi's posts have been off the charts. I love you dude! You are too deep! Frankly it's YOU that's the Buddha!

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