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Chanting Growers Group

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Hitman said:
Wow, I'm lucky to be here! Great encouragement, all!
We all are!

Gosho Excerpt:

"The Venerable Maudgalyayana put his faith in the Lotus Sutra, which is the greatest good there is, and thus not only did he himself attain Buddhahood, but his father and mother did so as well. And, amazing as it may seem, all the fathers and mothers of the preceding seven generations and the seven generations that followed, indeed, of countless lifetimes before and after, were able to become Buddhas."

On offerings for deceased ancestors,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 820
Written to Jibo-bu's grandmother on 13 July 1279 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

The glory we enjoy in a dream vanishes without a trace when we awaken. When an illusion disappears, nothing is left of its joy except a sense of emptiness, like that which one feels when finally sobering from a state of drunkenness. The joy of Buddhahood, however, is profound, indestructible and everlasting.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

See how clear it is sans our deluded thoughts. Lets keep flowing like water everyday and continue to embrace the Mystic Law.


Gosho Excerpt:

"When I think that I will surely eradicate these karmic impediments and in the future go to the pure land of Eagle Peak, though various grave persecutions fall on me like rain and boil up like clouds, since they are for the sake of the Lotus Sutra, even these sufferings do not seem like sufferings at all."

The origin of the service for deceased ancestors,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 191
Written to Shijo Kingo on 12 July 1271 from Kamakura

Daily Encouragement:

I imagine that some of you have family members who are not yet practicing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. There is no need to be impatient or to agonize over this. Whether people take faith has to do with their mystic connection with Buddhism, which takes a variety of different forms. Important is the presence of one person who is practicing. One person's attainment of Buddhahood brings happiness to family members and relatives and all those around him or her. When a single sun rises, everything is illuminated.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Active member
WOW!! That last encouragement is a trip easy, my Gohonzon was enshrined last night (woooooo hooooooo!!! i will tell ya'll how it went in a lil bit) But i just wanted to tell ya'll that this morning my mom said she sat down with her beeds and did a little chanting! Heres the crazy part, she said she didnt open the doors of the Butsudan cause she didnt know if that would be cool with me!!!!???? I respect her respect for me but i said the next time you do that, OPEN THE DOORS AND TURN ON THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so we'll see where it goes from here with my mom, she kinda regretted not being present at the Enshrining but shes a tough nut to crack, i chant for her return all the time.

Ill be back gotta go help a neighbor fix a table.



>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>


Bonzo said:
WOW!! That last encouragement is a trip easy, my Gohonzon was enshrined last night (woooooo hooooooo!!! i will tell ya'll how it went in a lil bit) But i just wanted to tell ya'll that this morning my mom said she sat down with her beeds and did a little chanting! Heres the crazy part, she said she didnt open the doors of the Butsudan cause she didnt know if that would be cool with me!!!!???? I respect her respect for me but i said the next time you do that, OPEN THE DOORS AND TURN ON THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so we'll see where it goes from here with my mom, she kinda regretted not being present at the Enshrining but shes a tough nut to crack, i chant for her return all the time.

Ill be back gotta go help a neighbor fix a table.



>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>

:pumping two fingers up in a sign of V for VICTORY!!!: YES YES YES YES

AWESOME! I'll be back later too to read that post! YES BONZ! YOUR SEEKING SPIRIT HAS BROUGHT YOU MOTHER BACK TO THE PRACTICE or WILL! My Mentor must be very proud too, and to you dear mentor " I am ready to fulfill and accomplish your dream! " I realize I am truly determined. I will strive to conquer Fundamental Darkness and be a beacon of light in this world just as the Sun Shines and Keeps our world Alive. Lets strive to share this understanding of the Lotus Sutra and remember to always uphold Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as a mother loves her children and will defend them to her last breath!

thank you! :woohoo:
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Expect the challenge!

Expect the challenge!

"As practice progresses and understanding grows, the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying with one another to interfere ... One should be neither influenced nor frightened by them."

(Letter to the Brothers - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 501) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 13th, 2006


Active member
So my friends......HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

So my Gohonzon was enshrined last night and it was REALLY cool!! 8 people showed up when i was only expecting 2, so even though i was a bit taken aback at first it really did make the whole thing that much more special. Its a trip, all these people are totally different from one another, yet exactly the same in what they do and what they did for me, hard to explain. Actually not hard to explain but im not going to bore you to death by describing them all, lets just say it was a very diverse group of people and I LOVE THAT!!!! KOSEN RUFU!!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!! :woohoo:

This one lady who has been chanting for 40 years and has been a huge help to me did the actual enshrining i guess you would call it , she actually hung my Gohonzon, this one girl wanted to do it before my friend arrived but i said i didnt think that would be the right thing to do, and it would'nt have been, i wanted this lady to be the one to do it , and she brought friut as an offering, that i put in a bowl next to the Butsudan.

Next thing i know we are chanting and doing Gongyo very enthusiatically and i realized all my widows were open and my front door was open and for a second i felt a like closing them but then i realized fuck that let it ROAR OUT INTO THE WORLD FOR ALL PASSING BY TO HEAR!!!!!!! :woohoo: Of which there are alot of in my neighborhood, im sure at least a half dozen people or couples walking there dogs or just out for a stroll got a good ear full of NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!! Its about 20 feet from my windows and front door to the sidewalk.

After we finished Gongyo we sat and talked for a while about upcoming meetings and just whatever we felt like sharing.

The coolest thing was the absolute JOY i could see from ALL the people there for me taking this next big step in my life. I mean you just dont get that kind of selfless true happiness for others just anywhere ya know?????!!!!!! Not where i live anyway, quite the opposite, all the more reason i realized how cool it was to have my windows and front door wide open for all to hear.

In a nutshell it was really an awesome experience that took a while to sink in after my my most great giving new friends had left.

AND!!!! the best thing of all is I HAVE JUST SCRATCHED THE SURFACE!!!!!!!

So much more to come.......unreal.


bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In 'The True Aspect of All Phenomena,' the Daishonin writes: 'Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku' (WND, 385). What is it that makes the chanting of daimoku so difficult then? Viewed from one perspective, it is because breaking through fundamental darkness and triumphing over devilish functions requires Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to be chanted with strong, thoroughly forged faith."

SGI Newsletter No. 6956, LECTURES ON “ON ATTAINING BUDDHAHOOD IN THIS LIFETIME” <FINAL INSTALMENT> from the July 2006 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai study journal, translated Sep., 6th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"But still I am not discouraged."

(The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 748) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's speech, Seikyo Shimbun, September 9th,


easydisco said:
Thanks PTD for the great posts always hitting us in the core.

Tonight, I had a great 2 hour and 15 minute meeting and then 3 members came over my house they took out my Gohonzon from the box and wrappings and then place the Gohonzon in the Butsudan then adjusted the Gohonzon nicely and we then did gongyo again. Three new friends, I have met over 2000 SGI members in less than a month, each one different each one part of our family! A friend of Sensei's is a friend of mine, the people I was with tonight I never met before yet we all "knew" each other! How trippy is that. In the greater scheme of things its becoming clearer. On monday I will go chant for someone that needs people to chant for her and others will be coming. Its called a toso and is japanese for "battle" we will chant for a couple hours together at her home.

A member in the meeting gave a few of us this different scroll that says SOKA and has 1000 little squares within the letters. 1000 daimoku! We were translating and reflecting on gongyo, last week they did the first sentence today the next few words! The incredible testaments of faith completed moved me one goes like this..

Two friends walking down a street in the city, one is a senior SGI member the other is just starting the understand Buddhism in general and has attended a few meetings.

They see a homeless person in the street and the homeless person asks for money. The senior SGI member says here I will give you one pound (franc, euro, etc.) if you say these words "NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO"

The homeless person says "Say that again? It sounds very familiar!"

So the SGI member says "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" and the homeless person says " What does it mean... I have heard this before, its familiar"

The new member to sgi says "at that moment I got goosebumps and fell in awe with the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!"

I will continue chanting for all my brethern in this thread and graciously fight the good battle.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

The diversity in my humble abode was also super electric and dynamic! I never had friends of all races and sexual orientations! Diversity is the Spice of Life! CONGRATS BONZ, I took the liberty of reposting my enshrinement post again and remember I failed to mention I am great friends with all of them who came to my house, all guys who I freely hug whenever I see them! I love Bodhisattvas of the Earth and am always here for them no matter what through thick and thin... I wanna tea with Socal, AlwaystotheLeft, Bonzo, Hitman and everyone else here and pass around a few nice joints after I harvest later in december.

Daily Encouragement:

The functions of both the "devil" and the "Buddha" exist within our lives. Ultimately, our battle is with ourselves. Whether in our Buddhist practice or in activities in society, or whether in historical, political or economic developments, everything essentially boils down to a struggle between positive and negative forces.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

Gosho Excerpt:

"The government's persecution of me has clearly demonstrated my faith in the Lotus Sutra. There is no doubt that the moon wanes and waxes and that the tide ebbs and flows. In my case, too, since punishment has already occurred, benefit must be forthcoming. What is there to lament?"

Letter from Echi,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 194)
Written to Toki Jonin on 14 September 1271 from Echi

Daily Encouragement:

One's true worth as a human being is not a matter of outward appearance or title but derives rather from the breadth of one's spirit. Everything comes down to faith and conviction. It is what is in one's heart and the substance of one's actions that count.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Beware of the Devil

Beware of the Devil

PassTheDoobie said:
"As practice progresses and understanding grows, the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying with one another to interfere ... One should be neither influenced nor frightened by them."

(Letter to the Brothers - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 501) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 13th, 2006

Gampon-no-mumyo, Devil of the Sixth Heaven, 'your Fundamental Darkness', 'Master of Delusion', etc

Letter to Misawa

...Moreover, even though one may encounter a wise teacher and the true sutra and thereby embrace the correct teaching, when one resolves to break free from the sufferings of birth and death and attain Buddhahood, one will inevitably encounter seven grave matters known as the three obstacles and
four devils, just as surely as a shadow follows the body and clouds accompany rain. Even if you should manage to overcome the first six, if you are defeated by the seventh, you will not be able to become a Buddha.

Let us leave the first six for now. The seventh is caused by the devil king of the sixth heaven. When an ordinary person of the latter age is ready to attain Buddhahood, having realized the essence of all the sacred teachings of the Buddha's lifetime and understood the heart of the important teaching set forth in Great Concentration and Insight, this devil is greatly surprised.

He says to himself, "This is most vexing. If I allow this person to remain in my domain, he not only will free himself from the sufferings of birth and death, but will lead others to enlightenment as well. Moreover, he will take over my realm and change it into a pure land. What shall I do?" The devil king then summons all his underlings from the threefold world of desire, form, and formlessness and tells them: "Each of you now go and harass that votary, according to your respective skills. If you should fail to make him abandon his Buddhist practice, then enter into the minds of his disciples, lay supporters and the people of his land and thus try to persuade or threaten him. If these attempts are also unsuccessful, I myself will go down and possess the mind and body of his sovereign to persecute that votary. Together, how can we fail to prevent him from attaining Buddhahood?...
WND,Page 894

Congratulations to all who have 1st chanted Nam myoho renge kyo because of this 'Chanting Growers Thread' and now are out in their respective environments showing actual proof of this practice and introducing and sharing this great philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism with others. What great causes and good fortune accumulated. I appreciate everyone!!

Alot of us are tokers of the plant and we really know how to relax....but I would like to remind everyone, please do not relax in your faith!! :dueling:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Good to see you, SoCal! Thanks!

Good to see you, SoCal! Thanks!

"When a tree has been transplanted, though fierce winds may blow, it will not topple if it has a firm stake to hold it up. But even a tree that has grown up in place may fall over if its roots are weak. Even a feeble person will not stumble if those supporting him are strong, but a person of considerable strength, when alone, may fall down on an uneven path."

(Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 598) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 14th, 2006

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Good to be back now on a regular basis. Just working 1 job now; doing the double was getting to this ol man... :pointlaug

Still facing all those devils and demons but with my practice I am steps ahead and will continue to forge on! :dueling:

Nam myoho renge kyo


Active member
Hi Peeps, today's a special day. Mom's Gohonzon birthday and also found out that me Grandmother did Gongyo today. I may not be the greatest shakabuku'er, but I'm motivating the family front!

As we glow together forever growing stronger!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

The Gohonzon is pulling me got to go do evening Gongyo!

Peace to you all my brothers and sisters! Kosen Rufu!


Active member
Oh she tried to call the person that shakabukued her but the phone was changed.

Anyway, Forge on SoCal. Stay green.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Taplow Court
Berry Hill
Tel: 01628 773163
Fax: 01628 773055

SGI-UK South London National Centre
Carlton Hall
No.1 Bernay’s Grove
Brixton London
Tel: 020 7 978 8334

UK West London Centre
The Maples
18 High Street
London W3 6LJ
Tel: 020 8992 1120
Fax: 020 8896 0889

To get there:

Taplow Court:

Nearest train station: Taplow or Maidenhead--Accessible from the M4, junction 7 or the M40, junction 2 (follow signs for Burnham, then Taplow)

SGI-UK South London National Centre:

Nearest tube: Brixton

UK West London Centre:

Nearest tube: Acton Town
Nearest train station: Acton Central
Buses: 70, 440 and E3

Route Planner : Plan your route from home using either of these links: RAC or AA

Because the SGI is a lay organisation, the centres at which the members come together to chant, study or plan events are open and nurtured as culture centres rather than as temples or churches. Centres are representative of the areas in which they are situated and of the people responsible for their development. Therefore there is no one model, although each centre contains at least one room dedicated to chanting in front of the Gohonzon.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor








Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Gohonzon

The Gohonzon

What is the Gohonzon?

The Gohonzon is the prime point of faith, practice and study in Nichiren Buddhism. It provides us with a correct model or standard of faith and practice for our time. It usually takes the form of a paper scroll, with Chinese and Sanskrit characters printed on it in black ink. It is kept in a protective box, or butsudan. The area around the Gohonzon often has offerings of light (in the form of candles), evergreen, incense, water, and fruit. You may also see other offerings, and items like a bell around the butsudan.

In Reply to Kyo'o the Daishonin writes, 'I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart.' Although the Gohonzon takes the form of a paper scroll, it is vital that when we are chanting to it, it is not seen as outside one's life. It is through our chanting to the 'external' Gohonzon in the butsudan, that we activate all the forces and functions within our own lives.

Nichiren Daishonin began to inscribe the Gohonzon for his followers around the time of his exile to Sado in 1271. He wanted to establish an object of fundamental respect which would enable anyone chanting to it to awaken the Buddhahood in their lives, and to experience the same life state as he did. Nichiren Daishonin provided us with the means to draw out the state of Buddhahood inherent in life.

The word 'Gohonzon' is translated into English as 'object of fundamental respect'. 'Go' is an honorific prefix, and 'honzon' means what it is that we base our lives on.

Nichiren Daishonin was aware of the difficulty people had in believing that the life state of the Buddha could exist in their lives, and then how hard it is to manifest it. His writing The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind [WND p354] is in the form of a dialogue which strives to persuade the listener that if all the other nine worlds can be perceived in one's life, then Buddhahood must be too. He inscribed the Gohonzon for individuals so that they would have a constant reminder of the eternal law, the cause for this life state, and which would serve as a focus for their daily practice, as well as functioning as the external cause for drawing out Buddhahood and revealing their greater self.

It is not necessary to be able to read or understand the characters on the Gohonzon in order to experience benefit from chanting to it. The Daishonin used script or calligraphy for the Gohonzon because he wanted the Gohonzon to be a universal mirror, free of the connotations of race and gender inherent in pictures or images.

The Calligraphy on the Gohonzon

The Gohonzon is sometimes described as a 'mandala', a word used in the East to describe an object in which Buddhas and bodhisattvas are depicted or on which a philosophical doctrine is expressed. Originally it meant a circle drawn in the earth around the place where a religious ceremony was to take place. The circle embraced all the people who participated in the ceremony, and was believed to protect them from negative influences. The word mandala was rendered in Chinese as 'perfectly endowed' or 'cluster of blessings'.

Using Chinese calligraphy, Nichiren Daishonin put the characters Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nichiren boldly down the centre of the Gohonzon. This represents the oneness of the Person and the Law. In other words, the ordinary person is the Buddha, and the Mystic Law is inherent in each living being. He then surrounded these characters with the names of people referred to in the Lotus Sutra, such as Shakyamuni Buddha and Many Treasures and others. All the characters represent an aspect of life, whether as a protective function, or as a representative of the ten worlds, and all are illuminated by the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

In the writing The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon Nichiren Daishonin explains why he placed the particular characters where he did. The blueprint for the Gohonzon was the description in the Lotus Sutra of the Ceremony in the Air, when a great jewelled Treasure Tower emerged out of the earth, and many Buddhas and bodhisattvas gathered to hear the Buddha Taho (or Many Treasures) confirm the truth that Shakyamuni had taught - that we all have the potential to reveal our Buddha nature in our daily life, as we are. This story in the Lotus Sutra represented the emergence of the state of Buddhahood in countless peoples' lives, called Bodhisattvas of the Earth (the people who promised to propagate Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at the time we now live).

Shakyamuni described the dramatic events of the Tower emerging from out of the ground and reaching high into the sky. It was encrusted with precious gems and was intended to represent life with all its mystic and wonderful qualities. As it halted, floating in the air, the doors of the Tower opened and the Buddha Many Treasures was seen sitting inside. This Buddha invited Shakyamuni to enter and sit in the place of honour on Many Treasures's right hand side. As we look at the Gohonzon, then, it is as if Shakyamuni and Many Treasures are in the Tower looking out at us and all the other characters on the Gohonzon. Then the Buddhas lifted the tower and the assembled company into the air, in what is known as the Ceremony in the Air, an event not limited to any particular time or place. When we look at the Gohonzon in this way, we realize that we are among the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Through chanting to the Gohonzon, we are participating in the Ceremony in the Air, just as described in the Lotus Sutra.

The Gohonzon is said to contain all aspects of life, so it includes not just the positive and value creating qualities of life represented by the Buddha's good disciples, but also examples of evil and destruction. For instance the representative of fundamental darkness, the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven is also included on it, although he too is bathed in the transforming power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and revealing his enlightened rather than his negative aspects.

The four corners of the Gohonzon each contain a Heavenly King, a character that represents the protective forces of the universe. Between these, in the middle of each side, and written in Sanskrit calligraphy are the characters Aizen (or Craving Filled) on the left as we look at the Gohonzon and Fudo (or Immovable) on the right, who represent the principles that `earthly desires are enlightenment` and `the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana`, respectively. Nichiren Daishonin's teachings enable us to transform our desires and our sufferings into enlightenment, rather than having to deny them.

Practising with the Gohonzon

Nichiren Daishonin teaches that the Gohonzon enables us to see the ten worlds in our lives, in other words, that we have Buddhahood, and can use it. It is easy to see the lower life states, and to have the illusion that we can never be like the Buddha. The Gohonzon is described as a clear mirror which shows the law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and all its manifestations in the different life states, revealing their enlightened qualities.

The way to practise is to have the attitude while we are chanting that we are in no way different or separate from the eternal Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, or the Buddhas who are enlightened to that Law. The key is to praise one's inherent Buddhahood and then go out into the world and practise as a bodhisattva, treasuring others, encouraging them to experience their Buddhahood too.

Through studying Nichiren Daishonin's writings and awakening the wisdom we have within our lives, we become alive with the qualities of the Buddha state that are embodied in the Gohonzon. At the same time, we develop a natural desire to change our lives so that we bring out more and more consistently the condition of Buddha revealed by the Gohonzon. The more we practise with this desire to change, the more our lives and Nichiren Daishonin's life-state embodied in the Gohonzon become as one.

This is a gradual process. When we practise to the Gohonzon, Nichiren Daishonin said we are simultaneously in the state of Buddhahood or enlightenment, but we cannot easily discern that life condition with our minds; therefore we do not always act accordingly. However, through our constant relationship with the Gohonzon, we gradually challenge and overcome the influence of negativity arising from our karma. As we open up our hearts we can begin to experience all those qualities of Buddhahood working naturally and vibrantly inside us and affecting everything that we think and say and do.

President Ikeda has recently described the process as this: 'When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo while practising for ourselves and others, with the Gohonzon of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo manifested by the Buddha as our clear mirror, and with deep confidence in the Gohonzon existing in our own lives, Myoho-renge-kyo within us resonates with the Myoho-renge-kyo outside us, and the world of Buddhahood emerges within us.' [World of Nichiren Daishonin's Writings Part 12].

(from: http://www.sgi-uk.org/index.php/buddhism/gohonzon )
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