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California will Vote on Recreational Pot in Nov

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"The AUMA (Adult Use of Marijuana Act) will require local jurisdictions to allow cultivation of up to six marijuana plants on any parcel, if inside a private residence or accessory structure that is “fully enclosed and secure.” (Section 11362.2(b)). The measure allows locals to ban outdoor cultivation, but they will ultimately lose out on tax revenues recouped via Prop. 64 if they do. In addition, locals will be forbidden to ban outdoor cultivation if and when the Attorney General determines that non-medical marijuana has become legal under federal law. (Sec 11362.2(b)(4) "

Lol. If; and; maybe; and but!

What a doozy. So AUMA "legalizes" Cannabis... if your corrupt county agrees to it's outrageous requirements... which then depends on an even more corrupt Government official ( AG; Loretta Lynch; Who will remain AG if Clinton is elected) to validate our freedoms for us. Remember Clinton's Cannabis stance? ;)

I hope everyone understands how stupid FED legalization sounds. You will win the jackpot first :).

This is not a legalization bill; this is a State sponsored nanny bill. They want us to pay them to hold our hands; while trusting & placing our faith in an obviously corrupt government. The sponsors of this bill; have directly placed their faith and money behind this blatant corruption.

If you don't support the Nazis... don't join the SS. Right?

The only bills we should be interested in are the ones that spit in the face of our government ( Prop 215) ; not ones that further validate and reinforce dystopian regulations.

AUMA is nowhere NEAR the level of freedom we will accept.
Lets just stop the God Damm killing ok ok ok 4 deaths in Sebastapol voting Trump growing weed medical ,legal or I don't give a shit and never did . One reason I am voting Trump is whenever there is a killing it is almost always a black guy with a gun or a gang of illegal Mexicans or a Hells fuckn Angel tired of the left that made me take orders fron Surenos or Eritrean women who circumcised their daughters clitoris my family has been here 150years and I am now as violent and pissed off as the Native Americans my wop ass grew up with my father sold booze for 35 ever see a guys ear bit off by a pothead ? Ever see a woman raped , your father held at gun point by a drunken half breed injun ? 100 lb weed deals gne bad 100 lbs nothing will change under prop 64 nothing yes on 64 then if fin ya don,t like it vote on something else next time

is this real

New member
Only four more days until we're legal, fellas! I've checking every poll and reading every Prop 64 article I can find.

The 8th can't come fast enough.


When you sit down at the poker table, do you show everyone your hand pre-flop? The only reason you're still around spouting this shit is because you didn't try and rob a guy like me for selling weed....

I don't gamble unless it's a sure bet personally so I never played poker. I did have a nice racket going on with video games Madden mostly $20 a game I'd throw a game occasionally. Lol

But the only reason I'm still around is nobody knew who robbed them.. Also I'm not really someone you need to worry about I'd be more scared of the crews that dress up like police and rob growers at gunpoint like has happened in Northern California. Do you shoot? They might really be cops and I'm sure they have loaded guns.

I worry about about getting robbed a little myself otherwise I wouldn't have so many dogs or weapons well my dogs are cool they make me good money and I like to hunt and target shoot so yeah I'd still have shit. Plus people around here that don't have shit get robbed I've actually had a bit of shit stolen but never had my house broken into Just can't keep expensive tools, machines and ladders outside, really karma is a **** I've had more money worth of shit stolen than I have gotten. Lol

But I have made plenty money selling drugs no need to steal or cry about losing $2k in one night cause of a thief who only got a fraction of what I paid! Does piss me off but the government takes $5K in property tax alone every year I know who my real enemy is.

What do you think would happen if we all stopped paying taxes? This is supposed to be a free country after all. The government paid for Monsanto to create Agent Orange when we should have never been in Vietnam. We should not be in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya or Syria either but we pay taxes.

Legalization is better just because they won't be able to give us as much time and once we reschedule marijuana no more growing weed no more smoking weed for medicine only FDA approved drugs. Both Trump and Hillary are for rescheduling marijuana I don't think we have time to wait for a better deal personally. Weed was close to being legalized until Reagan became president we just barely got another chance.


Seriously though; Can someone please explain to me why Sean Parker and George Soros are such great Cannabis advocates; yet they both are long time supporters and monetary backers of Clinton?

We have 100% proof Clinton is 100% against Cannabis Legalization.Not to mention her long time record of supporting the war on drugs; prison industry; & mass incarceration... Why are these so called advocates supporting a known Prohibitionist?

Not too many answers.

They could possibly just be idiots right?
Somehow I doubt that though. Both these men have amassed fortunes; they are from " stupid" .

What then? Why would they say one thing; and then do another?

Could it be that neither of them honestly care at all about Cannabis; or our rights in regards to it? Could it be this is simply another Business opportunity; and Clinton is the herald of big business; right ;) ?

I mean; the basic fallacies are so overwhelming.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Only four more days until we're legal, fellas! I've checking every poll and reading every Prop 64 article I can find.

The 8th can't come fast enough.

It's real brah. Gonna party real hard out here in socal the 8th.:tiphat:
It's all hard to know what to do! I'm trying to find the cost of obtaining licenses once this inevitably passes. Anyone know where to find that stuff?


Well-known member
What about seeds? I haven't read much about seed sales. It maybe an opportunity for someone. What about humboldt gold? Or Mendo mint? Or trinity? Who will market it? You get me right? Just thinking out loud best wishes for all cannabis lovers. Peace sdd


If Cannabis is legal then seed prices will drop. There are about 1500 seeds in an Oz, an Oz of herb sells for $100-400? Seeds sell for $5-10 a pop or thousands of $ per Oz (about 5-10k), that will change. I have wholesaled seeds for $.10 or less for several decades, I look forward to the passage of Prop 64 to lower the prices for seeds, I tried hard but to little effect, if there are thousands of folks making good seeds, prices will change, supply and demand will do that.
Breeders that spend years on projects only need to charge higher prices if they only sell a few seeds of something that took years of work. Few seeds are that way anymore, as many are all female seeds and made from elite clones, often not bred by the "breeder" making the seeds. It is cheap fast and easy to just make seeds, it is the years of mass selection and trialing the progeny and analysis of them. Multi-year breeding that is the real work that costs time and money. Anyway, I bet seed prices fall to an all time low, fine with me, as I am all but retired, and I bet the prices will still be above $.10 a pop.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ It is sad seeing all the small timers here dreaming that their 'dank' will command thousands of dollars for a pound after legalization. Since 215 prices have dropped steadily here in Cali. It just takes a decade or 3 to kick in. Legal will cut prices in half at the least, just have to wait some years.

Never gonna be like tomatoes or xmas trees imo. Sorry bout that Sam. Nice image of pot trees being sold like xmas trees though.

Cali is going down the crapper imo. They need every dime of revenue and even then will be going into debt. Pretty tight control of sale and tax exploitation of pot is your only option here.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Speculating through whatsapp with some folk in CO and CA, people from CO are saying in CA prices will go down faster than CO, mainly because CO did not have a 215 in place like CA does, so the range of people able to grow for free in CA is larger, also CA has better weather to grow, so getting 2 kilo plants is easier.

Will be interesting to watch. imo CA has the potential to have the lowest prices by this time next year.


Active member
It's all hard to know what to do! I'm trying to find the cost of obtaining licenses once this inevitably passes. Anyone know where to find that stuff?

Well, I know it won't cost a dime to grow 6 plants. To grow commercially, most likely there will be multiple layers of licenses to obtain. In other words, you're current corner drug dealer will find it difficult to get in the growing business. Legally that is.


To grow commercially, most likely there will be multiple layers of licenses to obtain. In other words, you're current corner drug dealer will find it difficult to get in the growing business. Legally that is.
yah lets stifle the free market, that always works great.

no on 64!


Active member
What about seeds? I haven't read much about seed sales. It maybe an opportunity for someone. What about humboldt gold? Or Mendo mint? Or trinity? Who will market it? You get me right? Just thinking out loud best wishes for all cannabis lovers. Peace sdd

Clones is where the money will be. Try and get that Home Depot contract :biggrin:
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