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California will Vote on Recreational Pot in Nov

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Why the fuck are you so worried about being seen? Fucking weird east coast little dick syndrome....

Why is Sam so worry about being seen? Joe Kennedy wasn't seen until he made his fortune.

My dick is also 7 inches and 5/16ths long and it can't fit in a toilet paper roll which is a funny story because this one kid said how great it was whacking with a toilet paper roll. Lol, as soon as I tried I knew he had a little dick. LMAO

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh really bluntmassa, is it necessary to denigrate this thread to talking about the length of your appendage?

As if we really need to know or care about that.

This is a cannabis forum, not a pooftahs hook-up site.

jump /injack

The California Legislature has been a disaster, they can't even get the Unions under control that have forced our State into financial ruin. Most of our agricultural business has gone to Mexico under NAFTA and the MJ business will soon follow with laws that you will not like. There is lots of money in this and once this law is passed you'll see lots more of laws that will enforce their dictates and you'll be doing time. Sacramento is waiting with baited breath to see if your as stupid as they think you are and if you try growing in Mexico they'll show you what they do to "illegal aliens" in that shit hole.

Amending laws is one of the toughest things to do because you'll have really big money fighting any amendments, this thing even touches medical cannabis that was fought for and finally won after 50 years. Lets have a 20 year moritorium on any new cannabis legislation that taxes cannabis unless all monies go for medical research of the weed and all taxes have a cap under 10%. You have to remember its the California Legislature that broke California, has a 40 Billion Dollar Bullet Train being built to no where and has unfunded retirement plan that will not pay for scheduled retirements of state workers. Everything points to more malfeasance, why would anyone sane trust California politicians to do the right thing when their past actions show they are profligates with taxpayer money, they are not to be trusted.


Well-known member

all you "yes on 64" folks need to stop with the scare tactics.. nobody is going to jail for weed in california now. prop 64 will put MORE people in jail for weed, not less. it will also create lots of new cops.

so now real numbers on how many folks get arrested (with a % of them most certainly going to jail) is "scare tactics" ? suppose you refute NORMLs numbers instead of denying the reality of the situation - people DO go to jail in California for weed. sorry if the truth hurts your widdle feewings...:laughing:


so now real numbers on how many folks get arrested (with a % of them most certainly going to jail) is "scare tactics" ? suppose you refute NORMLs numbers instead of denying the reality of the situation - people DO go to jail in California for weed. sorry if the truth hurts your widdle feewings...:laughing:
it's not about my feelings it's about reality. show me one weed case in california in the last few years that resulted in actual prison time.

cuz the way it appears to me, PROP 64 will put MORE people in jail for weed, NOT LESS.


this thread makes me so sad. fucking gov't got us all divided against each other.

weed growers calling out other weed growers

they already won. the one percent. the global elite.

the future is scary


Well-known member
NORML's web page has the penalties for marijuana crimes in every state. If you are breaking marijuana laws be sure to visit their site to check up on penalties for where you are. Possession, distribution, growing. The flaw of all these bills is that they don't affect this stuff. Except Oregon, it's done the best of anywhere.
It lists arrests but doesn't have the number of people doing time in California. I'm sure it's in the thousands. If you're caught making oil or other chemical manufacture that's the worst. 3-7 year felony, max sentence. Max sentence growing any amount is 6 months-3 years.
I'm curious what the Dutch model is? No idea what's going on there, none of the states have tried their methods. I'd guess it's not good but that's a guess never been.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
this thread makes me so sad. fucking gov't got us all divided against each other.

weed growers calling out other weed growers

they already won. the one percent. the global elite.

the future is scary
Think of it as a sparring match! When the bell rings, we will be friends again, no matter the outcome!
Vote no on 64!


When the bell rings if Trump wins I will never forgive anyone that voted for him. I would not live in America under Trump, I left under Reagan and was thinking of returning to retire? Not under Trump...
I do not need friends that would vote for Trump.
Prop 64 is also important to me but I do have friends that will vote no, they are confused I think. They got their facts wrong anyway, when I ask them why. Some just refuse to trust any government, hard to argue with that. I believe in Tax and regulate for Cannabis it is the only way to make it normalized and I do not care who makes the profits from Cannabis as long as it is safe for consumers. I look forward to legal recreational Cannabis, and have Voted YES on Prop 64.

Think of it as a sparring match! When the bell rings, we will be friends again, no matter the outcome!
Vote no on 64!

mojave green

rockin in the free world
When the bell rings if Trump wins I will never forgive anyone that voted for him. I would not live in America under Trump, I left under Reagan and was thinking of returning to retire? Not under Trump...
I do not need friends that would vote for Trump.
Prop 64 is also important to me but I do have friends that will vote no, they are confused I think. They got their facts wrong anyway, when I ask them why. Some just refuse to trust any government, hard to argue with that. I believe in Tax and regulate for Cannabis it is the only way to make it normalized and I do not care who makes the profits from Cannabis as long as it is safe for consumers. I look forward to legal recreational Cannabis, and have Voted YES on Prop 64.
I obviously don't know you!


Well-known member
Looks like someone drank the " Left-Right Divide and Conquer Kool-Aid "

Cause one side is really better than the other right ?


It is simply a technique used to keep the people from uniting against tyranny and the self-serving ruling class.


When the bell rings if Trump wins I will never forgive anyone that voted for him. I would not live in America under Trump, I left under Reagan and was thinking of returning to retire? Not under Trump...
I do not need friends that would vote for Trump.
Prop 64 is also important to me but I do have friends that will vote no, they are confused I think. They got their facts wrong anyway, when I ask them why. Some just refuse to trust any government, hard to argue with that. I believe in Tax and regulate for Cannabis it is the only way to make it normalized and I do not care who makes the profits from Cannabis as long as it is safe for consumers. I look forward to legal recreational Cannabis, and have Voted YES on Prop 64.

Is Trump really worse than Hillary??

Obama restarted the Cold War and 3 more wars than Bush with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. I doubt Trump can do worse personally. I want Johnson but want in one hand shit in the other see which one fills up faster. Lol

But hopefully every one of the 5 states legalize no matter which dumb fuck they vote for president.


this thread makes me so sad. fucking gov't got us all divided against each other.

weed growers calling out other weed growers

they already won. the one percent. the global elite.

the future is scary

Divide and conquer goes just a bit deeper than weed just watch the news. Hate Trump supporters, Fox Hillary is a crooked bitch. Blacklivesmatter Alllivesmatter, who you think controls the media? The government. Meanwhile white brown black don't matter the police state is the problem they are going after Native Americans with military weapons and vehicles this shit is Martial Law.

This country is in real need for a revolution but we are all divided. Look at our prison's white black brown all have separate groups don't rehabilitate they are the biggest reason for racism which just divides. It should be us and them but capitalism drives greed and communism drives oppression. I just want my farm fuck anyone speaking about anything to do with ism ain't no ism in freedom.


500,000 people arrested for pot in ca. last decade, a pot arrest every 45 seconds in U.S. in 2015 , in 2015, 9000 felony pot arrests in ca. 2015

While it is tempting to draw the conclusion that legalizing cannabis under Prop. 64 will lead to decreased arrests, this is not necessarily true in the unique case of California. As it is today, Californians already can possess the one ounce that Prop. 64 would legalize without getting arrested, without going to jail, without getting a criminal record and without being excluded from federal student aid and other government programs. And in 2011, possession up to one ounce was downgraded further still, from a misdemeanor to a mere infraction, sharing the same status as a parking ticket, punishable by at most a $100 fine.
In reality, “[h]ardly anyone is locked up in California prisons or county jails on any type of marijuana sentence – whether for stashing bushels or large-scale trafficking,” reports George Skelton in the Los Angeles Times. “In prisons, only about three-tenths of 1 percent of the total inmate population is incarcerated for a marijuana offense. Of total California felony arrests last year, according to the state attorney general, just 3 percent were on any marijuana charge. And for misdemeanor arrests, it was less than 1 percent,” he adds. Yet “no matter how rooted in falsehood… ending the ‘failed drug war,’ focusing on the ‘real criminals’ and ‘unclogging the courts’ is one of [Prop. 64 proponents’] favorite arguments.”

In fact, the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) used this deceptive argument in a recent article making deliberately fallacious claims that Prop. 64 would prevent thousands of marijuana arrests. Even the article’s title is misleading: “It’s Not Legal Yet: Nearly 500,000 Californians Arrested for Marijuana – in Last Decade” [emphasis added]. But let’s be honest: In the realm of drug policy, a lot has changed in California in the last decade. If you’re one who just scans headlines without digging deeper, you might be shocked to see that figure. The DPA is apparently banking on it, because a casual read of the article shows the actual arrest rates for cannabis in California are not so scary at all.

Consider these statistics. A decade ago, in 2005, there were 35,011 adult misdemeanor cannabis arrests. But after California downgraded possession of one ounce from a misdemeanor to an infraction in 2011, misdemeanor cannabis arrests tumbled a whopping 93 percent, down to a comparatively negligible 2,243 in 2014. What’s more, felony cannabis arrests dropped a dramatic 33.3 percent last year, which NORML says is attributed to the 2014 passage of Prop. 47, the most progressive piece of drug policy in the nation.


When the bell rings if Trump wins I will never forgive anyone that voted for him. I would not live in America under Trump, I left under Reagan and was thinking of returning to retire? Not under Trump...
I do not need friends that would vote for Trump.
Prop 64 is also important to me but I do have friends that will vote no, they are confused I think. They got their facts wrong anyway, when I ask them why. Some just refuse to trust any government, hard to argue with that. I believe in Tax and regulate for Cannabis it is the only way to make it normalized and I do not care who makes the profits from Cannabis as long as it is safe for consumers. I look forward to legal recreational Cannabis, and have Voted YES on Prop 64.

I voted for Trump and voted no on 64.
( and no; I don't like Trump)

I will never forgive anybody for voting Clinton.
The DNC is currently full of the most disgustingly corrupt ; anti liberal ; propaganda spewing sociopaths our Nation has seen in a very; very long time. They robbed us of Sanders ; and now I will do my best to rob their party of any success; as long as I live.

Clinton and Soros deserve Prison; I will be damned if trash like that get another round of stealing our Democracy ;)

Anybody that believes Clinton is less a threat to the US and the world; pays scarily little to International Politics.

but hey Sam; support this right?


"The newly-leaked documents showing Clinton’s strong opposition to legalization in a private appearance, combined with comments from the candidate’s daughter Chelsea last month implying that marijuana use can lead to death, could present an added sense of urgency for Clinton to evolve on the question of ending prohibition prior to Election Day. "


kind of like how she opposes the TTP; fracking; mass incarceration; weapons deals with terrorists; etc..... but privately.... supports them all!


The lying criminal actions of Hillary Clinton make ronnie look like a saint.


I voted for Trump and voted no on 64.
( and no; I don't like Trump)

I will never forgive anybody for voting Clinton.
The DNC is currently full of the most disgustingly corrupt ; anti liberal ; propaganda spewing sociopaths our Nation has seen in a very; very long time. They robbed us of Sanders ; and now I will do my best to rob their party of any success; as long as I live.

Clinton and Soros deserve Prison; I will be damned if trash like that get another round of stealing our Democracy ;)

Anybody that believes Clinton is less a threat to the US and the world; pays scarily little to International Politics.

but hey Sam; support this right?


"The newly-leaked documents showing Clinton’s strong opposition to legalization in a private appearance, combined with comments from the candidate’s daughter Chelsea last month implying that marijuana use can lead to death, could present an added sense of urgency for Clinton to evolve on the question of ending prohibition prior to Election Day. "


kind of like how she opposes the TTP; fracking; mass incarceration; weapons deals with terrorists; etc..... but privately.... supports them all!


The lying criminal actions of Hillary Clinton make ronnie look like a saint.

Well at least we agree on something. :)

I don't like Trump but no way in hell can he be as bad as Hillary Clinton. 5 wars in the late 15 years and it just now comes out that Saudi Arabia started Al Qaeda. Never should have gone to Afghanistan but Senator Clinton was all for that and the Iraq war and as Secretary of State started war with Libya, Yemen and Syria as well as a promise to go to war with Iran if she becomes president. Fuck that shit Trump wants to work with Russia to end the bullshit wars leaving no other possible good choice.


Active member
Well at least we agree on something. :)

I don't like Trump but no way in hell can he be as bad as Hillary Clinton. 5 wars in the late 15 years and it just now comes out that Saudi Arabia started Al Qaeda. Never should have gone to Afghanistan but Senator Clinton was all for that and the Iraq war and as Secretary of State started war with Libya, Yemen and Syria as well as a promise to go to war with Iran if she becomes president. Fuck that shit Trump wants to work with Russia to end the bullshit wars leaving no other possible good choice.

Don't get me wrong, the two party system gave us douche and turd sandwich for 2016, but to trust a single word that comes out of Trump's mouth is woefully foolish. Same goes with Hillary. They're playing us as fools.

My protest vote goes to Jill Stein.

Yes on 64.

No folks can put a better bill on the table in 18 or 20 if they got one.
To move away from the Presidential election..

What are both sides view on the saving of Cannabis Genetics moving forward. Does AUMA help or destroy access to what are becoming increasingly rare cultivars, effects profiles.

Many great cultivars have been lost to prohibition, however with patenting of genes, will a big corporations prove to lessen the diversity available.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes....lets not get into this Trump-Clinton talk, or going on about how Huma Abedin is obviously a potential Saudi plant in the whitehouse...I don't want to hear it because politics gets so heated around here, then good, long standing members get their knickers in a twist about it, and it all ends up in barbarous profanity, and name calling.

Which all makes my job(and the other mods/admins), much more difficult because we have to pull the kids apart in the ICMAG playground, and thrash about with ban hammers.


Active member
To move away from the Presidential election..

What are both sides view on the saving of Cannabis Genetics moving forward. Does AUMA help or destroy access to what are becoming increasingly rare cultivars, effects profiles.

Many great cultivars have been lost to prohibition, however with patenting of genes, will a big corporations prove to lessen the diversity available.

Not sure about the protection of genetics, but AUMA does state that regions in California will have protections in regards to name branding. Like if you have a strain you've been working on and call it Humboldt Gold, it has to be grown in Humboldt county, or something to that effect. I think it's similar to the wine regions in France.
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