What an intelligent Woman!
Sound familiar?
Sound familiar?
Sounds like a whole lot of hassle I never even used Skype. Also what happened to needing to be a CA citizen? You telling me they fixed a bad deal?
Go ahead and wait for your CCHI that y'all can't get on the ballot because only growers think it's better and they are a minority so it will never get on the ballot. It makes more sense to tax and regulate like every legal drug. Do you know much about American history? We need regulations because of snake oil salesmen same with medical marijuana some are selling hash oil that is far from as strong as claimed to seriously sick people. Some people are using pesticides on weed for medicine! It's a mess and only takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch.
But we will know what the people decide the day after tomorrow you can look at like a good thing or like the movie. Lol
I would personally have an attached greenhouse with 6 huge plants along with a secret indoor grow room. Would be great because I have a wood stove that heats my house like a bastard and would keep the green house plenty warm in bellow zero temperatures my house gets over 80 but that is about the temperature I open my windows even in below zero temperatures.
I live in Seattle and go to a rather popular weed store on 1rst Ave.
The line is long to buy, but moves fast. The parking lot has license plates from British Colombia Canada, Idaho, Oregon, Alaska and California.
All those buyers are putting badly needed tax dollars into the city and state coffers, and putting a lot of young people to work. Most look to me like college students. They are not top rate jobs, but minimum wage in Seattle is $15.00 USD per hour. And... all the employees I meet from the bouncers to the bud tenders seem to love their jobs.
The jobs created are not just directly related to the weed business. Hotels, restaurants, gas stations and other sectors like tourism are all benefiting from the legal recreational weed business. Ironically there were taxes placed on most of the tourism services to pay for the baseball stadium. That includes hotels, restaurants, taxis, airport taxes etc.
Other businesses that benefit from weed tourist are just shopping centers, and other retail outlets. My business is in art and our sales have benefited since the legalization. I cannot say that it has directly benefited from recreational weed sales with 100% certainty, but my customers are hip, liberal and are often tourist looking for something unique to take back home with them. The increase in sales could be for a lot of reasons, but it does coincide with the recreational stores opening up in the state. I am talking about a gradual rise to 15% in a two year period. The charts do not lie.
I have a lot of pride living in a place that is progressive enough to have legal recreational weed. I cannot imagine living in a place where you would have to go to court for just having weed on you.
There is still a MMJ program and a black market that is cheaper than the stores. All the stores did was offer us all just more options. And the fact is, I always score the best weed at the stores, albeit expensive.
I cannot believe a single person with a drop of common sense would think that legalizing weed would hurt anyone. It has a been a huge boon in business and pride for us. I imagine other places with rec weed feel the same.
This is what the rest of us not in states that have rec or med laws on ballets are thinking about. It starts at around the 7 minute mark. It does not matter if you like Obama or Clinton or whoever, this is the reality of the situation. The longer we wait for the perfect bill the longer people all over THE WHOLE WORLD have to live in oppression and in fear just to relax or to even medicate. I'm sorry some of you will lose your grey area profits and I am even more sorry that some of you won't be able to grow enough plants to medicate properly but, if you would keep the rest of the world from progressing just for your own selfish reasons for any situation, I have no feelings for you and you are not or never have been part of this movement. Even you guys who have been at this forever but think this bill is not worth voting for, you guys have lost all respect IMO. I know some of you are afraid of corporate America and have some very anti establishment fears (pretty sure all of us who have been in this counter culture for this long have some fear and ptsd in this regard) but the times have changed and this is how the cards fell. If you don't like it then either change it from the inside out or move. I am personally tired of people who would hold the rest of the world hostage just because they were unable to evolve like the rest of us and are scared that the establishment and some rich people have a secret hidden agenda against us. We live in a capitalistic world. You need to adapt and come up with s business plan going forward or you need to give up and crawl back in your holes. Most weekends I like to get a flavor or two of a good micro brew and catch a really nice buzz off something tasty. About once a month or two I like to get a case of coors light and pound the whole thing and get stupid. It's the same with food and cloths and everything else in my life and one day, hopefully sooner than later I'll be able to do the same thing with cannabis. I guess we will see if that ball gets rolling for the rest of he world sooner rather than later on Tuesday. Maybe if some of you have really nice cuts or are impeccable growers, I'll be buying your mom and pop herb in the small case reserved for the expensive stuff right next to the giant case full of shwag at the gas station down the road from my house. I promise I'll post selfies to face book with how great your weed is so that Sean Parker can make some more money off of your suffering.
"with a secret indoor grow room "
Dude; if you have to admit you have to break the law before it is even law; maybe that law is not worth our time.
It hurts the small time growers Haligun, that is who it hurts. From what I've seen the prices are way higher in the recreational stores also. I already posted the store prices here so I won't do it again.
This is a growers forum, or at least I thought it was.
VenturaHwy, that song may date you my friend.
You say legalization hurts the small time grower, but you do not substantiate that claim what-so-ever. You just say it like it is true.
Let me just say this about that... Weed IS very expensive in the stores, which we both agree.
If a small time grower sells at the current or even a higher, yet un-taxed rate, he/she will still make more money. I personally know people that absolutely refuse to spend $55 per eighth for weed (which we all agree has been the dispensary price in SoCal and the Bay area all along). I really cannot see weed costing more in a rec store than the current prices in the dispensaries there.
The more that weed is accepted by mainstream society and allowed by law, the better it is for everyone that is in "the business". More people will be safer than ever before and rules at work become more relaxed as a result. When it is legal to get high it is pretty hard to go after someone that is doing something legal.
I cannot for the life of me see how any of you with a single drop of common sense, fortitude or business acumen could ever argue in 100 years how legalization would be bad for us, including growers.
And you say this is a grow site... It is, but read all the other stuff on this site with your eyes open. And to that benefit, the weed that is being bought in the stores is good. People do grow it using all the knowledge we have learned on sites like ICmag for better handling, combating pest and disease, and just harvesting the best genetics at the appropriate time.
I am sure you are a nice guy and I did like your comment for the sake of intelligent debate, but to debate correctly you have to list facts, and not just gut feelings or biased opinions. We all benefit Largely from the complete legalization of herb outside a quazi medical system. The medical community feels that the current MMJ program meets none of the criteria for other medical treatments and is bound to fall apart one day one way or another. I don't like that, but it is a fact. Nobody is written a prescription for a given amount to treat a given illness.
I have always preferred to get high for fun and not medicate. I hate that word medicate and have never used it, even when I was using the medical loophole to get high.
If your world view is only that of your quater acre plot of pot in your backyard in norcal, I'm afraid trouble is in your future.
Nonsense. We had MMJ passed in my state and all the growers were for it and voted for it. So get real. Legalization is not legalization for small growers, it destroyed the MMJ growers here. And yes I thought this was a growers forum. Look at all the threads if you think otherwise. Enjoy the overpriced recreational. Last I looked I think it may have been 100 bucks for a 1/4 ounce here.Ok everyone is sick and tired of the arrogant attitude of entitlement the "growers" have just because you are lucky enough to live in an area with legal loopholes so you can throw some seeds in the ground and make bank while nobody else can compete with you.
Growers were against prop 19 in 2010 they are against prop 64 there against legalization in Washington Colorado Alaska and Oregon. There isn't one case of legalization the"growers" are for. Never thought I would see growers in California being a force that keeps prohibition in place. People around the country are sick of only the entitled privileged few having exclusive rights to a plant they do not own. The main argument used against legalization country wide is the fact people in California are against legalization, they say marijuana is a disaster and the people in California against legalization are proof. The situation in California is holding the whole country back and certian people want it that way.
You think you are the sacred gate keepers but your NOT. You think you are entitled to exclusive rights but those days are numbered. You think you own the plant but you dont.
Please show me the rule that says "growers" are the only ones allowed to talk about marijuana on ICmag.
I googled price of Washington state cannabis. The first link said high quality oz's were average of $233. Average quality was under 200. The dispensary prices were all over the place but I saw some ounces for $200.
The other links were all about the falling price of pot there.
I will enjoy growing my own and not relying on people like you.
what do you need 64 for to grow what you already can?