Just a load of assumptions....
nope, a buttload of facts.
Just a load of assumptions....
and NY, and Texas, and Kansas and so forth
i personally understand the grower view point here, and don't blame you
you're voting your wallet, that's how it is
it's your turf and the thought of corporations getting the action is a hateful thought
but remember, you become what you hate
To me this is the exact reason to vote no on 64.... if the rest of the state's and the world see us take it in the ass on a bullshit legalization bill, they'll follow suit and think they can screw everyone.... we all know legalization is right around the corner, it's how bad they fuck us.... that's our choice....
I really do believe we all want the same in the end as far as this plant....but come on guys, really?
are you fuckin serious with this questionwhy do you keep bringing up California?
yes, we ALL want legalization. but SOME of us are willing to let others go to jail so that THEY get to keep everything they already have. a real tight-knit community spirit there. if the Civil Rights movement had acted this way, black people could only vote in one or two states, and the rest of the country would still own slaves...
Sorry man, I just don't see it that way.... we're on the verge of legalization either way. And I'm not keeping anything I already had... taxes and permits to grow are here whether 64 passes or not...
Maybe I'm way off.... no on 64
bombadil I think you're spot on with this, yet we need to forst be concerned with what it will do for those in Cali?
yes, lets wait for that imaginary better ballot init/ legislation in 2 or 4 years that will pop up if we vote no on this legalization bill. Because u know...corporate interest will surely fade...
Hello Doobie,
...how else can you explain people in this thread who repeat to themselves trying to convince themselves that in CA no one goes or is in prison for cannabis because "there's no space in prison"..
Or people who want to keep the grey market in place to keep profiting but who will yell "death to the 1%!" at the same time...
Humans, we are funny creatures.
Enough with the California is the tipping point bullshit guys !