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California will Vote on Recreational Pot in Nov

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Well-known member
and NY, and Texas, and Kansas and so forth
i personally understand the grower view point here, and don't blame you
you're voting your wallet, that's how it is
it's your turf and the thought of corporations getting the action is a hateful thought
but remember, you become what you hate

voting your wallet is what CORPORATIONS do. PEOPLE are SUPPOSED to be empathetic towards others. i'm not seeing it in some of the replies...


Well-known member
To me this is the exact reason to vote no on 64.... if the rest of the state's and the world see us take it in the ass on a bullshit legalization bill, they'll follow suit and think they can screw everyone.... we all know legalization is right around the corner, it's how bad they fuck us.... that's our choice....

I really do believe we all want the same in the end as far as this plant....but come on guys, really?

yes, we ALL want legalization. but SOME of us are willing to let others go to jail so that THEY get to keep everything they already have. a real tight-knit community spirit there. if the Civil Rights movement had acted this way, black people could only vote in one or two states, and the rest of the country would still own slaves...


Active member
yes, we ALL want legalization. but SOME of us are willing to let others go to jail so that THEY get to keep everything they already have. a real tight-knit community spirit there. if the Civil Rights movement had acted this way, black people could only vote in one or two states, and the rest of the country would still own slaves...

Sorry man, I just don't see it that way.... we're on the verge of legalization either way. And I'm not keeping anything I already had... taxes and permits to grow are here whether 64 passes or not...
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Big D

It will pass.
in a year nothing will have changed for you.

Much ado for nothing

Vote yes on Prop 64!


Well-known member
Sorry man, I just don't see it that way.... we're on the verge of legalization either way. And I'm not keeping anything I already had... taxes and permits to grow are here whether 64 passes or not...

we thought we were on the verge of legalization when Carter was in the White House too. if you take your foot off of the gas & hit the damn brakes, you aint gonna make it to the top of the mountain where you can see the Promised Land. everyone sees it through their own set of glasses. through mine, i can see people not getting arrested for pot anywhere in this country, nor for growing it. i'd like to actually see it happen. not be put off until everyone gets everything they ever dreamed of all at once, even that pony that Santa Claus never brought to you...(the cheap fat bastard!):biggrin:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
California began prohibition and will begin to end it. My prediction. May take a while for say, Oklahoma and the southeast to get on board but they will.

After 215 passed is when the other states started legalizing or doing medical.

215 got passed as it was sold as being for invalids dying of incurable stuff or people that were on opiates for severe pain. Not so someone could grow pot in his spare room or backyard and sell it to supplement his income or be his only job. And not so a physically fit 25 year old male could get pot for his anxiety or whatever he told the doc.

So 215 was illegitimate to begin with, as to what it morphed into. Not that I care, it was a crime to make pot illegal to begin with. Just saying. It was a start and 64 and whatever else follows will be the final outcome.
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Active member
I just wonder exactly how fucked this bill would have to be,..... how much money would have to go to the cops,....how many of our rights would have to get taken away under the false term "legalization " before you guys realized this was shitty for everyone.... it has to be close right??
yes, lets wait for that imaginary better ballot init/ legislation in 2 or 4 years that will pop up if we vote no on this legalization bill. Because u know...corporate interest will surely fade...


Andinismo Hierbatero
bombadil I think you're spot on with this, yet we need to forst be concerned with what it will do for those in Cali?

Hello Doobie,

The thing is that the concerns the No-crowd have been presenting are basically straw-men arguments, when you go to the auma bill and try to locate the source for these concerns, you find that the concerns are simply not justified.

Of course add to that the people who have been making a living off herb in CA without any type of permit, not protected by 215 even, these ard the most vocal from the no-crowd, bu they are also a minority, and they just want things to stay the same, and they want to remain in their bubble...how else can you explain people in this thread who repeat to themselves trying to convince themselves that in CA no one goes or is in prison for cannabis because "there's no space in prison"...

Or people who want to keep the grey market in place to keep profiting but who will yell "death to the 1%!" at the same time...

Humans, we are funny creatures.


yes, lets wait for that imaginary better ballot init/ legislation in 2 or 4 years that will pop up if we vote no on this legalization bill. Because u know...corporate interest will surely fade...

Meanwhile California gets fucked by the states with a head start in the game. Boston is going to be the new Amsterdam Oakland will be turned back into a ghetto.:)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hello Doobie,
...how else can you explain people in this thread who repeat to themselves trying to convince themselves that in CA no one goes or is in prison for cannabis because "there's no space in prison"..
Or people who want to keep the grey market in place to keep profiting but who will yell "death to the 1%!" at the same time...
Humans, we are funny creatures.

bombadil since you and others have singled me out to quote let me remind everyone, I have never once said how I was voting. I did not start this thread. I am doing as I do more often than most I know- supplying info and links I find that I feel are factual for others to consider before voting, and I'll continue to do so..don't Kill the messenger...
I entered the conversation because I live in Cali, the law has already had a tremendous negative affect on my quality of life and my 215 certificate. I am disabled with 3 major spine surgeries that all included hardware. I have a seizure disorder and live with chronic pain.
We have a system in place that is working and constantly being improved. Yet I have already had my local government, as hundreds have done in Cali, ban ALL growing because of this initiative.

Possibly this will answer your question about incarceration in Cali the past couple years.
"Prop 64 more arrests and jailed. https://voteknowprop64.blogspot.com/p/inan-effort-to-lure-voters-prop.html?m=1

"Efforts have already been underway for years to decrease the number of nonviolent offenders in state prison and to ease up on the prosecution of marijuana offenses. It’s one reason why voters in 1996 approved Proposition 215 legalizing the medicinal use of cannabis and why then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger decriminalized marijuana possession in 2010. According to the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, not a single individual among the roughly 112,000 now in state prison is serving time for marijuana possession."

"Under Prop 64 / AUMA Section 11362.2 mandates that no more that 6 cannabis plants may be grown on the property at any time. Yes that's 6 plants per property not per patient! That total of 6 plants applies to clones, veg and flowering plants. Also under AUMA local governments are empowered to charge a permit fee to grow those plants. Palos Verdes charges $600 per sq-ft for that 'privilege'. Many other cities are setting up fee schedules for personal grow if Prop 64 passes. What's YOUR city going to charge YOU to grow 6 plants? "

Section 34016 search no warrant needed ...
(a) Any peace officer, or board employee granted limited peace officer status pursuant to paragraph (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 830.11 of the Penal Code, upon presenting appropriate credentials, is authorized to enter any place as described in paragraph (3) and to conduct inspections in accordance with the following paragraphs, inclusive.
(1) Inspections shall be performed in a reasonable manner and at times that are reasonable under the circumstances, taking into consideration the normal business hours of the place to be entered.
(2) Inspections may be at any place at which marijuana or marijuana products are sold to purchasers, cultivated, or stored, or at any site where evidence of activities involving evasion of tax may be discovered.
(3) Inspections shall be requested or conducted no more than once in a 24-hour period.
(b) Any person who fails or refuses to allow an inspection shall be subject to a misdemeanor. Each offense shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5, 000), or imprisonment not exceeding one year in a county jail, or both the fine and imprisonment. The court shall order any fines assessed be deposited in the California Marijuana Tax Fund.
(c) Upon discovery by the board or a law enforcement agency that a licensee or any other person possesses, stores, owns, or has made a retail sale of marijuana or marijuana products,
without evidence of tax payment to not contained in secure packaging, the boarder the law enforcement agency shall be authorized to seize the marijuana or marijuana products. Any marijuana or marijuana products seized by a law enforcement agency or the board shall within seven days be deemed forfeited and the board shall comply with the procedures set forth in Sections 30436 through 30449, inclusive.
(d) Any person who renders a false or fraudulent report is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)for each offense.
(e) Any violation of any provisions of this part, except as otherwise provided, is a misdemeanor and is punishable as such.
(!) All moneys remitted to the board under this part shall be credited to the California Marijuana Tax Fund.

The following quotes from various sources...

"Prop 64 firmly places all future changes to it in the hands of the legislature. They ONLY need a SIMPLE MAJORITY to change anything. The People will have lost their VOICE if AUMA is voted in!"

"Our state Legislature last year approved and the governor signed the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, which, for the first time in 20 years, established a regulatory framework and tax system governing sales and distribution of medicinal marijuana. These rules are late in coming, but they are a game-changer. Both Santa Rosa and Sonoma County are in the process now of vetting their permitting systems. But much of that work could be steamrolled by the approval of Proposition 64, which would likely leave the future of medicinal marijuana sales in limbo. It would be far better to let the MMRSA system play out and learn from it before moving ahead with legalization."

"There are the many unknowns. Marijuana would still be illegal under federal law, meaning cannabis businesses would continue to operate on an all-cash basis — given that banks are federally regulated — increasing the risk of criminal activity. Law enforcement groups also are opposed to Proposition 64 because of the lack of a clear standard for convicting drivers believed to be under the influence of marijuana. "

I hope this helps, respect... DD



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Enough with the California is the tipping point bullshit guys !

No kidding. What a failed talking point. Really makes me cringe to think anybody actually believes liberals in california passing bills will help those living in the Bible Belt. ( Even if AUMA was a real legalization bill).

Maybe... if the vast majority of super conservatives die off in the other states first?

Or maybe if they magically progress to the liberal level of california; over night?

Most other states don't even have the liberal man power for a legalization vote. If they did; they would do so. Cannabis legalization in the USA is literally 100% about States rights. Not; " waiting to see what the other states do" .

Be realistic; we still have a massive margin of true conservatives here even that are voting against true legalization. In other states; you can add on loads more conservatives.

No; it will be many more years before most of the other states legalize ( and no. Bullshit bills like AUMA are not legalization :) ).... and no; it will have nothing to do with California "legalizing".

and finally... no. We should not; and will not; give up our greater freedoms; for lesser freedoms, to appease the less educated and the less outspoken.


Active member
It makes perfect sense to me for non california people to be for prop64. you've got a shitty deal going....I understand that.... what did we do when we had a shitty deal? We went deeper in the woods with our middle finger in the air and grew more fucking weed....when it came time to go to the polls in force, we did it... prop215...moral of the story , get out there and grow more weed. Nobody's going to hand you true legalization without a fight. Plan on 64 failing and the true fight for legalization that follows
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