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Butte's 2007 Outdoor - "In the trenches..."


Active member
The left photo shows a three stage filter and the right photo is the ozone system.

Here are a couple more medical gardens I visited this week...



Happy growing - Butte


Well-known member
Tha garden's lookin' sweet Butte...really diggin' tha tours also...keep doin' yer thang man.

IGT :wave:


ICMag Donor
incredible outdoor gardens

they are some crazy bushes,the yield will be bumper

great pics butte

Tom Hill

Active member
Whoooze house??? Butte's house!!! :D

Tell your friend he's rocking too. Looks like he made excellent strain choice for that type of grow.

Here I go about 12 days ago- & now they're 6 ft balls of love going through the drill they know so well. Go, go, go!! :D
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Tom Hill

Active member
I may have to get my lights out there next year "Butte style" if you guys keep this shit up..

If you folks have never seen what a large plant can do with 3 or 4 weeks veg time, then keep an eye on Butte & his friends plants. This truly will be amazing.
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice to see you're not sitting on the sidelines, TH.

Butte, thankyou for the glimpse of these wonderous gardens! Y'all got yer game's on, and it's a beautiful thing to see! :respect:


Active member
big respect man...i've never seen nothing compared to this from the time of were tom hill on overgrow!!! compliments on this powerfull efforts ....hope one day i'll have the same space as you to express my self at best like your pictures shown of you!!

thx for sharing with us this beautiful medicinal panoramas....and BIG UP for the filter-ozone system who make me really inspired to produce something similar.

thx again for ya job


Butte are you fucking SERIOUS?!?!?! THOSE ARE AMAAAAZING. Fucking INCREDIBLE!!! I had NO idea there were soo many going right now. My jaw has dropped to the floor and beyond. It makes me so happy to see all these medical patients doing the right thing. Next year I imagine there will be twice as many growers like yourselves and it's just truly great to see that happening with no problems. I wish you the best of luck bro, CAN'T WAIT FOR HARVEST!!!

On another note, I have a buddy that travels from cali to oregon to see his friends plot. His friend is from humboldt county but got kicked out from the locals, as I've been told and now has moved up to oregon and has about 30 plants just as big as yours. It's great to see this like I said, PEACE


Active member
Hello all

Just got back from seeing the Cheese play the Greek Theater this weekend...great shows.

I got to run in the ozone system this weekend after throwing the switch on Friday night. For a quick recap, my water is pretty bad, looking like unfiltered apple juice when it comes out of the well. So, Friday, I filled up the 5,000 gallon tank and started the ozone circulating. When I started, you couldn’t see more than a couple feet down into the tank. By Saturday morning, the visibility had at least doubled, and yesterday it was crystal clear. However, I’m still having some problems out in the garden.

What I thought was a magnesium deficiency is not responding well to treatment, and quite a few of the Purps are heavily triggered. I believe what happened is when I pulled the lights on June 21, there may have still been a little time on the timers. This dropping of an hour or two was evidently enough to cause them to trigger. Next year I’ll be setting the lights to match June 21st’s, so when the solstice rolls around, the lighting is exactly matched. It could also be that that strain is especially sensitive since none of the others triggered.

I really enjoy seeing other gardens as well. Almost all of the gardens are tended by long-time growers (25+ years), and I think they’re still scratching their heads at being able to grow in the full sun. Decades of maxing yields in the bush present some pretty serious skills when everything is optimized. My garden won’t even approach some of these grows I’ve seen. Amazing.

I still can’t upload pics, so the updates will be few and far between. As soon as this little activity becomes too frustrating (I’m there with the photo thing), I pull the plug. I don’t have the time to be screwing with internet problems...sorry.

Happy growing all - Butte


Awesome grow and tours there Butte.

TH- Whats on the menu this year, is that the SSH Vi-cut??

Also- How are you guys fairing with powdery mildew. A bunch of friends are already seeing the stuff, as this year our area is like living on the coast. Its 70% himidity and foggy every morning.





Phew, man between Tom's and your grow, Butte I am utterly speechless!! Truly an inspiration to all of us... JAH blessings brethren:rasta:



New member
those are beautiful gardens!! are they from seed or cuts? also how early were these started?? when do you guys think that veg growth will come to a complete stop. i have a few plants that got a late start (june 1st) and am hoping for continued vegetative growth at east until august 20th. what do you guys think? (butte,tom hill) thanks again, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Nice little transportation star crash...good for boxes, but better for cannabis I see :)

This is an awesome thread. I love seeing these large trained bushes. I could only wish to have enough space to grow large bushes. Stay safe Butte! and everyone else.



Active member
Well, here’s where Butte’s garden is at.

I left for ~8 days to see my last String Cheese show up at Horning’s Hideout this last weekend and then off to see friends around the west coast. The time away was nice and relaxing, but the scene when I returned erased pretty much all of that. This year, the plants started out doing well and slowly went from good to bad after they went into the beds. I mistakenly diagnosed the problems and tried to repair what damage was occurring (most visibly as magnesium deficiency). After four weeks of supplementing with Epsom salts, though, still I was seeing symptoms. However, it was primarily still Mg symptoms. Now, I’m starting to also see some Ca symptoms (new leaves curling) and a touch of iron deficiency on some plants.

So, with this info in hand I went down to the store and got one of those cheapo soil testing kits. Now, it’s not very accurate (as in ppm), but it registered a really high level of phosphorous in the soil. I believe this is my fault as I added rock phosphate to the mix. Excess P will lock out Ca, Zn, Mg, and Fe in new growth, which I had not seen until I returned from my trip. I have a soil specialist running tests on my soil this week, but I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do this year.

As of right now I’m seriously considering chopping a bunch of them and starting over in containers to see what I may be able to salvage out of this year. It seems they are losing leaves faster than putting them on and I’m not sure I’d have anything worth a crap by the time they were supposed to be done. It’s a real bummer to come home to plants that look worse than when you left versus bigger.

This is a new system for me this year, but it is difficult not getting frustrated when I’ve put so much energy into this and it’s not working as I would have hoped. And while I try very hard not to compare my garden or plants with others (different strains, environments and approaches make that a moot point for me), I can’t help but know something is seriously wrong around these parts. I guess it’s a good thing I still have herb from last year and there’s always next year.

Anyhow, my friend’s gardens are doing well. Here’s a Jedi shot on Wednesday and a group shot of his plot. I can’t remember all the strains he’s growing, but cheese, mendo purps, jedi, purple princess, and some urkles are in there...


I may try to take some shots of my plants, but it’s so f-ing sad and frustrating I’m not sure if I can bring myself to post them.

- Butte


Active member
very sorry to hear the bad news butte. hope you pull through this mishap and come out on top with some high quality bud.


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