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Butte's 2007 Outdoor - "In the trenches..."





Perhaps it is a N deficiency you are dealing with... I'm not really an expert but when microbes decompose plant matter (hay) they use more nitrogen and can cause a nitrogen shortage in the soil. I read this on greenmanspage.com "Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop."


This such a great thread. I read it all this morning and it was a large upper and then a large downer, but it still looks like you are getting a life supply of weed out to the deal. The thing that rings in my head is the fact that its a weed. It has grown with and without man for thousands of years. Sometimes if you try so hard you do too much, the consequences are extreme. Large sweeping adjustments can have large results. Good Luck man, you really deserve it.


Active member
Hello all

No results back on the soil yet, but the plants seem to have stopped getting worse...small victories right now. The roots look OK, but I’m sure having slow drainage. A few still look good, though...






I also got see a couple gardens yesterday and today. First off is a garden I showed a while back. I shot these today and this garden is doing really well:


How about this stem for the middle of August?!?


...and this med garden now holds the title for biggest plant I’ve ever seen. Check this out; it was shot on Tuesday and the person standing there is 6 feet tall.



These are in another area and have a much bushier profile. This is one plant except for the small patch of darker green in the upper right.




So, my garden might not be one that’s really taking off, but you can see legitimate patients in California are doing wonderful things with the plant numbers they are allowed. Newrandude, you said this would be “a lifetime of weed”, but you need to know my wife and I both have serious medical conditions that are relieved by marijuana as a medicine. This medicine has changed my life in more ways than I can describe and we use large, large amounts in edibles, concentrates, smoking of buds, vaporizing, salves, tinctures, capsules, not to mention the large amounts I give free of charge to med patients that cannot grow their own. I have helped people with conditions from cancer to fibromyalgia to chronic pain and nausea. What can seem like a lot to someone who smokes rarely goes very, very quickly when you have a tolerance somewhere north of Bob Marley and, unfortunately, therapeutic levels are oftentimes quite high.

After reading and reflecting on the second and third chapters of the Gita at the suggestion of a friend, I have a new relationship with the garden that I feel is much healthier for all involved. I am very fortunate to live the wonderful life I have, with a spouse I love and that loves me, on a beautiful piece of land, in a great community with a level of freedom that is so important to me. What could be better? A little perspective!

Happy growing all - Butte


Get two birds stoned at once
I been having troubles too, ruined my outdoor year and nearly my indoor grow, turns out my water just turned poison, now I collect rain.


Hi Butte,
Glad to see things are better for your green girls.
You'll get a good harvest anyway and I know it will give you what you're waiting for :smile:
Thanks for sharing your garden, and other nice gardens/plants shots too!

Best wishes

@ Dkgrower: I can't find slugs eggs pics anywhere. But I now remember it looked more like larvae, as you said. Thanks for the input ;)


So, my garden might not be one that’s really taking off, but you can see legitimate patients in California are doing wonderful things with the plant numbers they are allowed. Newrandude, you said this would be “a lifetime of weed”, but you need to know my wife and I both have serious medical conditions that are relieved by marijuana as a medicine. This medicine has changed my life in more ways than I can describe and we use large, large amounts in edibles, concentrates, smoking of buds, vaporizing, salves, tinctures, capsules, not to mention the large amounts I give free of charge to med patients that cannot grow their own. I have helped people with conditions from cancer to fibromyalgia to chronic pain and nausea. What can seem like a lot to someone who smokes rarely goes very, very quickly when you have a tolerance somewhere north of Bob Marley and, unfortunately, therapeutic levels are oftentimes quite high.

nice post .. my clan is in a different neck of the woods, but can relate to you ... peace


Joint Date: Today.
:yes: Butte

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Butte again.
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butte- i was haveing the same problem. i didnt know if it was overdose on kelp, CAL/MAG, or gophers, moles, voles, or whatever critter. whatever the problem was it is deffinitly unhappy roots. i ended up spending an arm and leg on cannazime and rhinozime and it really seems to helped out.


Sha- you still have that tea brewer? you should nail em with a few gallons each of that. Also, try adding Actinovate (wormsway.com) to the tea. The more better bugs on them roots the better.




That is a great philosophy Butte, we all need to employ a little of that.
Your friend's gardens are absolutely amazing. I have never seen a MJ stalk that big. I can just imagine the smells that fill the air when they go into full bloom. I love weed, but I am absolute amazed by the plant itself.
I read your kiff tumbler thread today too, pretty slick. I could really see that being useful in your comunity. With the strains you guys are growing that is probably some of the best kiff in the world. I always make and smoke kiff in a smaller way here. I made one batch that would floor you (well at least most people) in one hit. So much better for you to smoke kiff instead of all that plant matter.
Damn, I need to make a trip down to wine and herb country soon. Do you guys have bud tasting tours? You probably do, but members only.


elk- still making the compost tea buddy:) i have been making it with worm castings and the AGsugar... thanks for the tip, i just placed an order. how much do you put in your tea?



HUGE PLANTS in some of those spots man!!

THe ones that are suffering look to me like they
DONT like the red rock assed soils spilling in or just
from the roots hitting it,THAT SOIL SUCKS i know up
here in GA i have the same shit red rock death clay...
Your soils in the healthy spots look browner though!

The HUGE gardens by the woods look HAPPY as FUK!
AND THAT STOCK hahahaha wooooooooaaaa axe time..
THIS I GOTTA SEE!!!!!!!!!!
Please be safe and update..great job!

Tom Hill

Active member
I'd like to start a thread in the beginning of October Butte, we'll call it shadow casting & pun will be intended. Nothing under 10 pound plants will be featured & there are gunna be plenty this year. I'd be honored to have you & your friends participate.
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DAMn TOM i know you can do it.......

Butte too,that is so unreal how BIG they grow there!

My grows i would have to do 200 plants for 10lbs??
Be back!


Active member
Sha-Bud – Thanks for stopping in. I’m looking forward to seeing what the root zones look like at the end of the season. A did a few spot checks and there are spaces with happy roots, and spaces with no roots at all! Weird. I’ll try to remember to post a follow-up after harvest.

MajLeeStoned – Nothing to be ashamed of there! Beautiful plants...

Elk – no problems at all...I like having the info in my thread as next year I will certainly look back on these posts next year for ideas.

Tom – I REALLY like that idea :D :yes: I’m thinking by next year the new standard (at least out here in Cali) will be 10+lb plants. One of the main reasons I seek out other med patients and try to get (anonymous) pictures of their plants is to let people see what these plants can do. To paraphrase John Lily “These limits are beliefs (yet) to be transcended.” By seeing these monsters, people realize that there is some skill in doing this, but it is not only within the realm of the “super-gardener”. Seeing your HUGE plants on OG back in the day set me on my way to having some of those babies in my backyard. Last year I did it, this year not so much, but the fact is it was seeing what you did that motivated me to try to do the same.

With that said, let’s see some more gardens!

First off one you should recognize from earlier in this thread. Looking really good for a first year grower...


Next up is a new one for this thread. A good many of these plants came from Harborside and SR71 and I posted more about this garden in the Bay Area Clones thread. This is the second year for this gardener and I think they’re doing just fine.




That’s all for now! :rasta:

Happy growing all - Butte

D Rock

Butte this is simply amazing. Im hoping for the day when I can do something like this. I live in North Carolina and im sure growing will never be leagalized here. We are in the bible belt. Good luck with your grow, Im definately going to be watching this one for sure. I have never seen anything so awesome before!!!!


Active member
Butte said:
To paraphrase John Lily “These limits are beliefs (yet) to be transcended.”

They are truly getting into my head and thank you all fore that, next year i will try the huge container-clone-drippers type of grow, and see where it takes me here in Denmark.

No news on the soil, Butte ? but form the looks of your plants it is not that bad as i first thought, but you cali folks have high standarts, god bless that, so I can understand your dissapointment.

i am really enjoying the pic´s of the medical growers, they rock :rasta:

Bom shankar