Fuk them legislators! They missed the boat. Long live the black market!
Try not to stress too much yes4prop215
When one door closes others open
Just keep killing it with your awesome drive and determination thats been on display here at icmag for the past many years.
Cheers brother, fuck those cops
If you have been visited by the Butte County Compliance Officers PLEASE call Jeff Phluger at 530-520-6670. Your help is needed for compiling a group of people who have been contacted and/or cited for Measure A complaints. Legal help is available, especially if you have been fined or cited. If you have been damaged by the county you will be added to a Class Action Suit. PLEASE call to find out if you are eligible.
i will try and find out tmro what exactly being eligible means, but common sense dictates it means having a valid 215 script, and not in possession of stuff that will have criminal charges like BHO labs or large amounts of turkey bags.
California State AB266 and SB643 will both destroy PROP215 and Growers Rights. Both of these have "passed" the committee vote and will be voted on soon.
1) All medical collectives and cooperatives will become illegal! Only licensed dispensaries and licensed cultivators will be allowed to sell.
2) Licensed cultivators will have to provide GPS coordinates of their gardens! WTF
3) Anybody with a felony for possession/distribution of marijuana will not be able to obtain a license to cultivate or dispense.
4) Applications for licenses require fingerprinting sent to the Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation for a background investigation
5) Exempts Patients "who cultivates, possesses, stores, manufactures, or transports marijuana exclusively for his or her personal medical use and who does not sell, distribute, donate, or provide marijuana to any other person or entity."
6) A primary caregiver can "cultivates, possesses, stores, manufactures, transports, or provides marijuana exclusively for the personal medical purposes to no more than five specified qualified patients for whom he or she is the primary caregiver within the meaning of Section 11362.7 of the Health and Safety Code and who does not receive remuneration for these activities, except for compensation in full compliance with subdivision (c) of Section 11362.765 of the Health and Safety Code. Nothing in this section shall permit primary caregivers to organize themselves as cooperatives or collectives of caregivers."
7) Counties and cities can still have grow bans like Butte,Yuba, etc do now.
8) Counties and cities that did not have grow bans will be forced to follow all of the above.
SB643 http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB643
AB266 http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB266
Senate Roster: http://senate.ca.gov/senators
Assembly Roster: http://assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers
If you care spread these links and call the politicians up and let them know your mind, tell them their re-election depends on it. "Vote no on SB643 and AB266"
If this nonsense passes, it will LITERALLY be illegal to pass a joint to a friend in the State of California.
25ftGreatWhite - thanks for the nicolletti intel. I forwarded that to eric.
Prop - lmao where are you going to run to?
One of the goals of an education project will be to show people exactly what you just mentioned, that indoor warehouses are a huge waste of resources.
All the politicians say their concerns for environmental impact play a part in banning medical patients rights to grow. Lmfao I can't wait to crunch some numbers on this and turn it over to the lawyers.