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Butane Residue Test Results


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
I used Neon 5x before with bad results. It had a funky smell. The cans were predominantly black with some flame decorations. I was very surprised because I had tried before with just "Neon" a yellow can with red text, and the results were not bad. So I figured Neon 5x would be better but that turned out to be wrong.

The manufacture date codes, along with whether the product contains odorant/mercaptan can be found at the head post.

The recent Neon 5X is exceptionally clean, clear, and sweet (neutral to the nose.)
The results so far of the 'homie' tests:

Power (0X) had 0.021g of residue
Power (0X), Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130819"

Power 5X #1 had 0.02g of residue
Power 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130820"

Power 5X #2 had 0.019g of residue
Power 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130731"

Power 7X had 0.029g of residue
Power 7X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120716"

Newport #1 had 0.01g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 24.04.13 20:33"

Newport #2 had 0.004g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 26.03.13 19:09"

Vector #1 had 0.03g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector #2 had 0.02g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector #3 had 0.028g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector #4 had 0.028g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector 14X #1 had 0.019g of residue
Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013 09 10"

Vector 14X #2 had 0.018g of residue
Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013 09 10"

Lucienne #1 had 0.03g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #2 had 0.002g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #3 had 0.001g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #4 had <0.001g residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Ronson #1 had 0.01g of residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "11713"

Ronson #2 had 0.001g residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "11713"

Ronson #3 had <.001g residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "11713"

Spark 7x had 0.04g of residue
Spark, Korea, 7x 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120404"

King had 0.033g of residue
King, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "12.04.25"

Fasfil #1 had 0.030g of residue
Fasfil 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120718"

Fasfil #2 had 0.032g of residue
Fasfil, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120718"

whip-it! 9X had 0.025g of residue
whip-it! 9X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "130708"

whip-it! Premium had 0.003g of residue
whip-it! Premium, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "239 M 17:25 1"

Neon #1 had 0.004g of residue
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20/12/2012/ (00488)" (no added odorant/mercaptan)

Neon #2 had 0.005g of residue
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20.02.1200413" (this seems to be an early version which is unusable due to added odorant/mercaptan, check the date for old stock)

Neon #3 had 0.001g of residue
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 25/05/2012(00446) (no added odorant/mercaptan)

Neon 5X #1 had 0.001g of residue
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20/05/2013(00506)" (no added odorant/mercaptan)

Neon 5X #2 had 0.015g of residue (stinks, odorant/mercaptan?)
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 11/05/2012(004236)"

Lava had 0.033g of residue
Lava, Korea, 5.3oz/150g can, reads on the bottom "070321"

Zippo had 0.001g of residue
Zippo, USA, 5.82oz/165g can, reads on the bottom "H1513"

Colibri had 0.001g of residue
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 18.04.13 06:35"

Stok FYR had 0.023g of residue
Stok FYR, UK, 5.8oz/165g can, reads on the bottom "DOM 07.08.13 15:57"

Iolite had 0.010g of residue
Iolite, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 30.07.13 22:45"

Gasone 5X had 0.028g of residue
Gasone 5X, Korea, 5.8oz/165g can, reads on the bottom "130511"

Xikar #1 had 0.010g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, USA, 8oz/225g can, reads on the bottom "CC26/0947"

Xikar #2 had 0.007g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, USA, 8oz/225g can, reads on the bottom "CC26/1153"

Clipper 7X had 0.004g of residue
Clipper 7X, China, 4.89oz/139g can, reads on the bottom "26.03.2012"

Lotus had 0.002g of residue
Lotus, England, 400ml/13.4oz/222g can, reads on the bottom "DOM 03.10.12 14:03"

Jetline had 0.027g of residue
Jetline, Korea, 330ml can, reads on the bottom "130410"

Capital N-butane #1 had 0.008g of residue
Capital N-butane, USA, 6.6oz/187g can, reads on the bottom "13337"

Capital N-butane #2 had 0.009g of residue
Capital N-butane, USA, 6.6oz/187g can, reads on the bottom "13337"

Puretane #1 had 0.006g of residue
Puretane, USA, 300ml/167g can, reads on the bottom "13339 (1) 34623 06332"

Puretane #2 had 0.006g of residue
Puretane, USA, 300ml/167g can, reads on the bottom "13339 (1) 34623 06324"

Iwatani #1 had 0.03g of residue
Iwatiani butane fuel, Korea, eight ounce can, reads near the top of the can "130506" (unusable due to added odorant/mercaptan)

Iwatani #2 had 0.010g of residue
Iwatiani butane fuel, Korea, eight ounce can, reads near the top of the can "130506" (unusable due to added odorant/mercaptan)

Those were my results, here's jackgastche's:

Vector #1 had 0.04g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "5/12/2012"

Vector #2 had 0.04g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "5/12/2012"

Vector #3 had 0.06g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom 5/12/2012""

Vector #4 had 0.03g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "5/13/2013"

Vector #5 had 0.04g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "5/13/2013"

Vector #6 had 0.04g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "5/13/2013"

Vector #7 had 0.02g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "12/15/2011"

Vector #8 had 0.02g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "12/15/2011"

Vector #9 had 0.03g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "12/15/2011"

Colibri #1 had 0.03g of residue
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "8/16/2011"

Colibri #2 had 0.03g of residue
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "8/16/2011"

Colibri #3 had 0.03g of residue
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "8/16/2011"

Xikar #1 had 0.002g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #2 had 0.002g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #3 had 0.002g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #4 had 0.003g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #5 had 0.003g of residue (chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

My first tests were weighed with an inexpensive .01 gradient scale.

My later results to the .001 digit were weighed with an inexpensive .001 gradient scale.

The results from jackgastche were weighed with a .001 gradient scale, but rounded off to the .01 digit.

How to do the test,

Cheapest generic supermarket one gallon ziplock bag, cut the ziplock off, fold up, place on .01 or .001 scale, record tare weight, fold over the top one inch to the outside, place in a pyrex dish, place the pyrex dish in another dish, squirt a full can of ~300ml butane lighter refill into a quart Mason jar as per the video, pour the liquid butane into the plastic bag, add warm water to the larger dish, after boil off vacuum purge the bag, fold the bag, place on scale, record weight, deduct tare weight from final weight, post result to ICMAG's "Butane Residue Test Results" thread. TIA!!!

Freeze the can of butane and the Mason jar by placing in the freezer for a couple of hours before the test to maximize the amount of liquid butane collected.

Mason jar extraction video,


Here's the above list organized from Best to Worst,

Idk about the test results you give, but I was hoping some lab results were going to be disclosed. There isn't a way to accurately measure the residual butane in ppm's at home. It would be more dependent on the methods of purging used more than the butane used. If properly purged the butane will come loose from the extract, but the odorants used don't disappear, they are inherit part of using butane that most of us overlook and accept. I am a bit pickier and look to other solvents to do a more convincing job where taste, high, and texture are more important than aesthetics. So oils are typically darker unless I target flavanoids only, which is Greek for meaning yellow. They are important, but not the basis for a complete extract. Yellow extract is lacking terpinoids and some cannabinoids that add to the bulk of the yield, but more importantly act in a synergistic combination where the three have a total greater than the sum combined. So it's a more potent extract richer in desired compounds of interest. Safety pin dabs from the crack pipe my Niel can have the most experienced smokers taken off guard. Some food for thought next time your donating for wax, try the stuff that's orangish to red instead
Don't be fooled, ISOBUTANE is what you want. A branched chain molecule that has a more complete combustion due to it's arrangement. n-Butane means normal butane and is strait chained leaving at least one unburned carbon molecule behind. Even Isobutane which is way fruitier than normal butane, wishes it could do a job like co2. Oh yeah, Graywolf your doing something way wrong if you get better results using butane. Hands down, this is a confirmed wives tale where ever I reside near. Numerous dabbers choke their ass off thinking they have to cough to get off, but the reality is that the best stuff hurts the least, tastes the best noticeably, and after 3 dabs, people trip when the see there eyes in the mirror as they try keeping them out of the Chinese position. It does nothing for the redness to open your eyes though, haha.
Ronson, Bernzomatic, and Vector are the best. At $4.00 a can Bernzomatic is the absolute best buy as it's Isobutane content is 78%, Ronson is slightly better w a minimum concentration of 80% Isobutane, and I believe Vector is 25% Isobutane and has propane and n-butane as well.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Idk about the test results you give, but I was hoping some lab results were going to be disclosed. There isn't a way to accurately measure the residual butane in ppm's at home. It would be more dependent on the methods of purging used more than the butane used. If properly purged the butane will come loose from the extract, but the odorants used don't disappear, they are inherit part of using butane that most of us overlook and accept. I am a bit pickier and look to other solvents to do a more convincing job where taste, high, and texture are more important than aesthetics. So oils are typically darker unless I target flavanoids only, which is Greek for meaning yellow. They are important, but not the basis for a complete extract. Yellow extract is lacking terpinoids and some cannabinoids that add to the bulk of the yield, but more importantly act in a synergistic combination where the three have a total greater than the sum combined. So it's a more potent extract richer in desired compounds of interest. Safety pin dabs from the crack pipe my Niel can have the most experienced smokers taken off guard. Some food for thought next time your donating for wax, try the stuff that's orangish to red instead

I did post Skunk Pharm Research's and Specialty Analytical's formal lab results, which more or less track what Sky is finding.

He has significantly broadened the playing field, but his findings continue to fall within the general scatter. The time for more formal lab analysis is ostensibly with data that falls outside the general scatter.

I also had an analysis done of the residual oil, which I posted, if you are interested in what is in it.

Other than your general statement of dismissal, is there an unanswered question about what it is and how much can be present?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Don't be fooled, ISOBUTANE is what you want. A branched chain molecule that has a more complete combustion due to it's arrangement. n-Butane means normal butane and is strait chained leaving at least one unburned carbon molecule behind. Even Isobutane which is way fruitier than normal butane, wishes it could do a job like co2. Oh yeah, Graywolf your doing something way wrong if you get better results using butane. Hands down, this is a confirmed wives tale where ever I reside near. Numerous dabbers choke their ass off thinking they have to cough to get off, but the reality is that the best stuff hurts the least, tastes the best noticeably, and after 3 dabs, people trip when the see there eyes in the mirror as they try keeping them out of the Chinese position. It does nothing for the redness to open your eyes though, haha.

I probably do a lot of things wrong, but we just keep inching the ball forward, while you continue to sling innuendos and make unfulfilled promises, without providing any substance brother C02.

Truth is shorter than fiction, so perhaps if you would sit down and outline a CO2 process that actually accomplishes what you claim, some of us could duplicate your results and corroborate, thus improving your chances of being taken seriously.

We currently have a JYNdustrez DIY SCFE C02 system in house that we are playing with, and an Apek's system due in January. We also have associates operating machines by Eden Labs and Apeks, who are game for research, so if you have anything more than hoopla and fanfaronade, here is your opportunity for redemption.

Until we see those reproducible details, how do you ever expect to be taken seriously?


Active member
Idk about the test results you give, but I was hoping some lab results were going to be disclosed. There isn't a way to accurately measure the residual butane in ppm's at home. It would be more dependent on the methods of purging used more than the butane used. If properly purged the butane will come loose from the extract, but the odorants used don't disappear, they are inherit part of using butane that most of us overlook and accept. I am a bit pickier and look to other solvents to do a more convincing job where taste, high, and texture are more important than aesthetics. So oils are typically darker unless I target flavanoids only, which is Greek for meaning yellow. They are important, but not the basis for a complete extract. Yellow extract is lacking terpinoids and some cannabinoids that add to the bulk of the yield, but more importantly act in a synergistic combination where the three have a total greater than the sum combined. So it's a more potent extract richer in desired compounds of interest. Safety pin dabs from the crack pipe my Niel can have the most experienced smokers taken off guard. Some food for thought next time your donating for wax, try the stuff that's orangish to red instead

Your brain seems to contain a mile of string, but you can't tie a knot to save your life...


Active member
Fingers crossed, this is probably my shakiest butane purchase yet. I'll keep you updated, if you don't hear from me... ;-)

What did they say when you called? Did u order online or over the phone? A buddy placed an order from them too so well see how it goes.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
What did they say when you called? Did u order online or over the phone? A buddy placed an order from them too so well see how it goes.

I didn't have an in depth conversation, sounded like young children maybe in the backround, and he was like, uh, yeah, ok...

I sent them an email request for the date of manufacture of their Neon 5X, and included links to this thread and the Mystery Oil thread at another forum to help him understand.

Nothing back from them at all. Which is fine, today's Sunday, I hope to at least get a shipping confirmation with tracking number email Monday or Tuesday. If I don't hear from them by Wednesday, shame on them. They probably took a look at my Best to Worst list and are still in shock, should they actually have a warehouse of inventory. ;-)


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
I didn't have an in depth conversation, sounded like young children maybe in the backround, and he was like, uh, yeah, ok...

I sent them an email request for the date of manufacture of their Neon 5X, and included links to this thread and the Mystery Oil thread at another forum to help him understand.

Nothing back from them at all. Which is fine, today's Sunday, I hope to at least get a shipping confirmation with tracking number email Monday or Tuesday. If I don't hear from them by Wednesday, shame on them. They probably took a look at my Best to Worst list and are still in shock, should they actually have a warehouse of inventory. ;-)

I got a PayPal refund on my order of a case of Comoy's butane from them, here's the attached message,

"Merchant information
VB Industries, LLC

Note from merchant
Sorry for having to refund your order, we have had a run on butane recently and our wholesellers are having trouble keeping stock as well. Please check back in after new years for stock. thx"

No response yet as to the manufacture date of their Neon 5X.

I just ordered a case of their Neon 5X, I see it says "In Stock" for this item at their order page, we'll see what they've got...


Active member
I got a PayPal refund on my order of a case of Comoy's butane from them, here's the attached message,

"Merchant information
VB Industries, LLC

Note from merchant
Sorry for having to refund your order, we have had a run on butane recently and our wholesellers are having trouble keeping stock as well. Please check back in after new years for stock. thx"

No response yet as to the manufacture date of their Neon 5X.

We got the same exact message this morning! Kind of odd!


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
What did they say when you called? Did u order online or over the phone? A buddy placed an order from them too so well see how it goes.

Recieved a case of Neon 5X from Ronsonbutane.com, it was at my front door this morning, probably sitting there since Saturday...Was sent via UPS Ground with tracking from Michigan. They never sent me notice they'd shipped. I also have a case of Comoy's butane on order (they accepted the PayPal funds, I assume it's coming...)

I'll test a can for odorant/Mercaptan and residuals today, but as you can see in the picture, it's of recent manufacture (5/25/'13,) and should be as high of a quality product as their other recently manufactured lot I tested previously.


  • 003A.jpg
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Active member
Recieved a case of Neon 5X from Ronsonbutane.com, it was at my front door this morning, probably sitting there since Saturday...Was sent via UPS Ground with tracking from Michigan. They never sent me notice they'd shipped. I also have a case of Comoy's butane on order (they accepted the PayPal funds, I assume it's coming...)

I'll test a can for odorant/Mercaptan and residuals today, but as you can see in the picture, it's of recent manufacture (5/25/'13,) and should be as high of a quality product as their other recently manufactured lot I tested previously.

Thats good news..Cant wait for the results... That ronsonbutane.com is the same skunkpharm site..How weird..and Shipped from Michigan? makes me think its drop shipped from somewhere...


Have you heard of hitman butane? Saw some at a store recently and haven't seen it on your list.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Recieved a case of Neon 5X from Ronsonbutane.com, it was at my front door this morning, probably sitting there since Saturday...Was sent via UPS Ground with tracking from Michigan. They never sent me notice they'd shipped. I also have a case of Comoy's butane on order (they accepted the PayPal funds, I assume it's coming...)

I'll test a can for odorant/Mercaptan and residuals today, but as you can see in the picture, it's of recent manufacture (5/25/'13,) and should be as high of a quality product as their other recently manufactured lot I tested previously.

Neon 5X #3 had 0.004g of residue

Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 25/5/2013(00505) (no added odorant/mercaptan)

Clean, with a very slight yellow tinge (no where near as deep a yellow as the Korean brands,) and a bit of an industrial smell, overall, good stuff! $38/case with free shipping, and heavier discounts on larger quantities. I hope you guys understand that this should be your choice instead of Power 5X for huge trim runs.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Have you heard of hitman butane? Saw some at a store recently and haven't seen it on your list.

I take another look at picking up a can of Hitman, but if it says on the can made in Korea I seriously doubt it's going to make the top half of my Best to Worst list. ;-)


just got 2 cases of neon 5x off amazon for 40 bucks for a case.. also got 2 cases of power 5x for 35 a case . and a half case of vector 5x. for 35 bucks..

the neon was weird. 1 case was fine.. the other had some weird smell.. that the first case didn't have.. the manufacture dates were from the same time.. I don't know how that happens.. but that alone turned me off from neon.. I haven't had a problem with power 5..

and honestly. ive seen people use the Top of the LINE butane.. and come out with a shity product..

I was also told that releasing a full can.. will give u more residue then only using 3/4s of a can.. has anyone tested this theory.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
just got 2 cases of neon 5x off amazon for 40 bucks for a case.. also got 2 cases of power 5x for 35 a case . and a half case of vector 5x. for 35 bucks..

the neon was weird. 1 case was fine.. the other had some weird smell.. that the first case didn't have.. the manufacture dates were from the same time.. I don't know how that happens.. but that alone turned me off from neon.. I haven't had a problem with power 5..

and honestly. ive seen people use the Top of the LINE butane.. and come out with a shity product..

I was also told that releasing a full can.. will give u more residue then only using 3/4s of a can.. has anyone tested this theory.

I personally don't believe it makes much of any difference which brand of canned butane you use, the exception being Capital's N-butane and Puretane, both of which are truly without propane content. But, if you have a choice, and they cost the same, why not buy that with the least residuals and is acceptable to one's own nose?

What was the date of manufacture of that Neon 5X you just got?

Someone scored a can of Clipper 12X for me to test, I should have it in a couple of days.