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Butane Residue Test Results



Schwoops, I suppose that is a risk. Didn't cross my mind really. I cook on a gas range every morning and the burner often fails to ignite for 3-5 secs. Similar amount of stuff expelled here without an ignition source.
Schwoops, I suppose that is a risk. Didn't cross my mind really. I cook on a gas range every morning and the burner often fails to ignite for 3-5 secs. Similar amount of stuff expelled here without an ignition source.

Good to know your still alive.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Vector 14X residue test results

Vector 14X residue test results

Vector 14X #1 had 0.019g of residue

Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013 09 10"

Th result will be added to the first post of this thread, I'll test the other can tomorrow, rained today.


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Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Vector 14X #2 had 0.018g of residue

Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013 09 10"

I received a can of Xikar, hope to test it tomorrow, MADE IN THE USA!!!


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Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Xikar #1 had 0.010g of residue

Xikar, USA, 8oz/225g can, reads on the bottom "CC26/0947"

Clipper results next.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Clipper 7X had 0.004g of residue

Clipper 7X, China, 4.89oz/139g can, reads on the bottom "26.03.2012"


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Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Best to Worst, the list is updated/reordered with the last non-volatile residue test result. (note there are two Xikars, UK and USA, two Fasfils, UK and Korea, two Purtanes, the original, and 9X, two Capital N-butanes, the original, and the new squat cans, and a few other oddities that are explained by perusing the entirety of the list)

Ecogreen's, or anyone else's bulk butane/propane refrigerant grade gases, R-600/R-290 may be just fine at any time, or not, and since I haven't been doing further checking, I suggest you distill it with a closed loop system, or at least test a sample before using it. The Certificates of Analysis you may find offered don't report the non-volatile residue, why is fully explained in this thread where I present the ASTM LPG residue standards.

Best Value Vacs' USA n-butane had 0.000g of residue
Best Value Vacs' n-butane, USA, 165g sample from a 20lb/10.9kg tank, no DOM

Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions 99.5% #1 had 0.000g of residue (from a 300ml sample)
Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions, USA, 20lb 99.5% butane tank

Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions 99.5% #2 had 0.000g of residue (from a 300ml sample)
Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions, USA, 20lb 99.5% butane tank

Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions 99.5% #3 had 0.000g of residue (from a 300ml sample)
Refined Hydrocarbon Solutions, USA, 20lb 99.5% butane tank

EcoGreen butane #2 had 0.0015g of residue (in an ~300ml can's worth) (residue has a strong chemical smell, don't use without further distillation or filtering)
EcoGreen Industries, China, 30lb n-butane tank

EcoGreen butane #3 had 0.0015g of residue (in an ~300ml can's worth) (residue has a strong chemical smell, don't use without further distillation or filtering)
EcoGreen Industries, China, 30lb n-butane tank

Blink 9X had 0.002g of residue
Blink 9X, China, 300ml can, no date code

whip-it! Premium #1 had 0.003g of residue
whip-it! Premium, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "239 M 17:25 1"

whip-it! Premium #2 had 0.002g of residue
whip-it! Premium, UK, 400ml can (238.9g actual,) reads on the bottom "14 316 08 03 1"

whip-it! Premium #3 had 0.003g of residue
whip-it! Premium, UK, 420ml can, reads on the bottom "16 349 1 04:05"

Crown #1 had 0.003g of residue
Crown, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 29.03.14 00:34"

Crown #2 had 0.0022g of residue (four cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by four)
Crown, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 29.03.14 00:34"

Cloud 9X had 0.003g of residue
Cloud 9X, 300ml can with no country or date of manufacture

Xikar #1 had 0.002g of residue (residue has a chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #2 had 0.002g of residue (residue has a chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #3 had 0.002g of residue (residue has a chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #4 had 0.003g of residue(residue has a chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

Xikar #5 had 0.003g of residue (residue has chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar, UK, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "3/13/'12"

EcoGreen propane had 0.003g of residue (in an ~300ml can's worth) (residue has a strong chemical smell, don't use without further distillation or filtering)
EcoGreen Industries, China, 30lb n-propane tank

Ignitus 3X (yellow and red can) had 0.003g of residue
Ignitus 3X (yellow and red can,) China, 300ml can, no date of manufacture

Bleu Magic had .0035g of residue (two cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by two)
Bleu Magic, no country of manufacture, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "13119"

Blink 5X had 0.004g of residue
Blink 5X, China, 300ml can, no date code

Sodoex had 0.004g of residue (residue stinks, don't use)
Sodoex, Korea, 300ml can of DME/dimethyl ether, no date of manufacture

BHO 7X had 0.004g of residue
BHO 7X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "130903"

Ultra Pure #1 had 0.001g of residue
Ultra Pure, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 27.09.13 06:58"

Ultra Pure #2 had 0.005g of residue
Ultra Pure, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 14/11/16 000554"

Sodoex had 0.006g of residue (residue stinks, don't use)
Sodoex, Korea, 500ml can of DME/dimethyl ether, no date of manufacture

Ignitus 7X #1 had 0.003g of residue
Ignitus 7X, China, 300ml can, no date of manufacture

Ignitus 7X #2 had 0.006g of residue
Ignitus 7X, China, 300ml can, no DOM

Puretane (original) #1 had 0.006g of residue
Puretane (original,) USA, 300ml/167g can, reads on the bottom "13339 (1) 34623 06332"

Puretane (original) #2 had 0.006g of residue
Puretane (original,) USA, 300ml/167g can, reads on the bottom "13339 (1) 34623 06324"

BHO 5X had 0.006g of residue
BHO 5X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "130902"

STOK FYR ABSOLUTE PURITY #1 had 0.003g of residue
STOK FYR ABSOLUTE PURITY, USA, 325ml can, reads on the bottom "14190(1) STOK 325ML 04086"

STOK FYR ABSOLUTE PURITY #2 had 0.004g of residue
STOK FYR ABSOLUTE PURITY, USA, 325ml can, reads on the bottom "14190(1) STOK 325ML 04136"

STOK FYR ABSOLUTE PURITY #3 had 0.006g of residue
STOK FYR ABSOLUTE PURITY, USA, 325ml can, reads on the bottom "14190(1) STOK 325ML 04595"

STOK FYR EXTREME PURITY had 0.006g of residue
STOCK FYR EXTREME PURITY, USA, 300ml can (169.7g actual,) reads on the bottom "14349 (1) STOCK 300 ML 04888"

Lotus #1 had 0.002g of residue
Lotus, England, 400ml/13.4oz/222g can, reads on the bottom "DOM 03.10.12 14:03"

Lotus #2 had.007g of residue
Lotus, England, 400ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 04.10.12 07:28"

Special Blue 9X #1 had 0.005g of residue
Special Blue 9X, country of manufacture? 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130702"

Special Blue 9X #2 had 0.007g of residue
Special Blue 9X, Korea? 300ml can, reads on the bottom "150512"

Smoke It's had 0.007g of residue (residue stinks!!! don't use!)
Smoke It's, 300ml can with no country or date of manufacture

Moorpark 5X #1 had 0.006g of residue
Moorpark 5X, China, 300ml can, no date of manufacture

Moorpark 5X #2 had 0.007g of residue
Moorpark 5X, China, 300ml can, no date of manufacture

King 5X #1 had 0.033g of residue
King, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "12.04.25"

King 5X #2 had 0.008g of residue
King 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "160519"

Lucienne #1 had 0.03g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #2 had 0.002g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #3 had 0.001g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #4 had <0.001g residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 16.07.13 13:28"

Lucienne #5 had 0.009g of residue (three cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by three)
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 05.01.15 22:40"

Lucienne #6 had 0.008g of residue
Lucienne, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 25.11.16 16:54"

Neon 11X had 0.008g of residue
Neon 11X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 23/08/2016 (00803)"

Neon #1 had 0.005g of residue (unusable due to added odorant/mercaptan)
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20/02/2012 (00413)"

Neon #2 had 0.001g of residue (no added odorant/mercaptan)
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 25/05/2012 (00446)"

Neon #3 had 0.004g of residue (no added odorant/mercaptan)
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20/12/2012 (00488)

Neon #4 had 0.009g of residue (no added odorant/mercaptan)
Neon, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 10/10/2016 (00837)"

Special Blue 5X #1 had 0.004g of residue
Special Blue 5X, country of manufacture? 300ml can, reads on the bottom "131024"

Special Blue 5X #2 had 0.009g of residue
Special Blue 5X, Korea? 300ml, reads on the bottom "151230"

Ignitus 11X #1 had 0.006g of residue
Ignitus 11X, China, 300ml, no date of manufacture

Ignitus 11X #2 had 0.010g of residue
Ignitus 11X, China, 300ml can, no DOM

Ignitus 5X #1 had 0.009g of residue
Ignitus 5X, China, 300ml can, no date of manufacture

Ignitus 5X #2 had 0.010g of residue
Ignitus 5X, China, 300ml can, no DOM

Neon 5X #1 had 0.015g of residue (stinks, odorant/mercaptan?)
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 11/05/2012 (004236)"

Neon 5X #2 had 0.001g of residue(no added odorant/mercaptan)
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20/05/2013 (00506)"

Neon 5X #3 had 0.004g of residue (no added odorant/mercaptan)
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 25/5/2013 (00505)"

Neon 5X #4 had 0.007g of residue
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 20/04/2014 (00539)"

Neon 5X #5 had 0.010g of residue
Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 19/04/2016 (000732)"

Ronson #1 had 0.01g of residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "I1713"

Ronson #2 had 0.001g residue
Ronson, USA. 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "I1713"

Ronson #3 had <.001g residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "I1713"

Ronson #4 had 0.006g of residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "H1314"

Ronson #5 had 0.009g of residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "112216"

Ronson #6 had 0.005g of residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "011317"
(available at any Walgreens drug store for $8)

Ronson #7 had 0.011g of residue
Ronson, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "043018"

Zippo #1 had 0.001g of residue
Zippo, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "H1513"

Zippo #2 had 0.0068g of residue (six cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by six)
Zippo, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "K1113"

Zippo #3 had 0.011g of residue
Zippo, USA, 300ml/165g can, reads on the bottom "120116"

Colibri #1 had 0.001g of residue
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 18.04.13 06:35"

Colibri #2 had 0.022g of residue (two cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by two)
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 28.08.14 10:51"

Colibri #3 had 0.011g of residue
Colibri, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 08.09.14 13:18"

MZ12X had 0.013g of residue (bio mass odor)
MZ12X, Korea, 500ml can of DME/dimethyl ether, no date code

Superblu 9X #1 had 0.032g of residue
Superblu 9X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "131218"

Superblu 9X #2 had 0.014g of residue
Superblu 9X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "161104"

Nxxt 2 Zero had 0.014g of residue (two cans shot to the same bag, this is the result divided by two)
Nxxt 2 Zero, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 18.01.14 11:45"

Comoy's had 0.015g of residue
Comoy's, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 23.05.13 05:28"

whip-it! 5X #1 had 0.005g of residue
whip-it! 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130610"

whip-it! 5X #2 had 0.016g of residue
whip-it! 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "161121"

Blazer 3X had 0.016g of residue
Blazer 3X, Korea, 150g can, reads on the bottom "131023"

whip-it! 7X had 0.017g of residue
whip-it! 7X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "131011"

Turbo 5X had 0.017g of residue
Turbo 5X, Korea, 320ml can (180.1g actual,) reads on the bottom "150408"

Medicali 9X had 0.018g of residue
Medicali 9X, country of manufacture? 300ml can (165.4g actual,) reads on the bottom "150107"

Xikar Purofine #1 had 0.010g of residue (residue has a chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar Purofine, USA, 8oz/225g can, reads on the bottom "CC26/0947"

Xikar Purofine #2 had 0.007g of residue (residue has a chemical smell, avoid)
Xikar Purofine, USA, 8oz/225g can, reads on the bottom "CC26/1153"

Xikar Purofine #3 had 0.019g of residue (residue was clear with very little odor)
Xikar Purofine, USA, 8oz/227g can, reads on the bottom "FJ16/0720 69500/46"

Vector 14X #1 had 0.019g of residue
Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013 09 10"

Vector 14X #2 had 0.018g of residue
Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013 09 10"

Vector 14X #3 had 0.017g of residue (two cans shot to the same bag, this is the result divided by two)
Vector 14X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2014.10.24"

Vector 14X #4 had 0.019g of residue
Vector 14X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "FILTERED 14 VECTOR GAS 2016.10.04"

Newport #1 had 0.01g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 24.04.13 20:33"

Newport #2 had 0.004g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 26.03.13 19:09"

Newport #3 had 0.019g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can (167.8g actual,) reads on the bottom "DOM 15.04.14 08:54"

Newport #4 had 0.021g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can (167.9g actual,) reads on the bottom "DOM 05.10.14 11:25"

Newport #5 had 0.019g of residue
Newport, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 05.02.16 19:14"

Power 5X #1 had 0.02g of residue
Power 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130820"

Power 5X #2 had 0.019g of residue
Power 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130731"

Power 5X #3 had 0.019g of residue
Power 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "141203"

Power 11X had 0.019g of residue
Power 11X, Korea, 320ml can (181.8g actual,) reads on the bottom "141108"

Fasfil 5X had 0.019g of residue (two cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by two)
Fasfil 5X, UK, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 20.08.14 06:51"

Capital N-blend (new squat can) had 0.019g of residue
Capital N-blend (new squat can,) USA, 187g can (185.3g actual,) reads on the bottom "15019"

Roor had 0.020g of residue
Roor, U.K., 400ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 06.10.14 09:33"

Capital N-butane (new squat can) had 0.020g of residue
Capital N-butane (new squat can,) USA, 187g can (191.5g actual,) reads on the bottom "15021"

Sun had 0.021g of residue (gas and residue stinks, don't use!)
Sun, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "161014"

Iolite #1 had 0.010g of residue
Iolite, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 30.07.13 22:45"

Iolite #2 had 0.021g of residue
Iolite, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 20.05.15 13:59"

Power (0X) had 0.021g of residue
Power (0X), Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130819"

Capital N-butane (original) #1 had 0.008g of residue
Capital N-butane, USA, 6.6oz/187g can, reads on the bottom "13337"

Capital N-butane (original) #2 had 0.009g of residue
Capital N-butane, USA, 6.6oz/187g can, reads on the bottom "13337"

Capital N-butane (original) #3 had 0.021g of residue (six cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by six)
Capital N-butane, USA, 6.6oz/187g can, reads on the bottom "14183"

Stok FYR had 0.023g of residue
Stok FYR, UK, 5.8oz/165g can, reads on the bottom "DOM 07.08.13 15:57"

Super 7X had 0.023g of residue
Super 7X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "140712"

Marley 7X had 0.023g of residue
Marley 7X, China, 360ml can (165.8g actual,) reads on the bottom "MAN: 05/08/2014 EXP: 04/08/2016 37280114036"

Puretane 9X #1 had 0.0003g of residue (three cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by three)
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "14137 (1) 346570SC" SN's "02719" "02731" and "02743"

Puretane 9X #2 had 0.0015g of residue (six cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by six)
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "14137 (1) 346570SC" SN's "02608, 02663, 02666, 026675, 02694, and 02695"

Puretane 9X #3 had 0.0018g of residue (five cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by five)
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "14137 (1) 346570SC" SN's "02674, 02734, 02740, 02741, and 02758"

Puretane 9X #4 had 0.021g of residue (three cans shot to the same test bag, this is the result divided by three)
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "14352 (1) 34674" SN's "02253, 02273, and 02286"

Puretane 9X #5 had 0.015g of residue (two cans shot to the same test bag, this it the result divided by two)
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "15017 (1) 34674 08313" and "15019 (1) 34674 02787"

Puretane 9X #6 had 0.023g of residue
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "15190 (1) 34674 01402"

Puretane 9X #7 had 0.024g of residue
Puretane 9X, USA, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "15190 (1) 34674 02436"

hitman 5X had 0.025g of residue
hitman 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130903"

Turbo 9X had 0.025g of residue
Turbo 9X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "140530"

London had 0.025g of residue
London, England, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "DOM 03.09.14 19:14"

Special Blue 7X #1 had 0.001g of residue
Special Blue 7X, country of manufacture?, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "131028"

Special Blue 7X #2 had 0.026g of residue
Special Blue 7X, EU, 300ml, reads on the bottom "DOM 19/06/16 23121 020173"

Glow 5X had 0.008g of residue
Glow 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "2014/02/02 2016/02/01"

Glow 5X had 0.027g of residue (some chemical odor, distill or avoid)
Glow 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "2016/11/03 2018/11/02"

Jetline had 0.027g of residue
Jetline, Korea, 330ml can, reads on the bottom "130410"

Dab Lyfe 7X had 0.027g of residual
Dab Lyfe 7X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "131220"

Vector #1 had 0.03g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector #2 had 0.02g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector #3 had 0.028g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Vector #4 had 0.028g of residue
Vector, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "AUTHENTIC VECTOR GAS 2013.04.06"

Gasone 5X had 0.028g of residue
Gasone 5X, Korea, 5.8oz/165g can, reads on the bottom "130511"

Bernzomatic had 0.028g of residue
Bernzomatic, "Made in U.S.A. of Global Components," reads on the bottom "13130 011288"

Power 7X had 0.029g of residue
Power 7X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120716"

Mega Plus 7X had 0.029g of residue
Mega Plus 7X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130801"

Meteor 7X had 0.030g of residue
Meteor 7X, Korea? 165g can, reads on the bottom "130517"

Neon 7X had 0.030g of residue
Neon 7X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 08/03/2016 (00709)"

Clipper 12X #1 had 0.025g of residue
Clipper 12X, Spain, 170g can, reads on the bottom "QT31E"

Clipper 12X #2 had 0.028g of residue
Clipper 12X, Spain, 300ml can (167.0g actual,) reads on the bottom "SU29E"

Clipper 12X #3 had 0.031g of residue
Clipper 12X, Spain, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "UV05E"

Clipper 7X #1 had 0.004g of residue
Clipper 7X, China, 4.89oz/139g can, reads on the bottom "26.03.2012"

Clipper 7X #2 had 0.031g of residue
Clipper 7X, Turkey, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "PRO. DT: 16.11.15 10:33 EXP. DT: 16.11.17 E-2900"

hitman 7X had 0.031g of residue
hitman 7X, Korea, 300ml can (165.5g actual,) reads on the bottom "130830"

Amp 9X had 0.031g of residue
Amp 9X, Korea, 320ml can (181.9g actual,) reads on the bottom "140115"

Blue Flame 11X had 0.031g of residue
Blue Flame, USA, 300ml/167g can, reads on the bottom "22821 16056 09"

Fasfil 5X #1 had 0.030g of residue
Fasfil 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120718"

Fasfil 5X #2 had 0.032g of residue
Fasfil 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120718"

Super 5X had 0.032g of residue
Super 5X, Korea, 300ml can (164.0g actual,) reads on the bottom "130626"

Griffin Sunflame 7X had 0.033g of residue
Griffin Sunflame 7X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "141222"

Lava had 0.033g of residue
Lava, Korea, 5.3oz/150g can, reads on the bottom "070321"

Super 5X had 0.033g of residue
Super 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130626"

Super Red 11X had 0.034g of residue
Super Red 11X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "150721"

Magnum 5X had 0.035g of residue
Magnum 5X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120405"

whip-it! 9X #1 had 0.025g of residue
whip-it! 9X, Korea, 320ml can, reads on the bottom "130708"

whip-it! 9X #2 had 0.038g of residue
whip-it! 9X, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "130703"

Spark 7x had 0.04g of residue
Spark 7x, Korea, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "120404"

Above extrapolated from this thread's head post
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Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Lotus had 0.002g of residue

Lotus, England, 400ml/13.4oz/222g can, reads on the bottom "DOM 03.10.12 14:03"

Clean, clear, and sweet


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u have access to some good shite huh? whats up with the capital butane N Butane.


another thing. are these tests run with a full can.. from start to finish.. or do u stop before it completely expels everything? im really about to order capital.. they have a thing on there site saying no mystery oil! lol.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Yes I squirt the full can...
Got a dud today, an early lot of Neon 5X that is both dirty and stinky.

Neon 5X #2 had 0.015g of residue (stinks, odorant/mercaptan?)

Neon 5X, China, 300ml can, reads on the bottom "Manufactured On 11/05/2012(004236)"

The case came from VarietyCorp in Houston, Texas. The guy in Davis, California sent me a recent case that is perfect. Neon 5X can be excellent butane, but watch the manufacture dates, or avoid it.


There are FOUR lights!
Thanks for all your work, SkyHighLer!
Can't wait for the Capital. Also, any Cloud Fuel in your future?


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
The only offering for Cloud butane I could find is for cases on up, it's not cheap, and I'm not buying any more case lots of dirty Korean butane.

Jetline had 0.027g of residue

Jetline, Korea, 330ml can, reads on the bottom "130410"

Didn't get my Capital N-butane today...other guys closer to the East Coast are getting theirs.....seems to be the real deal, but please don't buy huge quantities until I do a residue test on it.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
whip it premium is readily available by me... that seems to be what serious quality folks are using....


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
whip it premium is readily available by me... that seems to be what serious quality folks are using....

Whip-it! Premium is the best overall imo for being clean, clear, and as sweet as they make it out to be on the can...I also would expect the quality to be consistent due to whip-it's backround in gases :laughing:


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im waitn on that n butane stuff to come in.. also.. but im not going to start using it until I see what u have to say.. so hoping u get it in soon lol.


Active member
Bummed to see the power5x on the shit list! Been using it for years. Along w tuns of peeps out here in co! At least one shop in twn has been dumping masters @ $200 for quite a wile. So it's tough to drop the extra dough w/o these #'s to back it up.

My homes has been doing commercial processing w a propane/butane mix? Seems sketch to me so iv been opting to process myself n backyard blast.

Sitting on 2masters of the power5 in wait for the capital N results!
Thanx for all the info.