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Butane honey oil for dummies


New member
I made two batches of honey oil today, the first was MasterKush oil. This came out Reddish in color, the next was Sour D. oil. This came out looking light yellow, almost clear.


If more then ready tho extract, but still a bit worried. Soothe me down please!?!
Don't worry man you don't have to do it 40ft in the air or something like that just open the doors to your house turn some fans on and you'll be safe, all the things you've heard about the people blowing up are usually by bubbleman whose trying to tell people that because he wants people to spend $100-200 on his bubblebags when you could spend 20 on a honeybee or make you own and come out with a purer product and tastier to say the very least. Don't fret just don't be stupid, don't smoke while extracting, make sure nothing is burning, stuff like that.


What Dank said.

Don't smoke,
Use in well ventelated area
Dont set on stove to cook off.

It's really common sense, don't do anything you wouldn't do while filling up your car with gas.


wtf? you're being just a bit cavalier about it there Dank....i'm sure i have seen other sourced stories about oil making explosions, ....other then Bubblemans warnings on the subject. i mean, there can be no doubt that it can be dangerous. some small unforeseen incident can cause things to go wrong. so some respect and care is best taken when making bho.

even though i'm a complete newbee to oil making, i can tell you a few things; do it on the balcony or garden. make sure no flame is nearby, fireplace, boiler with pilot light etc. neither any sources for electric sparks, up to 5 meters down wind of you. make sure that no one comes your way to pass you a joint while you are extracting. or that no one comes to watch while smoking a cigarette. i know it's obvious, lol. prepare the purging water and spray that butane through that honey bee collecting it in the pyrex dish. remember when you are evaporating it the butane gas is heavier then air and will puddle up on the floor if it gets a chance. so doing it on a balcony floor is much better then a window. hot water is enough to make the butane bubble off fast, you don't need a stove, just a thermos of hot water. certainly no open flame should be used to cook off the butane. just give the pyrex collecting dish a hot water bath and the butane will bubble off. you need to have a way for the butane to get dispersed into the air.

thats about all the safety stuff that comes to mind, but like i said i'm no bho expert, 1 run so far, lol. also with the small honey bee.

peace and happy extracting :joint:


Well-known member
well Im pretty cavalier, I mean I even do this in a pressure vessel with an entire gallon of butane at a time, but....

there are at least 5 newspaper based reports of people blowing up doing this, and every one of them was indoors. I think one death and one serious burn. One was in a garage. I wouldnt dream of doing this indoors. Doing this outside is the single most important safety issue. If you cant find a place outside to do it, don't do it.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I personally had i guy PM me once who was using one of my tubes. He put his pan of water on the stove, turned the burner on, and set his dish of butane in the pan of water. Guess he didn't realize the butane would turn back into a gas when it evaportated......THEN WAS IGNITED FROM THE BURNER. Lucky he didn't burn his face off.


foaf said:
Doing this outside is the single most important safety issue. If you cant find a place outside to do it, don't do it.

that's what i would have said if i hadn't wanted to be all long winded about it, lol.

peace :joint:


honey oil addict
i need to state right here for the record that i used to do it inside. the whole process, hundreds of times, with full dishes of liquid butane in the kitchen on the red hot stove element, and never had an ignition event. for sure i dont recommend it, but it can be safe. ---- HUNDREDS of TIMES-----.

there is a cool list somewhere of ignition ranges for various gasses...

oh heres one. my old one is dead.


Kenny Lingus

Active member
Didi it!!!! (Whatta butane stank it was too!)

I seemed I had lots of nice buddage and trim, so I only added about 1 gram dry sifted resin....

I used budcrumbles and trimmings to fill half the tube, and then I poured 0.5g of kief in before using a stick to lurk it into the herb a little. Next I worked the stick a little and made sure the matter was evenly dispersed in the tube before filling the rest of it in the same manner.
-Didn't weigh in any, but it was 250ml of loose crubles and a gram of half-melt dry kief.

I did the extraction on the painters rig outside my windows, in darkness, so I just flushed a 250ml/139gr can of Colibri through the Honey BEE. Hope it was sufficient. It purged in a water bath until this point. It was after like 3-4min, and it was pretty stiff (the oil that is).

And then I took it inside. I did another purge run on an oven in a hot water bath.

...and I ended up with honey coloured "budder" or what it is you hash gurus call it....

Sadly my glassware is at my GF's house so I'll either have to vape it base/dope style, or do a joint....or maybe even eat it...-hmmm

-How do i use this now?

Okay, I chase a few lines on tin foil... FMCD and low ash residue level on this BHO

....I've been rolling it 2-on-1 with dry sift and adding it as a sausage to my nightie joint. Rough effect and smooth taste. Nice and cool :D

@ Gaius: It seeems I end up doing alot like You lately. Coco-slab w/drip and now this honey bee. (Weird.) But you are a very good example and have informed me what I need to know so far, and not only directly. (Your posts speak for them selves, I mean.) Thank You Mr Gaiusmarius.
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The only time I was doing was inside and this was around ten times I've never had an ignition either, I've evn had a friend light a cig about two ft. from the catch pan and no ingition, of course I cursed him and he put it out shortly there after but it still happend, I personally don't think butane is that explosive, flammable yes but explosive not unless its pressurised, like when in the extraction tube. I even herad about the guy who lit his catch trey on fire purposely, its not reccomended but it didn't blow his head off. Again I say most of these stories are myths created by BubbleMan to gey people scared of making BHO so they will buy the bags, he may really know someone who blew themseves up but it wouldn't have happend unless they were smoking a cig and extracting or something stupid like that, and I don't think anyones that dumb.

As far as the pooling goes I'm not so sure about that because when you watch the tane come out of the extractor after yoy stop spraying it goes up, possibly from unstill air but none the less it doesn't happen or I might have been blown up when my bud lit his cig two feet from the catch trey. I figure the only way it could have happend would be to be in one of those scientific still air rooms and then the tane would pool but otherwise the air is moving to much for the gas to pool. this is only my theory so no-one take wat I said and try to experiment if you can cause an explosion but also don't buy into the hype from the people who have a certain money making agenda.


honey oil addict
butane is fully ignitable in a range of concentrations. there is no explosive range. go back and read the link i posted if you want to see the flammability range for butane gas.

oh ya chief!? that is crazy fool! :D

all messed up

Overgrow refugee
Dank1 said:
Have you ever made "clear" hash oil? That is almost an imposibility, and never making it from weed will you ever get white or clear hash oil, you can get some thats a milky whit-yellow but you have to heat all the butane out, maybe white from fresh dry sift hash . I've heard of this but I personally think its a myth

I've seen it. I'm a gardener and this stuff is greek to me so I let other focus on the technical stuff but here's what I know. THC Pete was an activist from San Francisco. Some of you may remember him. He used to hang out during the 215 days with Dennis. Anyhow he was a chemist who would use the standard butane methods and then as he said,"Do a wash with ether" he got from a lab. His stuff was CLEAR! It was crazy. He would put a speck on a charcoal and use a glass tube to hit it. He was eccentric and crazy but his was scary good. I smoked a few hits and had to take a cab home. He died in a car wreck a few years back. I wish he had printed his methods.....

Miss you brother.


I got a quick questions for some pros. I have a couple pounds of really crystally close bud trim. There was a powder mold mishap during flower, so my friends were tossing all this. It sat for a a day in a bag before I got to it. So it got a little bit worse. I didn't want to risk it spreading so I trew it in the freezer.
So, I guess my question would be. Can I make oil out of it? Im afraid the wet/frozen material will just clog the tube and cause a blow out :yoinks:
Am I better off running it through bubble bags? Anybody have any suggestions?


I cant really speak on making bubble with the moldy trim but if you let it dry out for a day or two it should be good enough to butane extract, you may be able to do it already but you would have to pure it a little longer to get the water to evaporate or when you scrape just shake the razor blade gently and the water should come off

HMK could tell you which would be best


Dank1 said:
I cant really speak on making bubble with the moldy trim but if you let it dry out for a day or two it should be good enough to butane extract, you may be able to do it already but you would have to pure it a little longer to get the water to evaporate or when you scrape just shake the razor blade gently and the water should come off

HMK could tell you which would be best

Thanks Dank1. I would like to try and dry it out, but I'm afraid if its out of the freezer the mold will just spread and turn it into mush. So right now, its soaking wet and frozen until I find out what I can do with it.


if you dry it out just spread it out evenly on something where its not overlaping it shouldn't mold any more.

HMK will prolly chime in, in a short while maybe Gauis could answer this better than I


Dank1 said:
if you dry it out just spread it out evenly on something where its not overlaping it shouldn't mold any more.

HMK will prolly chime in, in a short while maybe Gauis could answer this better than I

you don't think it would mold? hmmm....anybody else have any imput on this? Will it continue to mold in a well ventilated and dry area?


No man the only reason why it molded in the first place was because it was in the bags, take it out of the bags and let it dry out. It didn't start to mold until after you put it in the bags right?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Actually if it's powdery mildew it will stop molding after it's dry. If it's more like bud rot mold it can continue to mold. Your previous post said it's PM . PM doesn't thrive on dead plant material....no food.
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