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Butane honey oil for dummies


Yeah. I spread it out real thin put it in a window with a fan blowing out (dont wont those mold spores floating around my house) it was bone dry over night, and I actually came up with some really heady oil using some vector tane and a stainless turkey baster. Now I just need to find a bigger piece of stainless, its too repetitive to get a significant ammount. Im only able to sit there and do it long enough to have some to smoke on the next day. bigger tube definately needed.
can i just extract the trichs thru a dry method like stockings and melt it in a teflon skillet,
Would this turn out like a nice hard piece of honey gloss or what will it turn out like.
Will the oil stick to the teflon skillet or pan and does this method bring less quality than with butane, or alcohol, or somethin else.
OR wut are some other chemical free (dry) methods that produce quality honey oil


i'm not the one to ask what to do with moldy bud, i tend to throw it away with the finely chopped stems and fan leaves. i keep that shit in a trash bag for a couple of months till it's all slimy and rotten, with no resembelence to what it was, lol. then i dump it in a trash container, lol.

but i suppose the bho should only extract the active compounds, hopefully leaving the mold behind. but i don't know if this is true and am not tempted to risk smoking mold spores.

the other theory out there is that bubble making acts as a filter, because the mold spores will tend to float on the water while the trich heads will sink and be collected. but again this method in my opinion is not perfect, as when you lift the bags you are giving anything small enough a chance to get into the hash. maybe if one would scoop off the top layer of water before pulling the bags? of course one should really flush the hash well with water while it's sitting in the bottom of the bag to, before collecting it, this will help to rinse the mold spores that made it through away. using 2 x 190 and 2x160 bags will also help to keep the bubble as clean as possible.

the chemical process of making oil might be the best way to at least kill off any mold spores in the extract? who knows, if butane kills the mold spores? i should think alcohol would do it for sure, but the butane is only in contact with the product for a very short time after all. would be interesting to know for sure.


Great tutorial. excellent write up!!

a word of advice: go buy a water aspirator!!!

has anyone ever tried to further purify their honey oil? I am aware of at least 3 techniques that dont require chromatography that can be used to purify an extract of cannabis. 2 of the 3 may or may not be too effective, but the third is, although it requires a high vac. I have a high vac, so that is no prob, but most people dont. im going to try to figure out an easy way that can be used to further purify this stuff.

I wish THC and HU-210 had the same stereo chemistry!!! If they did, hu-210 would be easily within reach (only difference is stereochemistry of 2 asymmetric centers, two methyl groups at one of the benzylic positions, and a primary alcohol which would be the hardest part)

im also going to run a PTLC on a bho extraction to see if i can recover the fraction containing pure cannabinoids.

finally, a GC/MS on a bho sample would be ridiculous. your going to see at least 10 compounds, most of which will not have a molecular ion peak, and anyone who is going to cross reference the ms results against a database will be cross referencing a bunch of illegal shit. best way: purify using ptlc, take an nmr of all the bands. the band containing thc will be crude, as i wold assume all cannbinoids will move together as they are essentially all large substituted phenols, but you should be able to see the product in the crude NMR and even determine the ratio of cannabinoids (within a degree of error) too bad the SFC has been packed up, I could have even checked the enantiomeric excess to see if cannabis genetics produce pure R,R stereoisomer, or if they produce the racemate and the diastereomer and its racemate.

In Vino Veritas

What's up with the steel turkey baster with a pressure ring and some screen??? I need to make an extractor.. ideaS??
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gordonliu said:
has anyone ever tried to further purify their honey oil?

I've read of using activated charcoal-I assume you'd dissolve the oil in solvent then run it through the carbon. Though it seems like the way most people around here make oil (either butane or very quick iso soak) they aren't picking up a lot of gunk in the first place.

Believe this was mentioned in the old "Cannabis Alchemy" book...


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Way i've always seen carbon used with oil is to clean up nasty low grade butane. You can pack your tube with your material and then fill the remaining 1-2" with carbon. The nasty butane such as Ronson must go through the carbon before the trim. I personally have not tried it but ninja always swore by it. Personally i don't see a need to run butane oil mix through carbon at the end.....that is if you use good butane.

In Vino Veritas

The o'kief tube takes an oz of material, is there something smaller? I'd probably want two tubes, one for quater oz and one for half oz.. How much does the turkey baster hold?

And how much of this stuff to get high? Because 28g of buds seems a whole lot compared to 3-6g of oil..

Just wondering, this calls my attention more than hash..but I don't know..
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
In Vino Veritas said:
The o'kief tube takes an oz of material, is there something smaller? I'd probably want two tubes, one for quater oz and one for half oz.. How much does the turkey baster hold?

And how much of this stuff to get high? Because 28g of buds seems a whole lot compared to 3-6g of oil..

Just wondering, this calls my attention more than hash..but I don't know..

Let me put it into perspective. At most there is 15-20% useable THC in what ever amount of material you want to run. So it's not like you are wasting anything. What ever is left over is Tar, wax, chlorophyl etc. Why smoke a bowl of herb when you can smoke a "pin drop" of resin for the same effect?

In Vino Veritas

Alright point made. Sounds great really.. Even though I vaporize mostly, I really enjoy smoking. My next question is, about how many tokes is that? Is it a couple, one good one, a shit load? I know you can't be specific..


honey oil addict
a gram of oil will yield 20 0.05 tokes. on a vaporizing system thats pretty nice. hardcore hits are 0.1 , but many only do like 0.02s and 0.03s with great satisfaction.

In Vino Veritas

Hashmasta-Kut said:
a gram of oil will yield 20 0.05 tokes. on a vaporizing system thats pretty nice. hardcore hits are 0.1 , but many only do like 0.02s and 0.03s with great satisfaction.

hah..you funny bastard. how do you supposed i measure that myself with no experience? glad to see the change of scenery hasn't dulled your sense of humor. ;)

edit: heh.. i think you were not kidding now that i think about it, makes good sense. hah...my vaporizer sucks for this I think - a G2 VaporCannon (vapordoc type).
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