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Butane honey oil for dummies


honey oil addict
i bought a scale on ebay for 10 dollars that weighs to 2 decimal places :). my biggest hit was a 0.3 i think or maybe just a 0.25, but i average about 0.07 ish i think.

In Vino Veritas

You got a site for those oil vapes?? Or maybe a worthy home built contraption I can rig?


honey oil addict
i started with a small waterpipe and held a piece of stainless over the bowl with pliers that had been heated red hot and then dabbed oil on that. went from there..


I don't have that accurate a scale, but I broke up a gram of honey into the size of hits I do and got 30, about .033g each. Biggest hit I ever did was about 1/8th of a gram. I guess that means I'm a lightweight. =)


ive actually seen people selling worked glass "crack pipes" before.

even though that may sound ****ed up, the principle is the same for vaporizing honey oil.

another method for vaporizing it is the old school "lightbulb vaporizer" technique. it may not work well for bud, but it will work excellently for oil

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
wow great thread.

how important is the screen at the end of the tube? I dont have any screen on hand, so would coffee filter(s) alone suffice? or should I wait and get screen?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I use stainless mesh for a couple reasons: it lasts forever, and hardly retains any oil like a coffee filter. However, coffee filters work great and that's what most people use.


Ive done this and have used a small plastic water bottle with no detectable taste or bad after taste, is there some kindve chemical reaction between plastic and butane I should be aware of?


Well-known member
is there some kindve chemical reaction between plastic and butane I should be aware of?

the concern that people have is that butane may solubilize some plastic. then you have small amounts of platic in your oil, and burning plastic is bad.

most water bottles are ldpe (low density polyethylene), they are probably just fine. when you look at compatibility charts for different tubing ect, butane and ldpe is usually rated as a "good" match, but not excellent. For most such situations, this means that the solvent softens the plastic, but does not solubilize it. hdpe (high density polyethylene) is in some bottles, like milk jugs and some citrus juice bottles. it is fine and rated as excellent. the plastic that they make some butane lighters from is hdpe, some are nylon.

I suspect that all of that is just fine, but with glass and stainless, you know for sure that there isnt any possible issue.

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