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Butane honey oil for dummies


yea the dawgs a funny man...

anyhow...lets get this thread back on track so we can make this a sticky..this thread pciks up where phife left off at OG instructions....

with that..anyone find any undated techs to improve yields/quality...etc

see lots talking about the heating methods to release the tane...lower is better imo for pale bho..and see that others seem to agree....

ive been using a ballast to heat..works well...about 120* on my boxes so...its gentle...but quick...


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Ever notice dog's Bail bonds is called "DeKine" LOL? Yeah back on track, i'd like to see a diy posted on a vacuum purge apparatus.


Tainted try double dipping while filling with gas.
How does this work, fill the tube downwards towards collecting vessel, then just before you think it will release turn it back upwards, so gravity pulls the now liquid buthane back over the buds for about 5-10 seconds while continuing to give it gas.
Then flip her down and let the yellowyellow come pouring out.

I think the dogs son Layton smokes a vape. He left one day on the show with his silver box(i cant remember what vape came in case like that), but Tim and da Dog were joking about how he takes off and always takes his case with him.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
OK today i'm on a mission. After the quality family time i'm going to do a run with approx 1-3/4 oz of Astroboy trim but i'm going to purge on low heat. Trying to see what different factors make oil more clear. We know heat darkens it quick. I'm going to do the run and just place pyrex dish on a heating pad so i'll get a gradual heating and then the purge will begin. Instead of the dipping it into very warm water where the mixture heats up rapidly and starts to boil off. If nothing else i'm sure i'll attain more of the aromatic terpenes but i'm hoping the oil will be lighter, we'll see. Any other suggestions on this experiment?


I dont suggest making oil with trim as all that I've made came out black because of the chlorophyll expecially if the leaves are darker green, I tasted ok but not like honey oil like I think your looking for. If I were you I'd make a skuff shaker with a piece of womens legging and a mason jar, fill it with trim drop in a few pennies and shake away. You'll have some top notch skuff or hash of you want to press it. Theres actually a thread about this.



It really depends on grade of trim.
My fav runs are using closely shaved frost trim and it comes out nice and yellow and almost better taste than bud runs.
Fan leaf trim and leaves with no trichs are going to yield poorly.
Chiefsmokingbud has been doing this long enuf, so I know he is not using crap trim.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Dank1, must not look at signatures. I've made plenty of excellant oil with trim that was rock hard when all was said and done. This Astro boy has some of the best trim i've used next to ultimate moonshine.We're talking trim leaves completely encrusted with triches, even some of the stems have triches on them. Just ran two 15" tubes and i'm uploading the pics.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Ran 2.5 cans of vector through the tubes. Took 45 min to purge most of the butane. As you can see the liquid butane was pretty dark as it came out to begin with. Gonna let it sit for an hour on the pad before i scrape



Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
i made honey oil with excellent material but with a really shitty tube(honey bee extractor) plastic shit....the end product sizzled and popped no matter how expensive a butane i bought...i tried colibri, vector and lava the butane oil i made with the honey bee knocked you on your ass yet sizzled n popped kinda like a sparkler...kinda scary shit to be inhaling.

My question is this? was the honey bee extractor the cause for the poppiong and sizzling or was it the fact that i was inexperienced and didnt let the final product purge/sit or air out properly?? BHO making was always a scary process for me i was always afraid of the pyrex dish exploding into a thousand shards of glass shredding me up to pieces, possibly why my BHO never came out that good. Man was teh BHO tasty but it popped n sizzled way too much. Any info would be great thanks
Staying Safe While Making BHO

Staying Safe While Making BHO

foaf said:
hi bubbleman. you have seen someone, or seen a valid report of someone getting hurt making bho outside?

I have some News reports Of 2 Explosions in less then like 2 months time period, So Please Everyone Remember that Making "BHO" Is "Extremely Dangerous" when Making It & Please Use "Every Safety Precaution" That You Can Use! There Is Nothing More Painful Then 2nd Or 3rd Degree Burns over a Major amount of your body :(


I have Plenty of different Guides & such available to help you try to stay safe while making your "BHO" Posted on my Main Hash Section

All About Hash A To Z Making It, Hash Oil, History, Video Guide
Just Updated!

So Stay Safe Out There Everyone PLEASE!


Slap-A-Ho tribe
It came out to about 2g from approx 1-3/4 of trim. Been fighting bronchitis so i just made a batch of cannabrex caps with it. 2g pills does a good job for me but would probably put an avg smoker on their a$$.


Your hardcore man, 2g's of oil in one pill, yea that would knock me on my a$$


Holy crap Chiefsmokingbud that's a hell of a big dose for one pill, lol.

hope you are getting better man. good idea making the pills with oil, that should get you the highest thc % possible. 2 g of bho does seem like a huge dose though, lol. sounds like some tripy fun...


Slap-A-Ho tribe
LOL gaius, i should have been more clear. That's 2g for 25-30 pills. The 2g of oil plus olive oil and the excepient powder will fill that many pills. Yeah i would probably have one bad trip on 2g per pill. 1 gram per batch is formal normal smokers, 2g is suggested for hardcore tokers and/or more pain management.
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ahh now things make sense lol.

as you can see i have no experience with the cannabrex pills. like the sound of them though. specially for long trips and shit.

i was thinking man that is one hard core dude, lol.